#those chs & then having eternals anni did a number on me
toestalucia · 2 years
im a broken record for the x year in a row but i ! dont think grans dad is a bad person! he watched true kings soldiers kill moms parents! kidnap her little sister! went on a trip to save her that obviously didnt work out knowing aunts still with true king! obviously had some reason for leaving, telling zinkenstill not to tell gran the truth because he didnt want them to go save aunt like that, for sure felt gran was at the egdelands since rosetta noticed him too (edgelands time fuckery<3333), i love edgelands, we know he Literally was face to face with bahamut too......for what reason who knows with their slowest msq speed ever<333 ofc he was related to bahamut before too but<333 reptis recalling of it seemed intense
and....................gran also knows all this now. taps the board its grans admiration for their dad and loneliness and anger at not being told anything and insecurity over him not returning and love for the father they hardly knew. its the complitated i love my dad but i cant come to terms with what he did cuz it kinda fucked me up a bit and everyone seems to know him but me and feeling left out cuz thats supposed to be UR dad and then ‘oh ur dad didnt want another singularity’ and ‘oh ur dad took care of seox’ and ‘oh yeah ur dad told shitori & mika a lot of stories’ and ‘actually the singularity is the cornerstone of the world rn so dont die pal’ and treasuring the old letter he sent u because u!!!! love ur dad!!!! him being a skyfarer and gran wanting to follow in his footsteps and im HHAAUUGGHHH DO U GET ME
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