#thank u for sending in ur thoughts n entertaining mine too!
134340am · 2 years
am not the bts anon, but i am the jungkook anon tho hehe. Although i was very happy to know that there are lots of BTS-BNHA enthusiasts! And i really enjoyed those placements by anon, now i await for your hcs 🤩🤩🤩
Hmm, regarding the todobros, i have the hope that touya and the rest of the villain league can be given a redemption arc. Most of the league members, including shiggy, were shunned by society because of their quirks (regardless of its strength). Their feelings of belongingness have not been fulfilled from a young age and its only through villainy that they found a family, thats functional and caters to their beliefs. All For One did a great job in manipulating their young minds and even using Stain in his plans. More on Touya, i hope that his fight with Shouto will allow them to share their sentiments with one another and clear the air between them especially because there might be very less interaction between the 2 even in their younger years. I think Touya means no harm to any of his family members except for endeavor himself. If anything, their mutual love for their siblings can boost their reconciliation. I dont know if Rei can also help because i think in some way Touya might have also resented their mum since she might have had her whole attention to Shoto when he was born and thus harboured abandonment issues from her.
Hmm, what do you think about Rei’s role as their mother? And what does Touya think of her now?
ooo hello jk anon! ur ask was so cute <3 (i hc that shouto likes singing to himself around the house the way jk does)
@ the other bts anon with a massive brane that thought up all the song placements for the 1A kids, u have a fan :’-) actually make it 2, ‘cos i’m a fan too hehe
gonna put the rest of my reply under the cut because it’s a little long n rambly!
u’re absolutely right anon - it makes me sad knowing that the villains and heroes r really similar in that they’re just people fighting for their beliefs at the end of the day (moral or not). there r bad people amongst the heroes and good people amongst the villains; and the blurred line is what makes bnha so appealing to me
“All For One did a great job in manipulating their young minds and even using Stain in his plans” --> fr i think i often forget that the villains are all pretty young n impressionable too (or at least, young when they fell into villainy), so not only is he gross n an all round garbage person, he’s also manipulative(!!!) and a bit of a mansplainer lol which makes him the worst
and same i see so many parallels between shouto and touya! and i’m hoping the rest of the todosiblings have a part to play in the war too, obviously not in a physical manner but... i’m hoping we get to see touya considering his beloved natsu-kun and fuyumi-chan who’ve done nothing wrong. u’re right, i do see why he could potentially resent rei, and i hope she pops up in later chapters too. feels kinda weird in that one hospital chapter where she barges in like “i’m here to fix things!!” and then we basically don’t see the aftermath of that... (or maybe we did and i just can’t recall).
i wonder if the complicated layers of trauma, betrayal, and hurt can be settled with a perfect ending. endeavour speaks of his dream often - that one day, his family will be eating joyfully around the dinner table - i wonder if his vision would come true and if he &/or touya would be there, too. it’s something i think about really often.
re: what touya thinks of rei, i’m kinda clinging to the perspective that he still loves her - what she did to protect and care for him in his earlier stages of life might outweigh her neglect once shouto was born. + the concept of filial piety is very strong in japanese culture, so to some extent touya still respects his mother, who has raised him and done her due diligence for most of his younger life.
this concept doesn’t apply to endeavour, though, for he’s never behaved like a father figure towards touya. 
...but that’s just what i think hehe i agree w everything u said and i hope ur projections come true as well... horikoshi better not rush the todofam plotline :-( 
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tsumusamu · 3 years
asks :D
sorry i took so long to answer these! i just put them in one post so i wouldn't spam too much
Um I read both your series recently and I just wanted to tell you omg I love them so much I couldn’t put down my phone I got so invested into it and if it’s not a bother if you could add me to the tag list for Amorentia and Call you mine🥺💜👉👈
of course! it’s not a bother! i’m happy to hear you’re enjoying the series! <3
hello, i just want to ask if you have any haikyuu fic recommendations (preferably abt bokuto or atsumu)? Or know any other acct/s that write them? im currently on a fic hunt and i just want some writing that’s as good as yours 🤧
hi there! honestly i havent read many haikyuu fics as of late but alkhale on ao3 is probably my favorite author of all time. they have explicit fics but their rated t fics are just as good. i admire them so much!!
I LOVE UR WRTING omgosh am looking forward to the next part of call you mine SO MUCH u have no idea !!! heheh take ur time will be patiently waitinggg <3 take care!!!
i’m so happy you like my writing it means so much! you take care as well ok <3
My emotions went everywhere!! can you add me to the Call you mine taglist please?😆
Of course!
Omg omg omg I really enjoyed the most recent chapter of ‘call you mine’!! I know you were stressed about writing/publishing it but GIRLL IT WAS AMAZING AND HEART-WRENCHING - and it was a great read! Keep up the awesome work, and I’m looking forward to seeing reader and Atsumu’s interactions in the future like UGH MY HEART. PLEASE, YOU LOVE BLINDED IDIOTS. Take care, lovely!! <3 stay healthy and get some good many hours of sleep! :)) 
GLAD THAT YOU ENJOYED IT!! yes i dont think it was my best work but i will do my best to keep writing in the future! they are such idiots that i felt myself cringing so hard while writing LOL </3 i will take care of myself and i hope you do too!!!
can I be tagged in the next update of Call you mine? 
you are such a talented writer and i just love “call you mine”. i saw that you apologised for making part 4 12k words long, but honestly write as much as you want to bc we all need as much of this series as we can get. (btw i saw that you said you don’t know when you’ll post the next update, but i kid you not when i say that i’ll check your blog daily to see if you’ve posted another part of the series and to check our your other content as well 🤭) 
YES HAHA sorry i do get really long winded sometimes hence the huge chapter that i posted a few weeks ago LOL the last chapter will be even longer so prepare for that....... sorry abt my inconsistency that i cant tell you when i’ll update next but thank you for being so patient and supportive!!
could i be added in the taglist of both atsumu fics 🥺
i am speed
and would love to be added to your general taglist whenever you update any of your fics!! thanks🤍
of course! <3
can i be tagged for the call you mine 🥺 
yes i’ll tag you :)
i’m in love with the hogwarts haikyuu au! i think it’s an amazing idea that needs more stories
ME TOO ANY HOGWARTS AU HAS ME GOING INSANE I THINK IT’S ONE OF THE MOST ENTERTAINING AUS TO BOTH READ AND WRITE. i will definitely be writing more hogwarts haikyuu in the future!!
i forgot to add to that last post that what you’re writing is wonderful and amazing and can’t wait for part 4!
thank you so much for your support!
call you mine is such a masterpiece, you’re such an amazing fucking writer (like the plot and everything???? GENIUS) and i can’t wait for the next update sndnkejdh 
AHHH ANON thank you im so happy that you liked call you mine uiefdiasifua im currently working on the update rn thanks for being patient!!
Hi i was the ao3 reader who discovered you and wanted to drop by and say i am sooo excited to read your latest chapter!!! i also wanted to say I love LOVE major love your hogwarts au fic! idk if you know james potter but you probably do seeing as you made an au but atsumu reminds me soo much of young james potter!! i read some fics of james potter and i find him and atsumu so alike in a a way i would love if you could do more takes on your hogwartsau!!! i could send you the links if you want!!
OMGJOIJAI I hadnt even thought of it that way?? now that you mention it james and atsumu in my story do seem to have some similarities but i hope i didnt make atsumu too much of a dickhead D: i will definitely be writing more for hogwarts haikyuu!
can i mayhap get added to your general taglist? your writing is AMAZING, never fails to send me into the stratosphere from how good it is.
sure thing! i’m happy you’re enjoying my work thank you for your message <3 pls dont stay too long in the stratosphere though it’s kinda hard to breathe up there LOL
hiii!!! can you please add me to call you mine taglist?? 
for sure!
Hello!!! Can I please be added to the Amortentia and Call you Mine taglist please? ❤️❤️ I think about them all the time, Atsumu brain rot for life!
Also super hyped for your upcoming Osamu fic! You’re amazing, I hope you’re not too stressed! Stay hydrated and get enough sleep you wonderful human being ✨✨✨❤️❤️
YES OF COURSE U CAN AND ATSUMU BRAINROT FOR ME 24/7 AS WELL. i hope i’ll be able to finish that osamu fic soon aaa thank you for being patient <3 please take care of yourself as well!
Will ch.5 be the last chapter of Call You Mine?
i just wanna say 'call you mine' is 10/10. your writing? *french kiss* i love how you go into detail - we see both atsumu's reader p.o.v - it gives depth to the characters! it's so realistic too. reader's hesitance is very valid - like how can you be sure of atsumu's feeling, when he's getting his dick wet everyday LOL! thank you for writing this, i am enjoying it so much! <3
HDSUUFHASUHF ANON PLS AHHH IM SO HAPPY THAT UR ENJOYING IT and also atsumu will get his dick wet one last time in the final part... u will see ;)
HELLO AMORTENTIA AND CALL YOU MINE ARE SO NICE im gonna cry my favorite tropes + one of them is a hogwarts!au + your writing 🥺❤️
i can’t wait for part 5 of call you mine. this series of yours is literally so GENIUS
i really hope that it will be satisfying!! thank you for your kind message!
I wanted to say that your writing is absolutely perfect. The way you capture these characters I’m truly speechless, and each chpt it just gets better and better 😭😭💛 could I ask to be added to the call you mine taglist? Truly, thank you for ur amazing writing !!!! 😭
AHHHH IM LITERALLY BLUSHING... THANK YOU FOR THE COMPLIMENTS IM T___T yes of course you can be added to the taglist and thank you for reading my work!
Hi there! I love your Call You Mine atsumu x reader fic so much, it’s so well written! Would it be possible for me to be added to the taglist please?
thank you! and yes you can be added!
hi, just caught up with call you mine! i know this might be an odd comment on it but i'm currently going through a similar situation with my best friend as reader is (gray area, we haven't talked in a while) and reading both of their perspectives really brought me comfort. anyway thank you for writing it :)
ooo wow :O i really hope the situation you’re in gets resolved soon im wishing you good luck!! im happy that my writing was able to give you comfort <3 thank you for reading and supporting my writing!
your video edits are just *chefs kiss* my friends and I have been laughing at them for days in our gc and have even inspired memes of our own 😅 hope to see more them, they’re too good istg sending you love from three art school kids from Europe 🥺💕✨
??!#())(!@ OMG HAHAHA i would love to see some of the memes you guys came up with LOL sending love right back at you <3
hi love !! can i be added your gen tag list if you have one?
yes, i’ll add you!
Hello! Sorry for the bother but I’m suck a HUGE fan of your smau! And I’m talking about “Call You Mine” it’s so good and depressing...but that isn’t the point! I know you are busy with something else but I would like to ask if it’s be alright if I made a small fic about that story? If not, that is completely fine and understandable!
Thank you for your time and cya next time!!
yup yup that series comes with an angst tag for a reason! you’re not being a bother don’t worry! i would prefer for no fics to be made based off of the story, i’m sorry :( but thank you for asking!
I just discovered your blog and I love your writing so much.
I was wondering if I could be added to the tag list for call you mine with atsumu x reader? This story hurts me so much and it's written so well.
Thank you and have a nice day 🧡
hi! thank you for supporting my writing! yes you can be added to the taglist and im sorry it hurts </333 hope you have a nice day too bb
When do you think the next part of amortentia will be up? It’s my favorite series 😫 (no rush though!!!!)
hmmm im really not sure unfortunately :(
Sorry to bother, but I literally went through every part of Call you Mine just now AND I LOVE EVERY BIT OF IT. Oh my goodness it hurts how much I love it. The friendship and the unspoken love for each other that leads to a long yearning for each other is literally my fanfic bread and butter. ITS SO DARN GOOD and I felt like I needed to tell you that. Anyways, I hope you are having an amazing week, you’re taking care of yourself, you’re safe and healthy! Thank you for what you do! 🤗
Hi! I recently saw your atsumu x reader fic on ao3 (Call you mine) and I haven't read it yet but I've seen others talk about it on tumblr so I was wondering if I could be added to a tag list for that fic (if you have one ofc). Feel free to ignore this ask if you don't have one or it's full!
yes i can add you the taglist! i hope you’ll enjoy the fic whenever you decide to read it! <3
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theaspers · 3 years
Hai zara! I have barely played hades since the last ask cuz I've been job hunting. Also Cuz the switch is my bro's and I don't want to be too overbearing since he paid for it. I've only seen than on the walls in the kitchen/dining area 😭 I'll meet that bootiful man someday. Also met the 2nd fury n got to elysium but died to the minatour hahaha. It is v sexy art. V tasteful. So vibrant and detailed so the whole game really pops and charms ppl. I um 👉👈 was wondering if u ever got my ask with the review on achilles come down cuz I sent it before my last ask. U can hold onto it or not reply that's fine. Just wanted to know if it got lost. How r u tho? I think u got the Luci ssr right? The yukata Pepsi one lol. N I've been slipping a Lil into genshin even tho I probs won't play it therefore not really understand the lore n nuance.
Have u read thedemonstherapist's Lavender and Foam Feelings Luci fic? I think u will enjoy it cuz I just about died reading it. The vibes are ✨immaculate✨n I can see u as Mc haha. I look forward to ur rec list if u decide to do it! Thanks for letting me be here (n I'm sorry if I'm not as entertaining as other peeps on this app). Hope 2021 has treated u well so far 💖 - miss lurker
under cut bc don’t wanna clog hehe
ahh, i have to say i haven’t played much of hades either lately 😭 just haven’t been in the mood for it. but everyday i think about zag and than. every. day. 😭 i do hope you get around to playing it some more eventually though and making it out of elysium. oh, and good luck on your job hunt!! sending u well wishes!! hope all goes well!! 💖 and i’m not sure if i received that ask, btw, i’m so sorry 🥺
i’m doing good. thank u for dropping by once again! nowadays i don’t get lucifer cards unless i’m actively ranking for it 😭 but yes, thankfully i managed to get that one!! p.s his yukata’s not that bad 😤
that’s alright hehe genshin might not be a game for everyone. but it is super fun for me though and is pretty much all i’ve been playing. the characters, the plot, the lore, just all absolutely delightful imo!! hehe and anw you can always just watch someone else play if u don’t want to get into it yourself, that’s fine too 🥰
i don’t think i’ve read that fic yet. i’ll have to go check it out. :0 i’m a bit flattered that u thought of me tho?? hope that’s a good thing shdjd 😭 i will eventually get around to putting together a rec list huhu just need to read some more first.
oh, and thank you for sticking around this messy blog of mine!! like i said before it’s always nice to catch up even though i’m terrible at replying to ur asks hehe hope 2021 has treated u well so far too!! 💖
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joancallamczzo · 5 years
ღ ϟ ¢ ✯ ➳ ♭ for len n kir, ღ ϟ ✫ ¢ ➳ for micah n christian, ღ ϟ ¢ ✯ ➳ ♭ for roman n fitz i’m tired
wake up, fiona. wake. up. 
for len n kir,
ღ for an affectionate text
new message[kiran → lennon]: sometimes i wish it was just us like in the whole world 
new message[kiran → lennon]: cause then i’d never have to leave and neither would you and i could just spend all day just looking at that face 
new message[kiran → lennon]: btw i found that shirt you were looking for come by mine to pick it up 
ϟ for a drunk text
new message[kiran → lennon]: im going uto fight this dj
new message[kiran → lennon]: dude mthey remixevd the shit ouft of ukr soxng l
new message[kiran → lennon]: likke what the fuck likoe aits ont gowod enouygh 
new message[kiran → lennon]: are you asleefp 
new message[kiran → lennon]: wakne uzp di have a lot to say k
¢ for a late night text
new message[kiran → lennon]: my house smells like cigarettes
new message[kiran → lennon]: like a gross kind of smell 
new message[kiran → lennon]: why did you let me invite so many people over and why weren’t you one of them 
new message[kiran → lennon]: now i have lingering cigarette smells and no lennon :/ how fast can you get on a plane? 
✯ for an early morning text
new message[kiran → lennon]: how the fuck are you awake right now 
new message[kiran → lennon]: gods not even awake right now 
new message[kiran → lennon]: dont text me before 11 am 
➳ for an apologetic text
new message[kiran → lennon]: sometimes i just get so stuck in my ideas i cant even process what someone else is saying and idk i just want to be right so badly 
new message[kiran → lennon]: but youre right and i’m sorry i was being really irrational and honestly just stupid 
new message[kiran → lennon]: can i come over and apologize? 
♭ for an angry text
new message[kiran → lennon]: idk maybe sometimes i just want a genuine human connection when someone actually wants to be around me because i’m just fun to be around and not because i can offer something in ways of status and career boosters or whatever 
new message[kiran → lennon]: i’m not even going to entertain this conversation. don’t talk to me lennon i really fucking mean it. 
for micah n christian
ღ for an affectionate text
new message[christian → micah]: i’ve met a lot of people in my day but you are hands down the best i’ve ever had the pleasure 
new message[christian → micah]: i know its kind of random but i just thought i’d let you know. 
new message[christian → micah]: you’re the best dance i think in the world too just wanted to let you know 
new message[christian → micah]: please meet me at the beach i need to see you 
ϟ for a drunk text
new message[christian → micah]: how fucked up is it htat yoeru not here arnd uwe’re like tzhe only two people tahat live her e 
new message[christian → micah]:  cmeo qto the bar we miss our dwancing qeuen y
✫ for a text meant for someone else
new message[christian → micah]: i’m alive 
new message[christian → micah]: but stop trying to contact me im not coming home 
new message[christian → micah]: the entire country could be in war and i still wouldnt bother. i’m fine. i’m happy. i need more time. 
¢ for a late night text
new message[christian → micah]: could i interest you in coming with me to the beach? 
new message[christian → micah]: i can’t sleep and i’d like to lay in the sand and stare at the moon if i’m not going to sleep 
new message[christian → micah]: i’m heading down so if that peaks your interest then you can just meet me there 
➳ for an apologetic text
new message[christian → micah]: i’m sorry for leaving the way i did 
new message[christian → micah]: im sorry i even left but we both had to face the music at some point and we cant just live on some remote island away from the world forever as much as i would love to 
new message[christian → micah] i, however, am not sorry for anything that happened or how it happened and if i had the chance i’d do it all again. just know if you ever find yourself in my neck of the woods you have a place to stay but i understand if you never want to see me again. 
new message[christian → micah]: thank you for everything 
for roman n fitz 
ღ for an affectionate text
new message[fitz → roman]: ur gonna think this is super lame but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (i copied and pasted that from the internet)
new message[fitz → roman]: i miss you 
new message[fitz → roman]: i miss you all the time actually why do you even bother leaving i’m just gonna come over when you leave
ϟ for a drunk text
new message[fitz → roman]: oyou leave oto much alcohol at my house 
new message[fitz → roman]: come ovzer i dton like inrdkying alone and if you make me continue by myself i'll be reallny sad 
new message[fitz → roman]: rill make it owrth ur while ;)
¢ for a late night text
new message[fitz → roman]: wanna grab a burger with me? 
new message[fitz → roman]: i have this deadline and idk i cant write anything to save my life im fucking awful at everything 
new message[fitz → roman]: forget it you dont have a choice just get in the car 
✯ for an early morning text
new message[fitz → roman]: good morning sunshine!
new message[fitz → roman]: i left you some coffee on the pot i tried to wake u up too and i know u were ignoring me on purpose but 
new message[fitz → roman]: so much to carpooling huh? anyway i’ll just see you tonight. i’m buying you dinner and you have to come. dont ask me questions and dont try to fight it. 
➳ for an apologetic text
new message[fitz → roman]: i know i can be a lot and you put up with a lot probably more than anyone should 
new message[fitz → roman]: idk i come off strong and i shouldn’t have shown up when you asked me not to i know that i just get these ideas and i imagine that things would be and i have to make it happen i guess 
new message[fitz → roman]: im so sorry if i made it weird with your coworkers let me just make it up to you please talk to me 
♭ for an angry text
new message[fitz → roman]: i hate when you dont say things and just expect me to just fill in the blanks and fix it myself 
new message[fitz → roman]: i hate that you dont put in the same effort that i do 
new message[fitz → roman]: and sometimes i don’t know why i even bother with you cause its just you like dig your feet in and get so set into your ways and its like i’m talking to a wall or my father and its the most annoying thing in the world 
new message[fitz → roman]: and i dont even know why i’m even bothering sending you these messages because i know you dont even fucking care but at least one of us knows and understands healthy communication 
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