#there’s a whole lotta damn feelings about where eddie is compared to where he was
hippolotamus · 1 year
Seven Sentence Sunday
Managed to make a good bit of words yesterday for ye old WIP. Here’s some of them 💙
I love you too. Wouldn’t miss it he sends back, smiling and tossing the phone on the now neatly made bed before seeking out his son.
Christopher is already seated at the kitchen table with sugary, marshmallow cereal and a glass of orange juice. He’s wrapped in his fuzzy robe, wearing the stripey blue pajamas. Eddie’s heart cracks open the tiniest bit when Chris grins up at him, and all he can see is echoes of his little boy, feet dangling above the floor, surrounded by stray Rice Krispies and Cheerios spilled out of a favorite bowl decorated with planets and rocket ships.
“Are you okay, Dad?” Chris asks, tilting his head.
Eddie crosses the short distance to press a kiss to Christopher’s curls. “Yeah, buddy. I’m good.”
Tagging @shortsighted-owl @alysiswriting @stereopticons @blackandwhiteandrose @apothecarose @jesuisici33 @rmd-writes @ajunerose @alyxmastershipper @elvensorceress @fatedbuck and a very open invitation to anyone wanting to share what they’re working on
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