#the ff is fortissimo which means go as loud as you can go
nakitengoku · 3 years
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merriammusicinc · 4 years
Piano Notes: The Ultimate Guide to Learning to Read Sheet Music
There's more to a piece of music than notes, rests, and repeats. Progress with your work. Read this advanced instruction to reading piano notes.
All cars eat gas. Every good boy does fine. These mnemonics are all well and good, but they're not that useful when you're playing a Schubert concerto at 135 bpm.
Between the treble and bass clefs, there are a lot of different musical notes on any given page of sheet music. Reading those piano notes is made even trickier with additional music symbols.
To help you sight read as easily as you can read a newspaper's headlines, here's our advanced guide to Piano Notes II!
Your Guide To Piano Notes
There have been a lot of fascinating studies on music and memory in the past few years. Research shows that music actually helps us remember things. Learning music can even help children with learning disabilities!
Why not turn that to your advantage?
The trick lies in getting the rational and intuitive side of your brain working together. We're going to give you a bunch of knowledge to mull over in your rational brain to help you bridge that gap.
We'll start by reiterating one of the most basic but essential components of how to read sheet music masterfully. Practice makes perfect, just like with any other skill.
Even if you're not an absolute beginner, it's helpful to label the spaces and ledger lines with their note names. Fill out some blank staff paper with 'FACE' for the spaces and EGBDF(Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge) or ACEGB(All Cows Eat Grass) for the spaces and GBDFA(Good Boys Deserve Fudge Always) for the lines.
Make sure to include the notes above and below the main grand staff, as well.
Spend some time with these notes. You'll start to internalize the note names, automatically. You'll be able to recall them just as easily once they're ingrained in your muscle memory.
Understand the Parts of the Sheet
The first step that you need to undertake is to understand the parts of a music sheet. If this is the first time you have seen a music sheet, there might be some symbols you're unfamiliar with.
One of the parts that you would notice first is the title of the piece and the author behind it. It's usually centered along the bottom edge of the top margin with the first letter names of each word capitalized. At times, there may be a subtitle printed in a smaller font with the author names below it.
The next parts you'll see are the ledger lines. They refer to these as the staff (which we will discuss later). These lines are where you find the notes. All indicating the sound played on the instrument.
For the piano keyboard, the position of the note will tell the pianist which key to press.
You'll notice various symbols scattered all throughout the sheet. These symbols would denote the counting (time signature) or which set of notes to use (clef). Some of these will need further study to understand how they behave and how you will proceed with the piece.
Now, look at a music sheet. You'll see that there are two sets or groups of five horizontal lines. These are what you call the "staffs".
"Bar lines" refer to those vertical lines. The horizontal lines that separate them are the "measures".
The staff on the top is the "Treble Clef". The notes you'll find in here are higher than Middle C. The bottom, called the Bass Clef, is where you'll find notes lower than Middle C.
Memorize The Note Values
Sight-reading music isn't limited to melodic content. You'll need to know how long notes last, as well, when learning how to read piano music.
Learn the difference between whole notes, half notes, and quarter notes. Learn to differentiate between eight, sixteenth, and thirty-second notes, as well.
Just as a reminder, eighth notes are quarter notes with one flag. Sixteenth notes have two. Thirty-second notes have three.
If there are multiple sub-divided notes in a row, they'll be connected by a bar. Eighth notes have one bar, with sixteenth notes having two and thirty-second notes having three. Just list their flags.
So, some easy shorthand for remembering the length of note values is to remember how many flags each sub-divided note gets. You'll easily be able to translate that information for connected notes, as well.
Aside from the other symbols that you would see on the music sheet. The notes are the symbols that denote the specific sound that the instrument should produce. The positioning of each note on the staff will tell you the pitch needed.
But those are not the only things that it indicates. Notes have specific durations and timing that corresponds to the beat of the song. There are varying types of notes that you may encounter as you read through sheet music for piano.
Whole notes tend to have the equivalent of four beats. Half notes have two beats per note. Quarter notes have one note each. Eighth, and Sixteenth notes would denote half a beat and a quarter of a beat.
Not only that, but there are also measures of silence as well. These are Rests and they follow the same rules of duration as Notes. With the combination of each, you would know when to play a key or chord, and when you should leave it quiet.
Practice On Both Clefs
Learning piano requires being able to read both the treble and bass clef fluently. While it's easy enough to learn one or the other, it can be a bit brain-splitting to do them both at the same time.
We've already talked about 'FACE' and 'Every Good Boy Does Fine'. You should be pretty comfortable with the treble clef, at this point.
The bass clef simply shifts everything down two steps. The mnemonic 'All Cars Eat Gas' will help you remember the spaces of the bass clef. 'Good Boys Do Fine Always' will help you remember the lines.
Now that you're aware of the note names, start off by practicing each clef independently. Develop a routine for memorizing and sight-reading treble clef note names with your right hand.
Then do the same thing with the left hand for the bass clef.
As we mentioned above, the notes that fall below the Middle C make up the Bass clef. To remain consistent with this learning to read music guide, let's also start from the bottom.
Put Theory Into Practice
Translating the inky blots on the page through your fingertips into actual music is where the rubber meets the road when it comes to reading piano sheet music. Now that you've spent some time writing things out on the page, it's time to start putting that into practice on your actual instrument.
Start with each clef independently, just like you did when you were first memorizing the piano notes. Stick to your regular practice routine, as well. Remember, practice doesn't only make perfect, it also makes things permanent.
You'll want to practice with a metronome if you aren't already. You need to be as comfortable with rhythm and harmony as you are with melody. You should also stay in the habit of focusing on musicality, even when you're practicing.
After seeing all the symbols and placement of notes. It is time to identify which note corresponds to the key on the piano. The white keys on the piano would correspond to the keys in the C Scale. Starting from C, followed by the keys D, E, F, G, A, B and ending again at a higher C. You would find them in the white keys on the piano.
The black keys are the ones between some of these white keys. Like the Eb being between D and E. Each of these keys has a place on the staff.
By knowing their positions, you will be able to play the notes in the sequence presented in the sheet music.
When practicing these sequences of notes, start slow until you feel the pace. From that point, that is when you start learning the song in its actual pace and tempo.
You can read more about the proper reading and interpreting of the sheet here.
Learn Your Sharps and Flats
On music sheets, you often find the symbols "#" and "b" beside notes. The pound sign indicates a sharp, while the one that looks like a lower-case letter b is for a flat(b flat).
When you see a #, that means you should play the next higher note. Say you see a C#. If this was for a Middle C note, that means you'll hit the black key to the left of Middle C. If you see a Db on your music sheet, you'll press the same black key.
There tends to have some confusion when it comes to sharps and flats, especially for a lot of beginner piano learners. Always keep in mind that black keys are always either a sharp or a flat. However, not all sharps and flats fall on these keys.
A white key can still be a flat or a sharp, as well as a major note. For instance, the Middle F (the third white key from Middle C) can also be an E sharp. The Middle B can be a C flat.
So, as a reminder, black keys are either sharps or flats. But white keys can also represent sharps and flats.
Learn The Dynamic Symbols
Now that you've spent some time mastering both clefs, you should be pretty familiar with the grammar of music. Now you're ready to start spinning your vocabulary into actual works of art.
Like with language, music isn't only about what you're saying, but how you say it. Something whispered is very different from something shouted, even if the words are the same.
To master the dynamic symbols, start with the basics. P stands for 'Piano', which means 'quiet'. Pp is 'pianissimo' which means 'very soft'. Ppp means 'pianississimo', which means 'more than very soft'.
Loudness follows the same formula. F means 'Forte', which means 'loud'. Ff is 'fortissimo', meaning 'very loud'. Fff means 'fortississimo', which means 'more than very loud'.
Dynamics aren't static on sheet music, either. There can be build-ups and breakdowns, as well. These are marked with crescendo and decrescendo symbols, which look like open-ended triangles on their side.
To truly master the dynamic symbols, find some sheet music for a song that you like. Read through the sheet music, paying special attention to the dynamics. Now go listen to that recording.
Listening to music with sheet music in front of you will help internalize what the different dynamics sound like. You'll learn to differentiate between Forte and Fortissimo, which will help you reproduce them more faithfully in your own playing.
When you read sheet music, remember to study the basic symbols. While notes are among the ones that you will encounter.
One of the symbols that is the Clef. These are symbols based on the reference pitches. These are often found at the very beginning of every ledger or staff line.
For example, you have the Treble Clef that has the G Clef pitch as the reference. You also have the Bass Clef, which has an F Clef pitch.
You might also recognize key signatures, which have sharp or flat notations. (Represented as # and the lower case b in respective order). The placement of these notations can also tell you which key you will be playing in.
There are also other symbols you should be on a lookout for. Time signatures are the two numbers after the clef, one on top of the other.
The number on top mentions how many beats per measure. While the bottom one denotes the note that equals one beat. The most common time signature is the four-four time signature.
There are also tempo marks, notations that tell you how loud or soft the notes should be. Examples are p for Piano, pp for Pianissimo, f for Forte, mf for Mezzo Forte, and so on.
Spend some time with these exercises, and you'll be fluent in reading piano sheet music before you know it.
Learning to read music is like learning any other language. At first, it's a lot of work. Then it becomes a tremendous amount of fun, as you're able to articulate your thoughts and feelings in new and interesting ways!
Don't Forget Intervals
When learning the notes on a piano, you'll also encounter what we call an "interval." This refers to the distance between two notes.
To determine what this distance is, you only have to count step-by-step from the first note all the way to the next.
You call the interval between the C and the G note a "5th" because there are five notes from C to G. To be more precise, you call this particular interval is a Major 5th.
The interval between C and F is the "Perfect Fourth" or Major 4th. That's because you have four notes from C to F.
Keep Practicing to Perfect Reading Piano Notes
These six steps are key to reading notes on a music piano sheet, so make sure you start from them. Keep practicing all these, and in time, you'll master the piano notes as you read them. You may even learn your pieces by heart that you will no longer need to look at the piano keys!
The most important thing in learning the piano, or any other musical instrument for that matter, is motivation and consistent practice. With these, you'll soon be on your way to playing even more advanced pieces.
Want More Piano Playing Guidance?
Good for you! Learning to play music is one of the most rewarding and satisfying things you can do. You become a better person while making the world a more beautiful and artful place.
We hope you enjoyed our music notes on reading 'Piano Notes II'. Make sure to browse the rest of our piano articles for even more guidance!
The post Piano Notes: The Ultimate Guide to Learning to Read Sheet Music first appeared on Merriam Pianos
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Kado 12 (FINAL) | Katsugeki Touken Ranbu 1 | Battle Girl High School 1 | Keppeki Danshi! Aoyama-kun 1 | Youkai Apato 1 | Isekai Shokudou 1
Kado 12 (FINAL)
Shunina in 2D looks creepy as all get out…
I believe what zaShunina wants to get at is that we have reasoning and intelligence…which is half of what some people have feared about this show all along. The “humans are special” preach.
Gonno finally has a point of purpose, which is great.
I’m laughing. It really is Yandere zaShunina, LOL!
Funny thing zaShunina uses the words “way of living”. The characters that make up Shindo’s surname (真道) mean “true way”.
I have the feeling zaShunina can’t actually cry, and he’s faking it.
“…I’ve been meaning to punch you myself.” – In short, Kado really is just a shonen battle series in disguise.
zaShunina’s face makes me wanna cry. That’s the second time this season’s climaxes have attempted to bring me to tears…
Oh well, at least I got my broman-Huh? Shindo’s heart got torn out?! ewfefl/…
Hey, look. Origami bird in the anisotropic. I still want to know how to make one, dangit!
*wants to cry again* Shun-kun? You mean…Hanamori? This 16 year old is another Saraka?
*howling with laughter, but still at the brink of tears* Please, please stop making me ship Saraka and Shindo, since I never shipped them anyway. However, the biggest laugh this season was zaShunina’s many many expressions of rage, that probably beat out even that woman from the Emperor’s New Groove, LOL (Yzma).
Seeing old Hanamori – every single darned shot of him – makes me wanna cry. Plus, Yukika as a baby had a Takoyaki Cat bundle, haha.
*White Parasite spoilers!* A-Ah! So “White Parasite” really was an omen for where this show would go! zaShunina got defeated by his own power, just like La Luna, but zaShunina basically gained the range of expressions of a human, unlike Luna, who was killed off early. Ah…that’s sad. I predicted exactly where this would go without having even seen the show. *end spoilers*
*as the titlecard appears* I-I don’t get it…but wait, there’s more. Keep watching, people.
Chotto ittekimasu means “Out for a little bit”, which isn’t quite the same as “back later”, but I’ll take it.
W-Wah? It’s over…? Well, suffice to say, I was amazed beyond my imagining, so that’s great on an entertainment level (plus I laughed way too hard at Kado). However, the fact I ended up predicting a show I hadn’t even seen yet means it will have to get marked down appropriately.
Katsugeki Touken Ranbu 1
Finally, we’ve gotten to one of the big attractions of the season – I’m a fan of Touken Ranbu, so while seeing my boys animated in Hanamaru was a treat, fall 2016 was a bottleneck in the commentaries. Katsugeki needs to go above and beyond to take one of the 4 slots open to normal-form shows (BnHA’s already taken one slot).
It may be bleak (it’s kinda murky, colours-wise), but it’s…beautiful!!! (My precious Kane-san has properly come to life!) The star effect with the blood is a nice touch.
My memory’s a lil’ rusty because I haven’t played TR for a few months, but the things in the box are koban.
This thing’s like Kado in that it would make a great movie. I envy the people who get to see this in the highest possible res on a big screen…(“My anime club should seriously screen this!” is what I’m saying.)
Interestingly, they’ve chosen Kane-san, so this doesn’t accurately depict a player’s normal route through the game. Either that or this saniwa doesn’t want to sacrifice their starter on this mission. I know how precious my first Kashuu was to me, but I broke him because I was being too reckless…
The saniwa in this is a girl, so the subber who called the saniwa “he” hasn’t looked into the promo material much.
TR’s party limit is six, so this saniwa’s a real noob. (Not that I can say anything – I haven’t passed the Kiwame map yet!)
So Konnosuke can function as Google, LOL. That’s new, I never thought of that pesky fox in that way.
I bet because the Saniwa knew these were swords under the same master, she saw the shipping potential, LOL. Or maybe it’s because the two work well as a pair…
This looks a lot like the starting movie that DMM put in about one year after I started on TR. I bet that’s specifically what they were aiming for, so that’s perfect.
Ooh! What a controversial choice, to put a representation of the saniwa into the show! I wonder why they did such a thing, though?
Judging by this lineup, I’d say Mutsu was this saniwa’s starter. (I’d really like to analyse this saniwa’s choices and drops, as a fellow TR player.) Then again, if I knew the name of the era, then I’d get a better sense of this player’s capability (and judge whether I can really call them a noob or not, LOL).
Dangit, Saniwa! You have Tsuru and Mikazuki (two swords I currently don’t have)! I’m jealous of you!
That’s real cute and nostalgic, to put the preview like a recollection. A fine choice indeed, ufotable.
Kunihiro says specifically he has to try his hardest to not fail, which is slightly different to what the subs say.
Interesting. The words Kane-san uses for “tense” are “[Kunihiro] puts too much energy into his shoulders”.
Well, it’s pretty safe to say this is a keeper between hype and an almost-perfect performance for what I’d expect from a TR adaption. I’m just wondering, if all my hype shows go to commentary…what will my final one be? I planned to watch 14 shows from this season, Amazon axed a few and I added a few more based on ANN so the fight for the final spot may easily be the hardest one in the history of this commentary.
Battle Girl High School 1
Yet another anime I have come to not because I genuinely am hyped for it, but because it’s the satisfaction of seeing “how the bad fall”, if you get what I mean. Also, it’s a magical girl show – it’s basically Hina Logi all over again.
Every magical girl show does that “prophetic dream” stuff, I swear. It’s why I avoid that trope like the plague as a beginning.
Notice the title’s ganbari is in katakana…which isn’t how it’s normally done, mind you.
I’m so darned confused already…so. Girls. Battles. High School. *<-shamelessly ripped from ads I saw around my streaming service) Suddenly, idols…then Irous…? The idols know the high school girls? Wah?
There are only adult dudes here, which means this is probably for adult or teenage dudes…no wonder I feel so desensitised to this, haha.
That…may have been the most uninspired magical girl transformation I have ever seen! Grah! If you’re going to do an anime on magical girls, at least bother with the transformations! Both the CGI and the idol performance are lackluster, too, but maybe that’s because I muted this show (to not have to deal with my normal gripes for anime girl voices).
The video’s panning so fast over these girls I can only barely make out each one’s face! I have very good eyesight, thank you very much!
I swear there’s at least one battle the staff of this show haven’t shown us, which would really inform us about the rest of the show if we did see it. Proper storytelling is a must in any show or any entertainment medium!
Bad CGI doesn’t look like “real danger” to me, lady.
By the by, Fortissimo (ff) means “loud”. Therefore if I mute the show, ff loses all purpose, so to speak.
Okay. Girls, battles, high school, idols, magical girls and now yuri subtext. This show can’t pick one thing and deal with it appropriately, and in the genre of “magical girl” where even the weakest effort is more balanced than some other genre shows, not balancing smaller aspects of the genre to achieve the right payoff is just sad.
A training scene would have probably eased us in better than what the show actually did…just sayin’. It’s boring, but getting the groundwork correct is necessary if you want to have people pay attention to your story. Plus, girls, please…don’t do the derpy run with arms stuck on the side of your chest. No real girl runs like that.
*checks up the show* Oh, it’s based on a smartphone game! That should explain the large cast!
Whoa! These eyecatches are a little TMI. BWH measurements are for the dudes who watch for PLOT, but dream job? Yeah, for a card game, TMI.
Lemme guess…these PC/shogi gals will recruit Subaru, Miki and Haruka. As much as I’d say I’d like to side with the PC and shogi girls though, I can’t feel a reason to like ‘em at all. They’re not characterised enough for me to care about them.
What’s up with the red on that replanting girl’s hair?
That cut between Ms President in Chinese library and the magical girl battle really confused me for a second there.
I don’t get how Urara’s microphone/staff works…
When I checked up this show earlier, it said Sugitan was the teacher in glasses here. It disappoints me that his name is saddled on to something so confusing.
Now that I squint at the eye designs, these guys are trying to be Love Live. Knowing how popular that is just makes this pale in comprison all the more, even though I actively dislike Love Live.
It’s an unsaid rule of battling that whoever strikes first loses. Just sayin’.
There’s no precedent for how well these girls performed in the past, so a flashback would’ve done well this ep.
I knew hooded person was a girl (there are no boys in this show), but I didn’t know what her intentions were. Even knowing what they were made it really obvious this show was subpar, because she has little to no intentions at all at the moment.
They introduce another girl to fill up an already full cast? Yeah, nah.
…Yeah, that’s a clean drop. The magical girl outfits are the only good looking things about this.
Keppeki Danshi! Aoyama-kun 1
This is an odd choice for me, but I’m just waiting for shows (other than Katsugeki) to come on to the scene…Then again, I played soccer (because I was forced to do a sport at one point, and Detective Conan has a soccer aspect to it). I’m not up to snuff on soccer rules, but…*shrugs*
I think they’re trying to get a Sakamoto vibe going here. So far, it isn’t working…
LOL. “Team Aoyama”, indeed.
The chibi face thing is reminiscent of Royal Tutor. Royal Tutor’s style is more jarring, but it works in that show’s favour more.
So what glasses man is saying is that if Aoyama were Lady Macbeth, he’d hate himself too much…ouch.
The butt guy is weird…
The soccer ball “…” worked well. Yhe artstyle for this one is clean and fairly attractive too, which works in its favour. (However, unless you like dudes in soccer uniforms or that one guy in the OP with the abs, then…yeah, this ain’t hottie territory.)
“Richie Rich”? I’m not sure that was in the Japanese, but okay.
Miwa’s great, man. Best coach I think I’ll ever see in a show like this, and that’s ‘cos I haven’t seen many of these sports shows.
Wowee, keppeki has some nasty-looking kanji! Fun facts: The zai in Kaoru’s surname is the same as in zaibatsu, and bocchan is “young master” (as used by, say, a butler to a distinguished family’s child – it’s used to Suguro in Blue Exorcist, as he’s part of a high ranking religious family).
Umm…what’s the name of the guy who got rejected by his girlfriend Anya in YOI? Georgi! This rich kid who wants to steal away Aoyama looks like Georgi!
I…don’t think I’ve ever heard a person being called a “scrub” prior to this. Apparently, it’s old fashioned slang, which is why the word suits Takechi.
Zaizen = Kamina (Gurren Lagann)??? They certainly have the “hot blooded” bit down pat.
Yeah…Takechi. I’m with Aoyama on this one. I like abs, but not yours.
The CGI is bad, but more well integrated than, say, Battle Girl’s Irous...es? Irous? (I dunno about the plural on that.)
As I said before, I’m not up to scratch on soccer terms. So a nutmeg was a “through the legs” kick (apparently known in Japanese as “crotch punching”, LOL!) and a rabona is the crossing leg thing Aoyama did.
One touch. (Chorus in back: ONE PUNCH!)
Uh, I think the ab brandish and “treasure” emphasis was a Japanese pun, but I have the volume off so I can’t tell.
That sky shot was be-a-u-ti-ful! That is, before the soccer cleat got in the way of it…
I have the feeling Aoyama came for the white uniform?...I dunno why, though. White is hard to keep clean.
D-Does the number 10 have any special significance? *checks it up* Yeah, it does.
Oh man, Takechi talks to his abs (as well as to his friends)? This guy is becoming the death knell for this show. I know it’s meant to be funny, but it’s even weirder than the butt guy, and that says something.
The…toilet? That was one joke that was absolutely not worth the payoff.
I don’t get this Hajime no Ippo style…or maybe, because this is a comedy manga, they’re making a homage to the Hajime no Ippo style as a parody. Ahh, that makes sense now!
I’m gonna drop this. Not because it’s bad, mind you – it’s because I get confused between soccer and football (I’m from a place where “soccer” and “football” are different things), plus I don’t get soccer injokes.
Youkai Apato 1
I call this “Youkai Apato” because its full name is too long to remember…haha. This is here because of Morose Mononokean, which didn’t do too badly last year. I thought Yushi was butt ugly, but hopefully something’ll make my stay worth it.
I’m not a person who wants to become a businessman, but hey, if you can sell me the businessman life (or the youkai life) with this show, I’ll be all set!
Who dis (dude with the long hair in OP that looks like Hase)? I want him, even though I mistook him for Hase at first.
The –sou in Kotobuki-sou means “villa” or something like that. That’s why the word for “summer house” isn’t “summer house” in katakana, but rather two kanji that represent a “separate villa”…I guess…?
Scratch the Morose Mononokean references, this is more Kamisama Kiss.
I’ve noticed Maeda Realty’s second last and third last kanji are kanji for “movement” and “not” respectively…so I find the Japanese name for it, however it’s pronounced, really ironic (because Yushi wants to move, so to speak, but moving house as a verb would be hikkosu in Japanese).
Reimei Isshiki seems to be an exclusive to this show, so hopefully this show will use its author character well (knew he’d be a speaking character judging from how he needed voice credits). By the by, based on how Yushi describes Isshiki, it seems this author’s a lot like the one for Goat’s Egg (Tokyo Ghoul).
*screams incoherently* Can’t I have my fantasy of Yushi not being a darned harem protag? The way he acts around Akine, I ain’t getting it, even though my fantasy is the truth!
What an adorable dango. It’s got a rice grain texture on it (normally dango don’t have that, as you can see here).
These round blue birds I keep seeing in this show are so cute!
I applaud whoever made the backgrounds for this show. Dang, they are good.
A bath in the basement doesn’t sound too good for ventilation purposes, but that’s just speaking out of practicality. This is anime, we can get people having baths in jacuzzis on rooftops for all we care…
The landlord kinda looks like the creatures from ep 1 of Flip Flappers! Yipes!
These birds are too gosh darn adorable! *fangirl screams*
The zombie really wasn’t much of a threat…
Ooh, there’s a guy I like (redhead in ED)! I want him, too! B-But long-haired Hase…I want…
Well, it seems like long-haired Hase’ll be here next ep, so I’ll keep the show for now. If it gets a lil’ too much with the stating the obvious, then it’ll go on the drop pile.
Isekai Shokudou 1
I just ate, so…I’m not gonna be drooling here, am I? Just by the name it sure seems I will be. Well, why am I here? It seems Re:Creators is not the only reverse isekai happening this season, and because Amazon, I have to settle with this instead.
The font around the titlecard seems to be katakana, just flipped/reflected for some characters.
Seishu is apparently another name for sake.
I love how they don’t need names - they just call each other the names of the food they’re eating.
Wait, if these guys come from fantasy worlds, then they have to pay with fantasy currency, right? That’s problematic…as anyone who’s stuck overseas with their home country’s money will tell you.
Oh gosh…the boob jiggle was completely unnecessary…
I presume the contents of the pot was more beef stew, but I can’t be sure until I’ve been shown it. Why do I always feel like there will be something more suspenseful or action-like in this? Because of the fight about what suits white rice best?...Yeah, that’s probably it.
What is “knight’s sauce”???
I thought Aletta was a centaur, like Himeno (of this season’s A Centaur’s Worries). Turns out she’s a demon…
I may not be an expert on food (I watch Masterchef for the drama, LOL), so I’ll need Google to find out what corn potage is…There’s a great description of corn potage here, if you’re not familiar with it.
If I could understand more about the chef, then maybe I’d be behind this show a bit more. There’s always the backstory of the chef involved in these shows, since cooking, like anime, is a personal experience.
What’s that on the right of the tomatoes?
The breakfast special is called “morning” in katakana, which…I’ve never heard of until now. I thought “baiking = buffet” was the weirdest Japanese food concept I’d ever come across, prior to this…
I think they’re trying to go the moe route with Aletta. Moe never worked on me, people. Remember that.
14 hours on one day? I guess that’s not so demanding for a full time job, but I was a bit alarmed by it for a second since I’ve only ever dealt with part time jobs, haha. Well, it’s like the chef said – it must be pretty rough for Aletta if she’s not used to it.
Gratuitous shower scene irks me a little. A show like this should focus on what it does best and not something more or something less. I mean, this time it makes sense in context, but fanservice ruined Izetta and Matoi for me previously…so this is a bad sign.
LOL, men’s body wash…or shampoo…or something. Couldn’t really read it.
Where did this outfit come from? Is there an existing staff member that’s the same size as Aletta?
I feel like they shouldn’t have cut out Aletta’s training day. That way, there would’ve been more love for Aletta – which is what the staff seem to want. Sure, it would’ve shoved some other things out of the way, but Aletta seems like a main character, so…
My instinct says this is a dish best binged and devoured with actual food, so let’s go with that. I’m quite open to dropping it though, because it has somewhat skewed priorities in a few places.
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