#terezi honey you need a nap
incorrect-hs-quotes · 3 years
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unicorn-poop · 5 years
Indigo Tagora (Female)
Violet Galekh
Jadeblood Mallek (trans)
Fuchsia Lanque (Still trans)
Lime Kanaya (Trans)
Jade Equius (still a joke character)
Purple Feferi (Lesbian)
Indigo Marvus
Tagora has woken up from her nap. The first thing she felt was pain. Ferretmom sensed this and ran to onto Tagoras lower stomach. This somewhat helped some but not much. Tagora then went into her front room. She decided to text her kismesis. She wanted him to come over. So Galekh came over. He sat on the couch next to Tagora (who was still on her fluffy white bathrobe)
GALEKH: Hey there Gor-
Tagora snuggles up against him
TAGORA: You make a great pillow
GALEKH: Yes I get that a lot from my boyfriend.
Tagoras pain grew more and more. Finally she got up to go to the bathroom. She knew what was coming.
Tagora goes into the bathroom. She gets a Troll pain pill and goes into her bottom cabinet to retrieve Troll tampons. Only thing was there was only 1 left. Oh no 🤦‍♂️
Galekh is still on the couch just thinking about his lovely green punk vampire boyfriend. Suddenly he sees a upset Tagora.
GALEKH: What is wrong, Land dweller?
TAGORA: Hey Uh, can you run to Trollmart really quick
TAGORA: Oh it’s hell month so I need you to get me some Troll tampons!
Galekh kinda blushed. He never went down that aisle before. Nope, not even for Mallek because he was never put in that situation...YET and now he’s about to be!
GALEKH: What kind?
TAGORA: Extra extra large.
Ok well Galekh takes a trip to Trollmart but before he goes into the store he calls for Tyzias, his (cerulean) morail. She meets him there a few minutes later
TYZIAS: So What Do you need me here for?
GALEKH: My kismesis
TYZIAS: Oh, she wants that rainbow drinker serum they’ve been advertising-
GALEKH: No it’s something else. Just follow me, my morail.
(So They go into the store and get to the aisle).
GALEKH: So now how about you go and-
TYZIAS: Ha! Nice try!
Tyzias takes his hand.
TYZIAS: So What kinda does she need?
GALEKH: Large ones
TYZIAS: Pearl? Diamond?
GALEKH: Pearl. She is not royalty. These are so large just how and why?!
TYZIAS: Heavy flow.
Suddenly a (jade) Equius almost walks past the aisle only to meet eyes with Galekh. They stared at eachother for a few moments before Equius decides to take a drink of his rainbow potions. He picks up a cerulean one. His grip was so strong that the glass broke and he now had cerulean blood on his green tie.
A (Violet) Aradia And a (Fuchsia) Terezi come down the aisle. They see Galekh and start giggling. Galekh blushes and rushes out of there quickly.
GALEKH: Can we leave now
TYZIAS: Not before we get her cupcakes
(So they pick up cupcakes and go to the check out station)
A purple Charun and Rust Cirava stand in the background.
CHARUN: Look! Malleks boyfriend is here. What’s he got in his cart?
CIRAVA: I’m not sure 🤔. I can’t fucking see.
Lanque is also in the background with purple Feferi
FEFERI: )-(oly fuck! T)-(ose are so fucking big!
LANQUE: I know how do those....FIT? Those have got to hurt! I always knew Mallek had a wide-set Nook.
Of course everyone thought they were for Mallek. Not much people know that Tagora is in a quadrant with Galekh.
KANAYA: Shit Are Those For You? It Makes Since Really Since Your Huge So you-
TYZIAS: No, they’re not for him. They’re for his girlfriend
MARVUS: Girlfriend? You have a girlfriend? I thought you were with Mallek?!
GALEKH: We’re still together. My girlfriend is in my black quadrant. I really see her as a morail.
KANAYA: I Wish I Had A Girlfriend. You’re One Lucky Mother Fucker
A Olive Chahut was the cashier. She sees what’s in Galekhs cart.
CHAHUT: WOW you’re boyfriend must be so lucky to have you!
TYZIAS: Actually these are for his kismesis.
GALEKH: *blushes*
Ok so they checked out. They meet Mallek in the parking lot
MALLEK: Hey there honey! Never thought I’d see the live of my life here
Mallek sees what’s in Galekhs Carr
MALLEK: Who’s are those?
GALEKH: Tagora
MALLEK: The Gold digging highblood?
Mallek sighs and goes into Trollmart. Galekh gets to Tagoras hive (Tyzias follows cuz she has nothing better to do as Stelsa is a busy Fuchsia Blood)
TAGORA: Oh great you’re home! Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!
Galekh gives Tagora the bag. Tagora looks in it. Her face then turns blue and her eyes turn red. Uh, oh! She’s ANGRY! Tagora literally throws her wine glass on the ground and throws the box of tampons right at Galekh! The throw was STRONG!
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And so Galekh did.
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