heroexxs · 5 months
🍷   to go wine tasting with my muse. // @thedevilsbckbone // @horrorhooligans
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while this wasn't one of colt's initial ideas for a potential date out, he knew he could sit through a couple of glasses of wine and enjoy himself, especially given the company. what he didn't expect was how technical all of this would be. from figuring out what exactly he was tasting to swirling it around in his wine glass, colt was looking forward to drinking more than studying it. as he took a much larger sip than he should have of the red wine, he tried his best not to make any sort of face as he swallowed and chuckled to himself. "that one was very.... interesting." he said with a chuckle as he gave them a smile. "not everyone has to taste good, right?" he teased as he leaned back in his seat. it was nice to be able to relax and do something like this, even when his schedule was all over the place. the long hours, sometimes being gone for the whole night really took a toll on the two of them, but thankfully they were able to save some time for one another. "i think i'm more of a white wine guy rather than red... red's a little bitter." he said with another chuckle and a shake of his head. "are you having a nice time so far? i know it's a little better than a movie." he said with a chuckle as he took another sip, this one much smaller than the first.
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utterxdesires · 10 months
starter for @thedevilsbckbone
Jaime couldn't take another day of this torture. Ever since the barbecue party at his friends house when he had a jealousy fit and a big argument with her, Nadia has been giving him a silent treatment. He has given her some time to cool off, thinking it'll pass her and then they can talk like civilized people, but it just kept on dragging. She'd either completely ignore him or give him very short, flat answers.
But today it was enough, he couldn't continue like this and he was going to face her. As he parked in the driveway, Jaime entered the house, threw bunch of papers he had from the HQ on the side and heard the commotion in the kitchen, it was lunch time so she was probably eating. "Hey... It smells nice in here."he mused as he entered the kitchen.
"Nadia, baby, we have to talk."Jaime finally said. "We're acting like children, you can't keep on giving me a silent treatment and me thinking it'll all pass and solve on its own. I love you, alright? We need to talk about what happened... and how much of a jerk I was."
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someotherdog · 10 months
@thedevilsbckbone / alice & indio / at his bar, minutes before closing!
"indio!" nearly busting the door off its hinges, alice almost skidded in her shoes against the mopped floor as she forced her way into indio's bar. "i know, i know! you've already done last call," alice frantically came up to the bar, noting how the chairs had been turned up on the empty tables and only a few patrons were left in the bar, "but you've got to understand. i need a drink." she implored, placing her purse on the top of the bar. though she was begging, she thought he would let her have a drink anyway. he tended to let her get away with a lot, but never pondered on why that was. she figured he just felt sorry for her: twice divorced, trying to get back out there and only to end up with nothing date after date. "i have just been on the worst date of all time. yes, even worse than last week, and that one magician last month." hopping up on the stool, she regarded him with an incredulous stare, "make me a lemon drop martini and i will divulge my tale of woe."
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pcrfectillusicn · 5 months
continuation for @thedevilsbckbone
Having Indio as a friend was more of an entertaining incentive than anything. He was funny, quick-witted, and more sarcastic than any motherfucker Victor knew. Occasionally Victor would venture to Indio's bar to spark up a conversation … or if the company at his bar was sparce. On this night, Victor decided to give his workers the night off and closed down but needed company before pulling an all-nighter for a client.
His line of questioning wasn't uncommon; Victor had heard it all before from friends who were in the least bit curious. A smile crept along his lips just as he placed the brim of his beer bottle against his bottom lip. "Why? Wanna hire me to tail someone for you?" Victor asked in a low voice. He took a sip.
"Yeah, it depends on the kind of job, man. A lot of the time, it really is trophy wives who wanna know if their old-ass husbands are cheating. Nine times out of ten, the fat bastards are. But hey, the checks clear and that's all that matters."
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amomentxofhappiness · 4 months
@thedevilsbckbone THA THING
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Father Ben had had a rough couple of months. People in the congregation have brought it up once or twice, offering them their doctor nephew or specialist daughter since he was losing weight, had dark eyes, he was generally quiet--when not upset and seemed weak. Only if an illness were his problem.
In a certain way it had been. His hubris. He had been called out, again and again regarding his pride--it was a mortal sin, one that had led him to believe he was right about helping people, Luke in particular. Luke whom he had known since he was a tiny scout, who had been attending church every Saturday until he was 13, Lukd who had talked to him about becoming a priest himself until he had met that horrible men that had led him astray.
At first, like the congregation, Ben thought Lukd had taken to drugs but it was far, far worse. The old man had lured his boy with promises of having everything he always wanted and Luke had fallen for it, hard.
It wasn't easy to understand either--years in the seminar and his friendship with Andrew Kiernan had taught him that evil walked the earth in many shapes and forms but he had mostly thought it was figure of speech. That it was the drugs, the manipulation--not cold ones.
Until he felt Luke's fangs on his neck, the strange pull to let him continue, the unspeakable, unthinkable desire the fangs on his neck, draining the life out of him had brought to his senses he wouldn't have believed his old friend. Until he was laying practically dead and Lukd shoved his own bloodied wrist to his mouth with promises of making everything better, of wanting to share that gift with him that had given him so, he hadn't believed it.
Not until the next morning, when he woke up with what felt like the worst hangover of his life and a bite in his neck that he lied to himself, had been out of more carnal pursuits. But it wasn't. Nothing was the same.
He could hear more, see further away, things tasted--odd and the craving, the craving was the worst part.
He didn't think he was going to make it through the first mass, so many pulsating necks, long, short, plump, thin--it didn't matter.
But he was going to overcome this, there had to be a way.
It had been months and he was still looking for one, having rejected luke's help and the old man's--wanting nothing than to kill Shiev from bringing this plague into their lives. He had thought of hunting animals and he had gone well so far--or as good as it could be when a meat eater was given tofu. He loathed the comparison since he had never been a fan of red meat and the irony did not escape him. But he couldn't eat cooked meat and to do... to go for what he ached for it was unthinkable.
Even if he didn't finish his prey as Luke had taught him, even if it was just a taste--what made Luke think he'd be able to control himself?
So off he went and found a poor deer and made it back to church, heading into it through the back entrance--it was late, it was terribly late and no one should be here. And yet he could hear it, the rapid heartbeat.
Quickly, he looked at his barely cleaned bloodied hands and figured his face wasn't much better--his coat was dark and so were his trousers but he smelt of dead.
"Who's there?"
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molinxsdeviento · 10 months
@thedevilsbckbone maite & rios, based on this
After being undercovered for so long, it would've been crazy to accept a desk job or even a nice position abroad as the "admiral" tried to persuade him to accept. Nah, he was going to accept the only other option he had, which was play pretend for 6 months to a year being a suburban literature professor married to Natasha. Nat was a pro and anyone locked up with her for a year would be the luckiest bastard on Earth.
Unfortunately, after he had said yes and only with a couple of days until the "move" to the neighborhood started, they heard the word that Nat was injured and had a long rehab process ahead of her and the only other person available was that irritating do gooder that he absolutely loathed. He tried getting the Admiral to change the assignment but old Picard reminded Ríos he had just rejected a perfectly good Op abroad so now he had to 'suck it'.
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Taking a deep and defeated breath, he headed towards the briefing room where he and his soon-to-be loving wife were to be informed of the whos and whats and most importantly, whys.
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pacificgrimsarc · 3 months
@thedevilsbckbone | hye seong + ?
— from this
"Nobody was here when I came in," Hye Seong said, backing herself up against the farthest corner in the small home from the stranger. She clutched the swaddled child in her arms and swallowed, the guilt palpable in her throat now. She should have waited a day longer, maybe even walked away, before making someone else's home her own. Even though that lady next door said the old couple who lived here had died in the monster's attack and their only son likely died in warfare, there was no telling who could come back to claim the house.
She had no other choice, though. The night she found the house, weeks ago, a storm was blowing through the area; if she and the child didn't seek shelter then, they could have died. To survive all that they had so far, only to die from inclement weather, was a travesty that even she couldn't accept. Hye Seong looked the stranger in the eyes and said, "I'm sorry. We'll pack our things and go now." Not that she'd had much stowed away anyway; she hadn't changed clothes and she'd been using the bowls and utensils left behind. The baby was in the same swaddle she'd found her in. All she had, really, was a photograph and some jewelry in a small box by the bed. "Thank you for your hospitality."
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autumnwritcs · 9 months
for @thedevilsbckbone ;
After the good chemistry they had at the bar, Davina caved in to asking Tye if he wanted to go home with her, which was an euphemism for hooking up. She didn't do much of it, one night stands, she wasn't the kind of person who found it easy and it wasn't even because she needed emotional connection but rather because she was just too closed off. The woman didn't want to think she was screwed up but she had a hard time with certain things. Flirting, going home with people, was one of them. But striking a conversation with Tye hadn't felt hard, or even as if she was flirting; it had felt like talking to a friend, or someone she would be friends with. Tye's response had comr a bit as a surprise, actually, Davina had been almost sure he'd turn her down but she had smiled at the agreement. 
And although they indeed  have a good time at her place, what Davina hadn't expected was for Tye to leave too soon. For once, she wasn't dreading the post-sex laying in bed but it seemed the man didn't feel the same way and she was left alone, confused about the way he took off and... quite angry, some of that anger was aimed at Tye but it mostly directed to herself for letting her guard down. Whatever, the brunette thought, it had been a hook up and nothing more so why bother? True to her stubborn self though, Davina couldn't leave it just like that; it had nothing to do with getting attached to Tye but rather a matter of ego and the fact that him leaving like he had had been quite weird.
Now being the next day, the brunette headed to the gym he told her he worked at, thinking this was probably a mistake but hey, it was just a face off and then she'd take off, too. Walking inside, dressed with sportswear since she had finished her own work day, Davina looked around the gym until she spotted Tye. She didn't go straight to him, instead she observed him working, the thought he looked hot crossed her mind almost making her forget the reason she was here in the first place and then moved closer to him. "Hey." She greeted him, no smile but no frown either. "Can we talk? It won't take long."
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ofginjxints · 27 days
10 Movies that You Would Watch 500 Times.
Back to the Future Trilogy (1985-1990)
The Princess Diaries (2001)
Pride and Prejudice (2005)
The Muppet Christmas Carol (1992)
Singin' in the Rain (1952)
Juno (2007)
School of Rock (2003)
Inception (2010)
Rent (2005)
Labyrinth (1986)
tagged by @thefvrious
tagging: @ourcwnside @bluejeanbaby @lustbitten @thedevilsbckbone @pcrfectillusicn @missperfectlyfinewrites @cannib4l @sideofmischicf @etxrnaleclipse @flustrds and anyone else lurkin
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archxngxl · 4 months
Closed Starter
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September 23rd - Nighttime, City Streets
Angel's footsteps echoed through the alleyway. She took careful steps, making sure nothing was heard. The low groans of the undead permeated everything around her. Sometimes, she was sure that the zombies were closer than they actually were. Her trigger finger settled in it's place, though her arms ached from carrying her weapon.
Angel Bradshaw was a member of Alpha team, a team within the organization she worked for. Though, all her team mates were either far away from here, or dead. Helena, one of her team mates and closest friends, sacrificed herself for Angel when they were tryin to escape the monster that was hunting them. Angel didn't even want to think about it.
The sounds of gunshots snapped her out of her train of through. A scream followed, and Angel dashed towards it. Angel wanted to save as many people as she could, even if it meant risking her life. The zombies came into view, there were about two of them. Her eyes darted down, there were two more zombies lying on the floor. They had cornered a man, and if Angel was correct, he would run out of bullets soon. The issue was, they were behind a large wire fence. Angel put her rifle up to her eye, using the scope to land a good headshot to the zombie on the left. Another headshot, and they were both lying on the ground with their brains everywhere.
Angel moved up to the gate, hand reaching to hold onto the wire. "Are you okay?" The woman asked. "Did any of them bite you?" // @thedevilsbckbone
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rxtualistic · 7 months
here i am, once again interrupting your scrolling to bring nothing of absolute importance to you!! i hate to know i have been (and still am) making people wait so under the cut is a list of all the 1 + month old replies i owe. please, let me know how you feel about them! if you want to keep the thread going, if you have lost interest after so long (understandly), if you want to drop them all or keep some in the case of multiple threads. I'm down for starting something new with the same ship or something new in general. thanks so much in advance!
@finclgicls - lucas and seren, freddie and olive, oliver and adalia, maaya and florence, maggie and adrian, thiago and lake, orion and nomi
@mocnlighted - thiago and juniper, lola and lincoln, naya and theodore, simone and xiomena
@seolinah vincent and bernie, dakota and kayla.
@thedevilsbckbone - adrian and gwen (X2), evan and evie.
@thewolfruns - selena and freddie
@missmvrder - naya and satya
@midnightrainrp - evan and reyna
@daringsunflowers - enrique and talia, evan and jasmine.
@godstrayed - angel and mal-chin
@myxticdoubts - mateo and adrita
@persephonyed - simone and flora
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heroexxs · 11 months
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"I hope you didn't already eat lunch..." Jessie said as she hid the bag of fast food behind her. Maxine was a fresh new face at the school in a place where the teachers either lasted a couple of months or stayed in their role for years on end. She was in her position a couple of years ago, being new herself and trying to find her footing so hopefully she’d be able to help her out in any way that she was able to. Their classrooms were close to one another, her teaching math and Jessie being in charge of the drama department they became quick friends and could hear the students gossiping a bit at the two of them spending so much tome together. She enjoyed her company, that and Max was easy on the eyes didn’t hurt at all. “Or bring anything because...” She said as she set the bag in front of her before taking a seat herself. “Consider this officially a bribe.” Jessie said with a chuckle as she pulled out her food before sliding the rest of the food over to the brunette. 
“I might need a little bit of help with the spring musical, if you’re not busy. It’s just a couple days after school, and when I asked the kids who they thought should help your name got brought up.” She wasn’t too sure if the kids were feeding into all of that gossip but she didn’t mind helping out the kids as well as spending some more time with Maxine. “I would owe you big time. Prom chaperone, helping out with field trips, watching the class, whatever you need.” As she started to eat her food, she gave her another smile and took a sip of her drink. “No pressure... but it would really help me out. I could also toss in some very fun dinners that consist of sandwiches made by yours truly. Just think about it.” @thedevilsbckbone​ 
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full-tiltboogiearc · 8 months
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in your chest
your fear grips your chest with its icy fist. a suffocating anxiety that makes your heart shrink and your lungs hurt with every breath... yes, you will probably have problems with these organs in the future. but you don´t care. quite the opposite - you want to be punished. you feel paralyzed and weak. you've never been so small and your fears - so big. you know you're worried about something unimportant. the truth is you're just pathetic. but you're not gonna show that, right? you distract yourself with whatever, you try to numb yourself and become incapable of feelings - everything but face your fear. you even interact with people around you when you have to. don't worry, they won't notice anything. only the most astute people will see in your tired, languid movements and your lack of concentration that your mind is somewhere else, and your vital energy is slowly dying a white death in its icy cage... let me guess, you probably have anxiety, and it's probably because of trauma. you yearn to be free, to live bravely, but you never quite succeed. i feel the same, buddy. please understand that whatever you went through, your fear protected you from it. when you don't need it anymore, don't blame yourself or push it down; say goodbye to it like an old friend.
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tagged by // @nursc
tagging // @wynterlanding @xwildheart @packagecfgirlyevil @lightsiided @worthless-weight-in-gold @technopathicredhead @thedevilsbckbone @someotherdog @thewolfruns @freekzout and anyone else who'd like to play!!
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someotherdog · 5 months
@thedevilsbckbone liked for a starter from one of my lesser used muses and got bobby! / open to the muse of your choice, though would likely be a criminal! we could also turn this into something apocalyptic or horror-y, wherever the vibes take us. / based somewhat on this gifset.
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the knife was cold against his throat. the edge of it nearly cut into the skin of his neck, but there wasn't enough pressure to draw any blood. still, if he moved too much, there would a risk of things getting messier. it should've scared the christ out of him, but bobby could only smirk in response. "you know better than to threaten a federal agent." his service pistol in one hand, the unoccupied one flew up to their wrist and grabbed it tightly. staring into their eyes, a hint of challenge in his own, he pushed the knife down away from his head. "now that wasn't so hard, was it?"
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mutatedangels-a · 10 months
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LEGAL NAME: Twyla Mae Mooney
NICKNAME[S]: Twy, Twilight
GENDER: cisgender female
PLACE OF BIRTH: Asheboro, North Carolina, USA
EDUCATION: Randolph Community College in Asheboro! She got her degree in cosmetology.
HAIR COLOR: Naturally a dirty blonde, but loves dying it different colors.
HEIGHT: 5'6''
SIBLING[S]: only child
PARENT[S]: Meredith [deceased] and Maxwell Mooney
RELATIVE[S]: she has a mid-size family, mostly men, like she has a lot of lil nephews and boy cousins and uncles, more than she does nieces and girl cousins and aunts. she was, at one point, super close to her grandmother, and she was the one who actually encouraged twyla to pursue a career in beauty and makeup artistry in LA. her grandmother passed away, however.
PET[S]: she definitely had a labrador retriever growing up, a good boy named biscuit. as an adult she is the proud mommy of a chihuahua mix girly named vivi <2
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: verse dependent.
tagged by: @nursc (tysm!! <3)
tagging: @worthless-weight-in-gold @mere-lullaby @wynterlanding @packagecfgirlyevil @chainsawcutiie @hungryyheart @ghostfcce @thedevilsbckbone and anyone else who'd like to do this!!
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amomentxofhappiness · 10 months
@thedevilsbckbone bree & omar cont.
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Bree was having a really hard time deciding what to wear for this date. This wasn't just a regular date, this was Omar, a really cool musician who happened to be a patient at her hospital and that knew her family secret. This could very well go very wrong very fast but their non-date brunch had gone remarkably well so she should not let her 'worst case scenario' mentality lead the way.
Still, she couldn't find something to wear. She briefly flirted with the idea of a little black dress she wore all the time back when she was an actress but that wasn't her anymore. She also didn't want to look way too serious either. She wanted to be pretty but comfortable.
Ultimately, she went for the black dress but with warm, pretty tights under it, high boots and a blue coat on top, just to have some color in her. She also let her wavy hair free for once and put on a little makeup before heading out to the restaurant they were going to meet at. She really hoped she hadn't underdressed or overdressed and was entirely too nervous about this. In other circumstances, she would've downed a shot before leaving her place but well, if she kissed Omar again he may notice it and she didn't want him to spiral out of control. Not that he would. And not that they'd kiss but hey, maybe. Probably.
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