#the kappas look like ludo from star vs you can't change my mind
verfound · 6 months
FIC: Spring is for the Day They Met (MLB; Lukanette; Winters)
@rengokuswifeysblog Pssssst remember when you asked about a first meeting fic??? 👀
Characters/Pairings: Naga!Luka Couffaine, Witch!Marinette Dupain-Cheng; Luka Couffaine/Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Rating: Teen and Up
Summary: Luka wasn’t used to seeing humans this far into his forest.  He’s not used to seeing witches this far into his forest.  He’s not sure he’s going to like it.  (Marinette, on the other hand, is just fascinated by the fact that a snake is the ward of her new home.  That was definitely something her superiors could have mentioned before sending her here.)
Author’s Notes/Warnings: Ages back, Bloody had this idea about Naga!Lu being fascinated with Marinette’s human feet.  It made me think of the meeting scene in Disney’s Tarzan, and then I got all twisted up in first meetings and feet and could not for the life of me make any progress with the fic.  I went through so many drafts with this, and then I realized if I focused more on the meeting and not on the feet the fic actually came together quite nicely?  So.  Here’s the fic formerly known as “Human Feet”?  Now with 95% more meet cute and 75% less feet jokes. 😂
“Spring is for the Day They Met”
It was a glorious spring day, but then again, all of them had been glorious so far.  After an entire winter of not-so-nice days cooped up in his cave, hiding away from the cold and the snow, the sun shining high above him through the clearing in the leafy canopy of the trees was a welcome sight.  Even the breeze, still cool in the early spring, was a much welcome change from the bitter chill of winter.  The ice had completely thawed from the river below him, and his rocks were once again prime basking space.
Even better, spring was still early, and most of the Forest’s inhabitants had yet to realize he was once again up and about.  If they had had any need for him, those needs had not yet been serious enough to bother seeking him out.  He was free to sprawl out on his rocks, soaking up as much sun as he could in an attempt to recover from a too-long winter.
Yes, spring had once again come to the Forest, and life was…
A resounding slap echoed across the water, followed by the raucous bark of heckling laughter.  More laughter bubbled up in chittering cackles as water splashed and rough, croaky voices squabbled.  He dropped his head back onto the rock, hanging it upside-down to stare across the river to the opposite bank.
It would be perfect, he couldn’t help but think, if those damned kappas would relocate.
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