#they dragon ball z’d this kid into being a surface freak
brunosaderogatory · 1 month
Luca’s desire to explore the surface didn’t only kick off an end to an in-universe genocide, it also fixed an ongoing trouble in his family.
On his mother’s side, Libera had been going to the surface for possibly decades, not only hiding it from her community but also hiding it from her own daughter. And according to Casarosa, Daniela had been curious and tried out the surface-life before, but stopped. My guess is that along the lines, something happened that caused her to take a full 180°. Her insistent fear for Luca and (albeit rightfully) calling the humans “murderers” “bloodthirsty lunatics” raises a lot of questions as to what that something was.
Then on his father’s side, there is Ugo that was so “addicted” to the surface that he was sent to The Deep to correct it, and Lorenzo who, also according to Enrico Casarosa, had tried it out as well.
This wasn’t a curiosity unique to Luca, but to all Paguros (and Ugo). He wasn’t where the “problem” began, but he was where the problem ended.
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