#this one was fighting me real hard askdjfhd but i’m posting it anyways
galadae · 1 year
If you’re taking requests, 28 for calafant? 🥺
thanks meg!! hope this works :D
28. “So then I- oh, you’re already asleep.” | 476 words
(this is sometime before the end of ARR, they're just friends here)
Calantha’s visit to Camp Dragonhead has been more eventful than anyone expected. She holds a mug of tea, now lukewarm, in her left hand, and looks up at Haurchefant from her infirmary bed through half-open eyes. With her splinted hand, bandaged head and bruised face, she looks absolutely miserable. “I've fought three primals. Surely a single hunting mark should be easy.”
His face flickers between amusement and concern. Now that her injuries are tended, he has to admit it’s a little bit funny. He shakes his head. “If you needed company for this endeavor, you should have said so. I would not have refused.”
She scowls, thumbing at the rough bandages under the splint. “You're a busy man. I had it handled.”
He gives her a pointed look. “I dread to see what would have happened if you hadn’t. ‘Having it handled’ got you a broken hand and cracked skull. Here,” he says, handing her another pillow.
"How was I supposed to know it would slam me against a rock? The Echo doesn't predict the future,” she mutters. She tries to adjust the pillows with her splinted hand out of habit and winces. “Ugh.”
Haurchefant takes the mug from her, freeing her good hand. She puts the second pillow behind her neck and flops back against them. "Besides, I'll be fine if you're around to haul me back to safety."
“I would rather you not rely on me for such a purpose," Haurchefant sighs. "At least warn me next time you go after another foe like this, so I can know the place from which to haul you.”
She laughs and closes her eyes. "I suppose that’s only fair."
"Good.” He smiles. “It won’t do to leave you floundering in the wilderness every time you decide to fight something alone,” he says.
Calantha’s eyes snap open. She glares. “I wasn’t floundering.”
“Perhaps my knights lied about how they found you, then?”
She smirks and leans back onto the pillows. “Perhaps they did. Every last one of them.” She yawns, shutting her eyes and nestling into the blankets.
“I must speak with them about it,” Haurchefant chuckles, turning the mug in his hands. He stares at the dark liquid as he swirls it around. “And perhaps I could join you on your next attempt. I should be glad to see you triumph, or aid you, if need be. I don't doubt your strength in battle, but it is likely the next time will end in the same manner without allies at your side.” He looks up. “Calantha, I- oh.”
Calantha is drooped against the pillows, eyes shut, breathing softly. It was only a matter of time before she slept, with her injuries. He rises, careful not to make a sound. He leaves her to rest. Who knows when she’ll be needed for another heroic endeavor, after all?
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