#thought it was a fun lil idea so i plopped it down here for y'all to enjoy
finemealprompt · 26 days
DP x DC Prompt #49
Stephanie would like it to be put on the record that she has always had great taste in romantic partners. Always. Never check, just believe her.
So it's a little irritating when her not-technically-family-but-also-family begins to dig deeper into her new boyfriend, Danny Fenton.
He's already warned her about his parents, what they do, and everything. So she'd know what she was getting into. It was sweet! She knows one day she'll tell him all about her past, too.
The point is, there were no secrets between them. At least, she thought there wasn't.
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pablitogavii · 11 months
so i have an idea, if u like it it will be really nice to write something about it :))
so, the reader and gavi are on vacation with their friend, at night they are supposed to go out but the reader is hurt/sore because they visited the city and walked a lot, at night she says to gavi that she won’t go out, he tells her that he’ll stay home with her but she tries to convince him to go out, at the end they stay both at home because he is a lil Stubborn and it ends with them cuddling and gavi taking care of her
His Baby
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"Ughh!" you said while plopping yourself down on the bed in exhaustion after spending the whole day cruising the city with Pablo and his friends.
"It was beautiful, wasn't it amor??" Pablo sat next to you smiling wide and you nodded your head although your feet had quite a different opinion at the moment.
It was definitely your fault since you choose beauty over comfort yet again and ended up wearing sandals that were definitely not made for walking all day at max speed. You had so many blisters that it hurt just looking at them. Mierda!
The next day, you woke up with Pablo kissing down your spine and sun caressing your face having finally re-charged your battery from last night.
"Breakfast is ready preciosa..we are waiting for you" he smiled kissing you one last time before leaving and you smiled thinking to yourself what a paradise you were living in right now.
Just when you were ready to start your day and get out of bed, the moment your feet hit the carpet the pain and soreness returned..yeah today will have to be a rest day for you.
Luckily the boys wanted to do a boat day which didn't require much movement and you were very happy that Aurora joined the party as well..you started to feel lonely as the only girl.
"And she just won't give it up! My god!" Aurora was telling you about some incident at the bar in Mallorca when Pablo interrupted kissing your back and making you giggle as the cold water hit your hot skin.
"Sorry to interrupt girls, but I just came to tell my girl that tonight we are going out to some new club in town..there will be live music and definitely lots of fun" he said and your initial thought was to smile but then you remembered your feet and the overall pain you felt.
You didn't want to ruin his mood so you decided to tell him when you were alone that you will have to pass on the plans tonight.
When the night fell and y'all returned to the apartment, Pablo went to take a shower dressing himself up before walking into your shared bedroom surprised to see you in your pajamas.
"Amor? Aren't you gonna get ready??" he said and you sighed getting up from the bed and walking up to him.
"My feet are still killing me from last night..those damn sandals ruined me..so I will stay in tonight but you go and have fun with your friends cariño" you said and he immediately shook his head. You knew how stubborn her gets.
"No way! Then I'll stay with you preciosa and they can go." he said about to take his shirt off but you stopped him.
"You wanted to go and you should go Pablo..I'll just watch a movie here and sleep early to rest my feet for tomorrow.." you said but he still took the shirt off following with his shoes.
"Great, you pick the movie and I'll get the popcorn!" he said and you giggled still not wanting him to stay if he wanted to go with his friends.
"Amor, I don't want to ruin your night.." you said and he walked closer to your raising your chin and making you look up at him.
"You think that having the whole apartment for ourselves is ruining my night princesa?? Think again, I can't wait!" he smirked and your rolled your eyes blushing at his playfulness while hitting his shoulder.
"Chico malo!" you say moving his hair from his forehead and he pulls you by your waist making your body glued to his.
"Solo para ti mi amor..." he smirked kissing your lips when Mario knocked before walking in.
"Uhh sorry to interrupt hermano pero you guys coming or?" he said and Pablo smiled down at you looking at his friend.
"Nah we're gonna stay tonight..but you guys have fun!" Pablo said and Mario nodded wishing you the fun night as well (ofc he would lol) before leaving with the rest.
A few hours later when the movie was long time done, you were curled up in Pablo's arms on the sofa while he ran his fingers up and down your back like he knew you loved kissing the top of your head every once in awhile...you couldn't think of a better way to spend your night. Your feet felt relaxed and soreness was slowly diminishing the more you rested.
"Amor, you asleep?" he said and you looked up with sleepy eyes but still wide awake blushing when you saw his adorable smile.
"I just wanted to say that I love you..I love you for coming on this trip with me..and for wanting to go with my friends..and for telling me to go to the club without you..for trusting me..I think I finally found my second half" he spoke and you felt your heart melt with every word that left his lips.
"I love you too cariño...muchisimo..thank you for staying with me" you smile and he leaned down kissing your lips lovingly before carrying you to your shared bedroom bridal style.
"Sempre mi amor..let's get some rest now" he said and you both got closer as you nuzzled your face into his neck taking in his familiar scent before slipping into beautiful sleep.
There will be A LOT more vacation sotries ;)
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yamithediaperdork · 4 years
Trick or Stink: a pokemon story
It was a dark gloomy night.. well OK not really. the sun was setting sky and the cloud cover was next to nothing, at least in Virdian city. children were getting their costumes on and getting ready to trick or treat, while the pokemart and Pokemon center rushed to get a haunted house (with different levels for different ages) ready. Walking towards the haunted house to help, was two trainers from Pallet town. One was dressed in a tuxedo and had on some make up, to make him look palish.. and had some red on his chin and some fake fangs in. He was the champion of the region, and so far the longest reigning one.. Red. he was smiling big time and chuckling now and then as he looked at his companion The former champion, with the shortest reign in history, was huffing and waddling just behind red. Blue was dressed like a oversized toddler/baby. he was in a black diaper shirt, blue jean shortalls..with a pacifier hanging around his neck. and worse, oh so much worse.. was the three thick diapers between his legs, giving him a waddle and making it so every now and then when they hit a rough spot.. Blue had to take red's hand. "I want you to make it god damn clear to everyone this costume was your god damn idea." blue huffed for the fifth time. "yeah yeah.. No one would ever think that a crybaby like you would dress up like one." "NOTA CRYBABY!" Blue yelled and glared, bottom lip sticking out in adorable pout. "right right, I'll make sure to tell anyone who asks you lost a bet." red snickered, wishing he'd grabbed a camera. "think of the plus side of this.. this volunteer work is gonna look GREAT on your application to become gym leader." Red said. "nggggh.. only reason I'm doing it..HEY! STOP STARING!" Blue huffed then yelled. they were coming up towards town now and three boys, dressed in legendary bird themed costumes had stopped and stared, giggling. "Awww the big baby is grumpy!" 'Moltres' called out. "Maybe he needs a ba-ba!" 'Zapdos' added. "or a diapie change." 'Articuno' snickered. "That's it!" Blue huffed and went to reach for a pokeball, he was gonna unleash some gyarados fury on them..then recalled that red had taken his Pokemon from him. "look, with your temper you're gonna do something stupid..I'll hold onto your mon for you." Red had said before they left. "Like hell you will!" "Attacking trainers will not help you get that gym job." "Nggggh.." So now as he went to reach behind his back for the pokeball..it just looked like he was patting his butt. needless to say the bird boys giggled like MAD at that and ran off. "Give me a pokeball..I'm gonna-" "Do nothing and hurray up and get to the haunted house. we need to refresh our costume then find out what we're doing." Red said. "Yeah yeah.. Maybe they'll have a costume change for me..I doubt a baby will be very scary," "I dunno, if you end up needing a diapie change.." Red snickered and held his nose. "HEY! I'm NOT freaking doing THAT! bet or no god damn bet!!" "Ok ok, don't wet your huggies!" "Effing jerkass little.." blue grumbled and huffed for the rest of the walk to the house, blissfully unaware of the looks and giggles they were getting. There was two Jenny's helping set up the last few props,one was dressed like a jenny, and the other was dressed like a growlithe. a Joy was dragging out a playpen towards the front,dressed like a Jenny, when they looked and giggled. "Hey you two! about time you got here!" The first jenny said. "Oh wow..I didn't think he'd.." the second one started. "Eeeee! Blue you look ADORABLE!" Gushed the Joy, dashing over and hugging him, while blue blushed and squirmed. And then looked at the playpen. "...Red...how did they know they needed a playpen?" He asked, ice in his voice. "Well uh..we had to make sure no ones costumes clashed with each others you know." Red said, looking a little sheepish. "HOW many people knew I was gonna be.." Blue trailed off as he looked at one of the posters advertising the event.. and noticed it had his head superimposed on a toddlers..advertising the former champion as a big cry baby for the event. "...WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!?" "Uh, Red, I thought you said he knew we were-" Jenny started up as Red waved his hands, trying to shush her. "You set me up from the beginning and You..I.. Gah! two fingers, to all y'all! I'm out!" Huffed blue, flipping off all of them and he turned around to leave. "Thats disappointing..and here I was going to sponsor your application." joy tsked. Blue stopped, looking over his shoulder. "What?" "Well if you were willing to humiliate yourself so much for the entertainment of the trainers around here, then you'd make a GREAT gym leader!" She said in a sing song voice. "But..I.." blue whimpered and turned around.. and the girls had to bite their touge to keep from going d'aww. "ngggh..fine.. Whatever.. what do I hafa do?" He said finally. they worked fast to get everything just right, to get the other volunteers in key settings to be nice and scary for the second floor, and kinda cute but maybe scary for the basement. Blue was posted at the entrances, and was put in the playpen (something that really irked him but he was doing it for the gym) and had loads of flashlights in the playpen with him..and some baby toys if he got bored. (And boy, when they had added those had he gotten huffy again!) Red was at the exit, to collect flashlights and wish everyone a good night. getting ready to open, red ruffled blue's hair. "OK, ready for this? remember if it gets to be too much or you need a you know what, holler for me, i brought extras." red said. "Your a right prick even when trying to be nice, you know that right?" Opened for business (the fee was a mere 10 yen) two groups came in. the first was filled with maybe first graders, some of them looked younger then others. But they ALL got a good giggle out of seeing blue. "Look look! he's totally in diapies!" "Hahaha i don't need diapies anymore right mommy?" "oh gosh he's so kewt!" all this and more and as blue handed out the flashlights to the little kids. one or two mommies giggled and tried to remind the kids it was just a costume, then the jenny in the growlithe costume lead them down stairs. the older kids came in and of course the bird boys were there..this time with cameras (though blue manged to semi hide his face) Lots of head pats and condescending talk, and Blue was bright red in the face and almost on the verge of tears. A ace trainer, there with his little sister, saw this and barked for them to ease up on the poor guy..then poped blue's pacifier in his mouth and smirked as blue nursed on it. "Remember me? I was one of the guys you thrashed on victory road..who'd the loser now?" he whispered and laughed. blue just suckled and whimpered and the other Jenny took the group away. Left alone, Blue suckled and tried to clam down.. it was over for a lil while at least, though he could see anther group gathering outside. Trying to put his mind on something else he day dreamed about being a gym leader and making sure to crush anyone who'd try and challenge him.. not noticing as he picked up a gyarados stuffie and was semi playing with it. Then the first shriek was heard and blue jumped up to his feet, pacifier popping out of his mouth and he looked around wildly. 'oh..right...haunted hou-' he started to think and then there was anther shriek, followed by a deep and evil sounding laugh Blue yelped and lost his foot, plopping down on his bed and then scuching up his face in confusion. Why was his crotch suddenly warm? Reaching down he poked his crotch, and felt the squish.. and turned crimson. HE HAD WET HIMSELF! Thankfully there wasn't a tell tale smell or any visible sign (aside from the diapers ballooning out a little and Blue squirmed. There was more screams now and more evil noises and blue whimpered a little, squirming and squishing as he grabbed the gyarados.. just for.. something to toss if he needed to.. or so he told himself as he held it close. Watching from his pokegear app, Red smirked at what a little crybaby blue was acting like and was pretty sure he was a soggy butt already. he almost went to go and check but then the two levels were done and he had to collect flashlights. "Wow that was super fun!" "Jesus I'm gonna have nightmares for a week!" "Never coming back again..except maybe to see the baby.." "Heh, doubt the baby will be here next year.." As the last of the kids walked away red gathered up the flashlights in a bin, and got ready to come around. Blush meanwhile was being gushed over what a cute baby he was, and just how into his role he had gotten. The evil noises had stopped before he'd started to cry but his eyes were still a little watery and there was a drool line down his chin from nursing on his pacifier too hard. The first group was the nice ones..the second one.. was barely any kids at all, but the more advanced trainers who he regiozed as people he'd trampled on route to the elite four. "What a little BABY!" "Ahahahah this is a good look for him!" "Look at how thick his diapers are, he must be a super soaker!" "I can't believe I lost to such a big diaper dork!" Still in a fragile state, their insults HURT and blue whimpered even as he handed out the last of his flashlights, lisping around his paci. "Dun be so mean!" Naturally, this didn't have the desired effect. the group took off and blue was left upset and huffing. 3 minutes after the groups had gone red showed up and smiled. "Hey buddy, how you holding up?" "Ah 'ate dis!" Blue yelled around the pacifier, tears threatening to spill down his cheeks. "Heyy it's ok.. it';s just for a few more hours..come on, if you wanna be a Pokemon master you need some thick skin right?" Red coo'ed. dumping the flashlights in and handing blue the gyarados stuffie.. with the big baby clutched at and held to his chest. "I..I guess." "Now come on.. would the future gym leader break down over some teasing?" red asked, helping blue stand up in the play pen and rubbing his back. "N-No.." Blue said and let the paci drop out of his mouth, and rubbed his arm over his eyes. "S-Sowwy.." "It's ok.. do you want a diaper change while there's no one here?" Red asked. "I don't need a diaper change." blue said far too fast. "Are you sure?" Red asked. "It's ok if you do.." "Nope! I told you, I'm not using the diapers." Blue huffed. "Alright alright. I need to get back to my post anyways.. if you need me.." "I know O know." Blue said and rolled his eyes, getting some of his cockiness back. With that, red smirked and left, waving bye. And about 30 seconds later the screaming started again. Only this time..it wasn't piss that came out of him. Blue was barely aware of what he was doing as he went from standing in the playpen to squatting..then the muffled fart told him everything. 'NO!' As if it had a mind of it's own his bowels decided to unload and he could feel the smelly logs slide out into the waiting diaper, pressing against the bulk and the shortall's and spreading over his cheeks. 'NO!!' Loud gross farts came out of him, almost rapid fire and it almost drowned out the horror noises.. but this was a horror all it's own for poor blue. 'Please god no no no noooo!' The mess was still going but the back of the diaper was loaded, so it went the only place it could, ozzing to the front of the diaper as tears ran down Blue's cheeks. The snaps on the shortalls couldn't hold up and burst open.. his diapers puffing out and stained brown. As if the smell alone wouldn't give away what had happened. As he finished..doing..THAT.. he looked up. the next group was ready to come in. Red had of course watched the whole thing happen, and was grinning from ear to ear. Blue's mess wasn't as fear based as he might think it was, as his pacifier had been loaded with laxative powder. Still he had to draw his attention away to take the flashlights back and wish everyone a happy Halloween..and by the time he was done it was too late to stop the next group from coming in and too late to give blue a diaper change. The smell was thick in the air and parts of each group left, unable to handle it while others were giggling that blue was SUCH a big stinky baby. The poor trainer couldn't even hand the flashlights out.. he was on his knees, sucking on his paci and hugging the stuffie close. No attempt to hide his face as the older kids took pictures and parents just reached in and grabbed flashlights for those who were too little. The jenny's saw what had happened of course but had to do their tour. one of them manged to let one of the monster volunteers know to run up and tell red what had happened...and that Blue could have his break early. Of course as the groups came out one little boy, trying to be helpful tugged on red's cape. "uh, scue me mister, but the big baby up front needs a diapie change and wots of cuddles." There was no more lil kids so blue just numbly accepted it when the growlthine dressed jenny gently helped him out of the playpen, rubbing his back and trying to cheer him up. "A-at least you didn't have a blow out right?" she asked sweatdroping. Somehow this didn't make Blue feel better. Blue stood there, waiting on Red. Once Red was there he could get changed and go home and pretend this all never happened. Red did come up and instantly put a hand to his nose. "Phew! somebody used gunk shot huh?" he teased and blue whimpered. "Hey, it's OK..come on, give me your hand and we'll get you all cleaned up OK buddy?" red said. blue huffed, and slapped away the offered hand. sure he was a big kid in a massively messy diaper but he could walk on his own god damn it! And he took three steps then slipped and landed on his butt, squishing the mess and making the smell 20 times worst. Blue blacked out after that, but apparently (according to sources) he had started to wail and then act like a lil toddler for the rest of the night. After getting his diapers changed he asked 'dada' (Red) to take him home and of course the Jenny's and Joy let them. Red had tried to take blue to his house but blue didn't wanna be left with a icky girl and sobbed that daddy didn't love him..so red had brought him home with him. His mom dug out reds old crib and the big baby had spent the night in it. When he woke up the next morning he was back to his old self and refused to wear any more diapers or baby outfits. He just wanted to go out and train and wait for his application to go though. Unfortunately his little stint as a big baby had been well documented and blue was out for maybe half a hour before returning to town, red faced from all the teasing, and claiming someone had used a starmie to spray the front of his pants. (Of course a starmie's water gun doesn't usually smell like piss, but red let it slide.) As the days past by, Blue was having more accidents (by the 10th one he gave up trying to say it was a water gun attack) and begrudgingly started to wear some pull up style protection.. that never seemed quite up to the task. By the end of the week he was back in diapers, but was managing to NOT go poopie in them. (Though this was in part due to red having him sit on a potty for 10 minutes every hour and half to try and poopie.) Finally the day came when Blue was summoned by the council for their decision, and they had asked Red to come along too for some reason. Blue figured it was they were annoyed he was neglecting his duties as champion. "Blue, we'll address you first. while you have indeed shown you'll go to great lengths to help out the town.. your antics are not becoming of a gym leader. What would the other regions think if they saw we had a diaper messing big baby as one of our leaders?" the head of the council asked, and Blue's jaw droped. "That..that was just.. you can't judge me just on one nights-" He started. "Your wearing a diaper now. " "I-I am not!" "There's a hold in the back of your shorts. That said, we DO still need a gym leader for virdian.. and Red, you're part in this fiasco with Blue is known as well." Blue whimpered and turned to Joy and the Jenny's, who looked apologetic and shrugged. All that shame..all of it..for nothing,..for.. "We'd like you to step down as champion..and assume the role of gym leader till such time as we believe we can find a suitable replacement." the head started but was interrupted but a loud sob. Red looked and Blue had plopped on his butt, and was bawling, a hand rubbing a eye. "It's not fairrrrr!" "Oh for the love of, Thats it, we'll be revoking your license blue!" The head snapped, and Blue sobbed harder, audibly soaking his diapers. "No you won't!" Red snapped, and he walked over, helping blue up and blue hugged him tight, burying his face in reds shoulder as red rubbed his back. "Excuse me?" "If you want me to step down as champion then I will, but I won't accept the gym leader position and further more I'll reveal just why the last gym leader left,.. I know he was head of team rocket and you want that kept from the press..Or..I can take the position..and blue here will be one of my gym trainers." "You want this big..BABY..to battle at your gym." "Yes. Now thats the deal, take it or leave it." four days later and the earth gym was reopened..however this time it had a odd gimmick.. it was almost like a oversized nursery. despite it's babish appearance, it still housed some strong trainers. In fact the leader himself was rarely challenged.. because the trainer in front of him while dressed in thick diapers and a t-shirt on hot days, and overalls otherwise else, was still strong as heck. There was also a small rumor going around that anyone who manged to face the leader and lost.. had a waddle to their step when they left...
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