#to be fair I think he later said on Twitter that Definitely Also Trans
sparklepirate · 1 year
Alright, final thoughts about Eldest
- Eragon is great and a good hero and a good guy but man does he have to learn the lesson of "hey maybe you should empathize with other people sometimes" a Little Too Often
- Roran's a top tier dude, as usual. I think he's where my love of warhammers originates from, even though he just uses a normal-ass hammer
- I have Many Thoughts about Murtagh and his character arc, but I think I'll reserve most of them until later in the series
- Nasuada is constantly on some queen shit. I love her I love her!!! I'm so sorry I bad mouthed you when I first read the series because I was 12 and jealous over your love interest we love a boss babe ❤️
- I just love having the knowledge of Angela being a Time Lord this go around
- The elves are based and 100000% have orgies in the forest you can't fuckin' FOOL me Christopher!!! The elves are some freaks!!!
- Side note, I love that Paolini goes out of his way to establish that the elves can alter their anatomy to better suit their internal image of themself and instead of going with the (seemingly obvious) Trans™️ option he just goes "No!!! Furries!!! :D"
On to Brisingr!
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rodechi · 1 year
2022, a Year in Review
Over 2022, I've gotten to know so many wonderful people! I've tried to thank everyone I've gotten to know better one-on-one, but I also wanted to kinda write up a collection of my thoughts now that the year is ending. Though for the purposes of this, I'll go back a little further.
For a long time, I kinda denied being interested in the furry fandom, and a lot of things about myself in general. Toward the end of 2020, however, I grew frustrated and alone due to isolation, so I decided to explore that aspect of myself. I had always heard about Telegram being the "furry" chat app, so I decided to finally download it, join some groups, and see where it took me. It was fun, though it definitely led to a lot of heartbreak as well as happiness. I met some truly wonderful people on there that I still talk to to this day -- Friede, the "kind, but takes no shit" deer; Cotton, the jackalope with a heart of gold; Jay, my favorite cat who has been a stalwart and supportive ally; and so many others.
It was almost a full year later, near the tail end of 2021, that I began to realize I wasn't quite as straight as I thought I was. I had seen and enjoyed art and videos and such of men, but I had never really been attracted to any actual men so I kinda just put it out of my mind -- after all, who cares if you can be turned on by men if you're not interested in dating them, right? If I had to put a label to it, I guess I just assumed I was bicurious but heteromantic. But some of the people I met quickly showed me how wrong I actually was, as I ended up crushing on guys for the first time and really having to think about what that meant to me. In the end, I finally landed on "pansexual and panromantic" -- I can be physically attracted to, and have romantic feelings for, anyone regardless of their gender. Not long after that, I also came to the realization that a lot of my friends were transgender. And of course, I realized that didn't make me trans by association, but coming hot off the heels of the latest revelation, I decided to ask some questions. I had always counted myself as an ally, but growing up in the Conservative Deep South, I never really got any real exposure to it beyond what was on TV, which (let's face it) is basically nil at best and harmful at worst. So I asked questions. And I listened. And I thought long and hard about what they said. Things I thought were just the "normal" part of life -- being disgusted with your appearance, actively avoiding being in photos, despising your voice… suddenly I was able to put names to it all -- "dysphoria." On the opposite end of the spectrum, isolation had given me an excuse to grow my hair out, something that I had longed to do for most of my life. And between wearing a mask and having longer hair, clients at work (and even my coworkers) started calling me "ma'am." And it felt amazing. So, I decided to try it out in private. I asked some of my friends if they could use different pronouns with me, and ended up realizing that I really liked it. It made me feel like me.
I continued being in the furry community after that, of course. I hadn't really decided on a design, but decided my sona would be a crow, as I really liked birds (thanks to someone I fell for playing FFXIV) and just really liked crows! They're clever as hell! I ended up adding a bunch of birds on Twitter after kinda watching their accounts in private. One of the first of those was Xythiel. I saw a post he had made on Twitter that he was streaming on Twitch, and I was kinda curious! I had watched my fair share of Twitch in my day, but not really any furries. And I knew Vtubers were a thing, but as far as I was concerned, those were basically all just anime women. So I decided to hop in and watch. He was playing Untitled Goose Game, which I had played recently and thought I could enjoy watching again. The chat wasn't super active, unlike some of the "normie" streamers I had watched before with hundreds of viewers, so I decided to kinda chat a bit, maybe give some hints when he got stuck, make some jokes, laugh along… It was an absolute blast. And so I kept coming back. I've made so many wonderful friends there that I really cherish. Dynso, Malar, Variable, Sam, Bunger, and so many others. Y'all have made me laugh so many times I can't even put it into words. I look forward to every stream, and I still get excited when he shows me something he's been working on in OBS, whether it's a sick new layout or a kickass DoDonPachi-styled raid alert. Honestly, he's a freaking OBS wizard. Of course, my Twitch journey didn't end there. Xythiel would frequently raid other bird-tubers at the end of his streams, so I quickly began to accumulate quite the list of PNGtubers and Vtubers. And every single one has been an important stop. Between BB and his excellent art, Yrie and his spooky aesthetic and (by extension) his mod Greenie who has been so very kind, Spikey who my may not be a bird but deserves lots of pets… I enjoyed every one. Then one evening, after a stream, he raided Loki. And we hit it off immediately. Or at least I'd like to think so. I had recently started HRT to pursue my transition, and she was a fellow transgender bird, so it just seemed perfect. Her streams are just so very chill and open, typically featuring real-talk and flirting in equal measure (although sometimes less so, hehe) while we listen to music and she works on her art -- all while Loki's pigeon sona herself undergoes various transformations from her magic, usually to comedic effect. I instantly just felt like it was another home for me. I truly value my time spent there, and I don't see myself leaving any time soon. One other streamer who we raided in to was Cider, who was playing a VR minigolf game upon my first visit. Cider's streams are… not Loki's. He has LOTS of OBS bits with lots of sound effects and zooms and all sorts of effects. People frequently come in and describe it as a live YouTube Poop. And in a way, that's honestly the best way to put it. It's hilarious. If nothing else, Cider is a goddamn entertainer. He has such a fantastic sense of humor and I honestly think he could make a monk who had taken a vow of silence have a full-on conversation because he's just so easy to talk to. In addition, through his streams, I met so many wonderful people that I love talking to every day. Between Shadraw, Same, Slayer, Spowte, and so many others, Cider and his Disclord (or now ඞisclord) has been another mainstay in my daily life. I've also spent a lot of time recently watching Trending, whose frequent (and famously extended-length) streams have been an excellent source of laughs recently… even if he DOES kill his coworkers often during Phasmophobia.
2022 was a year of Self-Discovery for me. There's so much of my identity that has developed this past year, thanks in no small part to the friends and communities I've been a part of. It was also a year of discovering homes -- not just one, but many places where I feel appreciated and welcomed. And so, to everyone mentioned here. To everyone I wanted to mention but didn't include (just to keep this at a readable length). I just want to say that I appreciate and love you all and look forward to exploring 2023 with all of you.
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ocular-intercourse · 5 years
✨🌈  pride month update 🌈✨
i tend to talk about this more on twitter, but i thought i’d write some here too
had an appointment for a consultation with a trans support organisation, which was really lovely, met with a trans lady that helped me with adresses for the process of transitioning, called the one therapist listed in this town that is qualified to make the declaration the health insurance company needs to cover the costs for HRT and operations, i thought this process alone would take years of waiting, the dude immediately called me back and i have an appointment early next month!! (wah!) though online it says you have to see the therapist for at least a year before he can give that statement, but at least that thing is set in motion now
then i thought i should probably talk about this in more detail with my family, and wrote a message in the group chat to reach everyone at once, to bring them up to date and inform them of the appointments i have made. i’ve only ever talked to my mom and the younger of my older brothers about being trans directly, the rest has been .. idk, i have not exactly been hiding things, but never brought the topic up either, maybe little hints here and there, it’s definitely not a total shock. my oldest brother and sister said nothing, except that we should meet-up all together to talk about this important thing, so everyone could voice their concerns and support there. my younger brother immerdiately wrote a very heartfelt comment about me needing to do what makes me happy. his wife texted me seperately later and wrote a very long and sweet message about me having to be the real me and stuff, i cried!! my mom was a little floored, and hurt i didn’t sit down with her to tell her that transitioning might be a thing i would do in the near future. we talked on the phone later. for a moment she acted as if we never talked about this at all, but she quickly realized herself that she just didn’t want to hear some of the things i’ve told her about being trans in the past. she told me she took me not bringing the topic up anymore in the last weeks and me buing jewellery as signs, that i have left that whole thing behind??? cause, you know, when i buy accessoires i can’t be a man, right? and i havent talked about this constantly so it went away, right?? at least she admitted that that thought had been stupid. like she did with the autism diagnosis, she immediately looked to blame herself, and talked about how she could have possibly missed these things when i was growing up, or ignored the stuff she did notice, that she didn’t pay me enough attention and so on. she also said she doesn’t know if transitioning is the right thing to do, and is afraid i will regret this in two years or whenever, which is, okay, it’s kinda fair, it’s a little bit my fault that i have never talked about this growing up, no wonder she immerdiately thinks this is a new thing, a phase, and not something i have been thinking about my whole life. she definitely has a problem with the whole situation and does not know how to react, but she also made it really clear, that my happiness is on top of her list too, she’s just worried i might make a mistake. which is probably something i can clear up when we all sit down and talk about this, and tell her more about how this has been with me my whole life, i just never showed much of it. she said, again, that she has difficulty believing this, as she does with the autism diagnosis, cause so much of it is an internal thing i have never voiced. somehow that makes it less real to her i guess? if it really had been there all along i would have said something, right? i think she still thinks i choose these things as some sort of defense mechanism, to avoid stuff i’m scared of, or desperatly try random things to be happier. that’s definitely very frustrating for me, to be shown that she doesn’t trust me very much, or at the very least does not believe that i’m telling the truth when i’m talking about how i experience things.
my father has said nothing about this, i don’t know if he will, he is not a very vocal person. it’s of course useless to picture his reaction, but i’m pretty sure he’s just.. disappointed is not really the right word, kinda just exhausted?? that i keep making things difficult, and wonders if i really have to do this, i doubt he can see this as anything else than a thing that i have chosen myself. he also worries very much, in general, about what ppl are thinking, so i’m sure he’s not exactly delighted.
my mom also talked about how she is worried about how to talk about this with her parents, which, again, is fair, i’m worried about that too... but that’s a thing i’ll think about another day.. in general i think i will just write a fucking letter to all my relatives, and post on facebook for other friends and acquaintances, cause i will most definitely not meet and talk face to face with every single one of them, and i don’t want people to be like ‘you talked to xy but not to me??’ but again, that’s stuff to think about in the future when i actually do start HRT
BUT, all in all i’m very incredibly happy right now, my heart is fucking soaring. i consider myself very lucky to not have awful bigots in my life, and my friends are the literal best ppl in the world ❤
happy pride!
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murasaki-murasame · 7 years
Thoughts on manga license announcement stuff from day one of Anime Expo under the cut
OK to get the anime stuff out the way first since there’s less I wanna say, I’m still annoyed at Funimation for not giving any details about their release of Yuri on Ice. Like seriously I just wanna know when it’s gonna come out and what bonuses it’ll have and how much it’ll cost. Ugh.
I’m happy that Orange is getting a physical release. I probably won’t buy it, but I appreciate that it exists. I really loved that anime, even if it had kinda crippling production issues, and a few elements of the ending were iffy. Oh well.
I thought Utena had already gotten a BD release, but I guess not. Definitely interested in that. It’ll probably be too expensive for me, though. But this does align well with the recent manga box-set. I’m really happy this series is getting more recognition and availability.
ANYWAY onto manga.
Looks like it was just Viz Media and Yen Press today. Seven Seas should be in a day or two. Kodansha and Vertical seem to have a joint booth going on, so I hope they can show off some licenses. I feel like it’s been ages since we’ve seen physical licenses from either of them. Kodansha’s been going all in on digital manga recently.
There’s really not much to say about Viz since they barely announced anything. Wow. I feel like it’s been MONTHS since they announced anything and now all they have is one shonen manga, one shojo manga, two kid’s books, and a novel??? Wow. Are they just saving some announcements for later? This is bizarre.
I’m very happy to see Fire Punch get licensed. I was actually about to suggest it to Seven Seas soon but I guess I don’t need to anymore. I definitely expected this to happen eventually, but it’s still a bit surprising. It makes sense, though. Since this is at least their third release from the Shonen Jump+ magazine, I really hope this is a good indicator that they might license Ao no Flag eventually. I’d LOVE to see that happen. I’m already planning to import it, and I’m going to still try and suggest it to Seven Seas, but Viz would be fine. Anyway, as for Fire Punch, I don’t actually know a lot about it but I feel contractually obligated to buy it because one of the major characters is apparently LGBT. So that’s amazing. Apparently they’re a trans man, which is even better. The only other trans male representation in manga I know of is in Shimanami Tasogare, so it’s a big deal. But the vague things I’ve heard about the story definitely intrigue me. And also I really like the design of the covers, so that helps. I’m probably going to buy this as it comes out, but I might still read it online first. Maybe.
I’m sorta let down that Shojo Beat’s new license is just Kenka Bancho Otome. Partly because it’s only two volumes long, and partly because the anime version of it isn’t super great. But I just have a personal issue with the ‘girl has to disguise herself as a boy for REASONS and oooooh romantic drama and misunderstandings ensue’ trope. Oh well. I wasn’t really expecting much from Shojo Beat anyway. I still want to buy some of their stuff, though.
I’m DEFINITELY gonna get the FMA Fullmetal Editions. That’s a pretty huge deal. Even if it’s . . . not really a NEW license, just a new edition of an existing series. I’ve never actually read or watched FMA, and part of that’s because I dislike the look of both the single editions of the manga and the omnibuses. I was gonna cave in and decide to get the omnibuses next year, but thankfully with this announcement I can just get these editions instead. Sadly this is gonna be eighteen volumes long, so it’s gonna take AGES to come out. And it’ll be expensive. Oh well.
Onto Yen Press, who definitely beat Viz in terms of sheer number of licenses, at least. Considering that a few months ago they licensed like 14+ titles, and this is another 20+, I’m starting to get genuinely concerned about them as a company. Can they keep this up? I’m just terrified of another Tokyopop situation happening. We’ll see.
I’m definitely vaguely interested in checking out Silver Spoon, but it wouldn’t be a huge priority. It’s hard to justify getting a series that relatively long if I’m not super into it, especially since it seems very . . . mellow and SoL-y. I’m happy for Arakawa fans, though. People have obviously been waiting years for this license to happen. The coincidental paired timing of this and the FMA Fullmetal Edition license is kinda amusing.
Hatsu Haru seems like it might be cute, and it’s nice to see Yen Press get more shojo titles. Not sure how interested I am in this, but I support their intent in getting it. Same with them picking up Stupid Love Comedy and Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts. More shojo is always nice.
I’ve been vaguely interested in checking out Thou Shalt Not Die for a while, but if it’s just a digital license I’ll wait until they potentially do it physically. Which may not happen at all. Though they’ve been fairly good at bringing over a lot of their digital titles to physical format. I’m mostly interested in this because of Yoko Taro’s involvement. It’d be great to own something by him like this. Though I’ve heard iffy things about the manga itself. But then again I also like how he writes his video games whereas a lot of people don’t, so who knows how I’d feel about it.
Oh man they licensed the goddamn vending machine isekai manga. Holy shit. I feel like we’re quickly approaching a breaking point for the isekai genre in the west and soon enough it’s just gonna really irritate people.
I at least think there’s other LNs they could bring over that’d do better. Oh well. They got HakoMari and that’s all I care about.
And finally we have one of the more genuinely shocking announcements thus far. A goddamn Pandora Hearts box-set. HOLY SHIT. And it’s going to be done in a larger trim size? With preserved colour pages? Oh man. This is so genuinely agonizing to me. I just got the entire series less than a year ago, and now they announce a fucking box-set that’s gonna cost a few hundred dollars. Argh. I’m probably not going to be able to get this even though I desperately want to, and it’d be a nice way to re-read the series like I want to. Oh well. If the box set itself looks nice, which it probably will, that’ll be even more agonizing.
If they’re gonna do an entire box set for the series, for the love of god, I need an English version of the second art-book. I own the first one already and I love it but I’ve held off on importing the second one in case it gets licensed. I’d be amazed if it doesn’t get licensed eventually. I mean, it getting a box set is a pretty good indication of it’s popularity, and they have a good track record of doing multiple art-books for stuff like Black Butler and Soul Eater. So I just need the second Pandora Hearts artbook in my life.
I’m gonna be so fucking envious of people who can get this box set. ARGH. I want it so bad but it’s gonna be so impossible to buy, let alone justify buying.
So that’s basically it for today. Now to see if Kodansha and Vertical license anything at this con. And yeah in a day or two we’ll see Seven Seas’ licenses. I don’t think we’re getting anything more from Viz for now. Maybe at Comic-Con? Who knows.
I don’t have any clear wishes for what Kodansha or Vertical could license, though I guess I could see Vertical picking up March Comes In Like A Lion, which would be great.
For Seven Seas, literally all I care about is if they license Shimanami Tasogare, that’s it. That’s all I want from them. I’m gonna keep suggesting it every single month to them until they pick it up, or someone else does. I know that they might not have access to it since it’s a Shogakukan title, but who knows. I know that Viz would be more able to pick it up, but I just . . . doubt they would. They at least didn’t announce it at their panel, obviously. Mostly I’d just have my doubts about a company as ‘mainstream’ as Viz picking up a manga all about the topic of LGBT communities/discrimination [and also housing renovation in sea-side Japan, I guess]. Seven Seas seems far more likely to get such a title since they’ve made far more overt steps into the queer manga market, especially with My Lesbian Experience With Loneliness, which was apparently a huge success for them, which is why I could see them picking up Shimanami Tasogare since it’s relatively similar in theme. But, honestly, Viz isn’t entirely out there as an option. They don’t exactly have much of a history with licensing manga with queer representation of any kind, but they’re improving. I’m quite excited for their upcoming release of Sweet Blue Flowers, in particular. I also highly appreciate that they licensed After Hours. That’s one of the main reasons why I think there’s a chance, since that’s a lesbian romance manga from the exact same magazine as Shimanami Tasogare. And they were hyping it up a fair bit on their twitter before. So it’s not too much of a stretch. I guess they also have experience with this magazine through their Dorohedoro license, as well. And this panel actually gives me slightly MORE hope than before, since Fire Punch is one of the only shonen manga running at the moment that has actual, legit queer representation in it, in a major way. I’m also SORTA sure it’s something people talk about a lot when the series comes up? So I assume Viz is aware of it on some level. So these recent steps into licensing manga with queer representation gives me hope that they might license Shimanami Tasogare. Until then, I’m gonna keep suggesting it to Seven Seas.
On a similar topic, as said above I’d love to see someone pick up Ao no Flag, and yeah I can see Viz doing that eventually. It all depends on how much of a western following it gets, though. Which it doesn’t have much of thus far. I probably wouldn’t expect any sort of a license announcement until next year at earliest. Oh well. But that’s another case of queer rep in shonen manga I want to see get licensed in English. At least, the manga definitely seems to be going in that direction. I’m fairly confident about it. I mean, it’s published in the same magazine as Fire Punch, so it’s not impossible.
Oh yeah, that reminds me that Viz also licensed Astra Lost in Space, which is also part of Shonen Jump+, and I think also has some good queer rep in it. Not sure what sort, though. But either way yeah that also adds a bit to what I’m saying about how Viz is getting better at getting manga with queer representation in them, which gives me a lot of hope in general. We’ll see.
Either way I’m gonna cross my fingers and hope for the best from Seven Seas’ upcoming panel. Even if it might not be until the day after tomorrow.
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bluefacecowboy-blog · 7 years
Weekly Update
Right, hi tumblr people (so Debbie and maybe Chelsea and really bored people scrolling through tumblr) hi to all!
Fun fun week! I really don’t have photos but who knows some might show up if I search twitter and I don’t know if I will yet!
Right so this week started bright and early and featured two big big events. The first: Bike to work celebration.
This was Monday Morning starting at 6:30 and since I forgot to make it start on my calendar at 6:15 I sorta arrived ten minutes late. Ugh I forgot to ground the reader right. Right so National Bike to Work Day is a day where all of the Trans Alt Staff gives out free breakfast along popular commuting corridors.
(For the reccord, in 97.87% of the time, I’m a big fan of editing just not in journaling because journaling seems a way to be free and just reccord or recount what’s going through your mind and yeah I know tumblr maybe isn’t the best place to go even on mimi rants like this but it is 1:45am and I’m playing great music.) By the time I finished this it was almost 3am. Good thing I get Monday’s off.
Right I was explicity told to be very topical so that should be the last of that, it’s just I really hate feeling constrained in journaling so back to topicalness) As well as giving out breakfast the day is also the day where T.A gets the most new members so that really was the focus going in and I have a wierd thing where I can sell things that I don’t believe in so much easily than things that I believe in because I have to think about the selling points. It definitely took me a minute (or the whole time) to get comfy selling membership because I know how great it is and I kinda assumed everybody else did. It was kinda crazy windy out and being right alongside the Hudson certainly added to things. It was a fun day though, roping people in with free breakfast and then asking them if they would be interested in signing a petition which I felt comfy with.
Rant about honesty below (in all likely just an idioscracy of mine)
(I will be very honest about everything probably too honest but I’m not supposed to be shit, like I have no problem saying mistruths in person but writing is so much more perinement and it is what lasts and I want to be honest because the exact words of a conversation even in the very best ones are just fading details but when you can scrutinze every word I find it so much more important to be honest, because whatever I did, I did and I own it, even if I’m not proud of it. Okay see this is how I can get side tracked for real, though if you are a future employer reading this then hello! Hope you are well whatever concerns you have about me in this reading have hopefully been worked on, okay for real back to it)
Rant over
It felt so much comfortable then selling membership after luring people with free breakfast (I hope this is topical and not too much) to try to get them to open their wallet, though I completely understand why we were all supposed to. A petition felt like a fair trade because then there is still good will and ease. Also it was too cold for ice coffee, if we had Friday’s wheather on Monday double the amount of people would have stopped. It was fun and very odd being finished with things before I generally wake up. (bold generally means the future, like there is no way I’m up before 10:30)
I had Tuesday off, so everything there is truly untopical.
Wednesday, that was site visit day and truthfully I was definitely at least vaguely nervous because I never had a formal realationship with Debbie and it was definitely more than a touch off balencing to see Debbie standing outside when my head was still in the books I was reading on the subway. Generally the time in the elevator is the time I need to ground myself in what is ahead but I didn’t have that so if I seemed a touch cold, I aplogize Debbie. The meeting went great, I really do enjoy the work I do at TransAlt (my head is just in the album playing now (25 annual Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Concert)) and my supervisor Chelsea is such a great boss. The enviroment (at TransAlt) is great because it really is a great match. Like there are people who are all working on politics but also on bikes and also on pedestrian plazas and making the streets more joyous (shit I’ve been at this half and hour and I still have the next two days) The meeting went very well after I got over the inital in my headness and was present in the meeting. The rest of the day was spent working on Buisness Outreach things or the rest of the day at the office was.
Fuck after I left the day was properly crazy! From the most boring of ceremonies (kinda like the first ten minutes of a Deblassio speech but for three hours) to immediately after having great conversations, looking forward to a double episode of Survivor, to on the whim of a moment joining a group of two incredibly interesting and brilliant strangers and a close friend of my father to suddenly entering this art studio looking for Five Five Freedie to entering a park I never knew existed (148 and Riverside, check this stuff out!) to five hours later lying on the bust of Houdini for a half hour nap.
Just know I was kinda wrecked and hungry for more adventure going into Thursday. This was my first day of outreach with my boss Chelsea and just going over the ropes of how to petition on the streets. Similarily to a lot of other things you just need to get into a grove and stay the hell out of your head and just ask people “Hey would you like wider sidewalks or summer streets” and then asking the same person to sign the petition. It was great fun to get to use signs I created and see the process through, after petitioning for two and half hours we called it quits and I felt really good about engaging passerbys.
There was a meeting afterward for Manhattan T.A volunteers and while the meeting was definitely productive I was in the complete wrong headspace and probably fairly exhausted ( I went to bed late the night before)
The next day was Bike Home From Work Party in the DUMBO Triangle. It was a real party with a D.J and fosball and food and a bunch of sponsors and free food. I was tasked with floating shift which means to help where needed and float throughout. There was only one person at the membership tent so I joined her there (The person was Kelsey and we really get along great and she is super easy to get along with) and we started pulling people in. I quickly found the best pitch was to call out asking someone if they were a TransAlt member and if they said no I quickly found the best to engage them was to inform them of the free beers for members, that got people listening so quickly it was great and I feel like as many if not the majority of non-members who I was able to engage with became members. If people said yes I would inform them of the free beer and make jovial conversation. There was a free t-shirt (exclusive to the week) so with the free beer and the men’s wearhouse coupon the membership paid for itself when people became members. (The following is half selling membership, 100% honest) Really becoming a member is a great deal, because for fifty dollars a year, or ten a month if you prefer, you get discounts at over a hundred thirty stores throughout the city and you support TransAlt’s lifesaving work! It was great fun working with Kelsey and later Libbey and the party was a great atmosphere and there was a competition to win a Free Brompton Bike, the person who could put out at the highest maxium wattage on a trainer would win a bike. I had the lead throughout the night but each time I checked I would see the person before me edge me out, literally every time! So I go to check in to see if I’m still in the lead. The person warming his legs is a mountain bike racer, so is friend who would go immediately after him. He goes and gives absolutely everything and ended up beating my wattage by 20 watts and I’m thinking alright with Daft Punk Playing I can probably beat that. His friend (person 1’s friend) goes up and blows person 1’s wattage up by fifty watts. Daft Punk is still playing. I have beaten person 2’s wattage a couple of times throughout my 18 years on my bike which is a sweet toy and fits me exactly to the millimeter. I start spinning. Another TransAlt emlpoyee is besides me. The time starts and I start giving it everything but my power was only slowly trudging upwards. I scream and give it one last primal effort. My wattage jumps surpassing person 1’s wattage. I keep digging and I can see person 2’s wattage slowly getting closer. 25. 23. 24. 17. 16. 15. Then I pop. Okay whatever bad story. The night was great! The director of membership was please with me and gave me this amazing pin that says
All Powerful Bike Lobby
Yeah the party was great fun, so much fun to see so many TransAlt members and people having fun with bikes. Yeah I’m sure this is like 10 times more reading then I should have made it. Mistakes were made. Have a great week! After reading it, this feels relatively constrained by my standards. There was also Staff Pizza which was very nice and just great conversation’s throughout the night, alright it is 3:01 I’m gonna hope this is alright in some way. Bye all!
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