#the idea that thorin is a major cockblock is my favorite thing because he's so dumb
moononastring · 7 years
Six Ways to Sunday: Part 1 - Fili
Title: Six Ways to Sunday Pairing: Fili x Liliana (OC) Genre: Romance/Humor Rating: PG-13
Author’s Note: This will be a two-shot. The idea has been dancing in my head for a while now and I finally felt inspired! You can read about Fili & Liliana here ,  here and here.The only point of this was Fili x Lily fluff lol. Hope you enjoy! Feedback is always welcome :)
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Liliana heard him coming before she saw him, her lips curling into a smile as the sound of her husband’s tired footsteps came closer. He opened their bedroom door and closed it, leaning against it with a sigh and she looked up at him.
“Hello darling.” she called out to him from her spot in their bedroom sitting area. She was working on some suggestions for an upcoming event but paused, seeing his face. He shuffled over to her with a small frown and tossed two of his many knives on the table then flopped his body down on the long chair next to her. She chuckled softly, amused, then adjusted herself so he could rest his head in her lap more comfortably.
“Tough day?” she asked gently, leaning down to plant a kiss on his lips. Fili closed his eyes at the touch of her lips and let out a groan in response. She chuckled again. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
Fili let out another whine and buried his face in his wife’s lap, rubbing his forehead into her thigh. Liliana held back a giggle. There were times when Fili being near her thighs meant a whole different ending (one that involved a lot less clothes), but this side of Fili was one of her favorites, because all he wanted was a good cuddle.
“It’s so ridiculous how overworked we are. I’m bloody exhausted.” Fili responded with a gruff and Liliana gave him a sympathetic smile, gently running her fingers down his hair. “Sometimes Uncle forgets that there are other things to do besides prep this kingdom. We’ve been going since after the battle. A little break would be nice.”
“Oh, my lionheart.” she whispered and leaned down again to softly plant kisses on his forehead, cheek, and then his lips again. Liliana observed his tired eyes and she hated how simply worn out he was all the time. “You do need a break. We should slip away and spend a day on our own.”
“I would love that.” he mumbled, his eyes still closed, enjoying the sensation of his wife’s fingers in his hair. He turned his body and wrapped his one arm around her legs and pulled her free hand into his other. “Just you and I...But when would we? Uncle throws a fit if we’re a little late…he desperately needs a distraction.”
“Maybe we should just force his hand then.” Liliana suggested and Fili turned his head to look at her with a raised brow and chuckled at her mischievous grin.
“And how exactly would you do that?”
“With logic and a little blunt force.” she replied with a grin. “Don’t worry dear, you know I can be very persuasive.”
“Don’t I know it.” he replied and she squinted at his tone, shoving him gently. He laughed and brought the hand he was holding up to his lips and kissed it. “I meant it in a good sense...it’s very Queen-like.”
“That better be how you meant it.” she mumbled with a shake of her head. “Or else our little adventure for tomorrow will be canceled.”
“Adventure?” he perked up, turning to lay on his back to stare up at his wife and she nodded.
“Yes...dress more comfortably tomorrow with less knives, please.” she said and he chuckled.
“I don’t even have that many on me right now.”
“I beg to differ, darling. I know you have at least ten more on you and where they are on you.”
“True...you know me too well, little dove.”
“Of course, my darling. Otherwise every time I wanted you on me, I’d have gotten stabbed.”
Fili burst out laughing and Liliana giggled. “I’d apologize but we both know it won’t change.”
“Sadly.” she said, placing another kiss on his lips. “I always think you’re extra happy to see me but then it’s just another knife.”
“I am always extra happy to see you.” he replied and gave her a playful pout then pointed to his lips. Liliana laughed and leaned down, giving him a deeper kiss than her previous pecks.
“And I’m always extra happy to see you, my handsome husband.” she said with a smile. “Now why don’t you go change for bed and I’ll join you in a few minutes?”
“Alright.” he said with a sigh and slowly sat up. “But you better be quick and preferably naked.”
She laughed. “Go, you blonde brute!”
Fili chuckled and gave her a kiss before getting up and doing as he was told. As he made his way to their bathing room, he grinned, greatly anticipating this ‘adventure’ she was supposedly going to take him on. Mostly, he was anticipating how she planned to approach his Uncle about it.
Liliana awoke first the next morning. She quietly stretched and turned her body to face her sleeping husband and a gentle smile spread across her face. Even while sleeping, Fili looked exhausted and she decided that letting him sleep in would be the first of what would happen on their day together. If she could spend the whole day just staring at him, she would, she’d never get enough of him; Liliana loved him so much it was actually hard to breath at times. She slowly ran a finger down his face and giggled softly as his nose twitched then quickly slid out of bed.
She hummed to herself as her morning routine took place; washing up, choosing a simple and flowy dress to suit their outing today, and lastly, brushing her hair and leaving it to fall in it’s natural, soft curls.
A soft knock came at the door and Liliana rushed to open it before waking up Fili, who to her relief was still in a deep sleep. Her handmaiden, Arowyn was at the door and about to come in when Liliana put a finger to her lips and stepped out.
“Is something wrong, my lady? I’m usually here to wake up Prince Fili for his meetings. He’s running late.”
“Nothing is wrong.” Liliana said brightly, pulling Arowyn with her down the hall. “But Fili won’t be attending any meetings today. He’s going to be sleeping in and then spending the day with me.”
“Oh.” replied the handmaiden. “D-does King Thorin know this? I believe he’s expecting him.”
“No worries! I will deal with Uncle Thorin.” Liliana said with a smile. “I do have a task for you, though.”
“My lady?”
Still smiling, Liliana paused in front of the girl. “Please warn anyone that thinks to come near my bedroom door and disturb my husband from resting that they will have to answer me and it will be painful.” she said and Arowyn blinked rapidly. “He is tired and I want him to rest as long as he wants. Remind anyone that wants to question this order that I am Dwalin’s daughter and my father taught me very well.”
“Y-yes, my lady.”
“Thank you, Arowyn.” Liliana said sweetly and Arowyn nodded with a nervous smile. “Now, once you do this, will you please meet me down in the kitchens? I need some assistance setting up for my date with my husband.”
“Of course.”
Liliana waved off her very bewildered handmaiden then made her way to the meeting hall that sucked up all her husband’s time. She knew there was a possibility she would get in trouble for this but was willing to risk it for some quality time with Fili. He deserved it and that’s what she would make sure they knew.
As she neared the door, she heard their squabbles inside, her father’s included and winced slightly. He really wasn’t going to like where this conversation would go. Oh well.
Bracing herself, she put on a bright smile and strut into the hall. They didn’t notice her at first and she held back a snort as her eyes fell on Kili’s half-asleep figure seated at the table.
“Fili, it’s about time you arrived.” Thorin’s voice rang out.
“No Uncle, it’s just me.” Liliana replied and all conversation paused. “Good morning, everyone!”
Most of the company was there and Liliana made her way to her Uncle Balin, planting a kiss on his cheek then her father’s, and lastly, Thorin’s, who gave her a confused look.
“Where’s Fili?”
“You’ll have to forgive him, Uncle, but he won’t be making it to today’s meetings.” Liliana began, leaning in to poke Kili’s cheek, waking him right up.
“And why is that?” Thorin questioned, a look of annoyance flashing across his face.
“What’s wrong with your husband, sweetheart?” Dwalin asked.
“He’s exhausted, Da. That’s what’s wrong with him.” Liliana replied, stopping in front of them. “As you all are because you’re always cooped up in here all the time. When’s the last time any of you took a break to relax?”
“Being tired isn’t an excuse.” Thorin replied dismissively. “Go wake him and rush him down here, I need him.”
“I shall not.” Liliana replied and held her Uncle’s gaze as he squinted at her.
“Oy. What do you think you’re talking to your King like that for?” Dwalin asked gruffly.
“I’m not speaking to him as my king, I’m speaking to him as my Uncle and the closest thing to a father my husband has.” Liliana said, crossing her arms across her chest and staring at Thorin firmly. “I miss my husband because I rarely see him due to the high amount of stress and work he deals with. He barely gets sleep and we barely get to spend time together. I miss him. So I’m taking him for the day.”
Thorin sighed and shook his head. “I understand your concern, Lily, but really now. This is important. Go call him and we’ll try to finish our planning earlier today.”
“Once more, Uncle Thorin, I shall not.” Liliana replied and Dwalin gaped at his daughter. Kili who was wide awake now, was grinning widely at this exchange. “I am hogging my husband for the day and I don’t wish to be disturbed. We are going to spend the day together, just the two of us.”
Thorin rolled his eyes and his face settled on an irritated expression. “Our meeting isn’t going to be held up so you and Fili can be lovebirds for the day. I’m not in the mood for this nonsense. You can have him in the evening.” Thorin replied, his tone firm. “Kili, go wake your brother.”
“Kili, don’t move.” Liliana replied and Kili’s eyes widened at the challenge, as did Dwalin’s.
Thorin tilted his head, staring at his niece with a raised brow. “Are you challenging your King’s authority?”
“No. I am demanding that my Uncle stop being stubborn and let a wife take care of her husband.” Liliana replied, walking closer to Thorin and bringing in her special weapon -- the pout. Her lips formed a sad pout as her hands settled on her waist. “Stop depriving me of my husband!”
Balin chuckled and finally spoke up. “Thorin, leave them be. We can always fill in Fili later. Let the lass have her husband.”
“Balin, don’t go encouragin’ her.” Dwalin interjected. “Lily, enough now, I’m shocked you’re acting this way.”
“You act like you haven’t spoiled her.” Balin said with a snort. “She’s had you by your jambags since she was born.”
“As she has you!” Dwalin tutted.
“Frankly, she has everyone here by the jambags.” Kili mumbled.
Thorin rolled his eyes again and let out a huff. “You two can have an hour then I want him down here.” he said. “I can’t believe we’re even negotiating this.”
Liliana’s pout intensified. “I wouldn’t have had to negotiate this if I saw my husband more!” she replied and strut up right to Thorin’s face. “I want to spend the day undisturbed with my husband and if someone does disturb us, I will have him six ways to Sunday on this meeting table and won’t care who’s watching. We’ll see how much work you all will get done then.” 
Thorin blinked rapidly in shock, Dwalin sounded like he was choking on his own saliva, and Kili looked like he was about to positively die of laughter.
Dis had chosen this exact moment to walk in and her expressed was identical to her brother’s.
“...I’m not sure if I want to ask what’s going on.” she muttered, taking in the scene.
Balin ran a hand down his beard and tried to hold back his grinning. “Run along, Lily dearie. You won’t be disturbed.”
Liliana’s eyes were still on Thorin, who was dumbstruck at the bluntness of his niece.
“Thank you, Uncle Balin.” she said, after a moment of silence, flashing the room with a wide grin. Quickly pecking Thorin and Dwalin on the cheeks, she winked at Kili whose grin matched her own then dropped a kiss to Balin and Dis, and rushed out; she had a husband to get back to.
The room was silent for a moment and Kili was the having the hardest time keeping his composure and not bursting into laughter.
“Goodness Thorin.” Dis finally broke the silence, her eyes finding her brother’s. “I see Vili and I aren’t the only ones who suffered from your cockblocking. You’re passing it down to the next generation!”
Part Two
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