#theres also the lack of universal queer understanding and terminology
angstics · 5 months
i come to you about this because i feel you have some of the best takes on here: do you feel like we'll ever reach a point in time where gerard's apparent gender neutrality as well as gender nonconformity will be seen and appreciated for what it is and left at that? because personally i feel like he could come out with a label tomorrow and people would still find ways to bicker about it (the discourse going on just a few days ago 😭)
We are witnessing an interesting social phenomenon as a result of the internet and new queer acceptance. We’re honestly already at that point. Publicly, most of gerard’s fans know he’s gnc, celebrate his expression + experiences, and leave alone the identity part. In private, however, i know speculation is less restricted. As queer people, we think we recognize our people. Call it flagging, call it gaydar, whatever. This has forever been a part of gayhood. But no one, barring the intention of outing someone, would they bring it up in a publicized forum (maybe fanzines? not sure). There is a misunderstanding that talking online means you’re in private and can say whatever you want without consequence. Pre-internet, regular gay people could talk about whoever they wanted with little impact on the straight world. Who cared what gay people thought. Only tabloids and famous people were able to out / “accuse” someone in the sphere of mass media. It was scandalous, unserious, almost funny.
Then boom, internet, boom, social queer acceptance, boom, out queer celebrities. The dynamic has shifted but people still treat it like it’s 1949 and you’re calling that cary grant fellar from the crossdressing comedy a part of the family. We are on a public, recorded, popular form of communication. Our posts are essentially mass media. One may influence thousands of people without any limit. And since fandom is a large, self-righteous queer enclave, mass media queer truthing is suddenly taken seriously. It can become popular discourse. Like it has with that heartstopper kid and taylor swift, where they plainly addressed it. Like it is right now on mcr tumblr to a smaller degree. You cant go “im just a little guy saying what i think!!!” when people have been talking about this nonstop for several days. You have influence. You have a voice. You are mass media. And people can criticize mass media. Especially when they think youre doing something morally wrong. People are inclined to publicly punish deviance in order to discourage it. Call that mechanical solidarity. Lol, my sociology 101 exam is next week
All this to say … i think cary grant was gay. I read a gossip book where the interviewer unsuccessfully tried to get him to talk about it and it made me feel dirty. It isnt the same as talking about My Favorite Wife with your friends.
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