#the antique black lace motherlode I'd just hit at a flea market the week before the fire
marzipanandminutiae · 11 months
The danger is over and everyone is safe, you're allowed to grieve the part of your life you lost. They're just "things" but they're things you had because you loved them, made with your own hands because you felt it was worth it to create and bring you joy in its existence. Every piece you lost is a part of a life you put together for yourself. It's a testament to your existence as the unique individual you are. You don't have to apologize for mourning them
Thank you.
I just. I can begin again, and I will. I'm even a relatively quick seamstress, when properly motivated. It feels like such a herculean task, though, especially for things that can't be gotten easily or cheaply again- colorful silks the discount fabric store no longer carries, my stash of antique and specialty reproduction trims, certain buttons or accessories...
I feel like I'm staring up a mountain I have to somehow climb all over again, after reaching a peak and then falling back to the bottom
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