#it does seem very much that thats the theme of the game tho lol
gamingofkenna · 9 months
Oxenfree 2 spoilers, re the 'final choice'
I played the whole game in a solid 7 hour chunk yesterday and I'm still trying to decide how I feel about it, and I'll have to do another playthrough when I can, because there's so much of the way the characters are that seems based on your choices so I wanna see what happens when I make other choices
but I'm seeing that a lot of people let Olivia go through the portal at the end, and that everyone who didn't is saying those who did are monsters for letting this grief-stricken teenager kill herself
and. i don't think there is a 'right' choice at the end there in most circumstances. but i did let Olivia take the radio, because as awful as it felt I just kept thinking that I couldn't do that to Rex
especially since we just had a ghost moment of Rex telling Riley she has to keep fighting, even though she's going to keep failing? to follow that up with 'or you can just kill yourself now to save these kids'? like it is a horrible thing to do to Olivia but it's a horrible thing to do to Rex too?
honestly, based on my playthrough, the 'right' thing seems to be Jacob going through the portal. few players forced him to because apparently the only way for him to do it is if you force him - I didn't even let him come on the island with me. I saw the prompt that I could stop him and immediately knew that if I didn't he would die. Riley kept seeing visions of her future but Jacob never did. Jacob kept talking to me about how he feels he never did anything important in life, how he likes just chilling in his hometown, how he doesn't have any grand ambition but also wants to do something important and meaningful
when that prompt popped up I thought 'if I go to that island I'm getting sucked into this loop too and I'm not coming back; Jacob doesn't deserve that' and I made him stay. I'm curious now if there's a specific dialogue tree that leads to Jacob deciding, at the end, that him going through that portal and saving everyone by doing what he's always been doing is his way of being a hero. but that wasn't the option i'd been given. instead I had two suicidal people, who both had their whole lives in front of them
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bongkillua · 6 months
im SUPER late to the ask game however. 5 & 9 for all of them
anon you are never too late i love talking abt these guys and these r rly good questions
5. How did you figure out your oc’s identity?
TUCKER - Tucker's has definitely ebbed and flowed with my own identity! He initially had a very different backstory that was explicitly about him being a stealth and closeted gay trans man. the way i played him made it so that it didnt really work for him to be trans but i hate playing cis characters so there was some weird magic and memory shit involved to make it work. but it just didnt make sense with the reworked story. took it as an opportunity to make him more openly trans but he was still an exclusive gay man for a while. and well then xander came around and i realized i was bisexual so now tucker is unlabeled because i just know hes going to keep changing with me. but like i truly dont think his character can wholly by separated from Gay Trans Man because so much of his personality and identity was built around that in the beginning.
XANDER - i made xander for the sole purpose of having fun with him. like seriously i made him for a school assignment because i didnt have a "cunty, whorish enough" character for the assignment and then she just stuck around so like... her identity has always just been "whatever is fun!" in the beginning he was like explicitly transmasc but i was playing around with using she/her pronouns for myself again so i gave them to xander to see if it would help me gain more confidence and it did! as i fleshed her out more tho her backstory started to rly revolve around changing identity and like specifically masculinity vs. femininity and how she performs both, and wuth that came the idea of transitioning back and forth over periods of time. because of THAT i wanted her to be really into drag because thats what drag is all about... and because shes rly into drag i wanted to explore her relationship to the transFEMININE experience because drag really cant be separated from that. so ive rly focused on embodying binary identities as performance for her gender. and because she sleeps around a lot ive just made her super fluid in terms of sexuality. shes not picky!
JORDAN - jordan was a he/they from the jump but i struggled a lot with their design and development for like YEARS but once i finally started fleshing them out i was immediately like "nah this guy prefers they/them and tacks he on for normies" and it genuinely helped me solidify his perception of not only their own identity but also life in general? theyre very "go with the flow because theyre extremely confident in themself and dont care how others perceive them". and then bisexual just seemed Right. idk. he sorta embodies "cool bisexual kid in high school that helps u realize ur also queer" and i just kinda went with the stereotype lol. also he seems like a Megan Fox Enjoyer.
KONAMI - i designed konami at a time where i was rly interested in the intersection of neurodivergence and queerness so his identity was def informed by that! along with queerness in childhood as a theme. ive always associated aesthetics like his with the rise in usage of neopronouns (in a good way!) so it just made sense to have them use it/its. if i wasnt a coward id throw some more fun pronouns on there but konami is also just a little guy so i honestly default to he/him a lot in the same way that you'd refer to like. a dog. and once again bisexual just made sense. i established pretty early on that his parents were super accepting of him being trans (konami was a binary trans guy when he was alive!) so i feel like sexuality just wasnt a huge concern for him.
9. Are there cultural or lore specific aspects to their identity? If applicable, does their species affect it?
TUCKER- ok so the more independent tucker became as a character the more i really leaned into how lycanthropy influences his identity and specifically his queerness. its always been a big part of his story but i rly got to Focus on it once he was mine and mine alone. so in wolfsbane lycanthropy is like. almost directly a metaphor for neurodivergence and like. how do i say this. Being Weird And Feeling Wrong As A Child. which you could argue also makes it a metaphor for transness but like i feel like his lycanthropy makes him trans in other separate ways? like lycanthropy in wolfsbane canonically causes an increase in testosterone production so tucker naturally has facial hair and body hair and a rly deep voice and "male-aligned" body fat distribution. despite being afab. and thats like a big struggle in the story bc his father wants him to Hide that but tucker is very Confident in that, both because he wants to embrace being a werewolf but ALSO because it gives him gender euphoria. and it takes him a LONG time to figure out that those are simultaneously separate things ("im not trans i just look like this!" (you are. you are trans)) and also intrinsically tied (transness as a feeling of Other as opposed to a distinct Gender Identity). AUGH idk if that makes sense. sexuality works pretty similarly. tucker has to repress a lot of himself because his family is scared that his lycanthropy will make him unruly and uncontrollable, and that he will hurt WHOEVER he loves. and in trying to control him they want him to Assimilate (aka Be Heterosexual). so he faces a similar struggle where he spends a long time trying to figure out if hes queer because he Likes Men or if hes queer because he Likes People, BOTH of which have been withheld from him.
XANDER- xander is an energy vampire and relies a lot on the balance between Taking and Giving. this means that he has to hide his true identity and give people a false one in order to get what he needs from them. and when you are performing an identity day in and day out is it really a performance anymore? or is it such a performance that it cant possibly be who you are? so thats like the Central struggle that vampirism invokes onto his identity. sexuality works similarly (can you tell that i have a hard time distancing gender from sexuality?) where he spends so much time forging these fake bonds and hooking up with anyone who will give him the time of day that he really doesnt have the time, energy, or maturity to figure out who he's Truly attracted to. her constant need to perform makes it nearly impossible for her to feel authentic in any way.
JORDAN- im gonna start sounding like a broken record at this point but my understanding of transness and queerness is so far removed from the idea of gender itself that i have no choice but to talk about identity as a whole. SORRY. anyways jordan's identity is heavily influenced by his schizophrenia and his dad. and the way THAT influences him is that he wants to Minimize his body because they do not feel attached to their body at all. and Maximize his ability to Reflect his Father because those experiences were the most important to him. so like. really thinking about it now i feel like a big reason why they even identify as transmasc is a. They Need To Remove Any Unnecessary Part Of Their Body NOW And That Means The Tits Have Got to Go amd b. he can distance himself from who he was as a child and align himself with his FATHER who is like the most important and influential figure in his life. in terms of sexuality they're kind of similar to xander but like the reverse side of the coin? They are so authentically themself that its hard for them to find room in their life for another person. so like while jordan identifies as bisexual i often say they also align themself with aromanticism because romance is just very difficult for him to figure out. a lot of the times it boils down to utility over attraction. which works for some people! (tucker) and not for others (all of his ex's).
KONAMI- konami died and forgot what gender and sexuality were. i explain this more HERE but because of konami's history it doesnt have a reference point for what gender Is. so a lot of his identity boils down to concepts as opposed to things like masculinity and femininity. i really want to do more deep exploration into how tucker, xander, and jordan's queerness influences konami's own identity as well as his perception of gender and identity but i guess for a quick answer he latches onto Connecting Words before he latches onto Individual Labels. so things like "dad" and "aunt" make more sense to him than "man" and "woman" because they have a purpose and a role attached to them. but then again those roles have been defined by queer people who don't perfectly fit into the Status Quo of that role but enact/perform it in unique and nuanced ways. this is also why he more quickly latches onto "son" and "boy" (and specifically how boy fits into a Family structure) than any other gendered labels. again like ive stated before, bisexual came pretty easily because with a lack of gender awareness just came an understanding that gender wasn't a factor in regards to attraction. hence bisexual.
this is so long omfg but what it all boils down to is um. my relationship to queerness is founded on experience, intersectionality, and bodily autonomy, not gender as its own concept. so nonhuman identities (and sometimes just Different Human identities) are always going to influence identity and Be A Metaphor for HOW experience influences identity and vis versa.
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imorphemi · 4 years
downloaded spotify again on my laptop for sky music, and well, i dont put my headphones on very often when im playing sky which is kinda sad...the music is beautiful, as well as having very interesting titles...
Anyways, ive only listened to the first few and some of them im just trying to remember which belongs where. Just gonna lay out a few of my thoughts here
yknow, the manta theme just doesnt seem to fit without the manta calls in it.
The elders and their temples do have a leifmotif across their songs
Ok at some parts it really reminds me of the Great Sea in Wind Waker
A Portentous Walk? I did not know what that word meant XD
It means ominous. Sounds about right for forest. But for this part? Not very ominous...well until you get to the low notes...
I LOVE WALTZING IN THE RAIN (has a sudden desire to draw forest elder dancing in the rain)
I love this theme so much askfjhadlskjd
It has that swaying feeling that could lull you to sleep man. I want a version of this but with rain ambience
Now this one, an Invention. I dont recognize this theme OH THE NOTES SOUND ODDLY OFF? Im guessing its referring to darkstone, or the thing that molds darkstone...yeah i cannot remember where this theme plays i will need to go through the game again with headphones. I do need to go through forest next.
Faded Glories eh? thats...interesting. 
Anyways, just gonna pop this in here but i was really hoping for the butterfly charmer theme to be in here.
SOMERSAULT!!! Love this theme! Now i can listen to it without it fading out when im going too slow!
Ok but i kinda dont like how theres no background music in the rink. It makes it feel simply empty and cold, unlike Somersault
Diving in to the race aight!
...And now theres a fourth no i dont want to listen to it i want to listen to sky
Shall we play? eeee i love the little jingles in there
Before A Fall ohohohoho 
...Two Heroes? hmm
Where does this play??? I need to go to wasteland anyways today ill have to check that out.
VAULT!!! Music is so soothing here
An Invitation...OHHHHHHHH
Im also currently looking through the concept art and um, the starting area was once called Mental Space???
For those who have come before
that is...interesting. What does it mean?
ARG this is why i dont like spotify
The story thus far is unclear and i need more lore pls
oh thats pretty
thats really pretty
Hmm very ominous (the current)
Well actually as i type that is it referring to the current, like as in right now, or current like water?
I also do not know where this plays pls help
Dang those accidentals
eeeeeee its like krill has spotted you
they’re putting together a lot of notes that dont really harmonize but it still sounds dope
reeeeeeeeEEEEEEEE (me hearing one note in a bunch that is off)
and...soothing music-nope still ominous
The Deep...Im pretty sure this is all eden lol
I dont know where this plays tho. I dont go to eden often and when i do, usually its without headphones.
might solo run eden sometime
where the heck does this play???
Exhale is coming up...
‘takes off headphones’ im just going to wait until this bastard gets out of here
Why is there always a mcdonalds one???
Ok exhale
yknow, interesting word choice there
ok i love the little reversed notes playing in the background
OOOH THE CELLO (Lost and Found)
I am going to get another four ads in here before i finish listening to this playlist arent i
to orbit!
Cloud Messenger? Oh this is like, when you first start out the game
Cloud Messenger...thats interesting
The light beyond! Its so pretty! I hope those vocals arent just rambles and are actually words and mean something because its really pretty
Also, Orbit doesnt have much of a soundtrack but the sound design of the place is really, really dang pretty and cool.
ooh it be pretty 
oho i hear a bit of forest in there
That was amazing and i love it asldfkjhasdlkfhladf
But i hate spotify. I usually listen to music on youtube with an adblocker so
Anyways, congrats for getting to the bottom of my rambles! You get a heart!
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adam-is-suffering · 4 years
What I know of the trolls (pt 2)
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- Deadass? I thought at first these were just her eyes and not glasses and I was about to up her on the ranks of “best of the best” 
- So she likes to interrogate? Thats interesting.
- She’s the one who people ship with Nepeta
- Aaand I remember her from a convo with my sister’s gf about her horns I think
- The server is obsessed with Terezi, they have all right to be
- Know what else is interesting? Apparently she hangs her stuffed animals out the window and I strive to be that chaotic as a child
- God she fights with her walking stick? Goddamn respect, I’m gonna guess she’s blind then
- Apparently she licks things to see? Power move.
- She has the biggest dick energy I’ve ever seen
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- Does she even need a take on her character? I’ve heard the discourse, I probably read it unknowingly before, I know how she works.
- I was shat on because I said Undertale’s Megalovania was from the game, and a Homestuck came up to me like “pussy, its Vriska” so yknow
- But I will sum up what the discourse said:
- She killed a few people, some are mad. But apparently others are apologists because of her upbringing and importance to the comic. And how she solves a big problem at some point to help others? But then she also killed, so yknow. I have no idea what to say about her until I read it, so I’ll keep this post fucking absent of opinion before I get mauled by hungry and starved Vriska discoursers.
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- Who the fuck uses this as the first image after searching for his name YOU ABSOLUTE BASTARDS
- So this was probably the worst thing to happen so far and I havent even started. Fucking goddamnit.
- So this is saggy tits, he was the first character I was introduced to on the server. Best friends with Nepeta, the diamond thingy.
- God great just fantastic
- But imagine I didnt see this, then I would assume he just loved being strong and playing with his bow and arrow. I saw a few pieces of fanart, and his dad … his dad is hot lemme just tell you
- Man.. fuck. Did he trip? Is that how he died?
- Well at least I don’t know when this happens.
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- Well youre crazy
- Or either you just got hurt, and you’re just trying to assure everyone that “I’m fine it doesnt hurt” in which case, of course, Gamzee. You look just fine.
- But I still think you’re a little crazy.
- And a clown (though probably a juggalo by the looks of things)
- Apparently clowns rule the government so hey, got that going for yourself
- I first thought he had a cow theme but was corrected of course
- This is a fave character of a few people, I think, while the others.. don’t like him? Understandable. Idk where I stand though.
- But I did read smth cursed on his character which I will not say bc even if I suggest this blog to be 18+, there’s still limits
- He also likes juggling
- Obviously what else did I expect from that? That he liked politics instead?
- And I think he drinks too goddamn it, theyre all alcoholics
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- Someone is very passionate about making Gamzee seem less of a crazy troll but hey, I’d read that if I didn’t want to be spoiled more
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- Okay who told you it was okay to ride a seahorse and hold a gun in the middle of a thunder storm while also being a fish who resembles that one guy from Danganronpa?
- A loser is what lol
- Nah real question, how are you even holding onto the seahorse? Like I get the saddle and the ropes, but the way its placed just seems like you can slip off at any given moment.
- Also people are putting him in dresses, idk if thats his interest or just a thing the fandom likes to do
- Honestly you never know tbh
- He’s literally just a hipster fish I’m not sure what else there is to say
- He gives douchebag energy? Is that what you want?
- Man, one of the tags on the search just says “Sad” are you okay fish Eridan? Do you want to talk about it?
- Oh and his brother Cronus? I just watched a video of him dancing shirtless and I haven’t been the same since
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- She can breath underwater, I can see that
- She also looks like she’s cute but hiding her trident behind her back ready to stab a bitch, probably thinking you won’t see the blatant weapon
- Thats what the evil look is for
- Maybe she’s that “im kind until ill stab ya” kinda gal
- Yknow, the usual
- I do like her skirt though, I think she’s the most colourful here. Everyone else is emo, especially Karkat
- Aw the squid in the back is cute tho
- Also why are you swimming with clothes and shoes in the first place? They waterproof?
- Idk much about her. Like there’s nothing at all. Why is there minimal info and art of this one lol?
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
back at it again w/the hxh, heres my recap of the last few eps 
ok so i totally forgot to recap that one ep at the end of the hunter exam arc lets see what i remember from like 3 wks ago lollll
i thiiiiink i left off in the middle of ep 21 lol. i really dont remember much tbh so im gonna skim the ep to refresh
exposition time! its so wild that if you lose ur hunter card That It like u cant get another or retake the exam hgabjdfuhasjf Ls 
also the fact that you can sell it is rlly interesting 
leorio & kurapika backing up gon as he confronts illumi again :’) good lil family 
illumi u fool. gon is a shounen protag. he can do anything he sets his mind to
the fact that gon thanks illumi for telling him where killua is....hes literally THAT polite like...what a perfect boy 
hisoka just fuckgin stepping out of the shadows....ok bitch 
the fact that gon fucked up illumis arm that bad with one hand....boi is STRONK 
ok but like is illumi implying that hisoka is a fr p*do bc uhhhhh thats so nasty oh lord. pls stay away from gon, and killua, and like everyone as a matter of fact 
no but rlly what IS hisoka gonna do now. im assuming he’ll show up p soon (tho probs not in the zoldyc arc like i thought bc its shorter than i thought) 
ok the fact that they have the internet is hilariously wild to me for some reason....it just seems like this would be one of those fantasy shounen worlds with very little tech (a la one piece) but lol nope we can just google shit hvbhjdhjdfks
gon: it was fun when you beat me up for 3 hours and broke my arm! seeya dude!
i love gon he is so chill and doesnt seem to hold grudges except when it really matters (like hisoka and illumi) 
hanzo has.....ninja business cards....thats amazing hvbhsdjkujfnd
dont worry pokkle, leorio was basically carried thru the hunter exam by various people and also won by default. he still deserves his license tho
an exotic game hunter sounds pretty cool! i wonder if we’ll see pokkle again. kinda doubt it? that sounds pretty firmly non-combat based, and therefore probably pretty far from any plot lol
so gons dad is a bigshot huh.....whatever hed be a bigger deal if he didnt abandon his son tbh 
gon swinging his feet on the bench....sooo cute 
so ging could restore a bunch of ruins but he couldnt raise his son...ok
im just gonna be bitter at this guy for abandoning the most perfect boy vhbhjfbsjhdhbfsk sorry dude but being a good hunter doesnt make up for being a shit father 
gon is so precious ;_; 
why does it look like theyre googling things on MS paint 
ah yes, padokea, on the continent of Africa But Sideways 
idk if i talked abt it before but the world map is WILD lmao i love how its all the continents/landmasses scrambled around.....im super curious abt that weird island in the top center of the map, thats the only thing that immediately sticks out as not having a real life equivalent 
the music in this show is so charming :’) i love the main theme sm 
gon is sooo precious i literally cant get over it. and his hurry to rescue killua is so sweet....and i love how naturally charming/charismatic gon is....pretty much everyone he meets likes him, especially leorio and kurapika, who basically adopted him after knowing him for like a day, and continue to be completely taken by him
ok wtf is satotz & co talking abt......do they know something abt ging that they arent allowed to tell gon???? shouldnt gon have access to the same info now that hes a hunter? i need ANSWERS
i bet this whole thing abt the hunter exam not rlly being over is a metaphor abt the hunter exam NEVER truly ending bc youre always being tested, or st
ok the ED continues to be So Much like especially the last shot where the 4 main characters look like theyre posing for a JC Penny catalog while the singer goes FULL metal-screamo
ok ruth and i just rewatched the next two eps woohoo
i love that there are tourist busses that take people to the front gates so they can like pose for pics and stuff vhbhjafdsfkj and its like ‘ah yes here are where the local assassins live!’ thats so funny yet it makes so much sense
i love that leorio passed tf out during the bus ride. big big mood 
gon is so cute...hes like ok yes i understand that we’re not supposed to go in but i think they can make an exception for me bc im very polite. 
those 2 dudes r so ugly and so dead god bless
that bigass buster sword....sir please 
ruth and i rlly thot that the old guard guy was gonna turn out to be grandpa zoldyk or st lol
the fact that the dog managed to eat All their flesh but left some clothes....skill 
also the dog is named mike but it sounds like the guy is calling him miku hvbjdfssk
this cant be the first time some morons have been killed here likeeee 
i cant believe nobody has visited the zoldyk estate in 20 years damn they all rlly b havin no friends. depressing 
the whole gates thing is wild. also that part where gon gets the math wrong on the weight.....BIG mood kiddo 
ok the part where gons on the phone w/the butler is soooo good oh man. i love how gon just calmly dials the phone again after hes hung up on the first time and then YELLS....and leorio and kurapikas faces r so good 
also the butler guy unfortunately has a point, it isnt foolproof that gon is here Legit....but he IS let him see his tiny bf :( 
as ruth pointed out, the butler guy is reminiscent of kuro from one piece. same vibes 
maybe if leorio was jacked like he is in the manga/1999 anime he couldve opened the gate that first time around....Ls 
god i love this shows approach to Everything so far,....as ruth put it, half the time its like ‘oh wow they should do [x]/i wish theyd do [x] but ofc they wont cause its a shounen’ but then they DO do [x] and its like damn thats dope 
anyways i love how gon is increasingly approaching situations with his Plucky Shounen Protag Attitude in full swing, and he pretty much gets shot down every time. BUT his general determination to see killua bc killuas his FRIEND and hes gonna RESCUE HIM is still a good and pure motivating force 
like here, when hes climbing over the wall and hes like whatever i dont wanna have to deal w/being tested thats bullshit, i wanna see killua, my intentions are pure, im gonna try my luck with the dog....i was like ok yeah he’ll get over and like tame or defeat the dog and the guard will be suitably impressed bc nobodys ever done That before, and then gon will continue on to get killua 
but NOPE instead the guard calls him down and explains that gon Will Die if he tries that, and then the guard will die too for letting that happen. and gon is like oh shit my actions have consequences for people other than me, wow. 
and THEN the guard takes them in to meet the dog. and hot DAMN that is a scary creature. not even really a dog tbh. they did an excellent job making the dog Legit Scary and not just like, big and flashy looking....those eyes are so soulless, and the proportions are freaky 
and the guard says exactly what i was thinking - that gon would use his Country Boy Woodland Creature Skills to workaround the dog....but then the subversion - this creature is NOTHING like the woodland critters gon is probably used to dealing with. theres no way gon stood a chance here. the guard just saved him from a really unfortunate death 
i love all the Super Heavy Stuff in the servant house that seems so inconvenient vbhjdkfasjfld. also forgot to mention earlier but the guard guy being Absolutely Ripped was wild and kinda funny 
training montage! gon continues to be so cute. and i love so much how leorio and kurapika are like no, you rest, we’ll take care of this. good parents!!!!
and then!!!! they sync up and use the power of gay love to almost open the gate. but then gon uses the power of Improbable Shounen Protag Healing Speed to toss that arm sling off and help out
i feel like leorio was side-eyeing gon like w8 a sec u broke that arm like a few days ago that aint right.....
oh man i almost forgot abt that scene with the zoldyks torturing killua :( :( this poor kid he doesnt deserve that 
also mom zoldyck seems truly awful but i must say her aesthetic does fuck. the victorian-lookin outfit paired with the futuristic cyclops visor thing....excellent. also im betting this face bandages are from killua cutting her face 
this family is so fucked up hvbsjdhjfbakdfn
killua telling his mom that gon is definitely gonna make it there :’) hes got such unshakable faith in his bf thats so good.....
back w/the gang, and immediately they run into more trouble in the form of the young girl butler, whose name i dont know, but i love her....her design is SO good oh man. a non-caricature black person? who also isnt sexualized? in MY anime??????
 i love how gons approach to conflict is currently ‘let more powerful person beat me up for hours straight in hopes that they get tired or something idk bro’ like....i love him lol, is it in an effort to show how determined he is? he doesnt even try to dodge her blows or get around her....id be tryin to hop that fence lol 
oh shit the tiny zoldyk kid from earlier is spying on them....she was w/the mom so im sure thats not good
when he punches the rock part and it breaks....strong boiiii 
oh man that little flashback from when killua first came back and told her that he made a friend ;_; bruh 
i love butler girl :( she wants to let gon but knows it isnt allowed....and as soon as she starts to waver BAM here comes mom zoldyck JFC that was so sudden and jarring....im assuming butler girl isnt dead cause that would be lame and anticlimactic 
also IS THAT NEN??? NEN>>>??? NEN??? HM? NEN????????? 
im so annoying abt nen i need to make one of those ‘is this a pigeon?’ memes w/’is this nen?’ bc thats me anytime anything remotely weird happens lmao
i do think its rlly nen this time tho
anyways shit is wild, cant wait to meet the full zoldyck family 
as i said above i doubt hisoka will show up now bc this arc is a lot shorter than i anticipated. also im doubting that illumis even gonna show up honestly 
i think we’re gonna have this OP for a while, as the part just at the end shows gon and hisoka fighting in what looks to be an arena, and ik the next arc is the heavens arena arc, which im assuming is the tournament arc....
also i have no idea what that weird building in the OP is but my guess is that its the building w/the heavens arena in it bc its tall and,,,,heaven 
i predict there wont be much fighting in this little arc bc how tf else is it so short. at this point i rlly think gon is just gonna grab killua and go lmao. im super curious abt how thats gonna go down, considering that killua is currently strung up just bc he wont apologize...so i cant imagine his family would just let him leave w/gon. i wonder if killua will fight them, or if gons determination will impress them and then theyll let killua go (doubt it)
thats basically it....we’ll see abt the next few eps holla
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fluffyheretic · 4 years
I’m so fucking tempted to say “every single question with Kazushuu or Hitoshuu (except for the nsfw ones i guess)” But I don’t want to singlehandedly kill you
ok let’s do it
as a side note sometimes the answer is the same or similar for both ships just bc shuu is uh. the same person. but ofc not always
under cut for lengthhhh
1. Who makes the first move and how?
hitoshuu: normally im gonna say definitely hitori. he probably decides to be direct and just straight up ask. in iwasweetie au specifically tho i want it to be sweetie if only bc i need to make him get over his shit. he also asks “directly” but it actually involves a lot of stuttering and beating around the bush so it ends up not being very direct
shuukazu: im not sure if it would really be one of them specifically, i can see them as the “this kind of just happened” couple. maybe kazuaki is the one after several months whos like “so um… what are we…. lol………..”
2. Who is the most insecure and what makes them feel better?
hitoshuu: shuu, not that hitori is the paragon of confidence but shuus like “wtf hes the ideal young man and im Bastard Supreme but ok i guess”
shuukazu: BOTH LMAO but kazu is more vocal abt it and shuu is the Bottle Up EVERYTHING type
some good ol body positivity cuddle sessions work in both cases
3. Who is the most romantic?
anyone but shuu for obvious “i dont even know what feelings ARE” reasons
4. Who can’t keep their hands to themselves?
again anyone but shuu for obvious “i dont even know what intimacy IS” reasons but specifically hitori is just more confident and kazuaki isnt necessarily confident but is more just. shameless
5. Who says ‘I love you’ first?
not shuu for similar reasons as above. there’s a trend here, you see
6. Who would they ask if they ever had a threesome?
7. What do they get up to on a night out?
hitoshuu: going to dinner at a place thats nice but not TOO nice. like good comfortable atmosphere and good food but not posh
shuukazu: they probably just wander around, maybe go shopping, kazuaki keeps pointing out stuff he wants and dr iwamine “i dont know what to do with my money bc i dont want for material things” shuu just buys it for him. shuu please stop enabling him. stop it.
8. What do they like in bed?
hitoshuu: cuddling :)
shuukazu: snuggling :)
9. What is the most embarrassing thing they have done in front of each other?
i feel like shuu considers every single new couple-y thing he does to be the new most embarrassing thing he’s done. we’re holding hands? embarrassing. i kissed you? god now THATS embarrassing. you caught me wearing your sweater that you accidentally left at my place? well put me in the fucking ground thats literally the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to anybody. how dare i show sentimentality. despicable
kazuaki is similar in that he’s constantly one-upping himself and getting a NEW most embarrassing thing but his things include stuff like getting caught watching really strange anime and scream-singing pop songs and anime OPs in the shower
hitori probably like tripped on the sidewalk once
10. What two songs, two books and two luxury items do they take to a desert island?
these questions are difficult bc man idk what media exists in 2188 bird japan
11. What do they hide from one another?
in both cases shuus answer is “just about everything” hes terrified of the mortifying ordeal of being known. pretty much everything you learn about him has to be squeezed out
hitori hides how troubled he really is because he wants to seem like the responsible one everyone can depend on so that they dont have to worry about him. he does his best to hide when hes struggling but since shuu has that exact same impulse they pretty quickly start to see through each other, but are also very understanding about it.
kazuaki probably doesnt have as much to hide but he might be shy about portraying how REALLY in love with shuu he is too soon because he doesnt want to scare him away. he also hides the weirder shows and games and stuff that hes into lol
12. What first changes when it starts getting serious?
hitoshuu: i can see them having that kind of relationship where at first its casual and almost competitive in a way, like a “i think youre sexy and the only thing i know to do about it is see what i can do to make you flustered, then act smug when i succeed” thing. but over time when the novelty of that starts to wear off they both kinda realize they just straight up like each other and start being more genuine and soft.
shuukazu: again its a similar thing with shuu where he starts feeling more comfortable with letting himself be a little more genuine and START opening up. kazuaki picks up on this as a good sign and starts to worry less about trying to impress shuu and more just enjoying their time together.
13. When do they realize they should get together?
this is another one that i think is a similar answer in both cases, at least for shuu’s part he has a “dammit. i cant lose him” moment. since hes a person of very few words he tries to communicate “i want us to be serious” via letting down his walls a little bit, which hitori/kazuaki hopefully notice is happening and then are like “oh maybe we can work”
14. When one has a cold, what does the other do?
for shuu and hitori its “responsibly take care of you, bc its what i should do but also secretly i get STRESSED AS FUCK when someone i care about is sick so i gotta make sure youre okay”
for kazuaki its “take care of you, although i dont really know what im doing, also i thought since youre bedridden we could cuddle but its not as enjoyable as i wanted so like I’m Here but also im gonna watch tv okay? ill get u crackers and ginger ale”
15. When they watch a film what do they choose and why? Who gets the final vote?
hitoshuu: shuu’s gonna say he doesn’t care, but hitori also doesn’t really care so eventually he’ll get shuu to admit that he’d like to watch a nature documentary. especially if it’s marine-themed. hitori likes that too so hey there you go
shuukazu: shuu WILL watch the 76th pokemon movie OR ELSE
16. When the zombie apocalypse comes, how do they cope together?
hitoshuu: both are cutthroat bastards that do anything it takes to keep each other safe. their reliance and trust in each other is probably 99% of what keeps them going.
shuukazu: again shuus gonna do literally anything it takes to keep kazuaki safe, but to be real i dont know if kazuaki is making it out of this one. and if he doesnt then shuus not either.
17. When they find a time machine, where do they go?
shuu’s answer is going to be at various points in prehistory to study organisms that are now long-extinct (side note god thats definitely my answer too). his bf is worried abt the dangers but comes with him to make sure he doesn’t get into trouble.
i think hitori might not have anything specific in mind but going to historical sites in their heydays seems like a good choice.
since kazuaki likes literature he’d probably want to see historical stuff related to that, like seeing shakespeare plays when they first came out and meeting his favorite dead authors to ask them questions.
18. When they fight, how do they make up?
hitoshuu: hitori doesn’t like to dance around that kind of thing, after a little time has passed for them to both think about it then he’ll just be direct and say “hey lets talk about that thing that happened” if he feels he was in the wrong then he’ll then follow that up with an apology. i can see hitori being a little grudgy but then quickly getting tired of it and just wanting things to be resolved. shuu hates talking things out because hes bad at it but he knows its best so he’ll just try to explain how he felt at the time but also what he’s considered since then. even if he’s not good at explaining himself, hitori is good at understanding him anyway so they usually work it out pretty quickly.
shuukazu: they can be messier since kazuaki gets really emotional really quickly and sometimes says things he doesnt mean. theyre both bad at dealing with it afterwards though until after a few awkward days, kazuaki cant take it and is like “waaa i dont want us to be fighting anymore 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺” and shuus like “ok.” because yeah he’ll take the easy way out. they could probably improve their communication tbh
19. Where do they go on their first date?
hitoshuu: they probably decide to do something simple and casual to make it less awkward so they just get coffee. shuu feels like, from what he knows, that he should be expecting hitori to make a move on him. hitori doesnt because he wants to be considerate of shuus comfort level, but shuu takes it as a sign of disinterest. luckily shuu realizes hes wrong about that when hitori quickly invites him on Another date where they take a stroll in the park, and thats when hitori goes in for the tactical hand-hold maneuver.
shuukazu: kind of the opposite of hitoshuu in that they dont really declare it officially as a date. kazuaki just asks shuu if he wants to see a movie with him, not really calling it a date but kind of implying it to be one. shuu probably doesnt care about the movie but thinks this might possibly maybe be a date so he should go. kazuaki then uses it as a chance to Put On The Movies, as awkward as that might be, including the classic “stretch with my arms up and then let one down over your shoulders” move. shuu doesnt really know how to indicate his own interest in response but hopes the fact that hes also not complaining in any way gives a hint. despite it not REALLY being an official date at the time, later on theyll look back on it and decide that yeah that was their first date.
20. Where do they go on holiday?
shuu hates taking time off work, but if he must, then he’ll be content as long as theres something scientifically interesting there like a museum or an aquarium.
hitori doesnt really mind where they go, hes just grateful to get to go on holiday at all, so he’ll let shuu pick. and again, that’s going to be somewhere with a natural history museum, probably a very nice one and they’ll both enjoy it.
kazuaki is similar in that he’s just happy to be there but his ideal holiday destination is probably just…. akihabara. so shuu relents and goes there with him occasionally. kazuaki does like to visit aquariums with shuu though! they do both
21. Where do they get nervous about going with one another?
hitoshuu: the cemetery, at least at first when they arent used to being that vulnerable in front of each other
shuukazu: well shuu sure as shit is nervous about going to anime cons with kazu
22. Where does their first kiss happen?
in both cases, definitely at one of their homes, because shuus too much of a wreck to have a moment like that in a public place.
for shuukazu, i picture it that theyre just hanging out at kazuakis place and relaxing, and they end up cuddling a lot, and kazuaki kisses him kind of impulsively. hes then very apologetic about it before shuu manages to assure him that its fine.
hitoshuu, maybe hitori walks shuu home after a date and goes for the classic end of date goodbye kiss, but just on the cheek. then when once again hitori has walked shuu home, shuu wonders if he should expect a real kiss this time, but hitori goes for the cheek again. shuus disappointed and grabs hitoris sleeve before he turns away because he doesnt know how to say he wants more. but hitori takes the hint and kisses him for real this time.
23. Where is their favorite place to be together?
in both cases it’s at home, because shuu finds it much easier to be intimate when they’re in privacy. i think all three of them really appreciate just getting to relax together.
24. Where do they first have sex?
what did i say about this being a christian blog
25. Why do they fight?
usually its because shuu said something a little too tactless. hes not so clueless that he’ll say something really obviously offensive, but sometimes he really doesn’t know what’s too much. but his bf is hopefully understanding of this and corrects him Still Firmly but still with some “but i know you didnt mean it like that, we’re okay” way, because chances are he really didnt.
for hitoshuu specifically, hitori has to be on shuu about eating properly and can sometimes get kind of annoyed about it. shuus kneejerk reaction is to then be offended because hes an adult who can take care of himself. but they calm down and make up when shuu remembers that hitori just worries for him, and hitori remembers that shuu doesnt not eat just to spite him.
for shuukazu, i can see kazuaki’s lack of responsibility and aloofness start to get on shuu’s nerves, and when he brings it up kazuaki thinks he’s just being mean. again, similarly to hitoshuu, they get over it when kazuaki reminds himself that shuu wants him to be able to take care of himself, and shuu reminds himself as well that he can be too abrasive and should work on it.
26. Why do they need to have a serious chat?
hitoshuu: they dont have to right away but over time it would be good for them to be honest abt their respective traumas and the shit theyre dealing with instead of hiding it
shuukazu: similar, shuu should probably get around to being more open abt his shit. they might also want to have a talk abt what a serious relationship is gonna look like for them
27. Why do their friends get annoyed with them?
hitoshuu: i answered this already! but again, its bc theyre so ~responsible~
shuukazu: ppl either see kazuaki being super clingy and think “man hes so overbearing, his poor partner 😒” or see shuu being emotionless and think “man theyre so cold, their poor boyfriend 😒” actually they gotta mind their own damn business
28. Why do they get jealous?
hitoshuu: i feel like hitori actually gets hit on a pretty decent amount. shuu is never happy about it, but the death glares he starts sending usually scare the person off anyway
shuukazu: both of them think the other is too good for them so if anyone looks at them with even a little too much interest the other is immediately like “well i guess this is it”
29. Why do they fall a little bit more in love?
hitoshuu: little moments shuu loves is when hitori asks him how he is, how he slept. when he makes him dinner. hitori loves when shuu looks deep in thought, tucks his hair behind his ear, and he definitely likes to see him get along with nageki, which he does.
shuukazu: shuu loves when kazuakis eyes light up with excitement when he sees something he likes, especially when shuu realizes that hes one of those things too. he also loves kazuakis really nice hugs, especially when shuu just woke up from a nightmare. kazuaki loves how shuu listens to him intently, and asks questions about the things hes interested in, and sometimes rests his hand on him when hes getting tired.
30. Why does it work (or not work) between them?
hitoshuu: both are important figures in each other’s lives, obv shuu helped nageki but also hitori is probably the first person to get even a little close to shuu after ryuuji died. theyre both just pockets of trauma but are doing their best so it would be good for them to support each other and try to heal. theyre both pretty dependable so when the going gets tough they’re each other’s rocks
shuukazu: theyre definitely the “it will never work” couple that ends up working anyway. shuu might think kazuaki is annoying at first but if ryuuji is any indication shuu definitely seems to gravitate towards people who are more chill and even a little silly, and when shuu realizes that kazuaki isnt as dumb as he makes himself seem that helps a lot. for kazuaki shuu definitely has a ~mysterious~ aspect that draws him in initially but when it wears off as he learns more about shuu, instead of the magic being gone he just starts finding him more relatable and endearing so their relationship actually improves.
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grandzealot · 5 years
Shipping  info  meme.
Answer  the  following  for  your  muse(s)  so  people  know  how  shipping  works  on  your  blog.
Tumblr media
attirichter. thats w my best friends oc. we usually rp on discord and in games so u dont usually see much of our millions of verses here aside from aesthetics and art lol [ unless i badger him into sending a meme ]
...a lot lmao. but on tumblr i try to keep things appropriate for the general audience - usually no explicitly written nsfw or super dark themes
but in general im happy exploring the more extreme things in private with my best friend ( and have other good friends i could write more with too if it were a desire ) so what im willing to write isnt necessarily what im here for or interested in writing with new friends. i usu wont write much w someone at all if they seem to want to beeline for extreme/heavy topics wo us really knowing each other
theres also probably not a lot of room for any new soulfully deep romance bc i feel that so much with my otp for richter. so im generally just more interested in seeing what happens between personalities. smaller romances. superficial relationships. experimental ships. maybe some angst or soft imbalance in there but nothing emotionally demanding lmao. 
not very lmao. in his mainverse i usu dont ship him w anyone below thirty. but even if someones within his age range, if i met their character in a different verse or fandom ( or when i was rping a different character ) and associate them with being younger, i sometimes still cant stop thinking of them as a younger character and it squicks me a bit. a big part of that is discomfort of romanticizing ‘ older men ’ in particular so even if there was no significant age gap but the character comes off as teenagery or the relationship seems to have that kind of dynamic im also not into it
i do make exceptions when im rly comfortable with friends and might have developed it in a different light and we switch it for new verses. and i think in my head richters always older so when i rp him in younger verses im less picky about the upper age limit of his partners, depending [ but only like... by a lil percentage ]
oh and also for like synths or vampires or sosus or other odd age situations i tend to go by a mix of how old they look / act
sorta. im selective about actually having threads for things but generally ill throw art out and talk possibilities without needing much chemistry or interaction. like im open with the hypotheticals, not so much with the actual plotting and rping
so chemistry is a requirement before i go so far as having threads but answering little memes or anything visual related is more like... feeling out the possibility for chemistry for me
not very. i usually fade to black if theyre going to do something sexual. i do have a nsfw blog that i used to move some threads over which maybe ill use again— but even so i still dont get that verbally explicit on that blog. maybe that might change since i cant rly put art on it anymore lmao
lots? ive listed ships here before ( a-z eg: gwyneth and richter, jean and richter, marcie and richter, etc ) but i also lightly ship him w other canons in other games. ive had this blog for a few years and theres been a lot that fell away as time passed
maybe. i dont mind their character having one sided feelings / thoughts. ( unless theyre way young. ) and i do often feel like richter and other characters could be interesting pairings but im not always inclined to say anything ( usu just bc im slow and distracted lmao. ) 
but as far as sending memes in u usu dont have to ask. usually ill try to bend the memes meaning to answer in a nonshippy way if a ship seems impossible 
ALSO: richter is an in game npc so you are 100% welcome to canonize a ship w him for ur character, just dont expect my portrayal of richter to be that richter
ummmm. im not rly here for shipping specifically but often ship threads are the easiest to reply to lmao. i do get worn out by memes tho so sometimes ill do a bunch then take a long break before i get to any more. like i run out of shipping energy if im not working w anything established
less if i have to choose but maybe low middleground in actuality ?
this blog is c:
.............idk ive generally been more obsessed with singular characters than ships theyre in. i like diopucci for jjba but i dont rly have any for others aside from ‘ all the ships w my fave characters in them ’ lmao
its probably best to send in an ooc ship related meme or an art related one and then talk about it after?
youre always welcome to just bring it up with me but i understand that people are shy so a more indirect way would be to send in a related meme and then comment with your thoughts after lol
TAGGED  BY : [ stolen from @shellheadtm ] TAGGING :  [ anyone who wants to do it c: ]
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kyeomblr-remade · 3 years
hi hello, its your carat anon once again :)
I listened to all your recs. I actually know about half of them already bcs I actually have my own (kpop) disco/retro playlist already hahaha... and including BIBI in the recs>>>>>. I love her music, i think shes currently my fav female soloist. but i also thought lazybaby was a very fun song and i didnt know it, also love me 4 me had a very nice vibe. actually all were very nice.
about traveling... i currently dont travel at all. i think the last time i traveled anyway was fall 2019. i mean there a lot of places i want to visit but most of them need rather much preperation or/and planing as well as enough money hahaha and i currently have neither. Do you travel a lot? What are the top destinations on your bucket list?
about my bias in ptg... hahaha good questions i think thats the group i struggle with the most. i have a hard time with almost any group i stan but i cant even decide on sth like a bias line bcs i feel i love of them almost equally. i think there never was a group where i cared less about which pcs i got for my albums hahaha, i am happy about each member. maybe you can tell which ptg member vibes i give off and i will just stay with whoever as my official bias from then on (jk)(maybe not kidding)
my three fav things of my bias... well they probably will give it away but thats fine, it was nice keeping you guessing until now. first thing i really like about him is the passion and energy he puts into every performance of theirs, not only dancingwise but also vocalwise and everything (his dancing is everything tho). and the second thing i really like about him is that even tho it feel like hes one of the most ambitious members he does not take himself too seriously when needed in the given situation and can laugh about himself. and the third would have to be his incredibly positive mindset. he seems to always find reasons to motivate himself and the group even if everything seems to be going wrong.
what are the things you like most about seokmin?
also i noticed the next mission started already? the theme is gaming kind of. besides dont lie, what do you think are the best "game" episodes of gose? maybe your top 5 or sth? i think no matter what they play they always are hilarious.
as always i hope you are well <3 ok bye
hai ! <33 omg i would love to hear your retro playlist if you wanna share it !
oh yea im in the same boat ; really dont travel that much ! usually i go visit family abroad once a year; in norway, russia, the caucasus,.. but other than that i didn't get to explore much yet :-( like u said travelling is expensive, and the pandemic has made it sososo much more complicated. this trip was actually my first since the pandemic started oof ;; once this thing blows over and i have some money to spare i hope to visit south africa or new zealand once ! and explore europe more !! cause travelling here is so easy and convenient, i feel like im not taking advantage of that enough,,, i think it'd be fun to do a roadtrip around europe someday ^^ what about you?
aww yea the ptg boys are all super loveable and talented in their own ways,, i was swerving lanes all the time when i first got into them myself (until kino stole my heart in shine era <333) so im not faulting you 😌😌 then, do you maybe have a favorite pair dynamic?~ i adored maknae line’s interactions <33 and do you maybe have a favorite friendship in svt too?
HM OKAY SO !! hoshi was actually my second guess, after minghao, but im reading your description and it could be either hoshi or dino ? or maybe i completely missed the mark and its someone else, but judging from your emphasis on dance im 75% sure its a performance unit member (tho it is svt after all, they’re all great dancers) 🤔 from our interactions u definitely give me more horangdan vibe tho ! <3
what i like most about dokyeom,,, um we could be here all day 😳😳 but i would say, my absolute favorite thing about him is how sincere he is <3 i don’t know him personally so i obviously wont claim hes a pure angel who does no wrong ever, hes admitted it himself too, but i think it speaks to his charm when all his co-stars and colleagues go on and on about how hard working and lovely he is ! i get the impression that he genuinely wants to be kind and do good, and hes shown time and time again that he constantly strives to learn, grow and improve in his professional career and as an person too,,
i remember watching 17project when i first got into svt and i didn’t really have a bias at the time, but when dokyeom said that he “wants to sing until he loses his voice” i instantly knew he was the one. not cause i felt bad for him or pitied him, but i thought.. wow this kid's so young and despite all the setbacks hes still so determined and passionate, hes so cool :-( and um,,, sorry i just went on and on lmao but TL;DR yea idk i just think hes very neat <3
omg okay so it’s always a blast when they play mafia, obviously ! it’s one of my favorite games too; we play it w family all the time and i was a very dedicated town of salem player once upon a time lol i really loved bad clue too, basically any games where they have to solve something and/or put their thinking hats on, those are my favorites ! OH and insomnia,,, and the tag!! where they had to escape the murderer’s lair or something ! speaking of games, would you consider yourself a gamer?~
hope you’re well too, thank u <33
0 notes
bookwormcheerleader · 7 years
i was tagged by @trevorfindsthestrals (LOOK i finally got internet access on my laptop again!! Sorry it took so long) 1. Coffee or tea? tea, i had my first cup of coffee on like thursday last week 2. Black and white or color? black or soft, but not pastel, colours 3. Drawings or paintings? idk, whatever is more moving in that moment i guess 4. Dresses or skirts? dresses because i never know how to match with a skirt 5. Books or movies? how DARE you make me choose, i think books, but i wanna make movies (potentially havent really explored that yet) so it seems like the wrong answer 6. Pepsi or Coke? i dont drink fizzy drinks 7. Chinese or Italian? definitely italian on an everyday basis but i LOVE chinese too 8. Early bird or night owl? its almost midnight and i havent started my reading for tomorrow, that counts as an answer right? 9. Chocolate or vanilla? chocolate, unless its a milkshake 10. Introvert or extrovert? introvert, i don’t really like people 11. Hugs or kisses? ive never been kissed so hugs 12. Hunting or fishing? aesthetics of hunting but uh with fishing you can not put a hook on the line and just kinda sit there and chill without looking like the animal lover that your family judges you for being 13. Winter or summer? yes. idk im probably more of a summer person, but i also really like the implications of winter in that everything has to die in order to be reborn, plus i can’t really breathe in the heat, but i also have poor circulation in my extremities so the cold sucks ass 14. Spring or fall? spring, i like the crisp air of fall dont get me wrong, but the rebirth and the petrichor after a spring rain with a crisp breeze that doesnt chill you is just so relaxing 15. Rural or urban? i grew up in the woods so rural but i need to at least be kinda close to a hospital to avoid panicking  16. PC or Mac? pc 17. Tan or pale? is this preference, cuz i dont have one of those, but i am so white that i was the same color as my cheer uniform in high school 18. Cake or pie? cake, i dont like pie crust 19. Ice cream or yogurt? frozen yogurt tbh, it jsut tastes fresher and less heavy 20. Ketchup or mustard? my brother likes to mock me for how much i loved ketchup when i was like 7 as if it was yesterday 21. Sweet pickles or dill pickles? i dont like pickles 22. Comedy or mystery? can we do a hybrid where its like theyre fighting crime but have no ability to act serious, cuz im basically writing a comic book like that with @spectralflutterbeast 23. Boots or sandals? i live in a colder wetter climate so usually boots, but i love sandals 24. Silver or gold? i like white gold typically because its often a mix, it has the matching ability of silver with the warmth in color of gold 25. Pop or Rock? i grew up on steve miller and journey from my mom and simon & garfunkel from my dad 26. Dancing or singing? all i can think of is my shitty karoke the other night, so uh dancing, at least i don’t suck more at that when im drunk 27. Checkers or chess? checkers is easier and i could probably actually win, but chess is more likely to hold my attention 28. Board games or video games? we used to do family board game nights (im currently holding the winnign streak for clue because any games played without everyone dont count) (my extended family is also obsessed with card games, its how we bond, we talk shit and play cards) 29. Wine or beer? wine if i have to have one of these, i dont like fizzy stuff ever so no beer but wine dries out my mouth 30. Freckles or dimples? i have freckles, and i love it when people have dimples 31. Honey mustard or BBQ sauce? i guess bbq 32. Body weight exercises or lifting weights? idk what body weight exercises includes but i have always liked lifting weights, its something im fairly good at 33. Baseball or basketball? BASEBALL IS THE BEST I LOVE IT, i miss playing it so much but its been too long for me to feel comfortable joining an intramural team 34. Crossword puzzles or sudokus? sudoku...i think 35. Facial hair or clean shaven? preference right, um stubble.... im not big on full beards (probs cuz my dad has always had one, seriously pics from when he was 20 we are the exact same but he has a beard, he says he hasnt shaved his upper lip since he was 16) clean shaven is nice too tho 36. Crushed ice or cubed ice? i prefer no ice, but if i have to i like that ice you get in hospital cafeterias 37. Skiing or snowboarding? never been 38. Smile or game face? smirking, its the happy medium 39. Bracelet or necklace? i feel naked without any piece of my jewelry (watch on right wrist, a bracelet on my left, a necklace for me to fidget with, both sets of earrings) 40. Fruit or vegetables? fruit 41. Sausage or bacon? bacon 42. Scrambled or fried? scrambled unless its on toast 43. Dark chocolate or white chocolate? dark chocolate 44. Tattoos or piercings? i have two sets of piercings and i just got my first tattoo last month 45. Antique or brand new? antique unless its something i would feel like i couldnt be comfortable using, i always wind up with a very eclectic mix 46. Dress up or dress down? dress down, never really have a reason to dress up 47. Cowboys or aliens? cowboys, space gives me anxiiety 48. Cats or dogs? dogs 49. Pancakes or waffles? depends on who is making the pancakes 50. Bond or Bourne? uhhhh what 51. Sci-Fi or fantasy? fantasy 52. Numbers or letters? letters 53. Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings? lotr tbh 54. Fair or theme park? fair, i grew up in puyallup (look it up, i can even sing the old theme song) 55. Money or fame? money, i want to buy my parents and aunt nice things 56. Washing dishes or doing laundry? laundry (no icky wet food pieces!) {this is what @trevorfindsthestrals had i just could not have said it any better myself} 57. Snakes or sharks? ummm snakes? cuz theyre smaller and i can run from them if theyre dangerous 58. Orange juice or apple juice? orange 59. Sunrise or sunset? sunsets seem more satisfactory to me 60. Slacker or over-achiever?.....i dont’ know how to answer this question 61. Pen or pencil? pencil, unless im worried about it smudging, then i bought some erasable pens for that 62. Peanut butter or jelly? peanut butter is more filling but i make jam every year so theres that 63. Grammys or Oscars? oscars 64. Detailed or abstract? why cant we do both, like a painting that is overall abstract but the closer you get the more you see the things that make it what it is, ya know, like life 65. Multiple choice questions or essay questions? idk multiple choice questions are harder to get wrong for not having enough info about a particular topic, but im good at and enjoy bsing things 66. Adventurous or cautious? i wish i was more adventurous but insecurities 67. Saver or spender? yes 68. Glasses or contacts? i dont wear either 69. Laptop or desktop? laptop 70. Classic or modern? what medium 71. Personal chef or personal fitness trainer? i would like a personal trainer until i get back in the habit of it and then i would jsut need a gym buddy 72. Internet or cell phone? cell since you cna get internet on your phone 73. Call or text? social anxiety so texting  74. Curly hair or straight? mine is beach wavy 75. Shower in the morning or shower in the evening? ive been showering in the morning because i like what it does to my hair 76. Spicy or mild? spicy please 77. Marvel or DC? wonder woman was my first favorite character, like about the time that bugs life came out because i obviously had two and the other was Flick  78. Paying a mortgage or paying rent? rent, i like assurance but i dont like permanence 79. Sky dive or bungee jump? never been but uh im not that trusting so i probably am jsut gonna go with a no 80. Oreos or Chips Ahoy? chewy chips ahoy 81. Jello or pudding? jello 82. Truth or dare? im a chicken so truth 83. Roller coaster or Ferris wheel? roller coaster, ferris wheels are all of the fear with none of the fun 84. Leather or denim? I NEED BOTH I CANT CHOOSE 85. Stripes or solids? stripes and fat people lol no, solids for me 86. Bagels or muffins? bagels probably 87. Whole wheat or white? whole wheat 88. Beads or pearls? pearls, my mother was a jeweler for 13 years, i cant not 89. Hardwood or carpet? hard wood in a hall, tile or linoleum in the kitchen and bathroom and then carpet everywhere else 90. Bright colors or neutral tones? uhhhh for what, cuz it really depends  91. Be older than you are or younger than you are? i want to be like 34, not rn obviously, im enjoying being 20 and stupid, but i feel like 34 is a good age, of course thats abotu how old my bros were when i idolized them so that might be reflective of that 92. Raisins or nuts? raisins, partially because every time my dad sees nuts he says nuts for the nutty and it has become a conditioned response for me now 93. Picnic or nice restaurant? picnic 94. Black leather or brown leather? brown 95. Long hair or short hair? mines somewhere in the middle 96. “Ready, aim, fire” or “Ready, fire, aim”? wtf does the second even mean 97. Fiction or non-fiction? fiction 98. Smoking or non-smoking? i have asthma 99. Think before you talk or talk before you think? i wish i could think before i talk more than i actually do 100. Asking questions or answering questions? i like to listen to people imma tag: @kiavachiisanoob @warriorsatthedisco @colecast1 and anyone lookinng for an excuse to do one of these
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briteboy · 7 years
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Why is her step-douche such a foken piece of shit? omg i hate him
some mysteries are never meant to be explained tbh. why is he so ugly and evil? who wronged him? but also who cares he’s in jail forever now good riddance ugly
I know this is probably really bad, but after I saw the newest molly posts, I thought of that video where the little girl is yelling "MISS KEISHA, MISS KEISHA, oh my fukin gosh she fukin dead"
i don’t blame u i bet when it happens i’m gonna be like “u know she ded”
(To the previous anon) i agree with you so, so much! In Poland, these dumbass politicians are letting shooting pregnant bisons (?? Im not sure how they're called) become legal. Like BITCH WHAT. Can you imagine??? A fucking pregnant lil' cow getting shot????? I feel Molly's pain on an emotional level rn (sorry if this is too nsfw, just needed to get that outta my system...)
i think this was in response to someone saying that hurting pregnant women is one of the worst crimes but um WTF shooting animals at all makes me itchy but pregnant ones..............nah that’s......nah
it’s ok get it outta ur system i’m here 4 u
the first thing I check in the morning is your account.... you have me whipped! ;|
OMG WHA LMAO REALLY that’s wild. i feel like i’m the only one who looks at my page which is dumb but like idk i still feel like a little kid that no one cares about lmao. but then you guys exist and amaze me with your responsiveness every day and i just ;____________; ily all
hi Sunny. first of all i'm gonna say i love your story and your editing style so much! your blog is goals like literally. i need an advice if you don't mind. you always find such amazing angles for your pictures while mine are so boring. any tips or tricks you can share?
HI thank you so much ;-; sooooo i’ve been thinking about this question the past couple of times i went in game, trying to figure out how to describe how i take pictures. for one thing i live in tab mode lmao. meaning you press the tab button on your keyboard to go into camera mode and get all these sexy angles and super zoom and stufffff. i almost always zoom in super far idk why. so there’s one tip. i honestly just play around with going up and down with the q and e keys (i think?) until i find angles i like. i take a lottttt of pictures with so many different angles just so i have a lot to choose from. basically i try to focus on different things in each picture in order to get a mix of the most diverse and dynamic shots possible. you just need to experiment and get creative. i know that’s the most vague advice ever but really just try a new angle that you’ve never considered before and i bet you’ll get cool results. an interesting setting is also the biggest factor, because certain objects and their placements will give you interesting results. 
i honestly want to print out your reaction pic to that one post and just hang it on my wall, put it in my heart locket necklace, stamp it on people's faces, start an email thread with it. i love it.
an add on to the last ask i sent about your reaction pic. i've been looking at it religiously since it was posted, and i dont regret a minute of it. LMAO I'LL STOP NOW.
SAKJDLJKGKSDAF STOPPPP LMAOOO i looked so ugly but that was my pure unadulterated reaction to that question and i trust you all to not judge my ugliness and instead share this reaction with me. i’m glad u liked it that much, i just printed it out and i’m cutting it into a small heart to put inside ur locket ok
everytime i hear cigarette daydreams by cage the elephant i think of a serious case of the novembers like its so fitting and then i get all emo when i listen to it lmao rip
OMMMMGGGGGGG YESSSSS how have i never made that connection before honestly. cage the elephant is one of my faves and i’ve seen them perform twice actually!! i’m watching the music vid for that song now and even that reminds me of my story ;-; i cry
thank you for sending this, and also i cry @ the fact that you used the actual title *dies* now this song is gonna make me emo til the end of time thx
i might sound like some crazy stalker fan but i just want to say you are so freakin awesome and nice and funny and cute and (i can go on forever) so caring! i love your blog so much and all the hard work and care you put into all your posts and followers. thanks for making my day and making me smile so much. you have no clue how much i look forward to seeing your posts and your hilarious hashtags and answers from asks and AMAZING story posts. im sorry i just wanted to let you know ur awesome ily
OFMG WHAT!!!!!! I AM ONLY AN EEL!!!!!! but no you don’t sound like a crazy stalker, i actually love this, you’re too sweet, thank you ;-; i’m just blushin so much reading this omg. YOU EVEN LIKE MY TAGS WOW that’s true love. ily ;-; <333
how do you get your sims' facial expressions to line up with your scenes? I feel like my sims' faces are never right :(
tbh i just use a lot of the same neutral poses...my go-to’s are @helgatisha‘s poses lol. they’re the easiest to work with when i do just plain talking scenes, and often i tweak my sims’ eyebrows and mouths with the liquify tool if i want them to look a bit more concerned, sad, mad, happy, etc., it works like a charm!! i also tend to play around with angles, you’d be surprised how much a different angle can enhance a scene.
Hey smol bean, I'm sent you an ask and now I feel bad that it probably made you feel anxious because you didn't answer it. It was the one about you not liking my posts, I have anxiety too so I'm sorry If I made you feel sad. I think I'm just looking for validation from people I look upto you get me? Anyway sorry again, don't worry about it! Love you!
hiya bb, i know you saw my answer to your original post (and i’m sorry it got some negative attention, i didn’t mean for that to happen by any means) anyway don’t sweat it, and i really appreciate this follow-up message. you didn’t make me feel sad, i just wanna know what i can do. it’s just a hard question y’know. i understand what you mean, i think everyone wants validation to some degree. tbh you can just come off anon and message me, i promise it’s not as nerve-wracking as it seems! ily
How did you make Santi's tattoos? I want some like that for my Sims but idk how to do it
how did you make your characters page on your blog like that?
uoohhh like what?? i used this theme (monolog) if that’s what you mean aheh. here’s a guide on how to use custom page themes
okay so THIS IS MY THEORY: they might keep the baby and molly might actually carry it to full term, but then the kid dies in childbirth and either molly also dies or maybe kills herself or gets killed later? or maybe she's still alive but just won't speak to santi anymore cause she like can't look him in the eye after all of that or idk?? since ppl were sending theories i wanted to add mine lmao. another possible theory is that the stepdad finds out and kills her but thats TOO DARK omg
TOO DARK U SAY...WELL!!! it’s not AS dark as you guessed but only marginally
If Molly turns out to be alive and raising their kid alone (though from what I'm seeing in response to most questions I think that may not be the route) am I allowed to slap Santi (unless Molly didn't give him the option to help) because raising a child alone is not easy I've watched my mom do it for years.
YEAH i would give you permission to slap him lmao he would be a grade A piece o’ shit if that were the case. i would never ever write that tho because santi does own up to his actions if they’re that detrimental. his altruistic nature, no matter how backwards, would never allow him to do that.
There will be complication with the abortion so she will not be able to carry a baby anymore and she's going to kill herself OR her step dad is going to find out and he'll beat her to death. And in both situation Santi his blaming himself because he wasn't there at the right time... Okay I really really hope I'm wrong now !
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I don't even follow your story very closely but every time I see your posts my heart hurts.
OMFG...that’s how u know the pain is real
but like wow my stuff is really so visceral that even my apathetic followers can feel the hurt...that’s real...that’s real my guy
omg!! you should 100% play or at least watch a playthrough of life is strange! legit the best game ever made, its so beautiful. the storyline kills you a thousand times over (much like your beautiful story) <3333
yaaaa i’ve heard lots of good things about it!! my bf played it actually, maybe he’ll revisit it again someday and i’ll watch him do it (i’m only a fan of video games if i can watch them like a movie lmao) thank you btw <3
I am shook and I worship you and your story and you are amazing WOW BYE
WORSHIP LMAO WHAT!!! PLS I AM UNDESERVING...ily tho don’t worship false gods
Do you let Molly and the younger versions of your characters frolic around your main save or do they have a separate one?
UM YES LMAO because i didn’t even know you could have separate saves until after i started the flashbacks lmao i’m...a noob. i don’t want separate saves anyway because 1) it’s too much of a hassle switching back and forth and 2) it gets too confusing for me and i’d be afraid of overwriting one save with another and NOPE too much anxiety for that soooo yeah there’s three santis in my game: child, teen and adult lmfao (fun fact: teen santi’s name is literally just Lil Santi)
I made it to my senior year with 6 A's and 1 B ... Be proud of me too? 😂 Lmao I told this to people and some of them were just like .. okay cool?! LMAO it's so funny but also kinda sad
I AM PROUD OF YOU TOO!!!!!!!!! my smart childrens
“okay cool” UM PLEASE that’s a feat...at my school if you got an A in a class in senior year you were allowed to be exempt from the final. so yeah that rules. ily
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callonb · 7 years
GYBurst of Inspiration/Motivation
Where does inspiration come from? - Snacks I recorded a song with Samuel Hawkins recently and that was the first line of his verse. Lately thats been on my mind more and more. Where does my inspiration come from and why cant I always bask in its motivational energies? Seems that my drive comes and goes with the moon phases or as planets enter and leave our orbit. Could be the skys dictating my moods and movements (which i think it does have an effect) or it could be the mass amount of coffee and tea i drink a day. Definitely important factors but not quite the source. My mom definitely motivates me, she believes in everything Im doing and helps every way that she can. Its not financially but sometimes emotional support is more important. Shouts out to Momma B you the realist. Same for my homies and not homies as in people i force myself to be around, cuz having friends is what you do. Actual family that i grew up with and have developed a relationship with, the GYB family. The ones who sat me down years ago and was like dude...... you need to take this rap shit seriously. The ones who are now getting more and more involved with the movement every day, pushing everything to the side and riding along with my dream and making them their own. Everyday the homies are pushing to help me create this vision for you guys as they've adopted it as their own. Like minds on the prize, Shouts out the Layer homies. That only seems to be half of it tho, and Ive never felt this type of fire burning inside me before so what is it? Magazine drama and BS doesn't motivate me, Music doesn't seem to hit me the same way anymore. I used to listen to music constantly, new rap definitely doesn't do it for me.....makes me feel lower. New tv shows dont do it for me im bored with most of the popular shows out. Same for games or just typical activities that people partake in. Partys, drugs, random hook ups...It all seems so blah to me and im completely uninterested. I learned I have to stop feeding my lower self and focus on my higher self and what that part of my being truly wants and thats to CREATE!!! Whenever im around an environment that drives me to create and push myself i perform better. So i guess i just realized what really inspires me, and thats a creative environment. Who is responsible for this? Well I saw the Rotunda Project last weekend at Maiden Alley, a collaborative piece by Fairseas. The Fairseas are a group of musicians named Jeran Simmons, Bobby Dowell, Codie Franklin and Shanden Simmons. I watched them plant this seed years ago and now its a giant tree that you can sit back and marvel in its greatness. The main theme of the film was collaborating with your community. I cant lie ive had many many thoughts of leaving my community to collaborate elsewhere but ive came to a realization recently that it isnt necessary. To my surprise and probably a lot of people around here, there is a bubbling hip hop scene around here that is about to explode. Ive started to invest my time and efforts into this scene now and received nothing but results. Shanden has been a major influence in my artistry because he is always honest, encouraging and persistent....three very important characteristics to have in a creative environment and on top of that has become one of what i would consider my best friends. I look at him as one of my GYBrothers. On to the hip hop scene around here tho..... mysterious person named "A" aka the Hollow Man and he is one of the most promising producers/writers around. His solo stuff is outstanding and the collaboration effort we are working on "A & B: The Empire" is next level. Its been well over a year in the making and will shock most people when they hear the new styles i bring to the tape compared to my previous work. A always challenges me to be very intelligent when I piece together my verses and I like that. He makes me want to grab a dictionary and start reading so I can match his extensive vocabulary.....and maybe I have done that lol. Im the ONLY artist that the mystery man works with at the moment and that hits me now in a way it never has before. Like why me, do I really have something in my music that would make this beyond talented artist spend his time and efforts to make beats for us to collab on and want to include me in everything he does? His beats are above any producer Ive ever heard even in the big leagues of the rap game its crazy but he will prolly have his own GYBlog entry about him eventually. I have to move on before i make this to long lol. Next is JSkrilla, I have met the Skrilla a few times in passing but i dont think we realized what each other really could offer the other. Until i ran into him at the damn ROTUNDA PROJECT.....back around full circle. After that we decided to get together. We showed each other some of our music. I didnt know he made dope beats as well as spit hot fucking fire but he does. We shared our philosophies for our craft and talked hip hop and all sorts of other randomness. Then we picked a beat and wrote a song on the spot. Bar for bar back and forth. J stressed to me it had been a LONG time since he had been able to just sit down and write with another emcee that wasnt intimidated by his ability to write on the spot, or to match his caliber of wordplay and rhyme schemes. To both mine and his delight I delivered. Skrilla really challenged me tho, most artist get so caught up in the main stream BS or conforming to certain concepts and topics in their verses that it had been a while since I had felt pressure when writing to make sure my bars are up to par. Felt good to feel that energy again i had been missing the want to become better and that leads me to the main cause of my motivation and my improvments or just overall attitude change whatever you want to call it. the TRYBE!!!! Snacks, B. James, and Waun D. are the Cerberus of this rap shit. I have a lot to owe to them. GYB and Trybe share the same values as far as what we hope to contribute to the culture of arts and musics and how we hope to impact the hip hop community as well as the communities we all live in. I have done one show with them and have multiple other ones lined up with them. As a matter a fact i cant see myself doing a show with anyone but them from here on out. Once again them as well as JSkrilla could have their own full length blog entry but i digress for the sake of your attention lol. The Trybe challenges me to be a better emcee by making me freestyle. Which if you have been around me doing music ive never been a good freestyler.....UNTIL NOW!!! They have cracked that shell and brought me out of it. Making me partake in their cyphers everytime we get together. Soon Ill be as smooth off the top as i am with the writtens then its over for everyone! Sharpening my skills is not something that other rappers really push you to do. Rap is very competitive and braggadocios so pushing someone to improve and possible be better than you is unheard of. The Trybe doesnt see it that way though, they want us all to grow together. With a shared love for hip hop and me and Snacks shared love for Anime we can talk for hours and hours before we realize we havent done any music lol. Everytime I hear a new Trybe song i feel my artistry being challenged. The message in their music makes me want to really focus on the concepts i present in my music and start challenging my self to pretty much step my game up. Between Skrilla, "A", and TrYbe, everything new I hear makes me question my latest bars which is exactly what I need. Hip Hop is my life and my love and above any amount of money i can potentially make off this art is the desire to be the best emcee to ever grab a mic and thats the same mindset i had when i originally picked up the pen and decided i would be a rapper. Before i saw 8 mile and realized that being a white rapper wasnt necessarily accepted, before all the laughs, all the hate and just general shade i received for my dreams. Being white in this game is a roadblock but for the first time these guys made me realize that i have overcame that hurdle 100 times over. I had a long talk with the Trybe last night and they gave me a boost of confidence that finally fully ignited that fire i had lit but tried to conceal. Im no longer worried about what is cool or what people want. I just want to create and you will more than likely like it because I do have skills that i myself had been sleeping on. I hear these artist like A, Skrilla, and Trybe and i felt underneath them but now i see my self as an equal. We all have different things we bring to the table that compliment each other and its time to put it all together and make it happen. Plus we all just fucking dope and there is no denying. This is my new goal. No more time wasted on what i "think" is the right move. Im going to follow what i KNOW to be the right path and follow my heart. Thats challenging myself with these artist and like minded individuals to always be better. Also as Snacks has said before "move at LIGHT SPEED" thats just what Ill do with my light brothers here. We like some damn warriors of this rap shit waging war against a evil corrupt entity but thats also for a whole separate entry lol But no war of this caliber is complete without a general so shoutout to SirDuke. Ive also recently became friends with this crazy dude and he has shown me in just the short time ive known him more love and support than some people ive known my whole life. He also inspires me because he has dedicated his life to serve and protect (literally) and most importantly LEAD. He has an army of pretty much every hood and every rapper in each of them just waiting for his call. and he is not leading them astray, Shoutout the Kollektiv. Duke is also a talented singer and emcee. He has a show with me tomorrow at the Hangover in Murray MAKE SURE YOU COME TO THAT AND SEE MY NEW ALBUM CONSCIOUS TRAP PERFORMED LIVE starting at 9pm. but yeah Duke is dope and I can appreciate his leadership skills and what he hopes to accomplish in his community by cleaning it up through music. He is rubbing off on my and motivating me to hold that same position with my Layer army of GYB homies ive assembled. Most of them are clueless about the industry and music so its up to me to guide and lead them so they can be their own selves and make it in this world without the middle man down your neck. Im going to wrap this up because it ended up being way longer than i intended but i wanted to also say to my fellow collaborators and friends above all. Wolf, Golden Wrist Banks, Trevell, Dope, Simple, Benji and Angel Mascato. You guys have MAD SKILLS. You guys inspire me too because I hear something different in your music than i hear from most. I want you all to continue to grow and expand your creativity to new levels. Tell YOUR story. The same story is constantly told but how will you tell YOURS in the true challenge. So i encourage you guys like i have been recently, step outside of the norm and do what you truly feel in your heart that you need to, fuck what everyone else wants from you just create the way you feel appropriate. A lot of you are working with Duke regularly and I think he will tell you the same thing I am now. Even if its certain people in your lives holding you back, they gotta go. Surround yourself with positive people that want to grow with you instead of out grow you and you will see the same results. Probably why you guys were all on my latest album, except Trevell im sorry and you should have been but you know the deal homie its all love. Frank.....dammit man just rap lol but anyways ill end it on this note. Getting in touch with that child like mind state and that pureness of love in my heart again. Losing all my intentions to want to be better and out do someone but rather COLLABORATE with like minds in my community has already in return pushed me forward in a lot of ways. Seems almost as if they had been waiting on me this whole time. Its certain that my actions are now speaking louder than my words and everyone is starting to catch on. including myself finally. If you read this far thank you and I love you. Youre more than likely part of the reason why i typed this or why i even continue to do what i do. I trust you guys just as much as you trust ill deliver. Have a great day, maybe you can draw inspiration from this or some of the same people or things that i do! So put down that magazine full of empty content and read something meaningful that you are interested in, turn off the news and watch some anime, stop playing shooter games and play final fantasy, stop eating out and prepare your own meals, dont listen to music just play instrumentals and freestlye every day or just make your own, quit scrolling on facebook and take a stroll around the block, only spend time with those that help you grow rather than keep you low. So much inspiration out there sometimes we just have to break away from what we are used to in order to pull from the experience. Now im really done. and excuse my poor grammer and probably a shit load of spelling errors. That wont ever change, these blog post are run on sentences of my thoughts that pass through my head every day. Sometimes i just take the time to jot them out as they pass. PEACE LOVE AND GYB!!
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thegeminisage · 7 years
more botw blogging, SUPER spoilery
this is a real long post sorry normally i break these up and this time i didn’t
and finally, off we go to a new province
this time im making its tower my first stop, since i can see it from here
i tried to paraglide across the river but i didn't have enough height so i landed on the cliffside and ITS RAINING!!!!! for fucks sake
i cant believe this game actually got me to hate rain..........
not only that but when i died in the water it didn't reload me back to where i started to glide from but a bit of cliff i stood on lol so #struggles right from the first minute
rain for the next 3 hours.......and i gotta climb it in the rain....jesus
i guess i could fast travel but i'd have to walk all the way back there :/
hmm. maybe the gae's throwing me the rain on purpose. an npc mentioned this river was notoriously difficult to cross :///
yep as soon as i turned away: it cleared. Great
well i see some bridge-like things further downstream i guess i'll check that out
lol jk i managed to glide across a different part and climb
like i saw my forecast change but then it changed back to sun so w/e i'll take it im up here now
aaaaah i can see so many cool things from here!!!!! i cant wait to explore them all!!!! that #new province feel
i hate like, feeling obligated to track down every last bit of stuff in the old ones when you're seeing new exciting stuff
but i love the feel of getting to a new one and not even knowing which cool thing to check out first
ohhh my god lol there's a big-ass bokoblin camp on the way to the tower i think i see a moblin but im not sure
aaaand im dead
at least there werernt any moblins!
tbh it isnt a difficult camp i just wasnt vigilant about healing
me every time i see something new: what the Fuck is that!?
in this case it was an ice wizzrobe which made it snow EVERYWHERE oh my god
That Was Difficult
if i didn't have my fire arrows and lynel bow it would have taken way longer
i died again!!!
those weird pattern bokoblins have SO much attack power ):
come on i have to clear out the camp AGAIN? and kill the wizzrobe?
naw dude i am skipping this nonsense i am going straight up the fucking cliff
HA i sniped them from above >:3
there's a zora on top of this tower!!!!!!!
omg poor thing he can't get back down i wish i could carry him on my paraglider
man i love the tower cutscenes and music and the way they unfold it's so cool
oh hey i found another zora down near these bridges
they all want me to go see their prince haha noooo i have too much to explore!!!
oooh it's so easy to get all turned around on these bridge thingies
man i love this province it's SO pretty
ah i found a goron on a sandbar!! how did you get out here with all this water...
nooo the blood moon again i knew it was coming the music has been funny all night >:(
lol jk the music faked me out its 2am and i warped to the stable for nothing (i was trying to get that one dude's reaction)
i came back and did the shrine and found another zora!! lol they all really want me to go see that dude
there's a thing i need to climb but ugh rain
while i was bored i chopped grass and attached octo balloons to things
now i am in the wetlands which are AWFUL to walk through i can practically feel the mud squishing between my toes and i want to die lmao
there are horses here!! i miss mine ):
ive done enough shrines now to get another upgrade but i dont feel like doing all that backtracking blegh
oh noooo i see a guardian out here, a moving one ;_;
ah it's been awhile since i failed to fight the still ones on the plateau...i wonder what the start screen meant by "the right tools" ive got a lot of damn tools!! did they mean arrows??
lol yet another zora telling me to meet with the prince.........dude
this prince must be either desperate or spoiled
okay maybe its a glitch but i think?? i see?? a flying island in the distance? What The Fuck
wait no it looks kind of like a ship or giant bird??
my pins don't stick to it, it's definitely moving around
jesus fuck
jesus christ i hate those things!!!! you can't kill them!!!!!!!
NO oh my god there's a hinox over here too
why this Why This
lol the hinox fighting music is giving me trauma flashbacks
actually that wasnt so bad with a defense elixir on
maybe it's just me but this province feels kinda small? i feel like i could finish exploring it p quickly, which is nice
not that i'm not having fun but i know i'm going so slowly ):
me every five seconds: i miss my hooorse i want one to ride around to go faaaaster
i guess...i could catch...one of these
and like. not register it bc the stable is 10000 miles away but
a temp ride. let's see if i can. need to use up some of my sneak potions anyways
i caught one and rode it awhile, but my heart's not in training it...i want My Horse
oh my god wait i hear town music!! is this a stable right here!! AAAAAH
so i did catch a pretty black one and named it luna - had to let the first one i caught go lol but it didn't have great stats and i only rode it once so it'll be happier in the wild probably
he's playing epona's song i'm gonna CRY
oh my god he had a story for me!! the same one that impa told!!!!! man
the music is still so good. fuck.
lmao i was talking to one dude and he was like well might as well head back inside ugh that place is so filthy and the women so free you might as well call it a manfill
i can see hyrule castle super close from where i am and it looks super scary and i super want nothing to do with it rn
i get the feeling you can like, go in there whenever? maybe even do the endgame stuff early? but oh my god i Dont wanna
OMG i just mounted a bear
i read that you could ride things other than horses but holy shit lmao
i mean
it killed me after i got off, but man
sadly i must now board my horse and continue with The Story see i explored the non-story bits of that province SUPER quickly dang
oh no
this shrine is called a minor test of strength
Oh No
Why, God
oh. that was actually like SUPER easy compared to the other two haha phew
this lady at the crossroads said the prince was creepy omg i knew there was something, ahaha, excuse me, "fishy"
whoa i love his music theme!!
lmao i always get so SHOCKED when they talk!!! even still!!!!!
voice acted cutscenes of this game are like fmvs of final fantasy games in generations 5-7 lol
oh my god...the wink/sparkle thing...he's such a HAM
he's flattering me TOO much omg dude what do you want.......
ok, ok, i like him
he doesn't seem very trustworthy but since his people are in trouble i'll cut him some slack on that one
oh nooo i gotta climb this in the rain......
ah, it's sunshowering tho! that's kinda neat
i just got attacked by octoroks and my heart wept a little because traveling up zora's river dodging octoroks to get to and save zora's domain...I've Been Here Before
listen, i could write a book on this
(lol i did write 300k on this but shhh that was a long time ago)
like...if link is actually a reincarnation does he get flashes of memory
oot happened in every timeline but i know wind waker didn't
but do you think assuming this is in the same timeline as wind waker something in him feels at home the first time he sails a raft again
or hears kass play epona's song at the ranch
or ducks an octorok on his way to zora's domain
people treat the incarnation thing as a kind of tragedy - the world will never be free of evil so long as ganon/ganondorf exists
but maybe there's happiness in it too
no matter what happens, no matter how sad the ending - i mean hell, in this very game, link and zelda LOST
no matter what though, it's guaranteed that they'll see each other again
over and over and over without end, link and zelda are gonna meet and be together for awhile while they defend hyrule again
frankly if that's not a soulmate idk what is
and frankly i'm perpetually offended that they don't develop ganondorf the man more like they did in wind waker...that was the Peak tbqh
i would kill for something like that again
i love how present the current here is, like with the stuff floating down the river, thats a NICE touch
tbh it's actually really nice that he keeps uselessly checking on me on the way up the river
like, i've been so lonely
even now i miss my companion going "what's WITH that guy" like they probably would if i had one
so this is nice. tbh.
i know it was probably a deliberate choice and makes the game stronger but a companion for this game, someone to share it with...that would've been cool
even just zelda as the protag, she could do some internal narration
but the whole thing is just so quiet.
this place is so pretty tho?? in the distance i see these like, pink coral looking plant things, and the blue columns and bridges are gorgeous
i think its an area thing too i cant just wait it out lmao im gonna Die
oh jk it's just rain now
idk why my entire forcecast changes to a particular type of weather and its only like that a few seconds...super weird and annoying
lol sidon all "you're almost halfway there i believe in you!!" and not helping fight and link's little "k" wave
i love link as a silent protag even if i did have him talk in my writing like it's so endearing
i wonder if link is like sgr like "i am 100 years old what is this zora kid even doing. what is he EVEN DOING."
lol just had to dodge some rocks rollin down a hill
you see this is what i mean. there's a weird sense of familiarity and nostalgia if you've played the games a lot. i wonder if the spirit of the hero feels that way with each new adventure, too
like if he's okay doomed to an eternity of fighting and parting with zelda over and over
because in the end he always gets to do this again
like i can see the spirit of the princess/goddess being high key miserable about those circumstances but i wonder if the spirit of the hero is maybe secretly glad
because part of him will always yearn for the next adventure
he never COULD be happy settling because this is what he was born for
WE love doing this again and again and again, maybe it's not such a stretch to think the spirit of the hero does too
or maybe i'm projecting so hard onto him because undertale has so successfully blurred the line between the player and the game for me LMAO
oh man i just noticed all the names on this map
lulu, mikau ;_;
i miss them!!!!
just once i wish zelda games would feature the same side characters in two or three titles
we never got to see saria or darunia or lulu again
we get to come back to the world but every friend we've ever made has been gone
like some narnia shit i swear to god
lol this is why i should never do story all i do is rant about My Zelda Feels, which are literally endless
oh NICE battle with a blue moblin on the bridge!!!!
ah i like the zora history here too please give me all the worldbuilding i wanna know everything about this world that i can bc rn all i know is "we got Fucked"
i guess i also know about the automans but i need More
i say, while procrastinating on getting to the story
in other news i have an ice and lightning rod which i havent bothered trying to use
bc when i tried to use the boomerang i failed utterly lol
but these? holy shit dude these are Powerful when you actually land a magic hit like Dang
i Love them im never avoiding another wizzrobe again (thats where they drop from)
oh wow
i finally made it, and
man. oh man. it's so beautiful
i wish i could see if better
jesus the zoras always had the prettiest parts of the games imo
OH NO!!! im gonna cry omg
it's the same melody from oot i think!! oh my god!!!!!!
omg there's a zora here named rivan who says he knows me?!?!
omg no he's listing some of link's old pals from Before im so sad why can't he remember
OOOH i shouldn't speak to the elderly bc apparently i am "guilty" of something?? i love this development PLEASE tell me more
i love that they all age so slowly #nice
am i walking into a fucking execution lmao sidon don't play me......
omg the little zora kids are adorable!!!
omg there's a statue of the zora champion ;_;
man this is all so cool i wanna know EVERYTHING about what happened back then!!!!
lol the shrine here was SUPER nerve wracking god you had to like, roll the giant ball down a hill and stop time at JUST the right moment skjghf
oh my gosh ANOTHER zora who knows me (lol "linny")
im so ;w; they all know me!!!!!!
i slept on the blissful water bed at the inn and was mystified and alarmed by the sound effects but i got an extra stamina wheel and 3 extra hearts!!! god damn you can't beat that shit
im so amazed at how many people knew link and like, blame him? i wanna know so bad what happened, i wanna know more about mipha
ten bucks says she's still alive and like trapped in the divine beast but corrupted
or a ghost or something like the old man ;_;
aww zoras sleep in the water aw aw :3
i'm loving this theme of link sleeping for so long like at first i thought of sgr but i just realized it's also like oot (and i can't believe i didn't make that connection first...)
like in oot the people who knew him Before are so happy to see him again and are sure he can help them
but in this game it's a bit mixed
and in this game we don't know the details of 100 years ago yet ;_;
zora's domain here is like. so GLOWY. reminds me of waterfall from undertale tbh lol i wanna paint it
so i'm talking to the king and this one elderly zora goes "the hylians abused an ancient society's power to turn hyrule into what it is today" & like...tbh my dude you have a point. if they had never gotten those guardians out then they couldn't have turned on them
oh my GOD
i just got my first look at a divine beast and i can't believe i was calling them jaegers
my jaw dropped irl holy shit
like that thing truly looks both divine and beastly (this one is an elephant)
is mipha still in there as like a ghost ;_;
it's so clear how much everyone misses her
and she seemed so sweet in the one short memory i recovered
every time sidon does his sparkle smile i love him a little more
i didn't trust him at first bc he seemed a little too eager but now i see he's just doing his best!!!!
especially as someone who thinks radically and progressively in a society where elders stay around hundreds of years
SWIM SPEED UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
omfg and it's an engagement thing just like the sapphire
thats right that other lady said link was supposed to choose between her and mipha
listen mipha seems cool and all but i've been shipping zelink for 19 years, so
oh NO, mipha had feelings for link
oh no poor mipha...oh my god
"no matter how bad the wound i will ALWAYS" heal you and then link wakes up in water
did she do that!!! did she save him ;_; oh my god im going to cry
"you are quivering like a hatchling" PLEASE protect my poor son
muzu is making me sad dude he misses her so much and he hates this so much
ooooh i have to fight another lynel for shock arrows...good Lord im not looking forward to that
"calamity ganon took control of the beasts and trapped the champions inside" yep either she's still alive like link and zelda or her body is in there and so is her fucking ghost
DUDE!! i just swam up my first waterfall and it was AWESOME!!!!!
so im at shatterback point now hwere lynel is just bc i wanted to swim up a waterfall but probably he will kill me quickly lmao
apparently you can mount him too which. sick.
but idk i dont have any good food or elixirs or weapons ready im just up here for science im probably gonna knock off soon i gotta Draw
Oh Fuck There He Is ):
it's super tedious to have top go back and delete every fucking picture i take for my copendium one by one those shouldn't save in my album automatically come on dude im trying to take a picture of this lion centaur thing here
aaah there's a rainbow here too #nice
ah well got him about a quarter pf the way down before i died :/ not bad for being completely unprepared
tbh i only had one defense food?? had i had more i could have whittled him down eventually
anyway thats all for tonight!! i doubt i'll play anymore tonight bc i have drawing to do
lol this is a long post but it's all in one bc i'm typing them in notepad now and don't have to worry about them getting too long
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i just read tobys tweet explaining things in deltarune, and here are my thoughts.
spoilers for deltarune
1) deltarune isnt undertale, and it isnt related in anyway (ie. if you did a pacifist route and had a good ending in UNDERTALE, those characters in that universe are still happy.) its neither a prequel, sequel, or reset as many have theorized. its its own thing. it just... is. i like that.
i like the idea that this is just a different scenario/set up for the characters seen thru a new lens, while still staying somewhat true to their character (fishy things, such as alphys hating mew mew 1, seemed to point to a reset of some sort, but shes still the same in that shes nervous a lot and can go into long tangents about her interests.)
this idea makes it easier to make deltarune a separate thing, as toby said later in the tweet that he cant bring you the same feeling you had in undertale, but he will instead give you a new game that will give you new feelings.
but since the story isnt released, i have no idea how far or deep it goes- it seems that chara (now kris) is mostly still chara (still kris) and im happy the story has him as the main character. i think its an interesting contrast from frisk and undertale, much more suspenseful and takes on darker themes. (no im not going to discuss gaster lol)
2. toby seemed to have a lot of reprehension of the games battle system. i thought it was great and fun, the bullet dodging making it active more so than most rpgs, and the idea that blocking creates more TP in battle rather than TP being a distinguishable thing that you deplete and often cant restore until later, this was also a great idea. also the left over TP becomes more money. you cant lose in this scenario.
doing pacifist route (though this phrase itself means just that: not hurting enemies. nothing changes.) i found this to be an extremely fun and useful mechanic when used correctly. for ex (SPOILER) when fighting jevil, where i suck at dodging his bullet patterns cause i havent really figured them out yet, having kris ACT while suzy and ralsei blocked made it so that when they got hurt, i could have ralsei heal them, and could continue playing. it made it very tense too, having to manage and know where your TP percentage is at all times.
i believe that while the battle system could be improved on, (perhaps more interactive ACTS like rearranging block man, or blowing on bunnies. more gear [it was a demo so there will obviously be more], idk. im not a dev im an art major.), it isnt inherently flawed. it is just that: a demo. a thought or concept that can be flushed out more.
i also loved the style of fight sequences, the flashiness of attacking and ACTing, and seeing characters interact with eachother in battle. it really was something i loved and will remember!
3) the in game bullet dodging, outside of battle sequences. this made walking around the world be more than walking around the world. i thought it did a great job at solidifying the concept of the soul/heart, and it was fun maneuvering around them. i love dodging bullets lol. i can see this becoming a big part of the game.
4) Puzzles. toby admitted that some things were lack luster compared to others, but i wouldnt necessarily say that grandeur = to value of its function. puzzles and their concepts repeated themselves, such as the symbol puzzle and button puzzles. the one exception being the eye puzzle. i thing that while these were simple, i had fun going through them. sure, they were easy (for the most part, getting the key was a pain in the ass 4 me cause i kept fucking up the door order). all in all, the puzzles were fun, but not an focal point in the game (Demo, btw.) im sure that when toby does bring puzzles into the next chapters, they'll play a bigger role. that brings me to
3.5) i added this after cause i remembered it but didnt want to change all the numbers cause lazy .... so.
NO multiple endings
this makes sense as it would take a long time to create multiple endings given everything else thats on the plate this time. im not disappointed or sad, i simply understand. it IS a different game, and i think it will be important to the lore (your choices dont matter).
also, like toby said, most games are already like this. i welcome it.
4) the development for the next chapters.
Toby making a game as great as undertale (i never played it but watched a walkthrough, an understood the plot as most of my friends loved it) by himself for the most part, with help from Temmie (of course!) and as well as help with the art, its an incredible feat. no wonder the whole theme of the game was determination. that being said, deltarune is an incredibly ambitious game, even more so than undertale, and it seems that hes had it in the vaults of his mind for a long time. maybe even before undertale.
it makes sense that a game of this scope will take much longer to create. with a much more complicated party system, battle system, increase in pixel art quality, more dynamic fight sequences and UI as well as like, a thousand things im forgetting, its a fucking miracle he had the determination to create and finish that. (if only i could start having that much motivation sadface).
i look forward to what he has in store for us, and i will be patient until then, considering these things take time, and toby is a human, depsite what people believe. many do have high expectations of him, but i think so long as he remembers this is about him giving his ideas and stories to the world, he'll be okay (hopefully).
5) the team
im not sure how, when, what, or uh whomst it will be obviously. point 7 was really funny. i think that toby wont have a hard time finding people wanting to work with him and on the team, but i think it will be difficult to find people who are motivated and determined enough.
6) last thoughts
i think that the world with darkeners being seperate from kris' real world is a very interesting and cool thing! it makes you wonder if its real or not. i think this will make future chapters SUPER interesting, seeing if actions in the darkener world change things in the lightener world? how it will play into the plot in the lightener world will be interesting.
also, asriel is alive in this game. hes in university, so hes an adult. im scared that something bad will happen to him and kris in the future. but also, theyre both alive! yay! i wonder if we'll see of hear about frisk again, either way i love it.
and last, the ending. what can i say? its like, really vague. i think the contrast between asriel and kris will be a big conflict in this game- asriels side of the room being filled with trophies and personal items, while kris' is empty excluding the mysterious birdcage. people in town bringing up and talking about their wonderful memories with asriel in the past, but im not sure if this is relevant or just toby letting us get more of an idea of his role. all in all he seems very loved and popular, while kris is... something else. i dont know what yet. i hope he gets a happy ending though.
and he seems like he was possessed, or not wholly himself at the end. his snappy walk and dragging himself was very unlike what we've seen throughout the game. i dont know what this means, if its more like his true nature or something else. did he know about his soul/heart before the events of the game? does he do this often, as at the beginning the desription of the birdcage and wagon depicted itcas heavily used? why the hell does he have a whole ass knife? he gonna kill someone?
also i think kris is in early highschool/late middleschool as his classmates seem to be working around town. i dont know what the work age there is tho. el oh el
all in all, i really wish him luck, i was SUPER, ULTRA satisfied with deltarune chap 1, and i cant wait to see what happens in the future. also, i loved the music
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translucio · 7 years
ok heres an incomplete discussion of my Thoughts on transistor. minor spoilers below
aaaughfh where do i begin..
i guess first off. that was a beautiful game. i dont have any prior experience with supergiant, but in this game they really showed mastery of aesthetic design-- gorgeous visuals and a great soundtrack plus fun and interesting level design made it very atmospheric. they tied the overall theme and aesthetic together very well. transistor has a unique and fascinating universe/environment and it was super neat to delve into and explore.
as for story.. i think the auditory storytelling was great. i really enjoyed the vocal characterization and narration for all the characters. without the voices and music, a lot of this games appeal would be lost.
the written storytelling, on the other hand, was somewhat less fun. cloudbanks terminals were a neat concept and using them was a good way of introducing the player to the workings of the city pre-camerata takeover. but the little 'voting/responding' prompts where the player could choose from 2-5 options felt more or less inconsequential. it was like they wanted to retain the player choice a more traditional rpg would have, but in this case it didnt really do anything. it wasnt bad, but it also wasnt especially fun and didnt add much to the experience.
i think the news articles were nice and helped immerse the player. the function trace entries, on the other hand, were sort of interesting at first but were a little much to take in. they reminded me of the 'lore' logs in bioware rpgs-- maybe interesting to read a bit of for the first few, but gradually building up into piles of text that don't seem worth reading. id rather learn that lore through interactions/encounters or voice lines. maybe thats just me tho :p
i think the story was pretty cool and well written. the only thing thats somewhat frustrating for me is that its still a bit vague at the end of the game and that it wasnt expanded on more (especially since its so bleak!). it does such a good job of drawing you into the universe that it leaves you craving more information and content at the end, at least in my case. (i often have this issue with shorter games and indie games, though. i like thorough lore and content lmao)
now.. onto gameplay. i think the games systems all fit together well and made sense, and were fun to use. the combat was pretty neat. i think they accomplished a pretty good blend of turn based and real time combat. the fight with royce was really great- i was very pleasantly surprised with that whole bit. the mix and match functions were cool and fun to experiment with, but at the same time they were slightly overwhelming and i found myself sticking to similar setups and strategies when i could.
i enjoyed the boss fights. (come to think of it-- did we ever see the spine again when he returned after you kill him? iirc you just escape and see his tail but you dont fight him again or anything) (just a continuity sidenote lol) i almost wish there were more of them-- three feels like too few. but those three were really cool.
one very minor complaint is the number of seemingly meaningless features. things like the terminal polls, the press [key] to speed up during this driving cutscene, press [key] to hum, press [key] to flourish. i dont wish they weren't there, but they didnt seem to serve much of a purpose other than.. immersion and shits and giggles, i guess. again, maybe just a nitpicky personal thing.
i didnt encounter any bugs or glitches while playing which is always a good thing!
anyway, thats all i got for now. i really did not mean to write a whole essay oops
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