#the amount of times someone at a charitable organisation has called me selfish
realasslesbian · 1 year
Just thinking bout that time when I was freshly homeless and figured 'well maybe I should bite the bullet and finally ask for help' and was turned away from every shelter, every charity, laughed out of all homeless services, oftentimes with the strong implication that they had hordes of baby mamas they had to keep in their mansions, so how dare childless lil me ask for a loaf of bread.
So, with irl services having left my childless ass to die on the street, I figured I'd post on r/Assistance on Reddit, since I assumed that was for assisting all types of females, not just single mothers, but alas no. My post about living in my car while recovering from skin cancer surgery, could someone just shout me $20 for antibiotics, I will pay you back, was completely ignored bc the next post was 'my lil munchkin never seen the wiggles can someone pay for our plane tickets and accommodation thx' and that seemed to be a theme, both on the r/Assistance subreddit and irl, where females with actual problems but no kids were ignored, while single mothers and their extremely extravagant requests were more than accommodated.
So I made a post about it, got mostly other childfree females agreeing, and then the r/Assistance mods caught wind of a childfree expressing an opinion and abused me right out of the subreddit, just like every other 'charity' I've ever interacted with. You know, just being all 'how tf dare your selfish homeless ass ask for assistance on the r/Assistance subreddit when we have all these single mothers on $3000/week welfare who need us to buy a solid gold pram for the next baby they planning to have'. Eventually I got back on my feet all by myself, no help from anyone, because there is no help for childfree women.
So moral of the story: contrary to how women with kids bang on all day about how hard their life is, in fact life is a lot harder for childfree women, because society deliberately makes it that way🙃
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