#theyre ignoring it cause theyre prioritizing themselves
gentil-minou · 6 months
genuinely curious, why was there a community effort within the ml fandom to raise funds for Ukraine last year but not for Gaza this time round?
is it due to politics in the US or whatever donations we can give to Gaza will be bombed anyway?
First off, I don't like the tone you used because it sounds not only defeatist but also just plain rude. I'm gonna treat this ask like it was in good faith and answer honestly but next time maybe don't sound so passive aggressive
Idk why there isnt. I'm not in the ML fandom really anymore so i cant tell you. Last time my friends and I got involved and we did it together along with some others. Idk why no has done it but I can't say I'm surprised given the way some of the ml fans and blogs have come after me for my support for Palestine and the things I've said about Israel and Biden. Frankly, I'd rather distance myself from them completely. If someone does show their support and organize I will be glad for it but given how little I've seen even acknowledging whats happening in Gaza from this fandom, I'm not surprised they won't. Disappointed but not surprised.
If you're trying to say something about rude about me specifically, I did donate and shared a bunch for a fundraiser in my current fandom, but that was all before we learned that Israel won't let any aid into Gaza. It's not about "it's all going to get bombed anyway" which again is so fucking rude and cruel to say when there are multiple efforts to help Gazans directly. But Israel's siege means the millions of dollars in aid raised are useless because it's all sitting in trucks at the border as Israel slaughters everyone.
That's why Gazans are asking us to protest and continue talking about this and demanding ceasefire. Instead of waiting for someone with your blorbo to donate, follow Palestinians and advocacy groups that are trying to help so you know what they need.
This isn't something that's gonna happen easily because unlike Ukraine, which had the backing of the US and every other power, we are actively fighting against our governments. Gazans don't need your money. They need you to fight for them
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flockofdoves · 4 years
i’m literally so mad i hate fandom spaces. the fact that i’m seeing people act all resentful like ‘people are trying to cancel mcr!!!’ for people speaking up about when mcr has made missteps or done things that even just unintentionally have the potential to cause harm thats so extremely disingenuous to act all angry about the “”ridiculous”“ people ““cancelling”“ them when literally no ones saying that almost any time any discussion like this comes up within any fan community its fans themselves in one marginalized community or another who get understandably upset about something and work up the nerve to talk about it because they themselves want to continue to enjoy themselves and feel safe within whatever fandom theyre in. to resent even just people hoping for slight changes so they can feel safe because its an inconvenience to you uncritically enjoying things (which shouldnt be how you approach literally anything?? thats bound to disappoint you some day even if its only hurt others yet) is literally so fucking selfish why are you prioritizing your momentary enjoyment in ignoring things over people literally feeling safe at all within these spaces. we should all want things we’re invested in to improve
literally there are full fucking grown adults acting like this out here i hate you all so fucking much just have some fucking compassion you can enjoy things while also listening to people marginalized in ways different than yourself and uplifting their voices
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