#there is a limit to her pity and patience though and full diabolism would be it - it would not be without a heavy heart
silversiren1101 · 5 months
💎💎💎 for tristo from mino?
[Thanks for the ask!! There's something about sad ginger HKs aren't there...]
A melancholic look takes to Minovae's expression. "Oh, Tristo..."
She shakes her head. "I don't often find much love for the Gate. They're strange, even among our kind. If the Rack is most comfortable with mortal tyranny, cozying up with House Thrune, then the Gate is most at risk for the more immortal kind... cavorting too comfortably with infernal forces and more to do the same work one could do with a well placed offer of a free drink and friendly smile. But, Tristo..."
Her lips tighten and twist. "I just feel more sad for him than not."
She then hurriedly clarifies. "Not in a condescending way! He's an adult and made his own decisions, but you also can't deny said decisions were shaped by the horrific childhood he endured. Being raised among nobility in a pro-diabolism household? And as an aasimar at that? Of course I feel for him... and I hate that my actions helping put House Thrune in power are responsible for it."
She sighs through her nose. "There's something to be said about Hellknight flames burning the coldest. For all one would assume him to be warm from the halo and complexion, I wonder sometimes if there's truly any spark of life left in there... any passion or care or love... He makes Regill at his worst seem more truly alive at times. There's a coldness and loneliness to him that feels as vast as the void, and I suppose I can't blame that entirely on the Gate, they just took advantage of a hole that was already there."
"Still", she shrugs. "He's good at his job. Amazing, even. He's dutiful to the point of self-destruction- though I can't say much on that", she snorts dryly in awareness. "His loyalty is unquestionable. He's a fearsome force on the battlefield. Truly, he is the model, modern, Hellknight. She says the one word with clear distaste. "Exactly what Thrune's influence in our modern teachings and practices would hope for. He doesn't ask questions. Doesn't challenge things. Doesn't stir the pot or shake the boat... He tells me everything about just how dire the infection in our ranks has gotten."
She then stares off into the distance, a pensive expression on her face. "If anyone can bring him back, though, it'd be Sosiel... If he can warm that flame and remind him of what it means to be alive... Pull him back from Hell's embrace..."
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