#there arent many holocaust survivors left but some are still here
halbarryislife · 3 years
Something I find very sadly interesting about Anne Frank’s story is that we know Otto Frank was the only one to survive the Holocaust. But today I found something out. Today is the 76th anniversary of the liberation of the Mauthausen concentration camp. The place where Peter van Pels, aka Peter van Daan on Anne’s diary, died. I always presumed that he died before the liberation, but no. He was alive when the camp was liberated, he was technically liberated. But he died 5 days later on the 10th May, 1945. He was 18 years old. Many of the stories we hear about the members of the secret annex is that they were so close to being liberated, like Anne and Margot who died only a few weeks before Bergen Belsen was liberated. But Peter lived just long enough to see liberation. I found out about this this morning and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it since. 
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