#this is random lol but if anyone lives in an area with a similar phenomenon I’d like to hear about it
referencees · 4 months
For anyone that lives in a ‘tourist’ destination like me, have you noticed a shift in the number of people visiting and the length of time they stay?
I live in a popular ski town that’s (somewhat) near the Bay Area and since covid we have been absolutely inundated with tourists. This year for new years people started showing up right after Christmas, but they’re still here??? Like our town is still jam packed with people, grocery stores are empty and traffic is insane bc we don’t have the infrastructure to support this many people.
And I just think, do none of these people have jobs??? Like I understand remote work but even then you still have to work, how are all these people just fucking around and skiing all day for two weeks straight????
Especially bc it seems that so many people have less money post covid so how are more people vacationing? I just don’t really get why it’s gotten so much worse.
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