#tldr i am part of niche internet criticism you couldn’t even imagine
vldkeith · 2 years
every time someone is like “omg early seasons keith! when he was expressive and cute! i love him!” it irritates me so much. bc like! that was the Real Keith before they mangled his character! the more you talk about “well there’s early seasons keith and then there’s later seasons keith” the more you’re. validating the existence of later seasons keith (ie keith smith) as still keith, and i just think that even most ppl who think this way don’t actually see “later seasons keith” as keith, they just don’t know how else to express it. but like. it’s not that hard to just call expressive cute funny hothead keith keith. let’s stop identifying anything from later seasons as an actual portrayal of the characters we know and start calling it what it is: the result of bad and ooc storytelling from a team that didn’t care enough.
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