#to be clear i am saying this as an extremely secular antizionist jew so im also not acting like all jewish culture
grendelsmilf · 6 months
there’s something so fascinating to me about mormonism insofar as it’s less legitimate than christianity but more legitimate than scientology. like as far as cults go, there’s something to be said for how not everyone would immediately identify it as a cult. that’s pretty impressive pr considering how batshit insane their prophet is. and then there are people who act like mormonism is a cult but christianity obviously isn’t. even though mormonism also uses preexisting religious texts and interprets them in bizarre ways to invent a new prophet who is actually the specialest little guy. they were certainly not the first people to interpret the mark of cain shit in explicitly antiblack ways; to have really antisemitic views on the teleological, biological destiny of the jews; to use their religious doctrines to justify their colonialism and proselytizing. to a christian classic, a mormon is a frightening aberration, bastardizing the beliefs of their church. to a jew (or any non-christian, really, but especially to jews), a mormon is just the logical extension of the marriage between christian and american fundamentalist ideology. we’ve seen this shit all before. and in the immortal words of mark twain’s wife, that don’t impress me much.
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