#like oh we can just save everyone now except for whoever goes through the portal to sacrifice themself?
gamingofkenna · 9 months
Oxenfree 2 spoilers, re the 'final choice'
I played the whole game in a solid 7 hour chunk yesterday and I'm still trying to decide how I feel about it, and I'll have to do another playthrough when I can, because there's so much of the way the characters are that seems based on your choices so I wanna see what happens when I make other choices
but I'm seeing that a lot of people let Olivia go through the portal at the end, and that everyone who didn't is saying those who did are monsters for letting this grief-stricken teenager kill herself
and. i don't think there is a 'right' choice at the end there in most circumstances. but i did let Olivia take the radio, because as awful as it felt I just kept thinking that I couldn't do that to Rex
especially since we just had a ghost moment of Rex telling Riley she has to keep fighting, even though she's going to keep failing? to follow that up with 'or you can just kill yourself now to save these kids'? like it is a horrible thing to do to Olivia but it's a horrible thing to do to Rex too?
honestly, based on my playthrough, the 'right' thing seems to be Jacob going through the portal. few players forced him to because apparently the only way for him to do it is if you force him - I didn't even let him come on the island with me. I saw the prompt that I could stop him and immediately knew that if I didn't he would die. Riley kept seeing visions of her future but Jacob never did. Jacob kept talking to me about how he feels he never did anything important in life, how he likes just chilling in his hometown, how he doesn't have any grand ambition but also wants to do something important and meaningful
when that prompt popped up I thought 'if I go to that island I'm getting sucked into this loop too and I'm not coming back; Jacob doesn't deserve that' and I made him stay. I'm curious now if there's a specific dialogue tree that leads to Jacob deciding, at the end, that him going through that portal and saving everyone by doing what he's always been doing is his way of being a hero. but that wasn't the option i'd been given. instead I had two suicidal people, who both had their whole lives in front of them
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makeste · 5 years
ITP: an incomplete but lovingly assembled list of people who have it out for my kid
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hi anon, thank you!!
and omg. I... don’t know, lol. like, I’ve thought about it before, but I always just ended up going “???”. there just doesn’t seem to be anyone tailor-made for him, and it’s honestly weird. shounen tropes have taught me that these things are always foreshadowed in advance. so where is it? WHERE IS THE FORESHADOWING, WHERE ARE MY TROPES. he literally got kidnapped by a whole troupe of them and not a one made any real effort to click. that was like the villain equivalent of The Bachelor and it still didn’t get us anywhere omg.
anyways, since I’m undecided, I’ve taken the liberty of listing and rating all of the Possible Bakugou Antagonists I could think of on a scale of 1 to 10, and I’m not gonna pretend like I didn’t enjoy every second of it, either.
Spinner - 1/10
no offense Spinner. you’re a great guy. but we just didn’t connect. you have absolutely nothing in common. those sparks just aren’t flying. I’m sorry. you’ll find someone someday I know it just keep being true to yourself.
Stain - 1/10
Mr. Compress - 2.5/10
I have no idea who Mr. Compress will end up battling, but it won’t be Bakugou. how do I know this? I just know.
Dabi - 3/10
honestly, Dabi kind of has chemistry with everyone. so it’s a shame he’s already spoken for. by three other people, no less. between Endeavor, Shouto, and Hawks, he’s really got his hands full already. it really is a pity because he was the one who actually kidnapped Bakugou, like grabbed him by the back of the neck and dragged him through the portal and everything. but he has beef with too many other people to make room in his fridge for even more. sorry Bakugou.
someone from the Liberation Army - 3.5/10
they had better not! he deserves someone more interesting! but, the one thing they do have going for them is their fierce commitment to the whole QUIRKS ARE SUPERIOR!! ideology, because I do have to admit, there’s a part of me that does like the idea of Reformed Shithead Bakugou Katsuki taking a stand against some prejudiced dickbags. so yeah. but also, no.
Twice - 4/10
honestly this rating is too high. there’s no chemistry here either. but on the other hand, Twice is basically the Kirishima of villains, and I just really enjoy the concept of him antagonizing Bakugou lol. plus he does have the whole Satisfying Cannon Fodder thing going for him too on account of he can clone himself x infinity and just attack Baku in waves only to get repeatedly blown up. this does win him extra points, because I feel like one of the important criteria for a Bakugou Antagonist is the ability to actually put up not just a good fight, but an entertaining one, and that’s pretty difficult against a quirk like Kacchan’s. so yeah. this honestly won’t happen but if it did I would be down for it.
Gigantomachia - 4.5/10
on the one hand, Machia is insanely powerful and definitely a worthy antagonist. but on the other hand he has no personality whatsoever aside from LOYAL TO AFO!!! so yeah, he gets mad points for being a challenge, but I can’t see him having staying power.
 okay so now we’re done with the ones who really have no chance, and on to the ones who genuinely could really pull it off. starting with...
 Toga - 6/10
okay so Toga is pretty much a lockdown for being Ochako’s main villain honestly. but I’m gonna give her a decent score anyway, for three reasons:
(1) I love her.
(2) Bakugou is thus far the only male character in the series who’s actually had a real fight against a female character, and not pulled any punches. yeah boy!! he’s a feminist! so I would kind of love to see this even though Horikoshi probably won’t. boo.
and last but not least, (3) THE MIND GAMES. omg. who wouldn’t love to see Toga transform herself into Deku or Kirishima or BEST JEANIST NOOOO or Camie or whoever else you can think of that might fuck with Bakugou’s head. yesssss. god I love Toga so much.
Hagakure the U.A. traitor - 7/10
see above re: mind games. you’ll notice that the top tier of this list consists solely of villains who (with the exception of Tomura) all have the whole Now It’s Personal thing going for them. this is especially important because there is no clear-cut candidate to be Bakugou’s antagonist yet. so if he’s going to get one, they’re gonna have to get cracking on that bad blood between them so he can get his vengeance on. anyways the traitor will probably wind up being someone else’s main villain in the end, but they still get a high score because they would do an excellent job if they did end up being Bakugou’s villain.
Hawks - 7.5/10
on the one hand, not an actual villain. but on the other hand, YOU KILLED MY MASTER angst for daaaaaaaays omg. holy shit. Hawks what kind of hole have you dug yourself into?? you probably think you’re so slick you can just fly out of any and all metaphorical holes. BUT NOT IF THE HOLES BLOW YOU UP, HAWKS. anyways yeah. I don’t think Hawks will be a final villain, but as things currently stand there is a very high likelihood of there being at least some temporary antagonism between them, and my verdict is: bring it.
Shigaraki Tomura - 8/10*
the * is there because this score is contingent on Deku and Bakugou facing off against Tomura together. as it is, Tomura’s been built up to be Deku’s antagonist, so he’s not going to go after Bakugou instead unless Gang Green is also there. even though Tomura did engineer Bakugou’s kidnapping and all but single-handedly launched his character development into orbit, so there is history there! but yeah, I just can’t see it happening unless they double team him. that being said, the odds of that are actually pretty good IMO, hence the high score.
All For One - 8.5/10*
same deal as Tomura! but he gets a higher score on account of him actually being the final villain. so if you, like me, believe that the series is building up to Deku and Bakugou working together to become The Greatest Heroes as a team, then you have to assume that this battle is inevitable. unless you’re all-in on Tomura being the final villain instead, in which case see the previous entry.
confession time: I’ve had this plot bunny?/headcanon?/?? thing in my head for the longest time in which the League launches a huge attack on U.A. near the end of the series, and either AFO or Tomura goes after All Might and almost finishes him off, but then Bakugou steps in before they can finish the job, and proceeds to take them on solo. and he puts up an insanely good fight, but loses in the end (because he’s still just a kid! HIS TRAINING IS NOT COMPLETE) and nearly dies and/or has his quirk stolen, but then Deku and/or the others show up, and the villains leave (for some reason. shh). it’s my self-indulgent hurt/comfort as-a-result-of-being-a-self-sacrificing-badass fantasy. anyways then he probably passes out in All Might’s arms or something because I love me some Dad Might angst also. the thing is, if Bakugou ever finds out about Nighteye’s prophecy, there’s a good chance he’ll react even worse than Deku, because it already almost came true, and it would have been his fault. All Might actually went into the Kamino battle thinking that was the end for him, even. willingly ready to give up his own life to save this kid. can you imagine if Kacchan ever learns that. anyways so yeah the idea of him taking a potentially fatal blow for All Might in order to stop the prophecy coming true is something that’s stuck with me for a while now. and it has just about nothing to do with Final Villains, but I just thought I’d throw that out there because that’s one way to establish some Now It’s Personal hella beef between two characters for sure. having one of them nearly kill the other while targeting his mentor lol. anyways I went off on a real tangent, my bad.
 so now, drum roll please! last but not least, we have...
 Ujiko - 9/10
you guys. like 3/4 of the way through this post I suddenly went “!!!!” and remembered, OH YEAH, WHAT ABOUT THAT GUY WHO FUCKING TORTURED AND KILLED BAKUGOU’S CHILDHOOD FRIEND, THOUGH. holy shit. I forgot all about him. and also, what the hell, what is this thing all of a sudden where people whom Bakugou is secretly fond of keep getting secretly murdered by villains and he doesn’t know about it omg. like, why is that an actual trend. between all that and the prophecy, it’s like Horikoshi is actually just hoarding this huge pile of Things That Bakugou Doesn’t Know About Yet That Will Absolutely Fuck Up His Day When He Finds Out. like, I picture him stacking up a bunch of heavy boxes just behind a doorway and then waiting for Bakugou to step into the room so he can push the boxes over and they all fall on him and probably kill him fuuuuuuck.
anyways, but yeah. Ujiko, though. I really do think he’s got the best chance of becoming the main villain for Bakugou now that I think about it. all of the criteria are there.
(1) Satisfying Cannon Fodder - you get a Noumu! EVERY! BODY! GETS! NOUMUUUUUUUS fff but yeah. if you want bad guys for Bakugou to fight that he can blow up without feeling guilty, Ujiko’s your guy. -- though on the other hand, maybe he will feel guilty if and when he learns what the Noumus actually are. oh my god. which brings me to point two!
(2) ANGST FOR DAYYYYYYYS - hey guys, so everyone knows about this fun little thing, right?
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okay so the short version is this: in a volume 7 omake, Horikoshi strongly implied that the winged Noumu who kidnapped Deku and was subsequently killed by Stain during the Hero Killer arc is -- or was -- Katsuki and Deku’s childhood friend Tsubasa. so right away, that’s fucked up. and it gets worse! because Horikoshi went on to include yet another hint tucked away in a corner of the first databook, confirming that Tsubasa was actually the grandson of that doctor in chapter one who diagnosed Deku as quirkless. the same doctor who is 99.9% confirmed to actually be AFO’s personal physician and the architect of the Noumus.
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so yeah. this man took his own grandson and turned him into a lab experiment who was later murdered by another villain. and oh yes, that murder just so happened to caught on tape and subsequently went viral. holy shit.
I have been waiting and waiting and waiting for this shoe to finally drop, guys, and I’ll continue to be patient. but holy shit, though. anyways, so yeah. if/when Kacchan and Deku learn about this, I can’t even imagine how they’ll react. but it’s safe to say that Ujiko has the Now It’s Personal factor more than covered. if Katsuki is going to go on a roaring rampage of revenge toward anyone, it’s this motherfucker right here.
and last but not least, (3) Ujiko is kind of at this perfect tier of almost-but-not-quite final villain level. like, he’s the guy behind the scenes. not on the same level as AFO, but there have definitely been hints that he’s pulling Tomura’s strings more than Tomura realizes. he seems to be AFO’s right hand man, honestly. so yeah, huge plot importance here, and definitely worthy of being a foil to the series’s deuteragonist. I can definitely see it happening.
so that’s it! I’m sure I’ve missed some people, but I think I got the big ones. anyways, this has been your friendly reminder that the Noumu are going to fuck everyone’s shit up, and there are tidal waves of angst on the horizon that we honestly might not survive. good thing we have a budding hero to root for who always wins no matter what. godspeed, kid.
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firebunnylover · 7 years
Hannah Watches LOSH - Lightning Storm
Lightning Storm
The opening to this episode is the Legion on a mission to rescue several ships from a Space Squid. It is… not going well.
Everyone except Bouncy – who is on the cruiser – gets caught by the squid. Although we do get more Triplicate Girl, and our first mission-appearance of Colossal Boy.
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Oh, about that Superman… someone just joined the party, so they probably did watch for a bit.
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Their leader tells Wave to distract it and Esper to ready a mind blast. As soon as Esper does her part, the others go in, making the squid let the ships and other captives go.
When Superman tries to help, he nearly gets hit by one of the weapons used by one of the other team.
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But when Lightning Lad manages to help, he’s thanked.
Esper delivers another psychic attack, and when the Legion goes to attack, this happens.
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That is disgusting. RIP Space Squid.
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Aww, Sparky doesn’t want his nerd teammate to embarrass him in front of the cool kids.
Still Superman goes over to thank them.
The leader says that they can clean up the mess. To which Superman goes “Oh! Right!” Gosh what a boy scout.
Later, we see that Colossal Boy has departed the rest of the team, and Superman thanks him for helping earlier. Although Lightning Lad comments they looked like dumb kids during the mission. What a sour puss.
However Bouncy questions who the others were.
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However, Lightning Lad’s thoughts clearly contrast Triplicate Girls’ thoughts.
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I love how the girls are all gathered together. It’s like they started a poly-relationship.
Actually, can the whole legion be poly-romantic? That takes a lot of trouble out of shipping.
Of course, Lightning Lad goes straight into Tsudere denial mode.
When Saturn Girl says they’ll see soon on Lightning Lad’s fan-crush on the other group, he angrily asks if she’s now clairvoyant. She answers she just has good eyes, as she noticed their ship at the Dinner the Legion was just heading to.
My observant queen.
How are Jupiter burgers different from other burgers? TELL MEEEE
While the rest of the group is enjoying the meal, Lightning Lad is is clearly pining to talk to the other team. Saturn Girl tells him in a slightly annoyed tone to just go over an talk.
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Superman is adorable when eating his burger. Look at how happy he is. He deserves to be happy.
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Now the beginning of this next scene is actually capable of giving me second hand embarrassment. I dunno why, it just does. Maybe the expectation Lighting Lad is about to goof this up somehow?
While it seems like at first the other group has no interest in him at all, the leader does talk to him just as he’s getting ready to go, telling him he did a good job earlier. He then introduces himself as Tyr, and the others besides Wave and Esper are Hunter and RonKar, and says they are the Light Speed Vanguard.
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He’s so star-struck he has to be reminded to introduce himself.
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And then Hunter comments he seems a little old for the other Legionnaires.
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Bouncy I love u.
But a moment for Lighting Lad’s face at this.
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Regardless, the LSV give him their card.
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What a happy fanboy.
But then returning to HQ, we see that the place is filled with people who don’t seem to be regulars at the place. Making Lighting Lad ask Brainy on what’s going on.
Who answers that a recent memo said Bouncing Boy is holding seminars for people who will be auditioning soon.
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Aww my nerd son attempted a joke. Too bad it wasn’t received very well.
But turns out Lightning Lad has his own fanboy! Peter aka Porcupine Pete!
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He attempts to demonstrate his powers, but it doesn’t go smoothly.
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Da booty tho.
Peter apologizes, but Lighting Lad still walks off.
Rude, you go back and spend time with your fanboy.
Afterwards, Lightning Lad is seen alone and the card given to hip appears to be able to make a portal. Which he walks into with no questions.
Wow what if that turned out to be a death trap?
But the design of the place he walks into is pretty cool to look at.
But I think there’s something even better to look at.
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Nice call back to Champions, and a nice reminder Lighting Lad does not have many positive feelings towards Mekt right now.
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Honey, it was a bit more than just a mistake.
When he claims to have moved on to better things, Lighting Lad’s brain clicks and he asks if he’s really with the LSV. Again, another bad sign.
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Lightning Lad, he has been constantly on a more positive side of a relationship than you. This really isn’t that surprising.
But aww, sweet older brother. Saying he’s perfect
When Lighting Lad says he’s already in the Legion, Mekt says the Legion is for kids.
Back on the trash baby list.
However, Tyr tells Lightning Lad to hang for a while before making any decisions. And then Lightning Lad calls up the Legion.
Bouncy seems horrified Lightning Lad might be leaving, especially since he helped start the Legion.
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That’s one reason?
When Lightning Lad hangs up, Saturn Girl tells the others that she has a bad feeling about the LSV, admitting that she tried to read their minds. However she held back on telling the others earlier because of feeling guilty, since she tries to reads minds only when she is given permission (or if the situation is very serious). But she couldn’t get through because Esper was shielding them.
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Also, when I first saw this episode, I thought he said “steak out”, which made no sense to me but I found kinda funny since he’s part-carnivor.
Switching back to the LSV, Mekt is talking to Lightning Lad, saying it’s just like old times, which Lightning Lad agrees to.
And then Esper goes ahead and reads Lightning Lad’s mind. Major red flag.
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... and backgrounds with details but are too dark...
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When Esper finishes, Tyr tells her to give LL privacy. When he realizes she was just reading his mind, Sparky is not happy.
Outside the LSV’s ship, Timber Wolf and Superman are staking them out, with the cruiser cloaked. No sign of takeout though. Probably haven’t been waiting that long.
However, I guess either checkers is either a lost game in the 31st century, or Timber Wolf has never really played any games. Given he questions Superman on what checkers is when waiting.
And then questions what Kansas is. Which is a bit more on an alarming side.
However, they don’t have to kill time as LSV gets a move on, heading to a transport that’s being attacked by Sand Raiders.
And the LSV seem to have a good handle on the situation.
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Dat eyeliner.
However, the raiders start to pull out… to get the big guns out.
Tyr suggests Lighting Lad to take care of it by himself, and he goes off to do so. Oh trash baby.
He gets knocked down, but then Superman and Timber Wolf intervene. Lightning Lad is not happy about it.
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What a loser.
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Big brother behavior~
And we get some glorious interaction between Superman and Mekt
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Mm, the Superman we had in the first episode would be a little more inclined to believing people can change.
When the LSV start walking off, Lightning Lad asks what Superman and TimberWolf are doing in the same place. Although Superman is 100% honest, Lighting Lad still tells them to leave. Prick.
Superman then leaves, commenting that Mekt was right on people changing.
Oof. Not a good thing to get salt from Superman.
However, before the LSV leaves, they bill the guys they just saved. Who are taking decontamination stuff to a colony, and it sounds urgent.
This puts the LSV in a new light for Lightning Lad.
Especially when Tyr tells him “Whoever said we were heroes? This is business.”
Oof. Not what the trash baby needs.
When Lightning Lad tries to get the LSV to go help out at several places, Mekt turns him down, saying there’s no credit.
But all I could focus on is Dem Legs.
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Also, bonus points for having him examine his nails. He might be considering gloves like his brother now.
However the brothers are interrupted by Tyr, saying the captain of the transport is refusing to pay. And says it’s time to collect.
Finally returning to the Legion HQ, Bouncy is talking to the try-outies, getting them ready. I love him.
However, when demonstrating with one of the applicants, Breath Boy – who can hold his breath for an extended period of time – Superman calls him because they got a distress call.
Upon arriving to the transport with the decontamination units, the Legion sees the LSV ship.
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But Saturn Girl quickly finds out what’s going on.
Inside, the LSV are taking the decontamination units. Wow. What pricks.
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But dem legs tho. And the way he’s sitting is proof of Mekt being a cat.
Tyr tells Lightning Lad to take care of the captain, but Sparky’s conscious wins out.
Mekt tries to get Lightning Lad to calm down, but Lightning Lad is having none of it.
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Triplicate Girl outside comments she can’t believe Lightning Lad got mixed up with hijackers, just when Lightning Lad is knocked out of the transport.
Superman goes out to catch him, holding him bridal style. 
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Good thing Brainy wasn’t there.
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Wow he can admit that.
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So, judging from what Lightning Lad said, there was still some hope holding out that his brother CAN do something good, and a long time ago, did look up to him. Oof. This hurts me.
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While the brothers have a go at each other, Hunter throws flares at Superman and Saturn Girl, who are both saved by our beloved Puppy, who then lunges at Hunter. While  Superman takes Tyr on and Saturn Girl fights Esper, after being attacked by a mind blast.
Back with the brothers.
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I don’t think that face implies anything good.
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At what point are we talking about? Recently? Past? AAAAA
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Like the touch of Bouncy watching the fight before switching channels and seeing the LSV ship coming head on.
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While Wave and Ron Karr fire a few shots at the cruiser, turns out Bouncy has a lot of tricks up his sleeves.
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Aww, poor white TG
Meanwhile, SG tries helping TW but gets ambushed by Esper. However, she manages to catch esper off guard and knocks her out.
Timber Wolf starts to get cornered by Hunter, but Saturn Girl manages to turn the table with making Hunter see Glorgs, which I assume are the equivalent of Furbies.
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What a pure friendship.
Superman and Tyr seem pretty even in strength, and when both are starting to wear down. However, when Tyr takes out a gun-like weapon (it does not look 100% like a gun, so im refraining from calling it that) Superman uses his heat vision to blow it up, causing a smoke screen and then proceeds to beat him.
With the Ships’ fight, the Legion manages to sneak up on the LSV.
But back to the brothers.
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Oof. They were really going for it.
But a moment to appreciate one of the frames of Mekt.
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Edited to show the best part better.
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Okay, how heavy was that metal thing?
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As soon as Mekt is gone, Superman comes to help Lightning Lad get the metal thing off, saying they have a delivery to make.
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Take this out of context and it looks like two boyfriends getting back together.
After seeing the rest of the LSV tied up, we go to the ship, where Triplicate Girl is gushing about Bouncy during the fight, to which Superman says they make a good team.
Giving us the first hint at BB/TG
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However, Lightning Lad isn’t doing to well and Saturn Girl goes to talk to him, giving us a good moment between them.
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After that incredibly touching moment, we see there’s still one applicant in the HQ, even after closing hours. Then we exit out the episode.
So final thoughts on the episode overall and the character
Well, obviously I love it because of my Trash Lord. But don’t worry, I’ll gush on him towards the end of this section.
This episode does have its plus and minuses, both of which I will discuss.
In terms of world building, we now know some places are still being colonized in Space, given the guy who is delivering the decontamination units mentions colonies. Honestly, knowing there are still places left unexplored is pretty cool for me as it invites multiple possibilities with different places and beings.
We get far more character development than last episode. In terms of discussing the characters, I’m saving the brothers for last because it’s that good.
Superman is once again not the central character of this episode. But we see that he does have doubts about some people doing good.
Let’s go over a list of people he trusted in the show.
Dr. Londo. Who turned out to be abusive and manipulative.
Alexis. Who tried to kill his friends.
Zyx. Who proved to be very dangerous.
But when Mekt says he’s with the LSV, he is immediately suspicious. Now there is the fact Saturn Girl said that they were up to something, but given everything that has happened, this is a big sign of change in his trust in others. And that he needs a vacation.
And he makes a jab at Lighting Lad as well when it seems Lightning Lad has switched sides. But, he easily goes out to save him when he gets blasted. Showing he still trust Lighting Lad to do what’s right.
We finally get more development with Saturn Girl in this episode. We see once again she’s incredibly observant of people, and doesn’t need to read minds to figure out what people feel or think a fair amount of the time, but does teases Lightning Lad when he’s being tsundere as hell. We also see she knows there are lines not to cross regarding privacy of others’ thoughts. But she can still cave to the temptation of reading others minds without permission, and she held back information because she felt bad about doing it. Yes, give her flaws. Make her more realistic.
But we also see more of the comforting side of her again that she had shown Superman and Timberwolf, but this time to Lightning Lad. Nice to see.
Bouncing Boy is an absolute JOY. He’s so nice to the hopeful applicants for the auditions, even though everyone else seems to have doubts about most of them.
While at the diner, we see a love of food , and I I can relate. Immediately. I am on the heavy side, and was much heavier when younger. And he’s not constantly eating, unlike some other portrayals of fat people I have seen. Heck, we’ve only seen him eat three times before. The fair, at Clark’s home, and the popcorn while watching a movie. He does get food in Q12, but he doesn’t eat that because eyeballs. He is more than just his love of food.
A fat person being portrayed positively is something I enjoy to see. Hence one reason why I love Steven Universe, which has several fat/heavy characters. Plus seeing him goof around is fun to watch as well
And we see he’s very good at maneuvering the ship, most of it being improvisation.
Which makes something in episode 2 make more sense. Him taking offense on B5 insisting on him to use a system to help fly it. He is very good at piloting, so with Brainy trying to make him use a console, it does seem like an insult to his skills.
Timber Wolf returns, but unlike Phantoms, he seems to be coping much better with being with the Legion. The people in this episode he seems to automatically trust are Saturn Girl – unquestionable because she was the one who helped him first, and Superman. And we see that his relationship with Saturn Girl has developed from the second episode, but not in a romantic sense, which is rare to see, outside brother and sister relationships. It’s platonic. Which is so good.
But then there’s the “What’s Checkers?” moment and “What’s Kansas?”. Now this seemed funny to me as a kid, but now, it’s worrisome as hell. We still don’t know if Timber Wolf spent his entire childhood with his father. If he did, then those two questions imply a lack of education on certain things. Things that can be considered trivial in the 31st century. Which further implies his father isolating him from the outside world.
But it is possible that Kansas and Checkers are things that are just not common knowledge to most people in the 31st century. We’ll get more insight into Timber Wolf’s past next episode and in the second season, but still, things to worry about.
And we FINALLY get development with Triplicate Girl. Which the lack of in the last episode she was in was a major let down. And the three parts of her aren’t all the same, the vary in their behaviors, as evident when White throws up from motion sickness. And the fact they don’t go back into one being after the fight means she’s comfortable being split up.
She’s like a reverse Garnet.
She is the all-together version of the three duplicates of her, but the whole version is the original version. While Garnet is the sum of two people, Sapphire and Ruby who were their own persons before fusing. But Triplicate Girl is comfortable with splitting her three personas up, and equally as comfortable with becoming one again. Garnet always wants to be fused. Ruby and Sapphire love each other so much. And both choices are perfectly fine. As long as they are comfortable about it and do so in a healthy manner, anyway.
They immediately saw the LSV as stuck-ups, which is not too far from their true nature. And their expressions the three of her when Saturn Girl began teasing Lightning Lad? They were ready to join in on the teasing. Plus we see her as the copilot(s) of the Legion Cruiser, and going on how amazing Bouncing Boy was with his maneuvers. Perhaps Bouncy can teach her a few things?
Wished that we could have seen more varying behavior between the three personas, but thankfully, the comic the show got did.
We saw Brainy, but he didn’t do much this episode, and we don’t even see him that long. Now in the original airing order of this episodes, this wouldn’t stand out. But knowing what happens in the next episode in the production order, it gives us a different picture. Which we will discuss in the next episode review to avoid spoiling.
But we see that now he’s attempting to make jokes, although he’s not that great at it. Just keep practicing, baby.
We also get our first non-regular legionnaire appearance on a mission. I really wished we had more like this. I love having many characters that vary. The guest character we got was Colossal Boy. Like Brainy, nothing much to say on him. Sadly.
But then we have Porcupine Pete, aka Peter. He has an appearance shorter than both of the two characters I just mentioned, but the writers managed to give him personality in that short amount of time. We see he looks up to Lightning Lad and is a huge fanboy, possibly rivaling Brainy’s own crush. And he can confront the object of his affections. But Pete messes up on his attempt to impress him. Real bad. And you can’t help but feel sorry for him.
Lightning Lad doesn’t deserve him.
And for our villains. The LSV makes far more interesting villains than the F5. The LSV manages to have more than one girl on the team, but we don’t see much interaction between them, unlike the Legion.
The least developed of the LSV is sadly Wave, one of the two women on the team. She never speaks in this episode. We see her laughing with the others at the diner, but that’s it in verbal communication, and we can’t tell if it’s her own laughter being heard. But we do see her motioning to Ron Karr with her hair when they were about to attack the Legion Cruiser. This does leave room for the people watching to speculate.
Maybe she can’t talk at all. If so, then the staff could have taken advantage of this. How? Let’s look at Sandman from ROTG.
Sandy can’t talk, but he uses his sands to do charades. Wave could have done something similar with her hair. That would have been amazing to watch.
Hunter has an accent, which I think is based off an Australian one, but I’m not reliable in distinguishing accents. He also seems to be the oldest, and has experienced with using different weapons. He also has experience fighting fauna from different places in space, as we hear him talking about fighting another space squid elsewhere. Putting the fight with Timber Wolf in an interesting perspective. Nothing else to add.
Then we have Ron Karr, who shares the same voice actor as Timber Wolf, Shawn Harrison. His power in the comics was originally flattening his body, however in the show he is a shapeshifter. I guess the original source’s power can be considered shape shifting to an extent, but I can see how this change can bother the comic fans.
Another power change of a comic character that comes to mind is Negasonic Teenage Warhead, also known as Ellie Phimister.
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Originally, her power is telepathy and precognition. However, in the Deadpool movie, her powers have been massively changed to better suit her name. In the deleted scene, when she teases Deadpool, we do get a slight nod to her original power as she tells him she can predict the future.
I thought that the film handled her very well, including the power change. But that’s just my opinion.
I’m not sure why the staffdecided to change Ron Karr’s power. Unless they already were planning season 2, where he plays a more prominent role. Or they just wanted to do more with him, because flattening himself doesn’t let them do much.
Talking about his powers aside, he also pilots the LSV ship, but still gets owned by Bouncy’s skills. I can’t tell what age he is, although for the longest time I figured he was the youngest. Now I’m not sure.
Moving on, there is Esper, the second female member of the LSV.
It is clear she is the foil to Saturn Girl. Esper does not have any respect for privacy. Which is very alarming. She just went ahead and read Lightning Lad’s mind. And didn’t feel guilt afterwards. It’s unlikely she draws the line on when not to use her powers on others without permission. Esper does not think about another person’s consent. That makes her a very dangerous person. Even if she is supposed to be on the same team. And she does not offer the same comfort Saturn Girl does.
One thing I need to get off my chest however with her is her outfit. It is very obviously Egyptian-based. And she does not seem Egyptian. As I mentioned last time, I’m not Egyptian-descent, but this still bothers me. Much more than last time given that it’s far more obvious than the Head of the Council of Zerok (I found out that’s the proper spelling from the story boards).
… And as I’m writing this, the reboot of The Mummy is coming out in theaters.
*painfully heaves in the corner*
But most of the character designers of this episode are not white people (after doing a lot of searching on the names in credits). And Triplicate Girl herself was intended to have darker skin, but her skin was lightened in the final products, sadly. So, could Esper have had a less-white appearance in early product, and only her outfit was spared in post-production? Perhaps.
We won’t know what went down unless someone asks one of the people who was involved with development for this show.
Oh, and if you are looking for an alternative movie to “The Mummy” reboot film, or you saw it and you need treatment to recover from that, I have the perfect solution/treatment.
1999′s The Mummy.
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Now to talk about Tyr.
He’s a smooth talker. Very good at convincing Lightning Lad to come and stay. Which is not easy, given his ego, and dislike for his brother. He seems like a natural leader. And I like his design too.
But my favorite thing about him is his voice actor.
Not sure on who he is? Here’s a little hint.
However, the ultimate downside is that Tyr is nowhere near as expressive as Cyborg, voice acting included. They are different characters, but one of the things that made Khary’s Cyborg enjoyable is the ablility to flex between joyful Boo-Yahs and very serious dialogue. We know he has the talent. But it’s not used to its full extent.
With that said, this does remind me one of the show’s biggest weakness. The ultimate comparison to Teen Titans’ original run.
Teen Titans had more development with its characters, more expressive animation, and a longer run that Legion of SuperHeroes. When Teen Titans finished season 5, many people were looking for a substitute. And given that LOSH is another DC comics, the comparison was going to happen. That’s something that the staff had to be aware of during production.
Good news is that now, we can say that LOSH is better than the current Teen Titans Go.
And now, our favorite brothers in this show.
If you want an image to sum up their fight in simple terms, here.
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But to delve into more detail, we’ll first look at Lightning Lad.
So this is the first time we see him having idols to look up at, and does seem embarrassed by the Legion’s far more childish approaches to things. Even though he can also be childish at times. And we see his more aggressive/jerk side again, more than usual, matching the first episode’s personality again. The best examples are when he’s with Porcupine Pete – walking off is not a good way to console a fan, and when he tells Superman and Timber Wolf to leave him alone.
Does that mean he’s regressed in character development? No. His jerk personality was never fully addressed in other episodes. His ego was in Champions though. Which is something else entirely.
He does apologize to Saturn Girl for his behavior towards his teammates at the end though, and did seem to be expecting consequences of some sort for being with the LSV and how he told Superman to go.
He was very lucky Superman and Saturn Girl were ready to forgive him. However, I won’t be surprised if the others make him do some sort of re-initiation thing as punishment.
We also see he tends to have ideals on what heroes are like, neither of which the Legion or LSV live up to, for different reasons. But sees the LSV as far worse.
But we finally see part of the event that gave him his powers, and got a mention of it from Mekt.
The Lightning Beast attack. Which was him, his sister Ayla – who we finally see, and Mekt, being attacked by a creature far bigger than them, and was not friendly.
It was traumatic enough to turn Mekt’s hair white.
First thing to discuss is how deep that trauma affected him, regarding the previous episode.
Zyx messing with a large monster with powers, and was established previously that they are dangerous and will attack people. Sounds immediately familiar to Lightning Lad’s own story, doesn’t it?
And after they put Comet and Cupid back in their exhibit, Lighting Lad gets really mad. It wasn’t going to help the current situation then, but now that we know he’s seen that situation before, we can deduct something else.
He’s mad because it could have been a repeat of whatever happened back then. Making his reaction much more understandable.
At this point, we don’t know the full story of what happened though. Around this episode’s original air date, when I first watched it, I had looked Lighting Lad up on Wikipedia, and read more on the Lightning Beast attack, which gave all three siblings their powers. And found out that Lightning Lad’s sister, Ayla, who was also a legionnaire in the comics.
Which now begs the question – where is she in the show?
When I first watched this and did research, I figured she was simply not shown yet, or probably had not yet joined the legion, and was still living at home.
But now, it seems a bit more obvious that wasn’t simply the case. Neither brothers mention her at any point in this episode or Champions. Implying whatever situation she’s in, it wasn’t easy for them to talk about.
Back to Lightning Lad.
Regarding the relationship with his brother… it takes an unfortunate turn for the worse.
He clearly doesn’t trust Mekt when he first sees him in this episode, regarding the incident in Champions. And doesn’t see him as a very generous person. It doesn’t stop him from staying with the LSV though. And we see during the fight with the sand raiders, he still cares enough to help Mekt. And does admit he held out some hope that he would do something right, but that hope has ceased.
But during the final fight, it seems like whatever positive feelings has been cast aside. And expects Mekt to take advantage and deliver the final blow. But his expression when Mekt leaves suggest he’s saddened by the turn the relationship has gone.
And now for our favorite piece of trash.
First thing. Get rid of the purple pants, Mekt. They don’t look good on you. Everything else of his costume is good though. And eyeliner is on point, and Dem Legs are as fine as ever.
And I like the touch of detail in parts of the episode where his lightning was a slightly different color from Lightning Lad’s. Sadly this detail is not kept consistent in the episode.
And now his role as a villain. Perfect. I completely can see him as a villain in this episode. And I certainly did when I first watched this. Hence making me dislike him.
In the original comics, Mekt was the leader of the LSV, called Lightning Lord, but no one calls him that, and Tyr seems to be the leader. Not sure why the change, but maybe it has something to do with the self-esteem issues we saw in Champions?
We see his selfish side shine through as he’s part of the LSV for financial reasons. But he’s not portrayed as a typical greedy villain, thank god. He also shows his powers in use in this episode, which we did not see last time, implying he has figured out how to use them effectively against people.
Once again, he’s the more positive person of the brothers’ relationship, but even that seems to change at the end of this episode.
He’s the one who wants Lightning Lad to join the team the most. Even calls him perfect for it. And when they are on the ship together, Mekt calls it like old times, and when we get a closer look at them, right when Esper is about to read Lightning Lad’s mind, he’s smiling.
He didn’t offer Lightning Lad a spot for any manipulative reasons. He genuinely wants his brother there just to spend time together.
When Lightning Lad refuses to help steal the decontamination units, Mekt tries to talk to him. Although it doesn’t work. Mekt gets mad and charges up to zap him, but then lowers his fist for a bit.
He zaps him a few moments later though.
During the fight, he comments he got more power from the Lightning Beast. How does he know that? I WANT DETAILS!
But I want to discuss a moment during the fight that stood out to me. When Lightning Lad is starting to corner him and seemed ready to deliver some serious blows, Mekt says something that I’m really curious about.
“Wait! I saved your life! Isn’t that worth something?”
At what point of time is he talking about? The Lightning Beast attack? He is shown trying to beat it with a stick to give Ayla and Garth time to run. But that happened so long ago, it wouldn’t make sense to bring it up at this point.
He doesn’t do anything in Champions to save him. And nothing in the fight against the sand raiders.
That leaves us with one other option.
Remember that when Lightning Lad turns on the LSV, he doesn’t zap Mekt, giving him no reason to zap his brother.
Except Lightning Lad zapped Tyr, who immediately tells him “You’re gonna wish you hadn’t done that.” So… shouldn’t Tyr been the one to hit him instead of Mekt?
Putting Mekt’s statement and the situation together paints us a new image.
Tyr has no emotional connections to Lightning Lad. He’s chill with having him on board, but isn’t desperate to keep him.
Tyr was possibly going to do something to Lightning Lad that would have been fatal, but Mekt intervened. Yeah, Lightning Lad got blasted out of the transport, but relatively speaking, he was unharmed.
This serves as more evidence Mekt does legitimately care for his brother.
But Lightning Lad states he doesn’t owe him for that. This is also a good point. Just because a person does something good, it doesn’t mean you automatically owe them.
But at the end of the fight, he’s overpowering Garth. All on his own ability.
Calling back to Champions now, remember he resorted to making a deal with the F5 in disguise to get first place. He bested Lightning Lad via cheating then.
But now, he’s not pulling any dirty tricks, and he still comes out on top. He’s coming in first, all on his own.
That is probably like getting high for him.
Which is toxic for their relationship, decreasing the positivity he had for it.
His remark towards Lightning Lad when asked what he’s waiting for when his brother is vulnerable is that he likes it better when he owes him, but warns him if he gets in his way again.
I know Lightning Lad at this point won’t hesitate if he must do something fatal to Mekt, even if somewhere deep in his heart he still wants to love him, and expects Mekt to be the same in regards of a fight. But it’s not as clear on Mekt’s end. He leaves a threat hanging over Lightning Lad’s head, but he had the chance to kill him.
So while he’s not as positive on the relationship in the end as he was in the beginning, he’s still the more positive one than Lightning Lad.
That’s all for now, but for the next episode, I fully intend to stream it on my twitch channel. Haven’t decided on exact date or time yet. Will let you guys know eventually
In the meantime, I’m just going to be curled up in a ball while I cry about these two brothers.
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