#the VKs have weird standarts
Which character in Utopia of the Lost would the following line fit most?
"Heaven help us all if ___ is bored."
CJ, probably, but what about your Hearts twins? Or any of the Tremaines, or the de Vil cousins, or the Facilier sisters? Or anyone else?
I honestly think it would depend on who are you asking: no one wants the children in their care bored. No one. Irl, too, let alone when the kids in Utopia of the Lost have no idea how death is supposed to work and think that arson is appropriate hobby.
So, yeah, if you are asking Harriet, the answer definitely includes CJ. And Harry. And all of the children she took under her care. And her own crew. Harriet herself has no time to get bored, as you can see.
Harry does have time to get bored, because despite curent status quo, Uma is the one running the ship. And Harry is the middle child. You don't want him adding to the chaos CJ is already causing: He would totally join her.
Also, Harry and Uma getting bored together would be bad: Harry would do stupid stuff for his own amusement as much as for Uma (mostly for Uma, probably), and she wouldn't stop him, because, well, it is entertaining. Harriet is over there just banging her head against the wall and praying.
CJ getting bored and being a menance to anyone around her is not wort mentioning at this point.
Same goes for Mal.
De Vil cousins of Lost Revenge are not the type to get bored. They have their crew and eachother and their inventions. Sure, they might blow something up every now and then, but that's not boredom or revenge, that's science.
Carlos doesn't strike me as the type of person to cause problems for people around him when he is bored. Plus, he doesn't really get bored either, in between helping Evie and inventing with his cousins.
...And I got lost in my own answer. Great.
The Tremaines generally do not fit that sentence, unless you are asking Anthony. Then you would get full list of all his sisters and cousins and all the kids they took in and the Hearts and Mal and at least half of the pirates- Anthony just wants everyone to shut up at this point.
...The next part is kind of disturbing, so maybe skip it if you are not feeling up to reading temporary minor character death handled with absurd nonchalance?
The Hearts getting bored? Yeah, that would be a problem. Mostly because they would be dramatic af about it. Jared and Rosa getting bored would include public executions all-done with speeches and jury and stuff. This is bad enough, but imagine if their younger siblings tried to copy them. Plus, they decided to figure out how far does the revival magic reach. It was more morbid than it was entertaining, for everyone who was forced to watch at least, but that poor kid was alright at the end.
Good news! The most disturbing part is over!
Now, if you are asking Dr. Facilier, yes, the answer is Celia and Freddie. He doesn't really care for any other children, but Celia and Freddie are not making it easy either. If Auradonians knew what they are doing – out of sheer spite might I add – they would definitely be in that answer. If the VKs knew, they would cheer them on. Even Anthony and Harriet.
In conclusion, I'm going to go with the Hearts (yes, as a group), if only because saying this about CJ would become repetitive very quickly. And because few people would dare to say it about CJ at all, let alone mention Harry and Uma too.
I hope you liked my too long non-answer!
And thank you for the question!
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