#there's just randomly a masquerade ball near the start ????
aroaessidhe · 1 year
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2022 reads // twitter thread  
Sequel to Gearbreakers
dystopian sci-fi future with god-mechs and the people who destroy them
Eris is captured, Sona is brainwashed, the rebels need to find a way to save them and save each other, and take down Godolia
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curseofhecate · 1 year
Doomed from the very start
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Edmund Pevensie x Female!Reader
In which they didn't know who each other was, yet they still fell in love with one another.
tw: clinche, and it's giving fairytail (or maybe it's just me).
This is set after the first movie. Both Edmund and reader are aged up. Maybe around 16 or 17.
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Yesterday's masquerade ball was all everyone seemed to talk about. Maybe because it was the first one Cair Paravel had hosted in a while or maybe because it was the first one organised by the Pevensie siblings.
Most people they encountered with congratulated them. Susan took great pride in it, as she was the one who was responsible for organising every little detail. Peter, who was The High King, also took great pride in the ball's success.
Under any other circumstances, Edmund would be the first to complain about his brother's ego that only kept growing. But that wasn't the case today. The boy had barely been able to focus in anything else but her.
Last Night, at the Ball
The younger king of the two couldn't be seen, hiding in the shadows and avoiding any short of people that walked his way. From Peter, who wanted him to meet the rulers of near kingdoms and talk about, well some short of politics, to pretty princesses his age, dressed in beautiful gowns asking him to dance with them.
He preferred to keep his distance from the crowds, opting to hide in the dark corners of the room, from where he could easily see people dancing and conversing.
The soft music coming from the orchestra. the constant but subtle chatter and the occasional laughs, the clinking noises the glasses made had him feel both nervous and at ease in the same time.
He could be dancing with the prettiest girl of this entire magical world, but he didn't. Instead he sat there, leaning against the wall, watching the events of the night unfold before his eyes.
"What are you doing here?" a voice asked. The raven haired boy immediately turned his head to face a girl. Maybe it was because of the mask, black with silver details, that did a really good job at disguising her. She seemed familiar, as if he had seen her in a picture or randomly passed by her someday without realising it.
Her eyes were a beautiful shade of e/c and Edmund found himself getting lost in them. Shaking his head he snapped out of it, mentally taking notes of her appearance. Her skin tone, her h/c hair that were pulled into an elegant bun, the black dress she was wearing.
Everything about her had something magnetic, something that pulled him towards her. The boy sighed, realising he had been starring for way too long without answering her question. "I'm hiding from my brother".
The girl looked at him and smiled. "Your brother must suck then" she said. "Well, yeah sometimes" he admitted. The girl looked at him up and down, as if taking in his appearance. The young prince didn't fail to notice as a soft pink tainted his cheeks.
The girl chuckled at the sight of him blushing. "What's your name?" she asked. Edmund was surprised. No one had ever asked for his name since his crowning, it was well known that he was King Edmund the Just. "I'm Edmund" the boy answered, and for once he didn't feel like he had to pretend being someone else.
The girl shook his hand, an act unusual for girls, as most greeted him and his siblings with a curtsey and not a handshake. "What's yours?" he asked, letting go of her hand. "That's for me to know and you to find out".
"Hey, that's not fair!" the boy complained. "I told you my name so now you owe me yours".
"Is there any other way I could repay you that's not telling you my name" she asked hopefully. She knew the moment he learned her name he wouldn't want to be anywhere near her. She was no fool, she knew of the rivalry between his kingdom and hers.
The boy thought about her offer for a bit. "How about a dance then?" he asked hopefully. He wanted a chance to hold her and touch her as they swayed back and forth. He wanted to know what her touch felt like.
The girl agreed, knowing deep down that not one part of her could resist him. And even though she shouldn't, she knew she was already falling for him.
When the song ended, he took her hand and dragged her in the middle of the room. He stood there, placing a gentle hand on her waist as her arm found his shoulder.
The orchestra started to play a slower tune and they started dancing. Edmund was trying not to step on her feet, but it was clear he was failing miserably. "Sorry" he'd apologise. "I'm still not very good at this".
"It's fine" the girl would respond. "It took me years to learn how to dance properly" the girl chuckled, thinking back to the countless times she spent trying not to step on her partner’s feet.
The smile he gave her lit a flame in her heart. She was melting on the inside, and it scared her. The girl was used to being independent and confident. But something about Edmund made her feel shy and completely dependent.
By the end of the song they both had lost control over their feelings. They had fallen in love with one another, yet still pretended they didn't.
The boy smiled and let go of her waist, but still grasping her hand. He pulled her with him, walking towards the wide open French windows that lead to the balcony.
"Where are we going?" Y/n asked, a laugh escaping her lips as the boy continued to drag her. "Just follow me"
The made their way down the marble stairs that lead down to the garden. The music of the crowded room was fading with every step they took.
Making their way through trees and bushes the boy stopped in front of a fountain. It was made from white marble, a statue of Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of beauty decorating it. The sound of water flowing form under the goddess' feet was the only one that could be heard in the quiet of the night.
"It's so beautiful" the girl voiced out, amazed by the sight in front of her. "It really is" the boy agreed. Only he was talking about her.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" the girl asked softly, noticing how close her face was to his. "You are really pretty".
The boy's hand rested on her cheek as he slowly took off the mask that was hiding her face. Y/n didn't say anything, nor did she try to pull away or stop him.
The mask fell off his hands as he gazed at her now unmasked face, refusing to believe how pretty she was. How could someone be so beautiful?
There was no reason to pretend anymore. "Would it be weird if I told you I like you" the boy asked in a hushed tone. "No, I think it would be weirder if I told you I feel the same way".
The boy leaned in, lips brushing against hers. He looked into her eyes one last time before closing the distance that remained between them.
Their lips connected and time stopped for the both of them. If they could stay like this forever they would.
But they couldn't. Eventually the pulled apart, both of them struggling to breath. "This is wrong" the girl spoke. They boy' expression turned to a confused one.
"What? Why?"
"You'll learn eventually" the girl sighed before pulling him in for a second kiss. This time it was longer, full of passion and love. The girl pulled away, resting her forehead against hers.
"I have to go" she said, taking a step back.
"Wait!" the boy shouted alarmed grabbing her wrist. "Can I have one last kiss?"
The girl nodded and leaned in for a third time. This time it was more of a goodbye kiss.
The ghost of her lips still lingered over Edmund's, even when she said godbye to him before walking away. Turning back one last time the girl looked at him, as if trying to mesmerise every feature of the boy's face.
Edmund just stood there, watching her walk away. Y/n. A beautiful name for a beautiful girl.
Only when she was completely out of sight did he realise who she actually was and why she seemed familiar.
And in that moment he knew, they were doomed from the start.
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immergladsss · 3 years
Lead the Way
Summary: (AU- no curses or magic)  Maria’s life has recently turned upside down by her uncle’s sudden engagement. She escapes to the annual masquerade ball, hoping to find some respite from the chaos back home, only to find a bit more than she bargained for.  ---------------------------------------------------
The harmonious sounds of the merry waltz filled the ballroom, guiding couples along the well-rehearsed dance to the ¾ tune. Pirates and queens, phantoms and fairies, you could see them all floating along the dancefloor. All but a few guests found themselves enjoying the lovely masquerade ball. One of the few being Maria.
She stood in the far corner. Her foot tapping to the beat of the music as she scanned the dancers and few young men loitering about. Neither the thin white veil that cascaded down her shoulders, nor the ornate silver mask on her face, did much to hide the scowl she wore. Inspired by the ballet Gisselle, she was dressed in a lovely white grown, very much the picturesque of a beautiful yet tragic bride-to-be—not that many would notice. It seemed all eyes avoided her except for a few side glances from those currently gossiping. It was well into the night and she had not danced a single waltz.
Maria sighed and took another drink of her wine. She couldn't blame them really. Of course she had gained a reputation after what her uncle put her through. Maria shook her head and rubbed her temple. After many years of claiming the irrelevance of love and desire to maintain his manor free of the opposite sex—ramblings she was forced to listen to for many years, mind you—her uncle came home last month and suddenly announced an engagement!
Apparently, this entire time, he had been pinning after an old childhood love, and randomly stumbled upon her, who by chance, had also remained unmarried. They reconnected and now here they were, soon-to-be-married—within a week from today to be exact. Invigorated by the sudden infection of love, and strongly encouraged by Ms. Heliotrope, her uncle now felt it was necessary for his niece to find love as well. As a result, she spent the majority of the past month rejecting suitor after suitor sent over by her uncle.
And now here she was. After scrambling to prepare for her uncle's fiancé's arrival tomorrow, she managed to get permission to attend the yearly masquerade ball. However, her recent rejection of eligible young bachelors preceded her, and now she was left with no one to dance with.
Maria finished her wine and quickly replaced it with another from a passing servant.
"Doubt you'll receive many offers with that face."
Maria jumped. She turned to eye the young man who had appeared beside her. A bowler hat sat atop a messy mane of brown curls that framed a dark set of eyes that seemed to read her too well. He wore a black leather mask that matched his leather trousers and jacket. The only color on him was a red-feathered scarf around his neck.
"Why do you care?" She took another gulp of her drink.
"Hard to enjoy a ball when you're being glowered at."
"I'm not glowering!"
“And I bet you're in a swell mood too,” the man jeered with raised eyebrows. "You're not hard to miss. Reckon everyone here has noticed you. You cast quite the ghostly figure." His fingers skimmed her arm as he grabbed the of her veil and inspected it. "What are you supposed to be? A will-o'-wisp?"
"No!" Maria snatched the veil from his hand. "I'm Myrtha, queen of the Wilis." She bit her lip and looked around them, feeling a pang of guilt. Had she really ruined the ambiance?
"How fitting," he laughed. "Pray tell, what poor sod left you so heart-broken you're here now glaring at all the other happy couples?"
"That's not it at all! On the contrary, it is I who has been forced to reject every soul my uncle's thrown my way! What are you supposed to be anyway? A bandit, highwayman?"
"Close… I'm just here as myself."
"How cryptic," Maria said with a roll of her eyes. She finished her drink and walked away. She could feel the bandit's eyes boring into the back of her head. As she neared her uncle, she stilled.
"I have no idea what I'm to do with her," Sir Benjamin mumbled to the old parson. "I don't want to force a marriage on her, but she's rejected every suitor in sight."
Maria's body grew cold. The blood that drained from her head threatened to send the room spinning, but Maria clenched her fist and steeled herself. So, is that what this was all about? "Uncle," she called, startling Sir Benjamin and the old man. "You were able to wait for true love, why can't I? Don't I have any say in this?"
Those near turned to watch the confrontation, but there wasn't much left to see as Maria stomped away before Sir Benjamin could respond. She brushed past the bandit, missing the concern that crossed his face, or the scrutinizing look he shot at her uncle and the audience around them.
Maria found an empty lounge room. She pulled off her veil as she sat on the sofa, not bothering to turn on the lights. She hated the hot tears that threatened to spill from the corner of her eyes. Though she was happy for her uncle, she wished he had never gotten involved. Now she was bound to be the laughingstock of the valley.
A handkerchief appeared before her eyes. Maria looked up and scowled. "When did you come in?"
"Not long ago. Wouldn't be much of a bandit if I couldn't sneak around. Here, take it."
Maria warily watched him. She shouldn't be here with him, unchaperoned. If they were caught, she would surely be the talk of the town, none of which would improve her already shaky reputation. But in all fairness, should she care? What did propriety ever do for her except force her to sit in a chaperoned room where she had to listen to every potential suitor drawl on for hours and hours about himself and all his accomplishments while she faked politeness. She sighed. Maria removed her mask and took the black handkerchief to dab her tears, missing the brief widening of his eyes.
"Care to explain what that was about?" He sat on the coffee table in front of her. Lazily resting against his outstretched arms.
"You wouldn't understand."
"Try me.”
“Are you now a sage as well?”
“I can be many things.”  
Maria was unamused. “What can you possibly gain from this? Why are you even here?”
 "Sounds like you got a lot to say and I've been told I have a good ear,” he said with a casual shrug. When Maria remained silent, he beckoned her to start, “Go on, I'm listening.”
Maria stared incredulously before finally shaking her head, it's not like she had much to lose. "Where do I start? One day I'm going about my day when out of nowhere, my uncle starts inviting random men to court me. He didn't even warn me! I had to chase away so many of them. And now everyone's saying I'm some pretentious city-girl, it's humiliating.  I hope after tonight he'll finally consider what I want."
"And what is that?"
"Frankly, I'm not sure. I’ve only just returned from finishing school. At the very least some time to figure it out. Perhaps some adventure would be nice. I definitely don't want to make plans that would take me away from home after only just arriving!"
"That sounds reasonable."
"Doubt many would agree. Apparently, I must marry and have many children and settle down as soon as possible."
"My sister remained unpromised for a long time, she seemed happy. Went off on a few adventures herself."
"I wish that could be me," Maria muttered.
“What's stopping you?”
“Well obviously my uncle,” Maria answered as though it was the silliest question she ever heard. "What about you? I don't believe you're from around here."
He shook his head. "I haven't been here for too long… Scouting the area. Getting to know the people."
"For what reasons?" Maria asked. "Hang on, are you truly nefarious?"
"If I told you I was, would you be afraid?" He asked with a teasing smile.
"Hardly," Maria scoffed, "Doubt you have wickedly ulterior motives seeing as you're here chatting away with me instead of talking to the most important people of this town." He gave her a questioning look with the ghost of a smirk.
"Can I have your name?" Maria asked.
"That'll only ruin the spirit of the event."
"Can you remove your mask then?"
He shook his head, a glint of mischief in his eyes.
"Are you afraid of what I might see?"
"No, I'm afraid you'll fall for me."
Maria rolled her eyes. "For all your talk, who's to say it won't be you falling for me."
"Who's to say I haven't already?" He leaned forwards, slightly knocking his knees into hers as he placed his hands on either side of her thighs. Maria's breathing hitched. She felt her cheeks grow warm. His heat was magnifying, and Maria couldn't help but admire his handsome features. Her fingers twitched, wishing to reach out and slip the mask off from his face.
"Would you reject me like all the others? I can promise that with me, you'd be the bride of adventure."
The breath of his whisper ghosted her lips. She felt drawn in, consumed by him. Maria's eyes flickered to his mouth. Was he being serious? She couldn't tell. Before she could make up her mind, he pulled away, leaving her with a bated breath. He was grinning and Maria's heart was racing, mixed with a bit of indignation at having been riled up so easily. She huffed and put her mask and veil back on, suddenly feeling vulnerable.
"We still have time before the night ends. May I have the last dance?"
With a furrowed brow, Maria studied the hand he offered. She hesitantly raised her own and looked into his eyes. They were inviting, darkened by a tempting gaze. She should be wary about him, she just experienced how easily he could sweep her off her feet… but she didn't want to keep her distance. She wanted to know who he was. To see what more he could do.
"Lead the way," she said with a steadying breath as she placed her hand into his, feeling the warmth of his fingers curl around hers.
Out in the ballroom, neither looked away as they took their place amongst the other's and began the dance with a courteous bow. He quickly closed the distance with a strong arm around her waist that pressed her against his body. He guided her, weaving her in between the couples, and spinning them around the room. A few stopped to watch, wondering who was the mysterious man that Maria had not rejected, but the couple didn't notice, completely enraptured with one another. As the clock struck midnight, the song came to a slow end. Still in each other's arms, Maria could feel his rhythmic breathing against her own, sending thrills down her body. She looked into his eyes, marveling at the emotion held within them.
"This is my signal to leave," he said with a soft smile. "Thank you for the dance."
"Will you really not tell me your name?" Maria's hand left his shoulder and traced the outline of his mask. "At least give me that much."
He rested his forehead on hers, drawing nearer to her large and pleading eyes. "Perhaps it's you who is dangerous," he chuckled. With a shake of his head, he relented and leaned in close to her ear. "It's Robin."
"Robin…" Maria whispered. "Will I ever see you again?"
"You'll see soon enough." With that, he pressed a kiss onto the back of her hand and disappeared into the night with one last wink to Maria.
The following day, Sir Benjamin and Ms. Heliotrope apologized over breakfast. They promised to speak with her before doing anything that may affect her life. Though she was content with this response, she was very distracted. Hardly registering the apology or the very near arrival of her uncle's fiancé. While helping a very nervous Sir Benjamin ready the manor for his bride, she remained uncharacteristically silent, only replying simple answers to the various questions thrown her way. Her mind remained occupied by the mysterious man from last night.
Finally, it was the afternoon and Maria waited with her uncle in the parlor. She watched him fidget. He would take a seat, only to spring up immediately at any sound. Maria giggled, "Uncle, it'll be alright."
Sir Benjamin took a deep breath and nodded his head. He began to sit down when a resounding knock came from the door.
"Sir Benjamin," Digweed announced. "Your guests have arrived. Introducing, Loveday De Noir."
Loveday was every bit as beautiful as her uncle described her. She was tall and elegant, with voluminous blond hair styled in a cascading updo. She greeted them with a beaming smile filled with secrets and beautiful blue eyes brimming with mischief. Maria stalled. Loveday's smile and eyes sparked a sense of familiarity within her. It was a look she had seen before.
Digweed cleared his throat, "along with her brother, Robin De Noir."
Maria's heart stopped. She felt a rising heat from her stomach shoot up to her cheeks. With or without the mask, she would recognize him anywhere.
He strutted to her with a roguish smile and bowed. Taking her hand, he placed a lingering kiss on her knuckles that sent a jolt down her arm. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."
Maria stood stock still, her mind struggling to comprehend. Robin grinned. "Didn't I warn you'd see me soon enough?" He muttered under his breath.
Maria snapped her mouth shut. She shook herself before dropping into a quick curtsy and mustering a curt reply, "Maria Merryweather. The pleasure is all mine."
His eyes darkened with a knowing desire. "I'll make sure of it," he whispered into her ear before stepping away to stand at her side. "Are you ready for our adventure?"
Maria's heart was racing, she felt excitement course through her body. She knew she had a big storm coming, but she was ready to take it head-on. "I'll match your every step, lead the way."
A/N: I’m tired. Im stressed. Ive been writing science non-stop for 3 weeks straight. I wanted to write something fun and was listening to Rewrite the Stars on repeat. This is what happened. 
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iamyoursinblog · 4 years
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Pairing: Choi Youngjae x Reader
Genre: fluff smut
Word Count:  2,9 k
Summary: The annual masquerade ball, which was held for idols. You still could not believe that you miraculously managed to get an invitation to this ball. What will bring unexpected lucky?
You walked around a huge hall filled with laughter, talk and music. Everything was new to you. You didn’t know anyone here, or rather you knew everyone in this room, but nobody knew you. Although you started working at the  entertainment agency, you were only an intern. You straightened the mask, which hiding your face and went to the bar. The biggest plus of a masquerade is that you can be what you want - you just need to put on a mask. It was a closed party where everyone could relax. To get drunk and dance, to joke with each other, to sing, even to bathe in a huge fountain in dresses and suits. Today it was possible to do everything, without any consequences.
“The game will begin in 15 minutes,” the host announced. When you went in, for each person on wrist was tied a ribbon with a pendant, on which was a number, you got the lucky number 7. Closer to the end of the party, should be played a game. The host randomly selects the numbers of the guy and girl who become a couple. A race is organized in the maze. If a guy caught a girl before the end of time, then the girl fulfills the guy’s wish. If the girls managed to hide in the maze, then the guy fulfills the wish of the girl. They handed out cards to everyone, and you wrote “Kiss” in neat handwriting. You put the card in an envelope with your number and gave it to the staff. You smiled, in any case whoever you paired, you will win.
You took a few sips from your glass and walked closer to the middle. Everyone began to gather in a huge hall. The game started. The host continues to take out numbers from two black boxes, announcing pairs. The host got the next two numbers and laughed.
“The next pair is clearly meant for each other. Lady number 7, gentleman number 7.” Everyone around laughed and applauded such an accident, you didn’t even at first remember that you had number 7. You hurried to the stage, meeting your partner. He was a handsome guy in a gray mask, a black suit and a black shirt. You smiled, because even yours masks were the same color and in the same style. Maybe this is really fate. Stepping closer, you immediately recognized one of your favorites from GOT7. You greeted and moved to another room.
“It's nice to see new faces this evening,” he said when you were by yourselves.
“I so stood out, that you can immediately see that I'm here for the first time?” you got nervous
“In a good way, yes. You are like a breath of fresh air here, where all the faces are too familiar. Although I’m not sure that you recognized me.” He said and smiled
“You are Choi Youngjae from GOT7. It’s hard not to recognize you, even if your face would be completely covered, because of mole under your eye, person would definitely recognize you.” You laughed softly.
“Wow, I even didn’t think that someone recognized me so quickly. ”
“If you constantly look at a person, it does not matter how he is dressed, or how covered his face will be. Habits and voice don't change. "
“So it's means that you look at me all the time?” his smile widened. While you were talking, you went outside where the other couples were already.
“I will leave this question unanswered" you tried to hide your smile. Today your dream came true you with your bias and you talks as friends. Now you just have to win!
“You know my name, but I do not know yours. Is it fair, what is your name? ”
“Isn't a mask needed to hide your identity?”
"It's true." You stopped by the stairs that led to the maze. He bent down to you and you felt a hot breath on your neck “Then I will do everything to take off your mask today”
You did not have time to answer, just at that moment all the others came up, and the host began to explain the rules of the game. You could not concentrate, the words of Youngjae said in a low voice, flowed heat through your body, causing a thrill inside. He gave you a hand while you went down the stairs. Perhaps the atmosphere of the evening or the fact that the guy you really like was too close, your face shone with happiness. You haven’t felt so good for a long time. He was, as always, a sweet and polite guy with a wide smile. He squeezed your hand more tightly, intertwining your fingers together, when you swayed slightly. Someone ran by accidentally hitting you with his hand, because of which you lost balance. Youngjae caught you, tightly pressed to his body. He turned and cursed in trace of this man.
"Are you okay?"
“Yes, thanks,” you still hugged his neck tightly.
“It seems that you will find myself in my hands even earlier than I expected” his eyes darkened and his glance changed. Now he was completely different, your heart was swoon when he looked at you like that. You quickly leveled off and took a step back.
“I plan to win today! So I do not advise you to count on an easy victory, "you sent him a flirty look.
“Good luck. But no one except me knows this maze so well. But you sparked my interest, I hope the race will be exciting. I can’t wait ” his eyes burned with anticipation, while he took slow steps in your direction, and you stepped back.
You felt a trembling inside from a hidden challenge in his words. The game definitely promises to be fun. You came to yours entrance to the maze, and you went ahead, the girls were given ten minutes of head start. You started walking along the grass, but high heels did not allow you to move quickly. You got rid of your shoes and ran barefoot, wandering through the green corridors of the maze. You ran without looking back and hoped that you would not be caught in the first second. You were glad that there was soft grass under your feet that hid the sound of your footsteps. But it also meant that you could not hear the steps of Youngjae. A loud pop sounded, indicating that the guys went into the maze. Your heart beat faster and your speed increased. You continued to change directions. But it seems you yourself are already lost. Twenty minutes passed, you slowed down, carefully choosing your path. Each turn brought fear; it seemed that the children's game had grown into something more. You turned the corner and froze. At the end of a long corridor stood Youngjae.
His appearance was dangerous and sexual. He was without a mask. His shirt was unbuttoned on several buttons, exposing his skin, and his sleeves rolled up. He just stood there waiting for you to come into his hands. 25 minutes, that's how long it took you to get into his trap by yourself. Everything inside you shook. Turning back, you ran at full speed changing direction. You could hear his low laugh because of your escape. You wondered how dangerous a man he could be ... his image still stood in front of your eyes, causing heat in your body. Your skin was wet, and you had to collect hair fixing it with a hairpin. You continued to run hoping to hide in the dark branches. Another loud bang sounded and you jumped in surprise. There are ten minutes left before the game ends. Fear fettered your body when you heard a branch crunch nearby. You ran even faster hoping to run away from Youngjae, again...
You turned the corner and felt a tight grip on your hand. “Caught!!!” Your eyes widened when Youngjae covered your mouth with his hand and drowned out a scream. He pushed you forcefully against the green wall, pressing you completely with his body. You met his dark eyes with excitement, and his face was too close. You barely breathing, a mixture of fear and intense excitement enveloped your body. He sent you a cheeky smile and ran his free hand through his wet hair. He slowly lowered his hand which covered your mouth. "For a long time I did not feel such feelings. It usually ended in five minutes." He grinned. Even through several layers of the dress you could feel how hard on he was. He snuggled closer to you before retreating. It seems that only now you could take a breath. Your body was trembling. He took out a rocket launcher and shot up, showing that he won, and literally half a minute later sounded the final clap of the game ended.
You followed him slowly, while he without hesitation turned over and over. It took you a little over five minutes to get out. He really knew the maze. You were surprised when you found your shoes near the entrance. You put on shoes, and he picked up his mask from the grass again hiding his face and put his clothes in order. When you approached the general crowd, everyone congratulated you on winning, as the most persistent couple. You sat on a bench in the garden, your legs refused to walk anymore after such a run.
“Let's go,” he said, returning after receiving the prize.
"Where?" you asked at a loss
“We are the most persistent couple, dinner awaits us in an interesting place. Plus you lost, ”he smiled. You completely forgot about the wishes you wrote for the losers.
You got into a car that was already waiting for you in the parking lot.
“Today I saw you from a new perspective," you said breaking the silence
He laughed softly. “Good or bad?” He turned his whole body to you, meeting your gaze.
“The unexpected!” He reached out and ran his fingers through your hair, which made you slightly startled
"Are you afraid of me?" he asked in a whisper, leaning forward towards your face. Before you answered, he returned to the place and smiled broadly, showing the leaf that he took out of your hair.
You arrived at a country club, and you were given key cards from your rooms. “Your dinner will be held in the garden. I hope you enjoy it.” The driver bowed and sat back in the car.
“It seems we are stay here until the morning,” he said, taking off his mask. This thought made your heart beat faster.
“Apparently it is,” you raised your hand and looked at the key card. You looked at him and hesitated for a second whether it was worth taking off the mask or not. Although this no longer made sense, it would be foolish to dine while sitting in a masquerade mask. You pulled the ribbon and untied the mask.
“You are even prettier than I thought. Does that mean you finally say your name? ” You walked towards the garden to your table.
“I think it didn't make sense anymore.” you pointed to the mask. “My name is _______ "
“Nice to meet you,” he said, raising your hand and leaving a light kiss on it.
You had dinner, telling stories from your life, to get to know each other better. After the dessert, you took the wine and switched to a sofa in a circle of trees.
“I think it's time to move onto to reward,” you said
“You picked the right word,” he said with a grin. He pulled out an envelope with a blue seven and handed it to you. You opened it and pulled out a card that said “one wish”.
“Your wish is ‘one wish’?” you asked
“Of course, I don’t know who will be paired with me. Therefore, it is better to be able to make it up after graduation. Although every time it was something banal, more likely an obligatory formality than a wish"
‘And why didn’t you think about this before?’ You asked yourself mentally. "Good. You can make your banal wish" you smiled at him, but his look has changed.
“Who said that this time I’ll make something banal?” he ran his fingers over your face, removing a strand of hair behind ear “It can include your desire too” he took out a second envelope with a pink seven, and you seemed to stop breathing. “Judging by your reaction, you did not know that the winner gets both envelope" he laughed when your eyes widened. “You're brave enough to write something like this, not knowing who can get it,” he took out a card and showed you the written word “Kiss” by your handwriting.
“I really didn’t know that the winner receives both envelopes.” You were as red with embarrassment as your dress. How awkward it turned out.
He moved closer and pressed his lips to you. His taste was unbelievable, and from his masculine smell your head was spinning. You groaned when his arm hugged you around the waist, pulling you onto his lap. He continued to kiss you while his fingers led up on your leg under the dress. His fingers sank into your skin as he deepened the kiss. Your back arched as he ran along your panties and pressed the clit. He continued to rub your clit until his tongue captured your mouth. It all seemed unrealistic. He spread your thighs with his fingers, revealing the access to your pussy. You moved slightly on his lap and covered his bulging dick with your hand, running fingers on it.
“Fuck ...” he groaned, breaking the kiss. He stood up abruptly, raising you in his arms, and you were surprised at his strength. He lowered you to his feet and grabbing you by the wrist and headed toward the hotel. You almost had to run after his quick steps. Before entering, he quickly put on a masquerade mask, and you did the same. Several people rode with you in the elevator, but he continued to caress your bare back with his fingers, causing goosebumps. You took a side step, so that he would be behind you. You hid your hand behind your back and squeezed his hard flesh with your fingers. A flash of pain made your clit throb when he bit your shoulder to hide his moan. He squeezed your wrist with force, but did not remove your hand, you smiled, continuing to tease him. He practically ran out of the elevator when you arrived at your floor. A few people followed you, and you heard a growl while you walked quickly toward your door. Quickly opening the door, he will drag you inside. Having removed his mask, he threw it to the floor. He pushed you into the wall next to the door with force, taking all his excitement into a kiss. It was all-consuming. All you had to do was moan while he practically tore off your clothes in this narrow corridor near the front door.
“From the first second you entered the hall, I wanted to tear off this mask from you and fuck you in some hiden pantry. I had to make enough effort to find out your number and make us a couple," he said, taking off your mask.
"What?" your eyes widened at his words
"Coincidences are not coincident. Do not you think so?" he sent you a lecherous look.
“I ...” you couldn't keep talking when he put your nipple in his mouth. Now you didn’t care, you were absolutely happy with where you ended up and what you did.
He lifted your foot, and you rested against the wall opposite. He tore off your panties and forcefully pushed inside you. You screamed, and he covered your mouth with his palm. He continued to make hard jolts inside you. Your body burned from his passion. He moved his hand into your hair and squeezed it with force, forcing him to meet his eyes. “Say you wanted me as much as I did” he growled, amplifying the pushes.
“I wanted that you to fuck me, as hard as now, at the same moment as you caught me in the maze. I could hardly restrain myself from kissing you.” Confessed you
He laughed out loud “You can’t even imagine how much self-control I spent to pull away from you then” his laughter turned into moans when he accelerated the pace. The orgasm was getting closer with every push he made inside you. He covered your clit and fingering it. Your body broke into small pieces of an orgasm. After a few pushes he also hard cum, clutching your body in his arms.
You slide down to the floor, and you turned your head towards the room “The bed was not so far” you said, and you laughed together
“Then it seemed that at least one mile to it” he hugged you tight “And now it also seems that it is too far away. There are so many comfortable surfaces on it way, I think we will get to the bed by morning,” he said and laying you on back, he kissed you, dragging back into the world of lust and debauchery.
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veliseraptor · 6 years
Current WIP Excerpts
inspired by @gaslightgallows​, because I am vain and love validation, have a line from each of my current WIPs. with a few exceptions.
there are A Lot.
Life In Reverse
Thanos stood before them, titan in truth as well as name. Loki’s heart jumped into his throat and his thoughts briefly flashed to a shattered world, fingers tearing through his mind, screaming as his being was turned inside out. Fear froze him in place, instinctive, animal. 
Costume Porn: what it says, seriously. (Steve/Loki.)
Masquerade: Steve attends a costume ball. So does Loki.
Steve shifted nervously. “How did you know?”
“Body language,” Tony said simply. “You keep staring at him. Not that I can blame you. Guy looks unfairly good in a suit.”
“Why, thank you,” Loki said. Tony jumped, and then scowled a little.
the hills on fire for miles: The Thor: Ragnarok fic for RTC.
The woman standing in front of them was just barely illuminated by the early dawn light, but it was enough: she was hopelessly striking, lips quirked in a very faint and unpleasant smile, her eyes glittering coldly, looking from Steve to Loki.
“And you,” she said to him, “must be the youngest whelp. The failure. Which makes you…” she looked at Steve. “What does that make you?” 
Attempt #432: Someone asked for the AU where one of Doom’s Loki-clones survived. It’s gonna be bad, folks.
His first memory was a silver mask with rectangles for eyes and mouth, looking down at him. “Attempt four-hundred and thirty-two,” it said, “success.”
Into the Valley of Death Rode the Six Hundred: The “Loki wins” fic where he gloats at Steve in his spare time and then ends up fighting a war on three fronts and actually asking for help with one of them.
Steve opened his eyes to find a hand over his mouth and the strong iron smell of blood filling his nose. He sucked in a sharp breath, heart hammering into motion. “Open your mouth to cry out and I will take your tongue before you can make a sound.” Loki’s voice was low and soft, but there was something ragged and breathless there as well. “Nod if you understand.”
Strange Bedfellows: The “Clint and Loki are captured and undergo TERRIBLE SUFFERING and bond, sort of” fic. Hey, people do it for Tony/Loki I don’t see why I can’t go with it my way.
Clint Barton had observed that missions tended to go wrong in one of two ways. Either it was a gradual stacking up of problems that inevitably led to total collapse no matter how hard you tried to hold on, or it was the kind of thing where you were standing in the middle of the building and the roof fell on you.
The Priesthood of Natasha Romanov: The one where Loki declares Natasha his High Priestess. She’s not really into it, though.
She tried to tell Thor about her encounter with Loki in Berlin, but the minute she got out an “I saw” her throat closed up and then she was talking about the Berlin Art Museum with some enthusiasm, despite the fact that she hadn’t gone. A few circuitous routes met with no more success, and even hints appeared to be impossible. Whatever magic fuckery Loki had worked on her, it was thorough. 
important gangbang fic: Important Gangbang Fic.
The best thing about dropping in on Alfish parties was that by the time he arrived, most were too drunk to recognize him, or else too distracted to care.
so when the birds fly South: Loki gets beat up and Steve is the one to find him and I have no idea where this is going.
After months, months of thinking he’d been saved by that missile through the portal (irony of ironies) and then months more after he’d learned he had been mistaken, they’d run him to ground. He could run no further. Only turn and fight, and barely that, so little left in him.
Tear My Castle Down: The “Loki’s punishment is to be a slave to one of the Avengers but this time it’s Steve” fic.
Loki was shaking and pale, one hand braced on the doorframe, the other pulling at his collar, his chest heaving. Steve froze, mouth opening, and Loki half fell, grabbing his arm. “Captain,” he said, teeth chattering. “You need – you need to-”
which carries weight and always weighs the same: My Romanoff Big Bang fic, which is going to be a lot of “Natasha having interpersonal relationships” because I have interests.
Her training would have dictated that she fight until her last breath. That cornered, weaponless, and bleeding, she would go on fighting. Her training had told her they will try to seduce you, to steal your loyalties with grand promises. These are all lies. Of course, by the time Agent Clint Barton had her backed into a blind alley with nowhere to go, her loyalties were already for sale and she didn’t believe in anyone’s promises.
Subordination: Loki acquires his first dom, Sjofn. Shit is fun. Until it isn’t.
But he was a little tipsy, and a lot curious, and the way Sjofn was looking at him as though she wanted to devour him was making his whole body feel hot. Loki had lain with his fair share of women – and others – but feeling quite so pursued…that was new.
Just a Shadow Upon These Walls: Steve starts seeing a ghost. Steve starts seeing a ghost that is Loki. Things get weirder from there.
When Thor had left, Steve found a chair and sank down into it. Loki has been dead for almost two years. A day ago, Loki had been standing in Steve’s kitchen. How did he die? Steve should have asked, but he couldn’t have asked the question did he still have his eyes, couldn’t ask Thor that about his younger brother. His dead younger brother.
post Svartalfheim AU: depressed Loki goes to earth after TDW, starts running into Steve randomly, somehow this becomes Steve/Loki?? idk what
When Loki woke up, the first thing he felt was anger. It burned, sharp and fierce, because he had been cheated; he had died well, he had died loved, with Thor looking at him with something so much like care it had hurt worse than the wound in his chest. And once again, death spit him out, making a mockery of him. Of everything.
Thunderstorms: The sequel to “there’s a hell of a good universe next door” where Thor arrives.
“Steve,” Loki said, not looking away from Coulson, and then went on. “I could have slipped away from your clumsy trap at any time, or had your men fighting amongst themselves in the blink of an eye, or any number of more creative solutions. I could kill you with my bare hands right here, in this room, in – say – five seconds, perhaps less. I could probably even, if I had a mind, undermine your government until it fell to pieces.”
Steve made a faintly strangled sound that Loki ignored. “As you can see,” Loki said, sounding almost conversational, “I have not. And will not. I have little to no interest in involving myself in human politics. Unless I am mistaken, until today, you were unaware that I was here at all. It would be ideal for everyone if you chose to return to that state of affairs.”
forgive the children we once were: Bucky, who freed himself substantially earlier from Hydra’s control (during The Avengers), finds Loki, wounded and near death, after the events of Thor 2. Shenanigans ensue.
The stranger was still alive when Bucky got him into the apartment, though he looked like shit and Bucky had to hold his hand about an inch above his mouth to feel any breathing. Stupid, he thought. Gun's in the bedside table, just take care of it and dump the body. He half twitched toward the bedside table, but stopped at that. He still had questions. Dead bodies drew attention.
Sword Age, Wolf Age: the Ragnarok fic where things go a little differently when Thor comes back to Asgard.
“I have just saved your life and freed you and you would speak of what I owe you,” Loki said, starting away through the woods. “Such is the gratitude of the House of Odin.”
Someone to Watch Over You: Loki decides Steve needs a guardian angel. He doesn’t ask Steve about it. He also doesn’t expect to get labeled a sidekick.
Captain Steve Rogers, Loki had decided, was trying to get himself killed.
I’ll pull the devil down with me, one way or another: Thanos is coming. Loki doesn’t intend to take that lying down.
He stumbled out into Sanctuary, almost falling to his knees, and pried his hands away from the cube. His joints throbbed with the ache of the power filling him almost to bursting. He looked at it, glowing blue with swirls of light inside, and swallowed hard.
If this goes wrong, all the worlds will burn and it will be your fault.
keep your heart (close to the ground): the AU where Loki never invades, so the Avengers never form, and a depressed Steve and depressed Loki meet.
Lukas was leaning against the doorframe, one arm wrapped around his middle, blood covering half his face and dripping off his fingers. He smiled and there was blood on his teeth. “Hello,” he said. “Good. You still live here,” and listed forward. Steve, his thoughts spinning, caught him reflexively.
time may change me (but you can’t trace time): the fic where Loki tries to steal the Time Stone and gets stuck in a time loops. For some reason, it resets every time Steve dies.
“What did you do?” Rogers demanded.
“I have no idea,” Loki said. He was sitting in the sand and staring up at the sky, going over everything that had happened before this had started – everything he knew about the Time Stone and what it could do. He wasn’t getting anywhere.
Seams and Scars: Loki arrives on Midgard with his lips sewn shut.
Clint thought for sure he was going to die when he was slammed against the wall and those washed out, grey-green eyes met his. Clint’s eyes fixed on those gruesome black lines trickling blood. Stitches, he realized. He could see the knots. See the notch of a scar where one had torn through.
Who the hell does that? He remembered thinking, which was the last thought of his own he had before he set the spear to Clint’s heart and remade him in his image.
our history is coming to life again: The fic where a young Loki gets transplanted forward in time to post-The Dark World Earth. Things are not exactly going well for him.
“What happened,” Cap said, his voice tense.
“I’m dead, aren’t I,” was what came out of Loki’s mouth. And then he had to laugh, because obviously he wasn’t, he couldn’t be saying he was dead if he was dead, so he corrected, “was. I suppose.”
Temptation: Loki has a Steve problem.
Well, Loki thought. Well. It seemed his little problem was not solved after all. In fact, if anything, it was made worse. If he was going to imagine fucking Rogers every time he was trying to fight him-
Loki growled to himself. Damn him. Damn him and his beautiful eyelashes and beautiful eyes and sinfully beautiful mouth.
I know I’m the curséd one: Wanda and Loki, imprisoned for their magic, have to work together to escape.
He would not give in. Not to these. Not ever.
He would go mad (madder) first.
finding yourself at the end of the universe: The fic where Loki springs Steve from prison post Civil War, mostly out of spite, and they go on a dysfunctional road trip across space.
“Well,” said the last voice Steve had expected to hear. “That’s interesting.”
Steve’s eyes widened and he stared at Loki, struck dumb. Loki’s eyebrows quirked, gaze sweeping up and down. “Now why,” he murmured, “would they be keeping you down here with me? Have you been bad, Captain Rogers?”
Meet the Parents: Loki meets Sarah Rogers in the Roommates!AU.
“Offend her?” Steve’s eyebrows went up. “Why would you offend her?”
“Well,” Loki said, and stopped, searching for a diplomatic way to say I’m an addict, an asshole, and a bad influence without saying those precise words.
The Cold, the Dark, the Silence: It’s whump. That’s basically it.
His body was starting to fail. Loki could tell the signs of it in the way his hands shook, the chills that swept through him periodically. His healing had already been strained to the breaking point by his near death on Svartalfheim. Without food, with barely any water, the punishment his captors doled out in seemingly growing frustration was taking a toll.
the first steps stumbling forward: On Earth post-Ragnarok, Steve takes up secretly helping Asgardian refugees. There’s a familiar face among them.
“Thor said you were dead,” Rogers said.
“Thor is occasionally wrong about things,” Loki said. He didn’t particularly want to explain I was, sort of, but then I wasn’t, and then I took over Asgard and pretended to be my father for three years, which was actually very nice while it lasted.
escalated almost to an art: Yet another very dirty Loki/Grandmaster fic, where the Grandmaster experiments with drugging Loki in a variety of fun ways.
“You and me,” the Grandmaster said, reaching out and brushing his fingers along Loki’s jaw. “We’re going to have so much fun, aren’t we?”
Loki wished that didn’t sound so much like a threat.
He wished the fact that it did didn’t send a thrill down his spine.
Another Fall: Loki falls from Asgard into Hela’s prison.
“Interesting,” she said. She crouched down. “Where did you come from? The old fool sealed this place unfortunately well.” Loki coughed and choked. Her nose wrinkled. “I suppose if I want to get anything out of you I’ll need to fix you first.”
Darkness, Darkness: The Morgana/Gwen fic set in “The Dark Tower.”
You should have trusted me, she thinks bitterly, as Gwen’s screams turn into sobs and Morgana’s own eyes sting. I loved you, Gwen. I loved you so much.
There’s a Lesson Here, I Just Don’t Know What It Is Yet: Still need to finish this Natasha/Yelena fic, still kicking myself over using an espionage plot, why did I do that.
“I’m on assignment,” she said blandly, rocking back on her heels, perched still too close. “And you? Still dancing for the Russian government?” Dancing. Yelena wondered if that was deliberate. After their last meeting, she’d tried learning to dance, briefly, but nothing about it had suited her.
the best all lack conviction: Fenris/Anders post Dragon Age II; they bicker, a lot, and maybe make out some too, eventually. Probably I will beat them up a lot too.
The wind blew the rain in on them again and the mage groaned, hunching his shoulders. “I hate Fereldan,” he muttered. “I truly do.”
“Perhaps you should have run to Tevinter,” Fenris said snidely. The mage gave him a baleful look but, to his surprise, did not say anything. He looked so pathetic that Fenris almost felt guilty. Almost.
Witches: Morrigan/Surana femslash fic, in which Merrin Surana would like to bang Morrigan and also become her.
She was tall as all humans were tall and carrying a staff on her back. She looked down her narrow nose at Merrin, Alistair, and the rest, air one of boredom and vague distaste. She was the most magnificent thing Merrin had ever seen.
The Interim: The fic about Morgana’s journey from dying of poison to coming back to Camelot dramatically changed and set on revenge.
She struggled to understand what was going on. To work out what had happened (he poisoned me) and what was happening now. It all hurt too much, though, and all she could do was lie there and whimper and hate how weak she felt. A cool hand pushed her hair off her brow. “It’s all right, sister. You’re safe.”
how this grace thing works: The first year at Grimglass lighthouse.
Felix up and vanished into the library the second he got the chance. He probably would’ve stayed there forever without eating if I hadn’t dragged him out sometimes for meals. He said the previous virtuer had just shoved books in wherever they fit so it’d be impossible to find anything. He dithered over a lot of ways of organizing them before settling on category and author, and then he’d mutter to himself about what category this book or that one really belonged in.
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