#top fucking teir romance
piratemousey · 7 months
28 days later's romance is still top tier:
Naomi told Jim when they first met she wouldn't hesitate to kill him if she thought he'd turn.
"In a heartbeat," she said.
But, uh oh, now they're trapped by fascists. Jim is speeding through a mansion covered in blood searching for her and the girl.
He runs into the room, she raises the weapon.
She hesitates!
"That was longer than a heartbeat," He says. In that Cillian Murphy voice.
I'm dying.
They're running for their lives.
It was a fucking moment!
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thebibliosphere · 2 years
Re: Patreon Shenanigans
What the fuck? The comic app Webtoon actively encourages its artists to use Patreon as a way to upload spicy comics, because as per Webtoons' terms of service it has to exist behind a pay wall. How are actual explicit comics thriving but your written work isn't? Like. A Midnight Poppyland, Lore Olympus, Lovebot, and Let's Play are all comics with explicit patreons. I just don't understand. That's really unfair.
Re:Re partreon
... I think some of the comics I listed have their patreons or NSFW teirs inactive for a couple of reasons but I think my point still stands, given it's not uncommon. But maybe my point stands less so.
So the thing with Patreon is an ongoing culmination of fuckery that took off when they started trying to move explicit content off the platform, got hit with MAJOR backlash from their userbase, and then were like "jk just make sure it's behind a paywall" which, yeah, I did. With the exception of my recipes, everything is behind a paywall.
But, here's the thing, they are under increasing pressure from payment processing companies to not be associated with adult content or even adult adjacent content. Like Ko-fi, ko-fi straight up won't let me list my books in their ko-fi store because they are essentially a PayPal wrapper, and my romance novels which contain depictions of sex/kink would be a breach of PayPal TOS regarding explicit content--which many people take to mean images--but Ko-fi went out of their way to include written content in their TOS. (at least that's what I've been told.)
I know there are quite a few people who are hosting their content behind paywalls and they haven't had any random hits. But if you get reported? Yeah, not so much.
After my account got locked for quite a damn while, they looked into what I was posting and what I had linked to and were like "yeah, nah you're good." But that's happened to me multiple times over the years now. Bad faith actors report things, and my stuff goes on hold. Not to mention all the other fuckery that went on with changes to their fees and payment processing or how they charge supporters.
Basically so long as Patreon doesn't have a reason to look at you, you're fine. Ultimately, though, it feels a bit like building a house on top of sand. Sure, it's stable now, but I'm also looking to branch out to avoid keeping all my eggs in the one basket.
It's a wider symptom of the Internet being sanitized for corporations and it is not a fun time at all.
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