#that being the protags are like mid 20s rn
alangdorf · 3 months
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pendulumprince · 7 years
What do you think of the new characters anounced
So we got new folks yesterday, and I for one am thrilled.
As for my thoughts, I’ll start off with Go (who almost certainly will be referred to as ‘Onizuki’, but I’ll stick to ‘Go’ for now). I saw somewhere that he’s going to be Yusaku’s first opponent, which would work well with either of the tentative theories concerning him. Either he’s Yusaku’s ride-or-die and pushes him into dueling as a way of getting him to try something new, or he’s a (possibly one-shot) antag who initiates a conflict with Yusaku that can only be resolved via dueling.
But I’m not sure what to make of him myself, because of one silly, silly detail…
He has a beard.
He has a full beard. I’m sure there exists some 16-18 year olds who can grow facial hair that impressive, but that’s rare… so rare, that its hardly ever a trope in television. Facial hair in children’s shows is used as an age marker, to set one character apart from a cast of children/teens to firmly distinguish them as an adult. In addition, unlike Aoi he isn’t wearing a school uniform.
To be fair, Go doesn’t have any of your other typical, obvious age markers. But he doesn’t need them. With a beard like that, he looks less like a teen and more like a young adult (early-mid 20s). And as with any YGO character, the more removed from the protag’s age, the less likely he is to be a main character.
But on the flip side: the older he is, the more likely it is he’ll either be a minor antag, or a big brother/mentor figure to Yusaku and Aoi. He could even start off as the former and develop into being the latter. 
I may be totally off on this; ages haven’t been released yet. He may be the same age as Yusaku and Aoi, just blessed/cursed with more testosterone than those two could ever hope to have. We’ll have to see on that.
In addition, his nickname “Muscle Man” (this isn’t his VR username, btw) implies to me that he’ll be using an offense-heavy deck, that he values brute strength. But the typical achilles heel to this type of character is that they’re prone to attacking blindly, which should give smart-guy-Yusaku ample opportunity to beat him.
And now onto our precious hollyhock, Aoi. 
I can definitely see why some are disappointed with her simple, minimalist design. She… almost doesn’t even look like a YGO character. Her hair style is your average bob with bangs; it’s all auburn (unless she’s got some wild shit going on in the back). Most of the pictures of her aren’t of the best quality, but it looks like her eye color is a honey-yellow; combined with her skin tone, this creates a washed-out effect. There’s nothing noteworthy in her apparel: she wears the standard school uniform that Yusaku wears. All we know about her is that she’s a duelist and a top student.
So… I wasn’t around to see the intro art for GX, 5Ds, or Zexal. From what I remember with Arc V (remember, i found out about it a literal 2 days before it premiered), Yuzu’s introductory design was a full body shot of her standing, with a smile on her face and her hand resting on her hip. A very relaxed, open stance.
We only have a headshot of Aoi rn, but… with her, she’s just facing the ‘camera’ with a blank expression. She’s almost unreadable.
… that’s something in and of itself, though. You can’t read her. And what’s one of Yusaku’s stated skills? Reading people. 
If their friendship hasn’t already been established pre-series, this could be what sparks it. Yusaku might be able to read her while no one else can. His skills at deduction can either intrigue Aoi (if she’s got nothing to hide and doesn’t mind sharing), or it can piss her off, and lead to conflict between them that will eventually evolve into friendship.
Another option would be if Yusaku can’t read her. This would probably throw him off, and I could see him seeking out her friendship just to try and figure out what her deal is. Yes, his motives would be selfish; but even if he starts off as the most morally off-kilter protag we’ve ever had, you just know his development is going to include learning to care for and love his friends, Aoi included.
I’m still on the fence as to whether or not Go is going to stick around, so i’ll hold off on stating what I want out of him. But Aoi is very likely to be our female lead. So my hopes and dreams for her are, in no particular order:
I want her to be the deuteragonist. I want her to have the same level of agency and plot-involvement as season one (and arguably season two) Yuzu and Serena.
As many others have said before me, because her standard design is so understated, I want her VR form to be out. Of this. World. I want her to be the flashiest motherfucker there ever was. 
It’ll be great if she has an offense-heavy deck, and one that isn’t based around something traditionally deemed to be feminine (so, no flowers or fairies).
I want her to beat Yusaku at least once. More than once would be greatly preferred.
If she has some sort of power, great! I would welcome it with open arms!
… but only if said power doesn’t make her a series-long target for kidnapping at the hands of a big bad who doesn’t even see her as an actual person 8)
As @clockworkspider said in this post, I would love it if she and Yusaku made a pokerface-serious pair. Bonus points if they bond over busting everybody’s balls to pieces in only the most subtle and passive-aggressive ways.
Oh, and it would be cool if she were passive aggressive. I don’t remember any other YGO girl ever having that trait.
And I want her to be tech savvy. It doesn’t need to be hacking; I would actually prefer it if she had her own specialty. Her thing can be writing code, making plug-ins, creating viruses (only to be used on the antags, ofc), ect.
This may bite me in the ass, but I’m going into this shit assuming Aoi is not only going to meet the standard set by Yuzu, but surpass it. If none of my other hopes and dreams for her come true, I wouldn’t mind, so long as this last one does.
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