#tldr dreamie boy is a fan of the reinstated old religion
llitchilitchi · 1 year
Not an Oblivion fan so, can you explain to me what are "the Reclamations"???
it's a pretty in-depth thing in the lore of the elder scrolls itself, so I'll try to condense it as much as I can. there's also this video by FudgeMuppet that explains the religion in itself, would recommend watching it because these guys are Way better at explaining the lore than I am
major spoilers for the plot of Morrowind
the ancestrs of the dark elves took to worshipping the Three Good Daedra of Morrowind, Azura, Mephala and Boethiah. about 3000 years ago, the "fake gods" took over. I won't get into the exact details of how these new gods - Vivec, Sotha Sil and Almalexia - achieved their false godhood, but the three of them became the rulers of Morrowind as the gods that walk among their people, taking the place of the Three Good Daedra. they renamed the Good Daedra 'The Anticipations' to suggest that they were only there until these new "gods" could claim their place and formed the Tribunal Temple. as you can imagine, achieving godhood and replacing your gods is not exactly something one does without a lot of blood on their hands, but their divinity lead their people into a golden age
fast forward to the end of the third era, about 6 years before the events of Oblivion, and the events of the Nerevarine Prophecies take place, blah blah, a saint is reincarnated, more fake divinity fuckery, the Tribunal is less than happy about what happened because the results of these events leads to the destruction of the one thing keeping them divine. it drives Almalexia insane and she kills Sotha Sil, which ends up getting her killed as well, and the god Vivec disappears, too
after all of this mess, the dark elves came back to worshipping the Three Good Daedra, now The Reclamations, after they "reclaimed" their posts as the gods of the dark elf people
I could go into the actual belief systems and what each of the daedra represent (spoilers: they're not Actually good), but I think the main takeaway regarding Dream's past in the au is that him and his family were supporters of the changes in the religious beliefs and system of their country, and he took to worshipping the Daedra rather than continuing worshipping the Tribunal
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