#theres a debate on who shouldve gotten x thing?
tidal-chaos · 1 year
i have no idea if this will reach the target audience but...
for any introject whose source characters eye color was ambiguous in canon, either intentionally or otherwise, what color did you get introjected with? was it a seemingly random color? was it a color your& headmate(s) headcanoned your source to have? was it a color with significance to you(&)? or did your& brain short circuit and decide to give you an entirely non-canon and entirely bonkers set of eyes?
mine was the last one. my source character is notorious in the fandom for never having their eyes consistently described, as in, they would be blue on one page and then called yellow two pages later. so clearly i would have rainbow eyes that look like theyre melting on my face. obviously. (/lh /s)
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