Anonymous Said:
Can someone please post the log of Anti and Henrik interacting? I loved the audio overlap and oh my fav.
(Tumblr doesn’t want to work with me. So it’s in link form.)
[Static until 2:40]
DR SCHNEEPLESTEIN: I don’t know what you’re talking about, (audio corrupted).
0411: (shouting) Don’t fucking call me that! (laugh) You think you’re so clever, don’t you? 4-1-4-E-5-4-4-9. Do you think I’m fucking stupid? Hex might fool them, but it’s not fooling me, Henrik. You can’t lie to me. Bet you remember that headphone cord around your neck, bet it makes you feel all special and shit.
DR SCHNEEPLESTEIN: I don’t know what you mean.
0411: You’re a fucking coward, Henrik. Wanna be a hero? Fucking face me like one. (laugh) Well, no no no, let’s put it another way. You feel special, I feel special, maybe a little bit offended. How about you get me out of this shitty little prison and we make it a date? And you can show me how sorry you are for pretending to forget me.
0411: Buy me dinner first. (laugh) No, wait, how’re you gonna eat with a collapsed throat, doc? I can think of other better uses for it.
DR SCHNEEPLESTEIN: (annoyed sigh) Anti.
0411: What was that?
DR SCHNEEPLESTEIN: N-Nothing. 0411: Oh, really? I thought that was my name, Henrik. (laugh) So much for playing dumb. You pathetic little puppet, couldn’t forget me, could you? Even in a different timeline. Say it again.
0411: (laugh) Can I what, doc? Stop? Do I make (in a mock German accent) ‘ze good doctah’ uncomfortable? DR SCHNEEPLESTEIN: What do you want?
0411: Why do I have to want anything?
DR SCHNEEPLESTEIN: Everybody wants something.
0411: And you want to stop me, right? Because you want to stop feeling like some useless little fuck-up. Joke’s on you, doc, you’re fucking worthless. Everyone knows that. Even Jack knew that, that’s why he kept you around. Made him look like some sort of genius with your stupidity.
0411: Oh, you don’t think! That’s new! Hey, Henrik. You think your family would miss you if you hanged yourself? (laugh) Probably not. Maybe Dr Rose, if you’re lucky.
DR SCHNEEPLESTEIN: ..Alright. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions about, er, Sean?
0411: What?
DR SCHNEEPLESTEIN: Do you mind if I ask—
0411: I heard you the first time, you idiot. Fucking child’s play. Didn’t even try to fight me. Begged like a little bitch for me not to hurt the girl, that woosher or whatever.
DR SCHNEEPLESTEIN: And you did spare her.
0411: (laugh) I don’t know what you’re trying to imply, doc, but—
DR SCHNEEPLESTEIN: Anyway. It’s not Ms Hansen that we’re talking about here. Tell me about Sean.
0411: Told you already, were you dropped on your fucking head at birth or something? Don’t answer that, you probably were.
DR SCHNEEPLESTEIN: Why did you kill Sean?
0411: What’s with you idiots and needing reasons for everything? It was fun or whatever. Do I look like the kind of person that does anything for a reason?
0411: Fuck, I can even hear the little rusty wheels in your shitty brain attempting to turn. What the fuck are you thinking so hard about?
DR SCHNEEPLESTEIN: Do you want to hear what I think?
0411: Nah, not really. Spare me of your babbling.
DR SCHNEEPLESTEIN: Alright. Can I ask you another question?
0411: You just did, dumbass.
DR SCHNEEPLESTEIN: Why did you keep the name?
0411: Why did I keep what now?
DR SCHNEEPLESTEIN: Antisepticeye. That’s your name, yes?
0411: (mumbling) Just Anti.
DR SCHNEEPLESTEIN: Even so, that’s the short version of your name. I’m told it’s derived from JackSepticEye. Why did you keep it?
0411: (defensively) Why wouldn’t I?
DR SCHNEEPLESTEIN: Well... you seem to feel some form of contempt towards him. I can’t imagine why you kept it if you hate him so much.
0411: Changing it was too much fucking work. What the fuck am I supposed to change it to? (in a disgusted tone) Shadow?
DR SCHNEEPLESTEIN: Fair enough. Between you and I—
0411: And the audio recorder.
DR SCHNEEPLESTEIN: (laugh) Between you and I and the audio recorder, this isn’t your original timeline.
0411: No. Why you ask? You looking forward to spending another timeline with me, doc?
DR SCHNEEPLESTEIN: Why did you reset it? Did you not succeed in killing Sean, er, Jack in the other timeline?
DR SCHNEEPLESTEIN: What made you target Sean in the first place?
DR SCHNEEPLESTEIN: Do you want to hear what I think?
0411: You know what? Yeah, fucking enlighten me.
DR SCHNEEPLESTEIN: I think you did succeed in killing him in the original timeline.
0411: (snort) Obviously.
DR SCHNEEPLESTEIN: And I think that’s the very reason why you chose to reset it. I think—
0411: Oh, you think, do you, you pathetic little—
DR SCHNEEPLESTEIN: I think you never meant to create another timeline, I think you attempted to go back in time to fix your mistake, and somewhere along the way you accidentally created a splinter of your original timeline.
0411: Shut up.
DR SCHNEEPLESTEIN: I think, Anti, that if you were as happy as you claim to be with Jack’s death, you would’ve kept the body.
0411: (shouting) Shut the fuck up!
DR SCHNEEPLESTEIN: But you can’t stand how lonely it is inside your head.
0411: You— how fucking dare you mock me! Acting like I’m fucking weak. I’ll—
DR SCHNEEPLESTEIN: You’ll what, exactly? Keep repeating this cycle of death and rebirth you’re stuck into, pretending it’s not yourself that you’re hurting?
0411: I’ll fucking kill you, Schneeplestein. Slowly. And I’m gonna love every fucking second I make you scream.
DR SCHNEEPLESTEIN: Go on, then. Do it.
0411: You think you’re so brave, don’t you?
DR SCHNEEPLESTEIN: No. But you’ve been inside my head before, in a different time. It’s a two-way street, Anti. I know you. I know you’re terrified of being alone.
0411: Are you sure you’re not fucking projecting, doc? Is this another one of your brilliant ideas to, what was it again? (in a mock German accent) ‘Ve have to depress Anti!’ Good luck trying to get to someone who doesn’t have fucking feelings.
DR SCHNEEPLESTEIN: Prove it to me, then. Kill me right now.
0411: Do you think I’m some kind of— creature to take orders from you?!  I am the one in control!
DR SCHNEEPLESTEIN: I don’t underestimate your power, Anti. You’re right, I still can remember what the corruption felt like. Too bad for you, that means I also can remember your fear, your pain.
0411: I’ll kill you. I’ll scatter you into little pieces. I’ll fucking— reach into your data and I’ll delete you from existence!
DR SCHNEEPLESTEIN: You’re going to be alone. You’re going to be forgotten.
0411: You think I—?!
DR SCHNEEPLESTEIN: Because you’ll delete everyone you’ve ever cared about, what will you do then?
0411: The only thing I care about right now are my hands around your fucking neck, you ignorant little shit!
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