#the weird cult stuff also didn't make any sense to me during play??
gamingofkenna · 9 months
Oxenfree 2 spoilers, re the 'final choice'
I played the whole game in a solid 7 hour chunk yesterday and I'm still trying to decide how I feel about it, and I'll have to do another playthrough when I can, because there's so much of the way the characters are that seems based on your choices so I wanna see what happens when I make other choices
but I'm seeing that a lot of people let Olivia go through the portal at the end, and that everyone who didn't is saying those who did are monsters for letting this grief-stricken teenager kill herself
and. i don't think there is a 'right' choice at the end there in most circumstances. but i did let Olivia take the radio, because as awful as it felt I just kept thinking that I couldn't do that to Rex
especially since we just had a ghost moment of Rex telling Riley she has to keep fighting, even though she's going to keep failing? to follow that up with 'or you can just kill yourself now to save these kids'? like it is a horrible thing to do to Olivia but it's a horrible thing to do to Rex too?
honestly, based on my playthrough, the 'right' thing seems to be Jacob going through the portal. few players forced him to because apparently the only way for him to do it is if you force him - I didn't even let him come on the island with me. I saw the prompt that I could stop him and immediately knew that if I didn't he would die. Riley kept seeing visions of her future but Jacob never did. Jacob kept talking to me about how he feels he never did anything important in life, how he likes just chilling in his hometown, how he doesn't have any grand ambition but also wants to do something important and meaningful
when that prompt popped up I thought 'if I go to that island I'm getting sucked into this loop too and I'm not coming back; Jacob doesn't deserve that' and I made him stay. I'm curious now if there's a specific dialogue tree that leads to Jacob deciding, at the end, that him going through that portal and saving everyone by doing what he's always been doing is his way of being a hero. but that wasn't the option i'd been given. instead I had two suicidal people, who both had their whole lives in front of them
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solthesilly · 23 days
more cotl info because I fell asleep last night listening to a recording I made of explaining the game and my plan and woke up at four a.m to me from two years ago talking about a mushroom themed game I wanted to make
oooo swearword warning ooo
for some reason in the cotl recordings, I kept making jokes about “iterator logs” even though I’ve literally never watched those animations lol
anyway, blueberry (eligos) befriended looks to the moon, somehow. Blueberry is kind of an asshole though. He steals my coins all the time.
i went to anchordeep and then kallamar made the very bad decision to make my in game partner sick. hes gonna get what's coming to him soon
met those stupid shield enemies you can only kill by basically pulling an uno reverse card and shooting their stuff back at them, which makes NO sense because that has never been a mechanic in any other part of the game and didn't get explained
Had to stay at the cult for the rest of my time playing because i didn't know what else to do besides fish or buy followers from helob, which by the way that's super weird why the fuck is he running a food truck mixed with like. idk something illegal but i forgor what its called
but i guess hes ok since i can buy followers any time i need to now
what am i meant to do about this lmao
and also one of the followers died i just forgot who
i made a shared shelter because somehow those are easier to make than sleeping bags
I'm close to unlocking the final level of cult stuff i think
pabreon (yellow n red pig) and brearon (red panda) are friends now, they became friends during the first day of the brainwashing ritual. I also fixed starvation due to that ritual, since they no longer lose faith through eating grass meals
looks to the moon at a fish feast and immediately became healthy again
i have a cool dark blue and yellow cow named Maty who i got from a follower quest to recruit sick followers
looks to the moon and saint became friends, which is insanely funny because i didn't think the only two rain world followers left would be friends
arljumer :)
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also my prettiest set of decorations in my base
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culttvblog · 2 months
Inside Victor Lewis-Smith: Introduction
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I see that it has been some time since I wrote about my occasional worry that the supply of old, interesting TV will run out. It wouldn't necessarily affect this blog, because I would quite happily start all over again, blogging about the same stuff for a second time, but the worry that I will eventually have seen everything I want to, comes back now and then. However I've been finding more interesting stuff down the back of the internet for several years now because a lot was uploaded during lockdown and sadly Network DVD went out of business so are no longer around to defend their copyright. I think the long-term loss of Network will be greater to the cult TV fan than the chance find of some pirated copy of a show on YouTube.
Periodically my searches find real gems and this is one of them: to my delight I had somehow managed never even to have heard of this show. This is one of those posts where I'm going to advise you right now that it would be a better investment of your life to stop reading this blog and go and watch this show on YouTube at once. There are six episodes on YouTube, which according to Wikipedia is the complete show, but IMDb says there was a second series making it up to ten episodes, and I don't know which is right.*
Still here? OK, I'll give it the hard sell and start by telling you that you might have heard of programmes made by this show's creator, Victor Lewis-Smith. He tended to be something of a shock journalist and programme maker, so please don't be put off if you've seen any of his other output and found it distasteful. This show is completely different and you don't get dross on this blog.
The premise is that Lewis-Smith himself is in a coma following an accident in the Frank Bough Memorial Zip Injury Wing at St Reith's Hospital for Distressed Broadcasters. If you let this idea sink in, I know you will all readily see that this is a TV programme about TV, and Lewis-Smith is actually fed TV as part of his recovery before he starts regurgitating his TV memories. You may of course say that this ia about as meta as you could wish to get, but it isn't a load of poncey stuff about Theory. If I tell you that this show is actually as if this blog were a TV show, I think you'll get the general idea.
Also in common with this blog, the programmes shown to him are played in through his life support. And we all know that old TV is the staff of life. AFter he starts playing the programmes back, the BBC decide to use him as a free transmitter, even though the programmes are twisted by his strange sense of humour. I have to say that this show is one of the ones which has literally had me laughing out loud. If you like Monty Python, I think you would like this show, and everyone reading this likes Monty Python, surely? The British Comedy Guide describes it as part sitcom and part sketch show. This show is wild and I can't believe I had never heard of it.
It was broadcast between November and December 1993, and the episodes are named after TV show: The Money Programme, Nationwide, The Saint, The Baron, Danger Man, and Tomorrow's World.
My only criticism is that there is an ongoing thread of a taxi journey through his body, which I think is less successful. The commentary after Lewis-Smith's death commented that he didn't really break through to a major TV audience, and I think going by this show it's simply that this is top-notch television but definitely wouldn't have had popular appeal.
My favourite bit is in the second episode in a running sketch where he prank calls someone, when he rings up the Monopolies Commission to say that it's wrong they should have a monopoly on monopolies commissions and he wants to set up another one. And don't miss the Eurovision Atrocity Contest.
*I am heavily dependent on the Wikipedia and IMDb pages for this show, because my head is still spinning from the weirdness.
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