#ts also said something while we were talking once about the industrial scale of war being an extension of the disaster au
shoshiwrites · 11 months
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! (And many happy returns of the day.) A snack to nibble on during desk time tomorrow - It seems to me that ever pairing that I write exists in an historical moment, but also gravitates to another historical point. What do you think Jo and Joe's other historical place is, and why do you think that is? (I have a theory about both but I want to hear your thoughts first.)
Thank you friend!! It was fairly low-blood pressure day in the reading room which was just what the doctor ordered.
Re: this question: thank you, and also this is kind of going to be word salad (it IS going to be word salad).
I can't pinpoint another historical moment exactly, but I'd say probably around the 1880s to 1900s. In Pennsylvania.
My understandings of both Jo and Joe are rooted in......the idea that in this world (the 19th century, which @tortoisesshells so unforgettably described as "just one big orphan-factory," specifically of a certain economic status and other variables), you're not special, this world doesn't care (and in Joe's case this world involves backbreaking soul-crushing manual labor, which, of course, is a through-line well past those decades) but also that to someone this person can be everything.
I am also having the thought that I write them in the midst of all these industrial-era disasters (Man-made!! Being at the mercy of manmade forces and greed and also the laws of nature) from the standpoint of ...deindustrialization and my own memories and I think that's why it's the disaster AU that I can't help but keep as a cornerstone, because it exists across time
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