#the European leg over all felt a lot more genuine and fun than the US/Canadian leg
faithinlouisfuture · 2 years
Hello Emmy!!! Quick! Favorite moment or moments from the EU/UK leg?!
Pics and gifs are very much appreciated! 😌
Criss!!! You know me better than to say quick, you know how I love my rambles and my insanely longwinded posts, there’s no such thing as quick around here 🤓
So without further ado, here we go! In this essay I will … ✍🏽 Seriously though, top five here we go!
- The fact that Louis fully embraced the devil in his brain that brings out the demon in him and started to jump to barricade every single night during KMM. This is both a favorite moment and prime content for my tag set #light of my life #bane of my existence (and before someone @s me, I’ve been referring to Louis that way LONG before Anthony ever said it to Kate, if anything he stole it from me!). I mean, look at this!
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gifs courtesy @silverfoxlou
The jumping and getting back up there in itself is enough, but then there’s the mad moments of insane jealousy that come from other people getting to touch him - the collective breakdown all of solo louie tumblr had over this! 🫠
- The entire Amsterdam concert! Where do I even begin?!? He walked out on stage in MESH! Looking like this 🥵
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The crowd was electric! There were real actual balloons for KMM and condom balloons for I don’t even know what song 😂 The crowd got to scream “I went to Amsterdam without and all I could do was think about you!” at him! How special is that?!? The projects from that show were great too, and the bands energy was also amazing and Louis seemed to be having a total blast!
- The entire Milan show! The fact that it was the largest audience he was playing to yet, the way that he walked out in that England jersey asking to be mocked, but stuck to his guns, mad man! The crowd was the best yet in my opinion (for the entirety of LTWT22) they were loud, they told him he was beautiful every chance they got 🥲 he had a such a great time and enjoyed the fan projects! The overall energy of the entire show was just great! My little Pepsi bottle had a blast 🤍
- The brain melting, heart stopping, tear inducing, moment™ he decided to spring Change/s.mp3 on us the first time in Łódź !!! The dash went mad, the group chat went mad, the crowd went mad, all of louie twitter went mad and he just sang it like an angel and moved on without even acknowledging it. It was the definition of the louie experience; never knowing what to expect (at least for me). I couldn’t concentrate on anything at all after that. My soul re-entered my body around KMM time I think, before that I was just 🧍🏽‍♀️🧍🏽‍♀️🧍🏽‍♀️
- The entire Doncaster show! He was on another level, you could literally see him radiating light and happiness through the screen, I don’t even know how people who saw him in real life survived with their eyesight & sanity intact! If he was a Pokémon he would have levelled up the minute he stepped out on that stage 🤍 So many of the songs/lyrics meant SO MUCH more just because of the fact that he was singing them in his home town, where his journey began. It was everything that I wanted the Donny show to be for him, without any extra theatrics or anything at all. The crew joining him on stage 🥲 just all of it! It was a beautiful beautiful way to end the European leg! (The fact that he had the audacity to play Hey there Delilah at the end 😭 - literally ended me).
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Special mentions;
- Every time a new IGTV would drop and all of us freaked out over it together, watching multiple times, gif making immediately, meme making immediately. The energy would always be great on IGTV release days! Especially the one that had the Berlin behind the scenes 100% game content in it.
- Reykjavik shirtless hot springs content 😭😂 absolutely nobody had seeing half naked wet Louis surrounded by half naked wet men in their LTWT22 bingo card, NO ONE. Yet here we are. The reason this is not in my top five moments is that I missed it 😭 like I wasn’t able to be on here or on twitter when it happened, and I had to do post freak out posts which are never as much fun, lol.
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furvillaconfessions · 3 years
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Rotsy here. There seems to be a lot of hurt feelings going around about this, so I'm going to try to tread carefully, but I'm not going to sugar coat anything either. If you make it all the way to the end of this very long post I have some cool stories to tell you.
I'm not going to pick apart what @/post/634692733521559552/ said just yet, but I would like to address some of the replies, because they felt like a kick in the guts after reading the post of a clearly upset person.
I don’t see it as “gate keeping.” also this spirit is known around in many other cultures not just one. better to respect the ones who asked us to cenceor it over not cencoring it at all. now I got no proof but I see so many people say that they where asked to cencor it there for what I’m doing.
If you don't see it as gatekeeping when a native person asks (begs even) someone to stop talking for them, then you're part of the problem. How do you know they aren't part of the cultures these stories are coming from? We don't. All I ask is that you try to understand where this person is coming from before just outright rejecting what they are saying.
You cant say “literally no indigenous person” like youre getting mad at people speaking for all of us and then you speak for all of us lol. If youre truly to the point of wanting to VOMIT from seeing a censored word, i think you need to take a break from this blog and probably the internet. Nobody is treating us like primitive babies. Theyre respecting our culture when we ask them to.
Atilla, you know I love you, but you should respect the culture of op too, and have a talk with them instead of assuming their disgust is simply because of text on a screen. By saying they need to get off of the internet you're not affording them with the space to share their hurt feelings- which could be the only place they have to share those feelings for all we know. It was wrong to say 'literally no one,' but I believe that came from a place of pain and not malice. This person is clearly hurt and feeling like people aren't listening to their feelings on the subject- which is what many of us feel all the time. (Assuming you are also native because you said 'us' and 'our.' Correct me if I'm wrong.) There's a bigger problem here that's been brewing for a while, and I'd like to band with you to work on this instead of fighting with you, so if you want to pm me, please do.
Now some context:
A massive reason why (was it the only reason? I can't say) the word wendigo/windigo/wintiko/whetiko started getting censored is because individuals on twitter were making posts about how the wendigo is greatly misunderstood and misrepresented (even appropriated) in white dominated culture. These individuals were tired of being harassed by people who refused to give their culture respect (or blatantly insulting them) so they started censoring the word in order to prevent their posts from appearing in the search. The same thing happened on tumblr. A lot of native people are bullied and harassed into silence when we try to speak up about things so we use code words and censoring to stay safe on the internet. This is the reason why we started censoring conversations around the entity- and also the big reason why I abandoned my original tumblr.
The wendigo is complicated. It is not a demon or a boogyman, and it's not part of a religion. Our stories (the choctaw word literally translates to stories, so I don't mean to be disrespectful) are not a religion in the same sense a christian or a muslim has a religion. Religion in the way people are talking about it doesn't exist in native american culture unless, like previously said on this blog, they are christian. It's more complicated than that. Hinduism might be a closer relative in terms of cultural and religious structure, but I'm not hindi so I can't really say for sure. On top of that, various groups have their own interpretation of the entity. Stories of the wendigo are like your grandmother's christmas dressing recipe. Everyone's family has one and they all guard it zealously. Even within the same nations, it can be regarded as a spirit that possesses people who become greedy, or simply an allegory for sexual and/or physical assault from white people. It's not a monster in the same way white european culture has come to understand the monster analogy. This misunderstanding itself is appropriation in the most basic definition of cultural appropriation. This is before we even get into the discussion of how it should be depicted. It's not simply a monster or evil spirit or physiological disorder. The wendigo is so much more than that.
I don't pretend to understand any of the algonquin languages, so the translation is both literally and figuratively lost on me, but this is the best way I can explain it from a dear canadian friend: The creature is greed. Be that just greed or lust or hunger or colonialism, it doesn't really matter. It doesn't even have to be a creature for someone to be consumed by it. Even just what it represents is dangerous and goes against the very nature of our virtues all across the nations.
I posted a very long post here once before, but I can't find it in the search so I don't know if it even exists any more. Basically what I had said in that post is that this whole situation, on all sides, is causing more damage than good. The longer we keep winding in long circles around this topic, and the more people try to sink their teeth in to control the narrative, the more power the wendigo has over us all- literally or metaphorically is up to you. Don't yell at people when they are upset, don't harass people who use the word as a screen name, don't try to speak for everyone, and most importantly, don't disregard an native person's feelings on the subject, even if you disagree with them. We all have to vent, and some people are getting to their breaking point.
If you find someone misrepresenting or appropriating any part of your culture, the best thing to do is to talk to them about it. I know they don't exactly afford us with the same respect, but clearly yelling at people and harassing them is just making them dig in their heels.
If you made it this far, thanks for listening. Here's the cool stories I promised:
As a choctaw person, I have a proposition for people who genuinely like the deer-man monster concept. There's a creature in choctaw stories called kashehotapolo. It's a contraction (sort of) between kashesho (pronounced kah-she-sho) meaning woman, and tapalo (pronounced tah-pah-lo) meaning scream. Together it's pronounced like kah-she-ho-ta-pah-lo. These are deer-human hybrid creatures who live in forests and swamps and scream (like a woman) when hunting (I picture it as sounding like a cougar scream). They have been described having deer legs, the body of a man, and either a wrinkled human face or a deer face, sometimes with antlers. Kasheotapolo are more like tricksters who like to stalk people just for the fun of it, and go out of their way to be creepy. Sometimes they are straight up violent and want to eat people, but most of the time they just like to creep people out. Another one is the deer-legged lady. In choctaw culture it's called the issikashesho (is-see-kah-she-sho) or just deer-legged lady/woman. The cherokee call them anukite (ah-noo-ki-tee; which I think means something like two-faced). These are shapeshifters who turn into beautiful women, old women, deer, deer-legged women, and anthro deer women. They hate rapists and cheaters, and will stomp rapists to death with their deer hooves. There's even a story that adults used to tell their boys at powwow's, that if they saw a drunk girl, don't take her off in the woods to take advantage of her because she could be a deer-legged lady and might stomp you to death. In more recent stories, there are deer-legged people, because women and non-binary people can rape and be raped too. Badass, huh? My proposition is to research these two creatures and start using them for your characters, stories, and usernames instead. They aren't as sacred to us as the wendigo is to the algonquin people, and they are exactly what people misrepresent the wendigo as looking like. I just think it's time to put this beast to rest.
I love you all. Be excellent to each other.
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