#the tyrant dragon one (one of my absolute oldest ocs) plays a dragon deck while the horus one plays gravekeepers with horus as an ace card
Y'know what I really like Tyrant Dragon and Horus the Black Flame Dragon. When it comes to DM era Dragon-type monsters in Yugioh, Blue-Eyes White Dragon and Red-Eyes Black Dragon dominate the conversation, and that's understandable, as they are the classics, but Tyrant Dragon and Horus have surpassed them in my heart this year as my favorites. Tyrant Dragon was likely designed to represent, y'know The Dragon, as a concept. Several of the Dragon support cards introduced in Legacy of Darkness feature Tyrant Dragon in their artwork, and to me it looks like it was designed to be the boss monster of general Dragon decks. Meanwhile, Horus came out later, but was the centerpiece of the new LV monster gimmick, and outshined the others by actually being kind of good! Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV8 is still an incredibly powerful card, but my favorite thing about it is that it not just enables a very fun aggro-lockdown strategy, it also has some absolutely beautiful artwork. Tyrant Dragon is a classic dragon with all the essential characteristics, which is great, but what's also great is Horus, with its design applying Ancient Egyptian imagery and visual styles to the anatomy of a more European-styled Dragon, and the result looks fantastic. It helps that they're both Fire attribute too!
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