#uhh by minion I meant familiar
asleepinawell · 1 year
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birb friend for the little guy
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cutegirlmayra · 4 years
Oh prompts are back! Okay here's an interesting idea, Mephiles and Scourge both decide they want to take over the dimension and rule as king and also decide they need a queen to rule at their side and they both pick Amy. So they're fighting to rule and also make Amy their bride so Sonic has to both fight them off and protect Amy from them marrying one of them. Extra comfort for sonamy would be great please and thank you!
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I shall do my very, very best.... at the very least lolol
This is gonna be AU as heck.
PROMPTS ARE ON SHUTDOWN DO NOT SEND ANY. THE TIME TO SEND HAS ENDED. Enjoy the prompts that have already been submitted during the frame that they could be~<3
As per usual, Eggman had conducted an experiment to try and harness the power of dimensions and worlds to his bidding. The result? After a long and tedious feud between the dimensional Eggmans on who was to rule all, the original was defeated by the many Sonics that appeared, and his friends sealed up the holes in the dimensions.
Some individuals didn’t return... scourged by the humiliating ridicule of his universe, one hid to avoid capture and plan his revenge and final takeover.
Another withdrew into shadows,... lurking in wait as he found a way to keep a hole to his dimension open... traversing the timeline by acquiring this world’s Chaos Emerald and trapping his universe in a ‘frozen’ state.
Very complexed stuff, but the leaking of dimensional energy allowed him to pull his Other Half through to this dimension... but something was going horribly wrong.
“No!” Mephiles was trying to use the power the Chaos Energies to combined himself at last with Iblis, but Scourge had found the dimensional leak, and wanted in on the conquest...
He smirked as he gripped the Master Emerald, standing upon it as power radiated through him like electricity. “Woooo, snooze and you really do loose, buddy!” He held his fingers up like he was going to snap, having already seen Mephiles take out Knuckles who was lying upon the ground... “If I’m gonna be king over this pathetic universe, I’m gonna need some of that bodacious power!” he seemed to be purposefully trying to tick Mephiles off, not knowing who the being was, but seeing the flames circling the emerald and his focus in trying to blend his power with it’s own.
“You are useless, and I am not one who takes such inferior taunts!” Mephiles rose the emerald up, deciding to take care of the insect before he lost full concentration and Iblis was released into another form, which would tip off the heroes and led to a continual, strenuous chase to reach and combined first with him before Sonic and the gang defeated him yet again.
“You’re trying to seal those flames inside you, right?” Scourge pulled out a ring, but to Mephiles, he didn’t see the significance of this exchange. Scourge snapped and the ring glowed, “Then I’ll make a wish to have this power in-!”
Before all of this, Tails had been hosting Amy at his house, but the flames of Iblis leaked in streaks across Angel Island and they quickly set out to check it out.
Now, as Scourge was declaring his chaotic and powerful desires, Tails had landed the X-Tornado and Amy rushed to the scene first. “Amy, wait-!” he cried out, but she jumped down and rushed to see Knuckles slowly waking up from getting beaten down, and...
“Sonic..?” She looked horrified up at the Green Hedgehog.
“Erk-!?” He gritted his teeth, seeing another dimensional Amy. “YOU!?”
Suddenly, as though the command already issued, Iblis’s power completely broke it’s ties to Mephiles, spinning wildly out of control like a whipping hurricane of lined flames tumbling over each other to spiral down and head towards Amy.
“WHAT!? No! That’s not my-! Nooo..!!!” Scourge watched as the Ring shook his hand and finally burst, letting it’s power merge with Amy as Iblis swarmed her being.
She bent down and screamed as the flames dried up the gloss in her eyes, the tears from the pain, and then only left her with the seared ground beneath her feet as she collapsed.
“You insufferable fool..!” Mephiles dove down, pausing midway as he saw Tails rush out from the cover of the trees. “My Iblis...” He glared, slowly... down at Amy. He began to form a plan to reunite with Iblis... but it couldn’t be as of yet...
“Uhh... I have a feeling this makes that annoying pest somewhat valuable now...” Scourge bit his teeth down as he spoke, raising his head up as though also trying to figure out what to do now.
“I must reunite with... her now.” Mephiles hunched his body forward, as ghostly shadows started leaking from his being, crystalizing himself as though outwardly showing his resolve.
“Unite with... Woah! You sayin’ the only way I can get that power out of her is to-!?” Scourge looked aghast, as though that was the last person he’d want to ‘have fun’ with. He looked to the camera with a face that was clearly disgust, but also extremely agitated. “Ugh... If I have to... might as well let it burn.” a slow rising smirk spread across his face as he looked back at Amy.
Tails looked to the waking Knuckles and then the fainted Amy, before his eyes shook at the strange figures above him... One standing with his arms folding in secret delight at the prospect of conquering more than a new dimension... and the other looked ready to fight anything and everyone to secure himself to the new host of his full, undefiled power source once more...
“Sonic’s gonna hate me, which makes that a bonus, right? Taking his little wench in this dimension and killing off the rest of practically anything else with those flames will make for one heck of a wake-up call.” Scourge pulled his glasses down to cover his eyes, “So... Looks like you’re first, little cinders.” he teased, his glasses reflecting Amy in them... “Sadly, something’s gotta fit.”
After a terrible defeat from an already wounded Knuckles and an unexpecting assault that Tails didn’t plan for, having nothing but his flying-abilities to fight back with, Amy was abducted briefly before Mephiles and Scourge started playing tug-o-war and keep-away, trying to keep the ‘host of Iblis’ so they could harness it’s power by unleashing it again... Sonic had finally found them.
They didn’t get too far, the two were dueling each other as Amy was told her friends had died trying to destroy the flames inside her, and that they thought of her now as a ‘sacrificial lamb’ to save the world.
Hoping this would make Amy cry, Mephiles and Scourge were amazed to discover her resilience. She wouldn’t yield to their lies, and kept trying to flee as she was tossed back and forth between the two.
“Iblis, you must rejoin with me!” Mephiles, through the power of the Chaos Emeralds, was able to summon Shadows and large beams to strike at Scourge, who expertly dodged and weaved through them, taking out the Shadows and grabbing Amy around her waist. “Solaris is our destiny!!!”
“You’re not hot, and I can barely stomach calling you ‘Babe’, but there’s a fire in you that I just gotta taste.” Scourge tilted his head enough for her to see his eyes under the sunglasses, but she was more confused since he really did look like the spitting image of Sonic, just... different colors.
This wasn’t like her mistaking Shadow and Silver for Sonic... this really confused her.
“You... Who are you people!?” She kept pushing against him as he kept trying to bring her closer. “Let me go, you creep!”
He scaled his hand up her bare back in a weird, perverted crawl. “Now, now, the time for cute nicknames can wait, Babe. First, let me get rid of the audience...” Scourge had a wicked sense of delight at spooking her like this, but his attention soon turned to Mephiles, who didn’t realize Scourge’s error in not understanding what he meant by ‘reunite.’.
“If she doesn’t release the flames willingly... I’ll pull them out of her...” He reached out for her as Scourge threw her up on his shoulder, getting ready to fight and depart. “Along with the last breath she’ll ever take...Hahahahah!!!” Mephiles rose in the air before Sonic spin-dashed in a wild stream of light into Scourge, slamming into his gut as Amy was flung from his arms.
“What’s this?” Mephiles curled his fingers and watched as a more ‘familiar’ Sonic uncurled and raced back into the scene.
“I don’t know what you two weirdos want with Amy, but it’s not happening!”
“Sonic!” Amy cried out but some Shadows caught her and started hauling her back as Mephiles hovered down to her.
“So... this is your universe’s hero...” He glared deeply, “Another Sonic...”
Scourge was fuming with leftover hate for the other dimensional Sonic in his universe, and decided to take it out on this one. “Do me a favor, just act like you know me and don’t like me, then I can make this fight reaaaaall satisfying!”
“That shouldn’t be too hard.” Sonic smirked, charging into Scourge who speedily dodged and rammed a punch into his face. ‘What!? He has my super speed!’
“HAHAHAHA!!! You’re even more lamer than that Other Me!” Scourge adjusted his jacket and pulled out a pocket-knife. “No offense, but this is entirely personal...”
While the two were distracted, Mephiles turned to Amy and his minions held her up in the air, “Ah! H-hey! Why am I such a big deal all of a sudden!?” She tried to summon her hammer, and did in fact beat two away, but Mephiles grabbed her hammer and sent a crystalized clawed hand up to her chin.
“I can see them...” His eyes reflected her own... and like flickering flames, she gasped at her reflection. “If you won’t submit to your hopeless fate... then I shall destroy this husk that prevents me from joining into my true self!” he swiped but she bent her head back and dodged, but now... she knew what he meant.
“You’re both trying to kill me... for those flames that encircled me!?” She felt genuine fear then as Mephiles threw his energies into her shadow, causing her to cry out before he lifted her up and and held her in place. “Finally,... I shall have Iblis... And you, Amy Rose, will have some unparalleled significance... For a brief moment after your heart is burnt to a crisp, HAAHAHAH!!!!” He pulled his hand back to power up an attack, similar to the same beam he had used to once destroy Sonic, but Scourge threw his knife and it ‘tink’d off of his head.
“Now, who would be so stupidly ignorant of their own mortal ficklety?” He pivoted in the air as Scourge had gripped Sonic’s head to stop him in-battle... and clearly had thrown the knife.
“So, you lied to me?” Scourge laughed, “If I knew all I needed to do was strangle the girl, I wouldn’t have bided my time having fun with her first!” He laughed, “I’ve still promised the ugly trash a date, kinda hard to please a waiting corpse. Plus, I know that’ll just tick you off in the end anyway...” He turned back to Sonic, who kicked his hand away and looked up to Amy, shadows keeping her up in the air as she struggled and tried to use her hammer to give her some space between the ghostly vines that held her.
“Urk! What the-!? Weren’t you the ones who threw this thing at me in the first place?” Amy kicked her feet as the shadows kept crawling to reach her below. “Ah!”
“Oui, I called first!” Scourge grabbed Sonic’s raised leg and thrashed him with a mighty swing into the shadows.
Mephiles shot beams and hurriedly secured Amy to him, gripping the back of her head so she wouldn’t struggle anymore.
“Ahh!” She cried out as Sonic spun and threw Scourge to the remaining Shadows, who slowly overwhelmed him like zombies...
“No, quit it! Get your hands off the merchan-Nooo..!!!” He was enveloped by them as Sonic turned to Mephiles.
“Whatever thing you forced into Amy’s body... get it out!” Sonic pointed an accusatory hand to Mephiles, before swinging his arm out wide.
The two fought, but all the while, Mephiles was using it to get Amy to see Sonic suffering.
On the verge of crying, seeing Mephiles overtake Sonic and about to jab his sharpened crystalized hand through him, Amy cried out and the Flames encased the sky...
“At last...” Mephiles still went for the kill shot, but something strange happened, Scourge jumped to Iblis, trying to absorb the flames that would not accept him as a host.
“Darn! He’s still connected, huh!?” Guessing it was Amy, he grabbed her and the dark, ghostly flames around her released her from their hold.
Sonic shook his head away and grabbed Mephiles’s emerald, “NOO!!” the shadows all dissipated to the ground as the sound of a plane suddenly threw everyone down slightly as it passed towards the flames.
“Now, Blaze!” Tails cried out as Silver lifted Blaze into the spiraling flames.
The flames joined with her and she disappeared from his world, but the two emeralds she carried fell to Sonic, who finally had enough juice with all seven Chaos Emeralds to go Super Sonic.
“Heheh...” Scourge still knew he had the power of the Master Emerald, he could take on Super Sonic, “A kiss of death for the road?”
Amy was jabbed with a knife and fell to the ground... having Scourge’s lips still lingering on hers.
He stuck out his tongue to Sonic and then wiped his mouth as he dropped her down, “Not really my type.” He joked, as Sonic’s color turned darker and he suddenly cried out as he transformed into Dark Sonic.
Mephiles’s eyes twitched at Blaze uniting successfully with Iblis, “But... how!?” before a shadow touched his own. He flinched, turning to see Shadow, Rouge, and Omega behind him.
He slowly began to laugh at the irony... then his laughter rose as he unleashed an all out attack at them.
Silver followed Blaze’s trail, but the universe was becoming unfrozen, and soon... that time-collapse ability was being to rewrite everything back to what it was.
With a flash of light, Amy was back at Tails’s home. She touched her lips and then her side... felt shadows and flames lick at her skin... and the cold, crystalized fingers piecing into the back of her head...
She looked up from her teacup, shaking her head like nothing was wrong. She looked out the window, seeing nothing strange on Angel Island...
She felt a jab in her side and what felt like a cramp and gripped it tighter, then felt something soaring in her heart as though a beam of darkness binding her back to that timeline...
But she wouldn’t yield to it.
She wouldn’t cry.
She let the pain carry on till the leaking was done and the event... never happened...
“You seem kinda spacy.” Tails made a face and she assured him.
“Come on, you know I daydream constantly.” but she was sweating... she could feel ice tickle under her neck and chin where Mephiles had threatened her, she looked down into the reflection of the teacup... and saw his eyes reflecting flames in hers.
The teacup broke and she covered her mouth, racing out as she remembered a forced, smelly kiss and then the blood from the knife...
She remembered the black... then a dawn of light... and the flames blazing through her.
What she didn’t know... was it was the residue of the timeline that had just occurred, still lingering... almost passed...
She fell to the hill of Tails’s home and gripped the ground, shaking as she forced herself not to cry.
‘If I cry... then that other timeline will exist again!’ she felt her shadow suddenly pull from her, and with terrified eyes, saw Mephiles form out of her elongated silhouette.
“...You saved me...” He gave a low, billowing chuckle that rocked her entirely. “How unfortunate... for you...” He slowly moved towards her, and as she backed away, suddenly felt herself freezing.
“Wha...What’s happ-...” she couldn’t even form the words right, as she felt a chill still her entire being.
He rose his hand and gripped her mouth gently, but with enough force to make it feel like he was going to suffocate her, and looked deep into her eyes again.
“Shhhh... You’ll be dead soon, anyway. Struggle... cry beneath me... it won’t matter if you shout now... Your friends failed to completely remove that timeline from existence. Silver... His accomplice... Their plan has failed you.” He moved closer, a zombie-like head wobble as he looked like the spitting-image of Shadow now... but dulled colors, and she couldn’t figure out why.
That other man... looked like Sonic.
Now this man... looked like Shadow.
What on earth was going on!? Were these beings... forms of other Sonics and Shadows!? How could that possibly be!?
She couldn’t close her eyes, his power in freezing his own timeline failed, but he had joined with her own to preserve himself as a last resort.
Which meant she was the flickering flame... if he blew her out, she really would reset time and he could try all over again.
She didn’t know what to do... Time was jumbled within her core, she was the bridge to multiple timelines and intersecting universes...
“Shh... Just bend to Time’s will... I am infinite... inevitable... you cannot hope to prosper and win this time...” he slowly pulled her down, as though pushing her into the darkness of her own shadow. “I’ll steal your time-energy... take it as my own... and as Time resets, I’ll anticipate those annoying headaches you call ‘Sonics’ and become the destructive force revered as Solaris! I’ll be a God again-!” as though growing impatient for that time, he began to slam her into the darkness where she honestly couldn’t breathe now.
She struggled, swinging her hammer in pitch-blackness, grabbing his unwavering hand and arm in hopes to break free of his hold on her.
But the darkness was draining her time-energy... soon... she would disappear.
‘Sonic...’ she thought to herself, ‘He’ll destroy you... and if I’m connected to the other worlds... he’ll try and use that power to destroy you too... I can’t allow that... I can’t... breathe...’
Then the flames of Iblis burned a light into the world, and swallowed Mephiles in it’s wake.
His eyes widened, “Yes...” he cried out, “YYYEESSS!!!” but just as time was about to be conquered by Mephiles... He let go of Amy as she sunk into the darkness... and another gloved, white hand reached in and pulled her up.
Mephiles was back in his time, it unfroze and he was defeated and erased just as like the first time.
He couldn’t change fate.
But Sonic did.
Sonic pulled Amy up to him, his blackish-blue body encasing her in his own darkness.
A flickering darkness... to match her flickering flame of light.
With Iblis now out of her body, he threw her through a portal made by his uncontrolled Chaos Energy, speedily making it time for her to breathe again,... this time, back at Tails’s house again.
“Amy? You seem kinda spacy.”
Tails’s voice pulled her out as she gasped and the teacup broke again.
“Ah! Hey! Are you okay!?” Tails rushed to her but paused as she darted to the door. “Amy!” he cried out, reaching for her but she had already bolted down the hill.
“Sonnniccc!!!” she cried out, tears bursting from her eyes as the memory she had of that other timeline was quickly being erased from her.
She stopped suddenly and turned to her shadow... seeing Dark Sonic’s glowing white eyes in it.
“...Sonic...” she bent down to reach him, and he matched her action, but her shadow wasn’t of her, it was his own form...
“You’re safe now... Amy.” His eyes bent slighlty, “Time can’t hurt you now.”
“Sonic...” she dug through the earth, wanting to be with him, “What about you! You’re from that time! You’ll fade away!”
His eyes closed and his form turned from her, “That time shouldn’t exist... anything from that time shouldn’t... a world without you... is a world I choose to destroy.”
“Sonic!!!” she watched as her shadow faded in the light of the day... and her tears seemed to ripple into the dark-world she had almost fallen too...
Then Sonic’s silouette appeared coming from behind her and she turned to see Sonic holding three chilidogs. One in each hand, and one sticking out from his mouth.
“Whahh hapahpan?” he spoke with it in his mouth, blinking innocently at her tears. (What happened?)
She tried to hold it in, but dashed to him, hugging him as he struggled to not drop the food.
“I-!” a flash of light... and when she opened her eyes.... she couldn’t remember why she was crying. “I don’t know... I can’t... remember...”
The pain in her side, the fire in her soul, and the cold icy spikes on her face were... gone.
“I guess... I just missed you.” she pulled away then, “Are you okay?”
He blinked, raising an eyebrow. “Yah’re wahrd.’ He answered back, then saw Tails flying towards them. (You’re weird.)
“There you two are!” he waved, having also forgotten everything as in that flash, the teacup was still upon the table, undisturbed...
They waved back to Tails and it appeared to be another normal evening...
(I hope I did alright XD Not as evilly romantic as you may have wanted it to be, but I felt it fit their characters more this way..? and yes, Timey-wimey, wibbly-wobbly logic that makes this perfectly in line with Sonic 06 logic >u>; )
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paladin-andric · 6 years
Moments in History: A Dragon’s Recompense
Gira seems to be a fan favorite, and I am absolutely on the same boat. She wasn’t supposed to become a main character, but she’s just so great, damn it! Also, I’m usually very self-conscious about my work, but I’m 100% assured that this is QUALITY.
Gira smiled to herself as she soared through the sky, winding battering against her form as she spread her wings and glided. It was a beautiful day, and the clouds, while great in number, weren’t stifling the sun, instead leaving a gorgeous pattern in the bright blue sky.
The black dragon lazily drifted, enjoying the cool breeze and lovely surroundings. She was feeling thirsty, and decided a quick trip to the River Sainti would be a great solution. While she could have simply taken a drink from the river next to the city, humans often dumped and washed things there, and the lake nearby was quite...mossy.
A short trip to a near desolate river meant fresh, clear water, and for the dragon the trip was no trouble at all. While humans would have to slog through a thick forest she could simply take to the sky, bypassing all the rough terrain.
Gira had made this trip a few times, the little clearing becoming a favorite spot to rest at. This part of the river was quite deep and wide as it dissected into four different streams, a sort of “crossroads” for the river. It was big enough for her to take a quick dip inside, if she really wanted to. The heat wasn’t quite that intense today, though.
Quickly zoning in on her favorite spot, Gira began to lower herself, flying down towards the Earth, only...something was there.
As she got closer, she could see another dragon, head dipping down into the river. Someone had taken her favorite watering hole! As she continued her approach, unsure of what to do, she noticed dull blue scales, and a familiar profile.
“Is that...? No...no WAY!” The black dragon whispered excitedly to herself.
She didn’t roar out or flap her wings, hoping to catch the dragon by surprise. As she started landing, flapping her wings to slow her descent, the blue dragon quickly whirled around, water dripping from his chin.
As his eyes widened in shock, any doubts Gira had were erased. It WAS him!
Gira landed, spreading her wings out wide and grinning at her adversary. “My, what a chance meeting!”
The other dragon’s jaw hung open for a moment before he averted his gaze, shaking his head. He lowered his neck and front legs, a sign of submission. Gira raised a brow. Had her victory truly made the previously arrogant and boisterous dragon so submissive and timid?
“What is going through your head, I wonder? You have been awfully quiet since the battle...”
The black dragon circled the male, gauging his reaction. He looked up in confusion, but quickly looked back down when their eyes met. Everything he was doing, every action, conscious or not, showed that he regarded her as superior. Did he fear for his life? Perhaps the defeat awakened something inside of him...
“You know,” Gira said, breaching the thick silence, “When I said you would be courtable if you kept your mouth shut, it was supposed to be in jest. I meant you should stop saying foolish things, not never speak again.”
The blue dragon rumbled quietly, eyes still downcast. Gira became frustrated. “Come on, now! Speak to me! I do not enjoy being ignored so...”
This seemed to alert the dragon, who quickly hurried to find an answer. “I...” He paused. “...What is there to say?”
Gira tilted her head. “Plenty. You could apologize for attempting to kill me and enslave my people.”
Another deep rumble. “I...am deeply sorry, victor. Please forgive me.”
Gira sat down next to the other dragon, who was desperately trying to avoid eye contact. She playfully moved her head forward and stared into his eyes as he moved his gaze further to the side, flustered.
“Will you try to do it again?”
“Never,” The blue dragon replied.
Gira smiled. “Well than...apology accepted!” The blue dragon’s eyes widened.
“What? What do you mean?”
“Exactly what I said. I forgive you.”
“B-But,” Gira grinned as he stammered, “I tried to kill you. I refused to accept defeat. I spit in your face when you offered me a chance to live!”
He was so nervous and worked-up. It was pretty cute, if Gira was being honest.
“Oh dear blue one, I do not blame you. It is not your fault your pride led to recklessness. It is in your nature. You are a dragon, after all!”
The blue dragon shook his head. “It does not make sense. I could have come after you for...humiliating me. THAT is in our nature. Letting me go was a foolish idea.”
“I do not mean to hurt your pride further, but I am not worried about that. You were...well, I should say...the battle was...decisive. And the fact that I have no experience in battle, well...”
The blue dragon winced, looking quite hurt by that statement.  “I cannot help it. I was born this way...”
Gira frowned. “Is there something wrong with you? Are you sickly? You know the power of my healing firsthand, I am certain I could clear it up...”
The blue dragon shook his head. “No, nothing that could be helped by normal means. Even since I was but a hatchling, I have been frail and weak. So weak...so very, very pathetic...”
The dragon’s emotions hit a fever pitch as he stewed over his inadequacies, stomping the ground and slamming his tail around. “It is not fair! It is NOT FAIR! Why me?! Power is all that matters to our ilk, and I am lacking in every way!”
Gira backed up a bit, eying the dragon warily. He soon calmed down and sunk to the ground, defeated.
“I have been lying to myself. I wanted to be strong. I wanted power, prestige, dominion over others...but you have shown me the truth. I am destined to be beneath others. I could never become a ruler...if I did, another would subdue me.” He looked up at Gira, eyes widening.
“I am not fit to rule...but perhaps I am fit to serve. Maybe that is my calling. What do you think? Should I present myself as the vassal of another, stronger one? If I am weaker than all other dragons, subservience would be the only way to ensure my wellbeing...”
Gira was flabbergasted. To hear a dragon, pride and arrogance personified, speak of serving and obeying others, of being inferior to his betters...she was thrown for a loop.
“Who in the world ARE you? You were so prideful when you challenged me!” The other dragon frowned.
“As I have said, I was deluded that I was strong, deserving of power and minions...but when you tossed me aside so easily, I realized the true extent of my weakness. My own body, so frail and pathetic...I was not born to rule. I was born to BE ruled. This must be nature itself designating my role in life.”
Gira poked the dragon on the snout, eliciting a confused blink. “There is more to life than power, silly dragon...a wise man once said ‘It is better to be loved than feared.’ If you just cleaned up your act, and stopped being so serious and self-obsessed...I am sure there is much you could accomplish. Some dear friends, a few followers...a mate, perhaps?”
Gira grinned and leaned in close to the dragon, making him suddenly arch his head back and nervously stammer a response.
“Err, I-I uhh, I mean...I mean, that is all well and good, but...without power, how could I even keep what I love? You needed power to protect what you loved, and I didn’t even have the power to protect myself...it fell on you to save me, because of my own weakness.”
Gira rolled her eyes. “Oh, come on, now. Is that any way to live? Constantly quivering in fear of the next imaginary threat? This is life, and you only get to live it once. Enjoy it! Take risks! Be happy.”
The blue dragon tilted his head, laying down and gazing at Gira. “You...you are something, you know? Any other dragon would have been eager to goad me into servitude as soon as I announced my thoughts of subservience....and here you are, a former enemy, trying to help me along. Who would turn down a chance for more prestige and power?”
“I would,” Gira announced, “Because that is not what is important to me. What is important is making this world a better place, and if that means helping a fellow who spit frost in my face, so be it.”
Gira stretched herself out, laying down next to the other reclining dragon, who smiled at her.
“Thank you. This is...nice.”
Gira smiled back. “It is no problem. Perhaps we should meet like this again. It would certainly help to break up the monotony.”
The blue dragon looked at her hopefully. “That would be...good.” The two of them sat together for a short while, watching the water rush along the river, relishing the peace and tranquility of the forest clearing.
“So, I noticed you mentioned a potential mate...”
“Don’t even think about it.”
And there you have it! Probably my favorite short story I’ve written.
Tag list: @thereisnothingwrongwithbeingmad, @candy-m-s, @lady-redshield-writes, @paper-shield-and-wooden-sword, @sheralynnramsey, @the-true-shadowmaster, @tawnywrites, @writer-on-time, @oceanwriter, @zwergis-spilledink, @fluffpiggy, @elliewritesfantasy, @homesteadhorner
EXCLUSIVE GIRA TAGLIST: @firelight-memories
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The beginning pt 4
Relationship: Mike Wheeler x Rose (oc) x Eleven 
Warnings: talks of foster care (idk if that’s triggering but just in case)
Additional information: Yes I made Eleven Bisexual and the oc is Bisexual so if you don’t like that then move along 
That night Rose had a lot of trouble sleeping with nerves for school the next day and fears of nightmares that would come. Constantly looking at the clock to see it had changed five minutes since the last time she had looked. She found herself imagining what would happen when she went to school that morning. Maybe she would be hated, or maybe she would just be there and nobody would care. The second option seemed the most believable but in your imagination being believable doesn’t matter. To be honest she would know people when she got there. She would of course know Will, and Will had spent basically all afternoon the day before telling her about all his freinds and how he would introduce them to me. Knowing somebody before you start school makes going to school just a little bit easier. But the thought that eventually you will be seperated by different classes made it just as hard. 
“Rose you need to get ready for school.” Hopper was laying in his bed so not ready for his alarm to go off. Rose had been awake for hours after only sleeping three hours but she jumped out of her bed excited but nervous. She had laid out clothing choices for today but as she looked at them it looked all wrong. The red dress was too long and the color seemed to have changed in the hours she laid in her bed. Rose groaned in frustration as she went to her closet where all of her new clothes now hung. The options were different from anything she had ever worn most of her old clothes hand been donation so her sense of fashion had been a mixture of other people sense of style. The racked through the newly bought clothes imagining how each outfit would look on her. She constantly was pulling clothes of the rack hanging it in front of her body but put it back as none of them looked how she wanted. Clothes say something about you so the outfit you wear on your first day needs to tell everyone who you are. Taking a deep breath she looks back into her closet with what she hoped was a new mindset. Her eyes scanned over the clothes for what felt like the hundredth  time when she noticed an item on the closet floor that must have fallen off the hanger in her hunt for an outfit. It was a bright yellow dress that went to her mid thigh when she tried it on. It had been one of her favorite things that she tried on. When she came out to see if Joyce liked it she said “the boys are going to be all over you.” Joyce had said it with such seriousness even with a smile on her face she wondered if that was the truth. She held it in front of her body as she looked in the mirror deciding this is the one. 
She came out of her room minutes later with her dress on and backpack slung over her shoulder. She sat the backpack down on the chair by the couch in the living room and rushed off to get shoes and a hairbrush to brush through her mess hair. Hopper only saw her for a couple seconds when she rushed into the living room to drop of her back pack but he could tell she was nervous. She had of course gone to school before she started living with Hopper just a few days ago. But moving into a new house with a new person and going to a new school where she only knows one person is definitely nerve wracking and he could tell she wasn’t doing so well. Rose came back hair brushed and perfectly paired with white sneakers. Hopper gave her an encouraging smile that she returned “It’s time to go here’s your breakfast you can eat it on the way.” Rose grabbed the breakfast bar from his hands and quickly walked to the car behind Hopper. 
The car was filled with uncomfortable silence the kind that showed what emotions the other person was feeling. Rose was feeling anxious fear seemed to be creeping around every thought and emotion she had until it took over. Hopper could feel it Rose was radiating fear, it was making Hopper scared for her. He didn’t know what to say to make her not be afraid there was a lot of reasons to be afraid and Hopper knew that but he knew this went deeper then any first day fears even if she didn’t realize it. “Are you going to be okay” Hopper found himself blurting out. Rose turned to him surprised “of course and if something happens i’ll go to the nurse and call you.” Rose gave him the best smile she could muster but Hopper saw right through it. He said nothing about it though as his car came to a stop right in front of the high school. The car stood there for a minute as Rose looked at it not making a move. Hopper heard her take a deep breath trying to calm herself down. Slowly stepping out of the car she waved good bye as Hopper drove away leaving Rose all alone at the door of the high school. 
As soon as the door to the high school opened and Rose entered she felt the eyes on her. Hawkins never got new students and when they did they were few and far in between. Rose looked around at all of the unknown faces staring at her as she passed by and the whispers that were shared between friends. Her fear seemed to be blinding her making it hard to do anything but not run back out the doors and all the way to the police station. Hopper was the thing that made her push on he was worried for her. It wasn't something he was good at hiding and she didn’t want to make him worry about another thing. She pulled her schedule out of the side pocket and tried to get away from the lingering eyes that seemed to follow her every move. Looking between each class room and their coordinating numbers she finally found her classroom and practically ran in. “Yeah a new girl and all the guys are calling her the hottest chick and the popular girls seem to agree.” News of her arrival had spread like wildfire in the fifteen minutes since she had entered the school it seemed like everyone knew she was here. The people stopped talking as she entered the room but softly giggled as they look their seats uhh it’s going to be a long day.
Lunch, the sanctuary of the school day. All that is expected of you is to eat lunch the only problem is where you eat. If you sit in the bathroom you are the lowest of the low but if you sit with the cheerleader or the popular crowd you have made it as far as high school goes. “Do you want to sit with us for lunch” some girl had been talking to her since her second class that was three classes ago. She was what people liked to call the minions they weren’t queen bee but they were just as close. To be her friend meant to be popular by association. She walked into the lunch area and looked around for the inly familiar face she knew. “Hello?” Rose turned to look at the girl who she had already forgot the name of “Hello?” She was done with this girl and just wanted to sit down and enjoy lunch. The girl beside her audibly sighed in frustration just as Rose found who she was looking for. 
 Will sat down for lunch his group of friends following close beside him. “Have you heard about the new girl” Dustin asked a huge grin on his face “i’ve heard she is hottest girl in school and that she was seen talking with Mary.” Everybody at the table frowned a bit. “I’ve heard that troy wants to go out with her.” Will hadn’t been listening to much of the conversation as he pulled out his sandwich. “Has anybody had her in their classes” Mike asked? Both Lucas and Dustin nod their head in answer. Nobody else says anything as they all pull out their lunch only a few groans in complaints to their lunches can be heard. Dustin nudges Lucas in the ribs making him look over at Dustin. He points of toward the door of the lunchroom where Rose stands looking annoyed with Mary beside her looking frustrated. Her eye’s look a bit happier as she looks at something in their direction. “Guys’s look it’s her” Lucas says getting everyone's attention. Will looks up to see Rose walking toward him a small grateful smile on her lips. Dustin and Lucas look dumb struck while they try to figure out where she’s going as she leaves Mary in the dust. Mike and El are both looking a little red as they look at her. “I think she's heading straight for our table. Why is she headed for our table” Dustin basically screams but Rose can barely hear it over all the talking since she is far away. Will shakes a head and laughs a little at their stupidity. As he stands up his friends look at him as he gives Rose a small, quick hug when she arrives at their table.
 Everybody stared at her their cheeks slightly red from blushing. “Will should I sit somewhere else or?” Will interrupts her sentence giving his friends a glare so they all look away. “No, here you can sit next to me and el.” Rose gladly accepts and she sits dropping her bag at her feet and putting her lunch box in front of her. The table is dead silent almost like nobody is breathing and Rose can’t help but think it’s her fault. “My name is Rose” she says with a shy smile hoping that will help crack the ice. Dustin was the first to speak “I’m dustin, this is  Lucas” Lucas gives her a quick wave “Mike” Mike shyly waves from the other side of El. “And this is El.” El looks at her in wonder like she had never seen another girl “pretty” she says to Rose. Rose smiles and looks at the floor embarrassed “thank you, you are very beautiful too.” El gives the same response Rose gave and looked up at Rose with a smile. The air feels a bit more alive as the go about talking like normal friends would. “Where are you from” Rose hears dustin ask? “Well um I’m from a little bit of everywhere, in the U.S of course.” Everybody smiles at this a little the thought of traveling and leaving Hawkins for more then just spring break filling their minds. “Does that mean your family moves a lot” Lucas asks unaware of the door he just opened. Beside her she feels Will tense up a bit as he knows her whole story or more of the big parts. “Not exactly.” She looked around the table filled with questioning looks as if begging her to elaborate. “I’m a foster kid and i’ve moved from foster home to foster home a lot.” Slowly the question looks turned into frowns “oh i’m sorry I didn't-.” Rose laughed a soft laugh that made them all a little less sad some how. “Of course you didn’t know, trust me it’s okay.” The whole table stayed silent for a while everyone feeling a little bad for making her talk about it. 
“Hey Rose.” Rose sighed quietly in annoyance before looking at the girl from before. “Hello.” The girl was starting to get on her nerves at first she had been grateful for the company but now it was like she thought she was the boss and that was not okay. “Why aren’t you sitting with us didn’t you hear my invitation” she says twirling a strand of blonde hair around her finger. “No I heard it I just don’t want to sit with you.” The entire table looked at Rose like she was crazy including Will. “You would rather sit with these, these nerds” she said the word with disgust “then sit with the popular kids.” Rose was done with her crap, bullying is something Rose has never been a fan of. “Okay look” Rose said standing up coming face to face with the girl “I don’t know who you think you are but you certainly aren’t my boss and you definitely don’t have the right to go around and call other people names. Now if you would just kindly go back to your table full of stuck up people like you and leave me to be with my friends that would be greatly appreciated.” The girl stood there nobody ever having the balls to stand up to her like that. She huffs before walking away her kitten heels making loud sounds every time they hit the floor. Rose takes seat while her new friends watch her in awe. She says nothing of the exchange just finishes her sandwich in complete silence. “Rose” She hears El say from beside her? Rose looks over to see El with a wide smile on her face along with Mike behind her looking away with a blush settled on his cheeks. “Yes.” El doesn’t say anything for a while as if thinking over what to say. “That was so awesome!” Rose chuckled and everyone looked even more in love with her after hearing it. “Thank you” Rose says a smile still on her face and places a hand on Will’s shoulder “you all are my new friends and you stick up for your friends. Besides, i’m sure sitting at their table is overrated and they wouldn’t be half as nice.” Everybody dropped the subject after that not sure what to say back to her after her confession. They were all happy that someone had chosen them over the popular table. “Hey guys so are we still on for a sleepover at my house” she hears Mike say from beside El? Everyone at the table nods but El since of course who would let a girl sleepover at a boys house. El looked a little sad about the whole thing but she was expertly hiding it with a smile but Rose saw right through it having had her fair share of practice. The boys never noticed though as they kept talking about what his mom would make them for dinner and she felt bad that they were unknowingly making their friend sad. “Hey El would you like to come to my house for the night while the boys have a boy’s night. El looked a bit surprised and nervous at the offer. She had gotten better around new people but something about her felt safe kinda like when she first met Mike. She trusted her already “yes I would.” Rose smiled having been nervous she would say no and El returned the smile. El had never been to a girl sleepover. I mean she had a couple with Nancy since she couldn’t sleep in the same room as the boys but it felt like this was going to be different. When she was with Nancy they kinda just slept that was it they had an occasional conversation about school or friends but they usually died out quickly. She wondered if Rose had ever had a sleepover but quickly answered her own question with she must have. “You guys don’t mind if I take her right?” The boys all shook their heads looking excited for El and for their sleepover. They had been trying to get her to make female friends for years so they (meaning mostly Mike) wouldn’t have to explain things they didn’t fully understand or things that were too awkward to explain. Rose checked her watch as her eyes widened “I have to go, class starts in seven minutes and I have to go to the office before going all the way back over here for......... AP Biology.” She grabbed her bag as started to walk away “Mike and I are in that class too” El said excitement radiating off every word. rose looked back at them “that goodness finally a class where I won’t have to sit by myself it’s a miracle” she said with a smile “wanna come with me” she offered? El and Mike agreed and grabbed their bag and walked with her to the office. 
“Uggg I am so glad school is done for the day I don’t think I can stand being in their another minute.” The boys and El agree beside her as the walk out the front doors. “Did you drive yourself” Dustin asks? Rose shakes her head “I can’t drive yet besides I can only have a permit.” They all look a bit confused as the words leave her mouth as they all remember that you get your permit at fifteen and they were not fifteen. “How old are you” Lucas asks? Rose wonders for a minute why they ask such a question before she remembers their age difference “fifteen.” “What then how are you a junior in high school?” Rose just shrugs her shoulders as an answer to their question and quickly tries to change the subject. Will recognizes the look that crosses her face as the one he saw the other night and made a mental note to ask her about this another time when they were alone. “El do you want to ride home with me, Hopper can drive by your house so you can get some stuff?” El nods and lets go of Mikes hand that nobody had realized she had been holding and walks closer to Rose. El was starting to look very nervous and it made Rose a little sad. She gave Will a look a look as if asking for help but he just shrugged not knowing how to help. she tried asking Mike for some kind of help and he seemed to get the hint. “El I will be just a quick walk away and you can call if you need me.” El felt better after hearing his words but being away from mike wasn’t the problem and Rose sensed it. “Did you know this is my first sleepover, ever?” El looked up at her shaking her head in surprise not having expected those words. “It is so whatever your nervous about trust me you don’t need to be.” El looked a lot less nervous after her words which surprised all the boys as normally only Mike could calm her down when she was nervous. Just as Dustin was about to say something the sound of Hoppers car filled their ears. He pulled up so the passenger side door was right in front of Rose. “Hey dad these are my new friends.” Hopper grumbled a bit as all the boys but Will choked on their spit at the sound of her calling him dad. “Of course you would make friends with them.” “Hopper is your father.” Hopper and Lucas both spoke at the same time as Rose looked between them in confusion but remembered this is a small town everybody knows everybody. “Yeah he is, and you can thank Will for us meeting.” He smiled at Rose “Didn’t you figure out who they all were when I told you about El staying the night?” Hopper shook his head as he hadn’t exactly thought about it.Rose just laughed the laugh that everyone around her loved. She grabbed El’s hand as a blush fell across her cheeks. “Bye El and I will see you tomorrow.” She ushered El into the car as the boys said good bye back. Hopper started to drive away as the girls waved to the disappearing figures. 
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