#this could be better but its my humble offering on a valentines day when im very tired tbh >_<
lucky-draws · 4 months
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dressed in white again
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anawkwardlady · 7 months
Beatrice's White Day Tsubasa Side Story : In defense of Beato!
You know what, Beatrice might be portrayed as the one who overreacted but Battler was the one being an ass during the Valentine's day/White day side story. So I decided to HUMBLY try and explain my point below. I'll be talking about the Valentine's day and White Day side story from Umineko Tsubasa. My screens come from a playthrough on youtube and the manga scans that works just as well.. Warnings : I might be biased towards Beato hehe.
Beatrice lied when she said she made the chocolate by herself it's true but first of all literally who the FUCK cares that much? (i know i'm starting with great points). The thought was there!
I'd day : Beatrice asked Ronove to make chocolates for her because she couldn't do it herself. She could have bought some and gifted them to Battler but she wanted Battler to have HANDMADE chocolates. Conclusion : She lied because she wanted Battler to have something personal and of great quality (its Ronove we're talking about) but did not want to expose her lack of cooking skills, not out of laziness. If anything, Battler chose to see it as deceiving instead of misplaced pride. But at this point of the story, I guess he just doesn't have love yet.
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Since we're here. Why Beatrice having the same chocolate as Lucifer would be indicative as her exploiting, stealing credit? Theres a ton of reasons why it wouldn't be. We know the truth and it's that Ronove baked for everyone. But Battler doesn't know that.
Lucifer is Beatrice's furniture. The sisters take pride in their work. Beatrice could have asked Lucifer to make chocolate for her, there would be nothing wrong with that for both of them. Id say, it could have even been possible for Beatrice to ask for chocolate and tell Lucifer to use the remaining ones as she pleases which makes the situation more favorable. She had no idea she was also about to offer them to Battler after all. Lucifer could also have offered to make chocolate for Beatrice too. And theres also the "Someone else far more skilled simply chose to help everyone" option Battler never consider. Conclusion : theres a lot of scenarios where Beatrice and Lucifer having the same chocolate is pretty inconsequential. Again, it seems like Battler's immediate conclusion was from his lack of love.
Lets continue. "Its wrong of Beato to expect anything because Battler didn't receive anything"
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Battler did receive something. He doesn't have to accept it but intentions are intentions. Beatrice still gifted him chocolate and Battler decided to not accept it because the present was not up to his standards (apparently you can't throw a little white lie to magically make the chocolate better pffff). His reasons are his reasons but "Battler did not receive anything" is not the same as "Battler did not accept it". (Also, you left her without any other plan or Valentine you incompetent what was she supposed to do?)
Next up : "Its wrong to gift something and expect something in return"
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(Well, im not naive nor dumb, she was pressuring and she probably was a bit entitled but everyone is jumping to the worst conclusion here.. Stop bullying her!)
Isn't that a bit hypocritical and conflicting with the previous point then?
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Isn't that literally the concept of Valentine and White Day too ? Anyone would feel pretty down if they were throwing gift here and there and never receiving anything in return. The desire of receiving gifts doesn't necessarily comes from the desire of having certain objects, it comes from the need to feel appreciated, recognized and loved. Battler is projecting the worst intentions on Beatrice which, well she has a "good" track record, I can understand. Also she is being immature when expressing her discontent but the idea is still there. Beatrice is not wrong for wanting to get gifts for White Day. She doesn't want gifts for the sake of it, she wants to know Battler thought of her like she thought of him. She also wants to feel included. She was wrong in her way of expressing it though. (but come on, its Beato... we know how she is..)
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Was Battler "supposed" to offer something to Beatrice?
Well no one should be forced to gift anything to anyone but his behavior felt more like an uncalled punishment than anything. The issue started when he scolded her and refused her gift for that silly reason in my opinion. If since the beginning he wanted no gifts of her and she forced it on him and then guilt tripped him into offering something to her, that would have been another situation. Thats how he interprets the situation to be but I disagree.
So. Is Beato wrong for the way she felt or reacted ? And is Battler at fault for this?
But more seriously. As we know, Beatrice basically throws a whole tantrum and destroys White Day for everyone. She is pretty much in the wrong for that.
HOWEVER. Consider the event from her point of view. Beatrice tried to gift something to Battler on Valentine's day. He rejects it and accuses her. On White Day everyone receives something and Battler tells her that she doesn't deserves a present and taunts her about the gift he wants to give to Lucifer. Even Lucifer feels bad for her, she was about to tell the truth. (and Lucifer wasn't in the wrong, she just didn't know that little lie would ESCALATE that far).
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Wouldn't you feel some type of way?
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So heres what i have to say to finish the whole thing. Beatrice, with all the flaws she had in her reasoning, still tried to follow the rules of Valentine's and White Day. Battler kept finding the worst intention or explanation to everything she did or any reaction she had. From the choice of her present to expressing the desire of reciprocation and being frustrated/sad about being the only one left alone without present. She reached her limit and her way of coping was to act in a way that would protect her. Since everything she did was so bad, she decided to act the part of the Cruel Witch again. She bears the responsibility of ruining the day for everyone but Battler got her there and never acknowledged his faults. Beato wasn't perfect but the situation could have been avoided if handled with more grace from everyone involved. Conclusion : she got cruel because it was expected of her and because being vulnerable only brought more pain.
Beato being in tears and running to Virgilia after acting out is supposed to feel a bit comedic but all things considered, it's a bit said and also shows her true intentions pretty well.
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Yes she fucking was, I wonder why is it?
So that was me, overthinking that side story. I hope you had a nice time.
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