#there maybe more later on the pompeii grafitti because i think its both HILARIOUS and utterly fascinating
wanchthropology · 7 months
Ive been mentally consumed by a post i saw on tiktok about how things simple things we do today mirror what past peoples might classify as "rituals" or however it was worded, and it reminded me of post where someone was watching their child relative (niece i think???) finger paint, and they drew the connection about how humans used to do that but on cave walls.
And really...we're just the same people doing the same things but with different technology.
I cannot say how much i think about the roman face cream with finger streaks still in it, showing us that a roman girl cared for her skincare just as much as we do today
And there's grafitti on the walls of Pompeii telling us jokes we can find graffiti'ed today, or GODS the ones that say "someone was here" CATCHES MY THOUGHS SO MUCH. Like we think of modern graffiti as insignificant/a hindrance or whatever, but looking back those kinds of historical finds are monumental because it tells us in some small way that some human lived, had experiences, and they *did* things, mundane things but they still did them none the less.
There's woven baskets and healed fractures and dolls and cave paintings and tools, all of them coming from simple people who lived simple lives but left behind little stories about themselves, all through the simple tools they used in their regular every day life. It's just so,,, i can't explain how it makes me feel bc it's like connecting with people across time HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
im very totally normal about this i swear 💀
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