#this is really not very good 🤪 sorry karsyn
beth-march · 2 years
hi!!! I’m placing an order for fluff #7 🧾
I’ll wait 🧍🏼‍♀️🕰
Hi Karsyn, my love! I'm coming out of retirement to write this for you. It's a good thing you were willing to wait because this took me several days. Also, as usual, your emojis sent me. ILY 🥰
For Fexi
7. Write a ~300 word love scene for them.
“Why do you love me?”
The question slips out as though by accident. In a haze that preludes sleep, the world is hushed enough that boldness comes with ease. Lexi lives up to the title Fez has bestowed upon her; she threads fearlessness between her teeth and allows vulnerability to dribble.
Doubt comes, just as quickly. A gap of silence, Fez’s slightest pause, and she stiffens. He jostles her, murmurs, “Shit, baby. The hell kinda question is that?”
“I dunno,” she backtracks. “It’s stupid. I’m sorry.”
“It ain’t stupid. It just… It ain’t somethin’ I can answer on the fly, like that. You feel? I ain’t articulate like you. Even if I was… I don’t think no words could ever catch it all.”
Outside the window, a car passes by. Orange lights seep from beneath the curtain and flood over the room, setting a faint glow through the red of Fez’s beard. In the brief stint of illuminance, Lexi sees that his eyes are downturned, his eyelashes fanning his freckles. She sees his pensive expression, his abundance of beauty, and she is overwhelmed. 
She stutters, as she prompts, “C-catch it all?”
“Mm,” Fez affirms, nuzzling close, brushing his nose against hers. “It’s like… It’s like you’re more than I got words for. Does that make any sense?”
Lexi realises that it does. When she wonders what she might say in response to such a question, a thousand thoughts come to mind, and then she can’t seem to organise them into coherence. Her love for Fez eludes language, transcends it. It is innate, baseless. Part of her.
Soul deep.
“Perfect sense,” Lexi says.
Acceptance seems to have stirred the opposite of relief, for Fez. His eyes have opened again, and even in the darkness, Lexi can see the brightness of blue. The worry of them.
“I’ll make a list in the morning, aight? When I ain’t just about asleep.”
“That’s not necessary - ”
A sleepy kiss silences her protest.
“Yes, it is,” he murmurs. “’Night, Lex. Love you.”
Once again, she echoes the words. As she will every day for the rest of her life.
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