#they seemed to value each other as a reliable political partner specifically for this reason
brother-emperors · 4 months
Ohhhh so would you consider that Crassus let Pompey get away with some things he might have not let others get away with ? Because he recognised his use ?
I think that the only person that Crassus let get away with anything was Cicero, on account of Cicero being Publius’ other father
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spiritionary · 7 years
Temptation Demons
I am writing them in response to someone asking about Ubi Demons. Temptation Demons are what I draw some of my heritage from and we are often confused with Ubi Demons because of we have a lot in common with them. The main difference is that we have a much broader scope of things we tend to be able to draw the energy that sustains us form (Though our charm is still quite on par with theirs). Hopefully this is a tempting introduction.
Basics and Identity:
First of all, we rarely have actual societies, though such a thing isn’t really unheard of. It is a lot easier for us to exist on our own. There are those with an exceptionally far reaching vision, however, who will sometimes set up a way where we can work together to feed. But, since feeding is easy enough on our own, there is rarely a real point on such reliances unless we are stuck in somewhere that we are barely in contact with anything that we can sustain ourselves with.
It’s hard to really define our gender as anything but adaptable. We have a very lax construct when it comes to gender. Part of the very premise of our existence is that we adapt to whatever form is pleasing to our subject. In general, we prefer to feed on a subject or a group of subjects, and they are what our gender is often based on. Having gender constructs and roles forced on us can be extremely detrimental if we do not have enough experience under our belt to handle such things. If we are feeding on a group of subjects, by the way, we will generally find something that is pleasing to the crowd in a general sense.
Some of us will take the guise of Ubi Demons specifically because they are better known, fairly similar and make it much easier to work with our targets. Telling someone our objective is generally not conducive to said objective. A typical day is rather complex to describe. Much of it is spent in preparation for feeding which is done at once, depending on how much we feed, we may not need to do so for weeks or months. Deciding on the type of temptation is also important, I will give greater depth to our feeding habits further down.
I particularly find myself enjoying activities that involve discussion for, again, reasons that I will mention below. Learning about various creatures we encounter or may encounter is pretty essential to us, as we never know when we are going to have to switch food sources. You will be hard pressed to find a Temptation Demon that isn’t extraverted. We rely on that quality. I don’t particularly care for humans, but that is a fairly personal thing. Better energy sources are always preferred.
Culture and Society:
I have met some others of my kind, and I like to hang out with them casually, though I would prefer to keep my distance when it comes to instances where competition becomes a factor. We don’t inherently have a reason to fight with other spirits over food or even with each other as sources, at least here, are plentiful. We are willing, but again, it’s not worth considering an inherent part of our nature, we would rather talk things out and come to compromises in most situations. For reasons the reasons one might imagine, we lean more towards the language of the realm (wherever we happen to be) above our own language in almost all cases. It makes tempting others easier when you speak their language.
We used to have a society, at one point, but a bunch of civil wars broke out where we originated from (I received this lesson from someone who experienced it, it was before my time). When we had a societal structure, we were ruled by a monarchy where the kings ruled and the people followed the kings obediently. Revolutions were unheard of, sometimes power was usurped politically from the king, but never for very long. It was almost as if the kings were the only ones considered to have the right to lead, in a long term sense.
They citizens valued conformity, back in those times, something that some kings disagreed with but never managed to actually change. Rebelling felt like, from the sense I got, a taboo. Offspring were raised in typical families by their parents, it was about as varied for them as it is for humans. Keep in mind though, all of this is based on a society that once existed. It may still exist, but many of us have taken to traveling to different places and can get pretty solitary.
We largely value our own freedom and will fight, unlike our ancestors, against those who would try to take it from us. It is practically a taboo to become subservient or to give away our freedoms to others and doing such causes a great deal of stress. Only some of our offspring is born as demons and those who are eventually, before long, venture off on their own.
Spirit Biology:
I will now get into the subject of survival. My species survives on, as our name implies, temptation. All we have to do is entice someone into doing something that they normally wouldn’t, especially if they feel it might endanger their well-being. Dark as that may sound to some, it really isn’t. It can range fro many number of things, really. We might entice someone into cheating or a one night stand, but it can just as easily be enticing someone into coming out of the closet, admitting their feelings to someone they’re in love with, convincing them to follow their dream when they are uncertain if they can pull it off.
There is no real difference, in my experience, between the taste of different types of temptations. I try to stick to the ones that keep me from having to join new communities to find other people, so constructive ones that are appreciated. I find this is a useful strategy that pays off in the end anyway, as people will come to me seeking what to them is help, and to me is a meal. What we seek out, in the way of our feedings, is often dependent on what has worked best for us in the past.
I would be hard pressed to really pin down a lifespan. It all depends on the quality of our nutrition and how often we feed and take care of ourselves. Someone with decent healers for when they get sick or hurt and a reliable food source who does everything they can to take care of themselves? They could easily achieve a lifespan that puts most dragons to shame.  It all depends on heritage, really. If you got your demonic heritage, on some level, from a strong demon, you will have a longer lifespan if it manifests in you. Our blood is not easily diluted when we reproduce, it takes something of great strength (like a dragon) to repress our traits. Every Temptation Demon inherits, to the best of my knowledge, demonic traits, assuming their heritage manifests (Some kids just are born as non-demonic). If you are born a Temptation demon, you will definitely inherit the traits that make our gender ‘adaptable’ (Would rather not go too deep into detail about that particular subject).
Our sex/gender is adaptable, depending on whatever we are around. This is to say that it takes shapes that are compatible with but not the same as that which we are currently feeding off of, or whoever we might consider significant. We are even capable of sharing such things with our partners. Some of us value the consent of our partners more than others, but it is a fairly quick process that doesn’t cause us pain and that we can repeat. It is very intimate and we are less likely to be romantically inclined towards those who turn that down.
Our reproduction is through either typical means, or, sometimes, it can be through the means of those we are feeding off of. We are extremely malleable creatures that adapt based on what we are feeding on. We are not compatible with all creatures, though I have not personally tried, there would likely be some degree of difficulty with creating a demonic child with a race such as the Celestials. As I haven’t tried, however, I cannot really hope to confirm. I am sorry if some of the wording on this had to be kept vague. As much as I really care to say on the above, however, is that we adapt whatever traits are pleasing and capable of reproduction with those whose energy we take in. We need to be capable of taking in energy from the source to adapt, anything else is but a glamour, which we are still quite capable of.
The very nature of our energy can be said to be change. Those who take our energy become ever so slightly more like us, though more in terms of mateship compatibility. It is also worth mentioning that we will never become completely like our subjects. No matter how much we feed, it will only change us enough to be pleasing and it something that we have to consent to, we can opt to not change from the energy we feed on. There are limits to our glamours, they cannot hide the points where our demonic heritage is most prevalent and that often leads to us seeming slightly less enticing than Ubi Demons. It serves as a pretty effective deterrent from our kind finding long-term mates and partners.
Submitted by @gavre-eon
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typhonatemybaby · 7 years
The Good ( commies), the Bad, (M.A.D) and the Ugly ( DPRK foreign policy decisions)
1: MAD, Deterrence and nuclear policies.
Mutually assured destruction is a weird concept. The concept as it exists in military theory and in popular perception is a little fragmented but basically everyone knows the basics: The nuclear cowboys staring at each other, ready for the quick draw. It is seemingly very simple, being based on game theory and basic economic considerations of military output. This is a false semblance. 
Deterrence is the core of MAD. But it is NOT THE SAME THING. It is the idea that you give the physical act of attack properties that make it unattractive in the extreme. Its basically cost-benefit stuff. However it is not like normal economic calculations. It is not based on profit, or gain, but rather ABSOLUTE LOSS MITIGATION. This is its great strength and its great weakness.
The problem with deterrence is that it relies on things outside the realm of the cost benefit analysis, things that inject themselves int the calculation. As a military issue, deterrence is reliant on military realities: the assessment of ones forces, the prospects on the future battlefield, and of course the foils of all strategies: Friction and Fog of war. 
Friction is the cumulative effect of minor annoyances, of small mistakes, of minor technical failures, of error and chance. It is when because, for the want of a nail, the boat is lost. 
Fog of War is a term referring to inaccurate information as viewed by the participants. 
for deterrence to exist it must be reliable enough that both parties feel they can penetrate fog of war enough in the battlefield sense. this is usually manageable in the short term, but in the long term, Friction bears on all actors and degrades them either politically, through degrading political will, or through degrading physical abilities via neglect, economic disruptions, or the cumulative effect of economic miscalculations, by management, of the stock pile and the active forces. AKA, wear and tear, budget fluctuations, political weak-mindedness etc. 
2: Deterrence also relies on psychological aspects to warfare:
Deterrence doesn't just rely on missiles working, it relies on YOUR FAITH that they work in such a manner that that their efficacy is visible to the enemy and in the forefront of their minds and that they compute this with a minimum of delusion, in order that a SIMILAR BUT OPPOSITE FAITH is created in the opponents mind about yours. This must simultaneously work in reverse or deterrence will cease to exist. You both need to be sure that BOTH SYSTEMS are known to work well.
Similarly MAD does not really "exist" because it relies on forcing abstract concepts into a very positivist sphere of thought. Deterrence requires assurance in this model. Yet is there assurance? Is it mutual? Is it sufficiently destructive? How assured is enough? how mutual is mutual? Is it  *total* destruction, on a planetary scale? if so why bother with the missiles? Why not simply have vast cobalt bombs set to trigger upon failure of communications with HQ in a crisis time? these queries lead us to a nagging doubt: What if the purpose of nuclear weapons was not in fact " to force all other nuclear weapons not to be used" but " to wage war"? What if they are not in fact the magic bullets of the atomic god but actually just very very horrible pieces of technology with specific quantifiable effects? 
for MAD to actually exist and work it must: assure both parties of efficacy of either system, and simultaneously, at all times, ensure a certain combined minimum of damage in order to satisfy a total concept of destruction. 
Remember: it is not about deterrence "not working" it is about it not *existing*.
3: Why MAD and normal ideas of deterrence don’t apply to us in the real sense.
Deterrence however is bigger than "MAD".  MAD is almost a cartoonish abstraction, but there is a similar policy that is applied in reality: the concept of "minimum deterrence" AKA "finite deterrence". 
Minimum deterrence as defined by Herman Kahn in “On Thermonuclear War” is as follows
 "The notion is dramatic: It is that no nation whose decision makers are sane would attack another nation which was armed with a sufficiently large number of nuclear bombs... ...in general the believers in minimum deterrence theory seem to believe the deterrence of a rational enemy as almost a simply philosophical consequence of the existence of nuclear bombs.. ...one is tempted to call this " the laymans view", since people holding it show only the slightest interest in such matters as the status of the alert forces... ... an extreme form of the minimum deterrence theory it the view that the current strategic forces of the united states and the soviet union, if used, will automatically result in world annihilation..." 
Kahn then goes on to ridicule the simplicity of this idea. Basically Deterrence doesn't work the way you think it does and neither does nuclear war. For one thing its probably winnable, but you should read the book for all that stuff
I wont go further because really you should read the first chapter or two of Herman Kahns "On Thermonuclear War" to get a grasp of this better than i can explain, but basically pop-culture concepts of thermonuclear war are sort of bogus. It is in fact the OTHER POLICIES added on from OUTSIDE the core deterrence calculus that make our nuclear policies. 
HOWEVER, even though deterrence doesn't work in the total absolute sense, it DOES work in certain limited TIME CONSTRAINED scenarios. This is why it was adopted in the first place. In an environment in which parties have established deterrent they establish a new norm of relations in geopolitics. This creates an incentive to proliferate: to prevent interference from those parties which are the existing nuclear powers. Thus the short term strength of the various forms of deterrence creates increasingly complex geopolitical nuclear standoffs via proliferation, weapons trade, and asymmetric strategy. Thus the Nuclear weapon functions as a Marxian commodity both within countries as their military industrial complexes create them for trade to the government, but also in the international sense as they adopt a commodity fetish, combined with their own variety of fetish associated with their specific use-value. Proliferation brings with it the temptation for war, as does asymmetry.  Deterrence fails with miscalculation. we can only pull the lever of the slot machine in New Vegas so many times before we hit the nuclear jackpot. Eventually if we get enough proliferation crises we may strike lucky. 
4: The DPRK's policy
The DPRK is a "proliferator". This means they are developing and creating new nuclear weapons. We are not concerned with other WMDs here because they are not relevant in this case and are not as destructive. also the phrase WMD lumps several materially very different categories of weaponry together to the point of being a useless political umbrella term, only used reluctantly by weapons policy experts.
They have proliferated, most likely, in response to US, Russian and Chinese actions, in turn responding to: US *unreliability" as well as aggression ( aggression is actually acceptable in certain limits, but *unreliability* of aggression is not.), China being initially reluctant to act, and then acting poorly, and Russian opportunism.
The US, in attacking Iraq, began to break a sort of social geopolitical contract. Iraq did not really have WMDs. We all know this. The US attacked anyway. Libya was a similar case. Both were former partners to US policy. It is theorized that the DPRK's leadership has reasoned:  " Iraq and Libya attempted to appease US policy and were still eliminated. The Libyan and Iraqi leadership were largely liquidated. Hussein was hung after being dragged from a hovel. Qaddafi was sexually assaulted by militants after his convoy was blown up and he was found hiding in a ditch. He was then executed and stored in a commercial supermarket fridge. This is not acceptable to us. Our fate must be better. We have a unique position. We know change is coming to the global stage. We have the technical means to achieve nuclear capabilities. We know appeasement is only temporary. Asymmetric deterrence may however save us"
This position was arrived at during a time of change in the DPRK: new leadership came in and instituted internal economic reforms. notably they also probably stopped executing scientists for every blown up missile. This probably improved results. They have pursued a strategy of achieving a sudden breakout in order to disrupt the status quo so quickly as to prevent established world powers from counteracting. This is because the main powers were divided and because they had no effective powers, or the will to prevent it. 
China was happy to allow the DPRK so sit and be a buffer as long as it wasn't too disruptive. this calcified the possibility of the Chinese responding. Russia had an opportunistic trade relationship with them prior to sanctions that allowed them to get a little cash. they also delighted at any notion of disruption that would mess with the USA and further the DPRK doesn't really care about Russia anyway because they aren’t in positions to truly be foes. The US meanwhile was trapped by the Orientalist lure of simultaneously despising them and not taking them seriously. We did not expect them to get SO far SO fast. Further Either China or the US may have fucked up with an attempted coup as some point recently. This is a leading theory behind the motivation for the assassination of Kim Jong Un’s brother several months ago. This may have provided a further alienation between the DPRK and Chinese leadership, further hampering any diplomatic outcome.
They have developed the capability to strike the continental US, as well as all plausible regional opponents, in a very short period of time. They have combined this with a VERY rapid development of advanced nuclear warheads. This is because rocket science isn't rocket science anymore. They are using modern tech to achieve the technical breakthroughs of approximately 1950-1960. Nukes aren’t that hard any more.
They also have what is known in the jargon as "limited war capability". This is to say, ordinary conventional forces. These form a "limited deterrence" and have in the interim during the development phase of their nuke program, prevented contemplation of an attack. For example they have a developed artillerry capability and are capable of basically flattening large parts of South Korean territory, for example, Seoul. Their conventional abilities are very strong in fact, and they could probably defeat South Korea quite in a conventional war, were it not for US presence on the peninsula.
Furthermore, they have a surprisingly good amount of what is known as "Counterforce as Insurance"- the ability to recover form certain forms of attack. Things like blast shelters, civil defense, medical programs, ability to evacuate, a dispersed rural population etc. A lot of their population is dispersed in the mountains, they have well established bunker systems, and thus can probably withstand most forms of medium level nuclear attacks. Because of this, combined with the leaderships disregard for the people, they can actually reasonably expect to force at least a stalemate in any local war as long as it is within certain limitations. This limits the field to: Diplomacy, and all out nuclear war.
Therefore they are using/ have used a combination of two disadvantages turned into advantages to establish what I’m gonna call " asymmetric deterrence": Their undesirability as a target, and their isolation as an entity. They are diplomatically and economically isolated. This has hardened them against sanctions and prodding etc. Their cyber-war abilities are fairly strong too.  Non conventional limited war is basically out as we cant create an uprising which is not internationally integrated. This isn't like South America in the 80s. Also sanctions don’t work because they get most of their stuff either by making it based off of stuff they already had or through smuggling it in. this applies to almost all components of their nuclear program as well as domestic products.
So we are left with total nuclear war. 
And here are the arguments they present us against that:
Why bother? They aren’t that big. They have no significant natural resources. Even if they DO use their nukes in the future as insurance against intervention when they begin to bully South Korea ( if this is their intent), and did it so successfully that they force the south into capitulation and confederalisation under northern control then would that be acceptable to the US as a sacrifice to avoid war? Regardless of this intent they are relying on our making this calculus of “ comparative worst outcomes”. 
And thus they are relying on making the rate at which they develop arms  outpace the rate at which we develop our will to halt them now rather than later when it might be worse. This is why the crunch point is now: They have a confirmed ICBM ability combined with a detonatable warhead. They will never give up what nukes they currently have now in any negotiation, because the Us has proven its unreliability, particular in this last month aloe with the collpase of the JCPOA with Iran ( google it). If they can confirm the survivability of that warhead through atmospheric descent they have "asymmetric"  deterrence. Their destruction in a total nuclear war would be basically certain, but they are deterring it asymmetrically: through their un-importance in terms of imperial domination except in military terms (it is not important to beat them for their resources, it is only important to beat them because they resist), which they are thus neutralizing through forcing stalemate, combined with an assurance to us that they will inflict massive damage to us for very very little gain. In some future war we do not even gain " the status quo". 
That is the strategic Dilemma they are attempting to force upon world powers, mainly the US.
5: The Left and the Korean missile crisis.
Should countries have nukes? Is proliferation good? Is nuclear war desirable for the left? What stance do we take on the DPRK's program? 
I shall also disregard the first three. This is already insanely long and they would require book length answers. I'm also not qualified for them.
The often proposed simple answers to the last are also useless. "The DPRK is bad- we should have no solidarity with the regime" is fairly basic, and fair but doesn't give us room to work in favor of the north Korean populace and their right to rebel and live. "The DPRK is resisting US imperialism and we should support it rhetorically even if we disagree with its structure or theories" is a policy I have seen people online from multiple left sects espousing. It is useless and is essentially a strategically ignorant ML theory. I am disregarding the Marxist Leninist approach to anti-imperialism. It is strategically ignorant and non viable as well as racist. Its intellectual crimes are well documented
However in the current circumstances, increased legitimacy on the world stage, which is what the DPRK’s government hopes to win, will possibly expose their regime to long term structural problems. I think it may be worth a longer term theoretical exploration of the notion of not supporting them rhetorically, but rather, recognizing the current path of the geopolitical conflict at play, and preparing for its consequences. 
If the DPRK miscalculates then either it is continued isolation and we re-arrive here later when there is an internal crisis in the DPRK and a rupture emerges that the world powers attempt to exploit, or the current crisis escalates and then it is war and millions will likely die barring a military miracle. There is no solution after this. There is only damage control.
If they calculate correctly and win integration then we must recognize the historical tendency of international capital and trade: North Korea represents an untapped well, an unrealized source of capital. The leadership shall likely pursue its profit and exploit the people in order to create value and power for them. Their economy will adapt to international rhythms. They will be sucked into the main beast, as opposed to being a Leviathan-in-isolate. Material conditions would probably improve for the populace. They would certainly stop starving. Diplomacy would be easier. The human rights situation would have better prospects. But it also brings the prospect of revolt, and of class struggling, of ruptures and of people fighting for themselves rather than a western led intervention killing millions. This path carries many risks. So does the other. There is not nice solution for us to arrive at. Its just horrible over there. there is not magic bullet. Thousands of Koreans will be killed. We have to embrace complexity. There is no certain solution. Our strategy therefore should not be to "solve" but to widen our options for a communistic approach of solidarity with the people who are living under repression. Right now we should  be trying to stop a war, but we need to avoid getting sucked into being pawns of a bizarre ML propaganda drive. In short i do not have a solution but we still have time to think.
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dollyarledge-blog · 6 years
Timetables From Significant Usage
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