#urgggh i have so many things to say
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Omnibus Vol. 1 Review
01. All’s Fair
The opening story of Buffy the Vampire Slayer Omnibus Vol. 1. It was nice to hear/see Spike and Dru's dialogs, but there wasn't that much more to the story except it was another one of their adventures. I was kinda misled to believe it would be set during the Boxer Rebellion, but instead, the time of it was the Chicago World's Fair in the 1930s. It was short and not that fun, the theme of the crazy scientist with a wondrous machine was even a bit silly. I didn't much enjoy the artwork, either. Spike and Dru don't look like themselves from the show. All in all, a quick and somewhat fun read. 
02. The Origin
I loved this volume!! I have yet to watch the Buffy movie, somehow I can't make myself. So keep in mind I read this without knowing the plot and the facts from it. Buffyverse Wikia says how this comic is ''considered the canon story that replaces the events of this movie,'' so it's fair to say it gives us the whole backstory of Buffy's life prior to coming to Sunnydale. It shows Buffy already fighting vampires and eventually finding out about her Slayer destiny. We get the complete info because, on the show, they glossed over that part: how Buffy was quick in adjusting to this new life, figuring out how in order to beat more vampires at once, she should seek a priest to bless water for her to use, etc. Just as with Melaka Fray, here we see how Potentials transform into Slayers, being quick on their minds and feet. Another important part was how she tried to talk to the school's guidance counselor about vampires and the dreams she'd been having, and he didn't even listen to her but instead talked about himself. This is indicative and shows some good foreshadowing for the show. It tells us at this very beginning how no one will believe Buffy to be a sane person when she mentions these ''shadow activities'' of hers. The word crazy gets tossed around a lot, which I strongly dislike. I hate the stereotypical gender roles that Buffyverse keeps on projecting. The girls are pretty and dumbsih, the boys want sex with the pretty girls. Other than that, I really enjoyed this issue. Very much so!!
03. Viva Las Buffy
Wow, this issue was excellent!! Really fast-paced and I read it in a single breath! It's a prequel with more of Buffy's backstory, but also Angel's and Giles's, which I loved! Randomly picked thoughts: 01. The only thing I HATED about this issue is Pike. I mean, he's utterly horrible! Again, Buffyverse displays some stereotypical gender roles, and those are painfully obvious in this story. Pike is constantly whining and worrying about how Buffy will not like him and how he's a nuisance when we know as well as he does, Buffy doesn't need that kind of crap in her newfound life as a Slayer! I mean, the dude tries to kill himself in front of Buffy and actually thinks it's a good idea and a valid way to help her because he's so self-involved!!! Thank the heavens he leaves at the end, urgggh. 02. Dawn is in this comic, which I'm not sure how I feel about, and it also contradicts the show and movie (as Wikia suggests). I don't like her as a character on the show, except for when she is there for Buffy emotionally. 03. There are many scenes in this issue, as well as the next one, where we get info about the marriage between Joyce and Hank. It's difficult to read, really, knowing what we know after we've seen the show. The strain is huge, and Hank is strict, cold, and distant. 04. I loved to see how Giles became Buffy's Watcher. The use of Dark Magics is also indicative and comes full circle in the episode about his Ripper days, The Dark Age. Oh, and Wesley and Gwendolyn Post are also here! :) 05. Angel's story is quirky, so to speak. He follows Buffy to Las Vegas to watch over her (as we learned on the show from his talk from Whistler). He calls himself Angelus for some reason... Like, doesn't that only happen when he's soulless? Whatever. Then he gets into this messy situation with the casino manager regarding his vampire factory and ends up going through a temporal portal that leads him back to the manager's backstory. It was so fun when he said ''...So would someone like to tell me why I'm the only thing here in color?'' LoL, way to be meta, Angel. This is a great comic and I would recommend it to all Buffy fans!!
04. Dawn and Hoopy the Bear
Oh my everloving lord, was this bad!!! Like, why would someone write and publish this in an otherwise great series!?? I'm only giving it 3 instead of 2 stars because the artwork is amazing. But seriously! Some guy who we don't even get to meet chants and calls upon a demon* to curse a teddy bear into killing the Slayer. A teddy bear. A. TEDDY. BEAR. Without knowing who or where the Slayer is. Dawn is just as irritating as on the show, yelling ''What about ME?'' All right already... The nice thing is that the bear protects Dawn because Buffy ran away to Las Vegas, so it's a lovely touch. The parents are getting more distant, so Dawn is kinda alone. Oh, but then?? The ending? The freaking ending?! ''...He came to life and became a real bear. But he turned out to be a naughty bear...'' ''Oh, Dawny, what an imagination you have!'' AND THEN: THE END!! And we see the bear sitting in a dark alley with a beer in his hand. Sorry, paw. WHAAAAAAT??! I mean, was this supposed to be funny?? It's horribly sad and wrong and why am I even thinking about this bear and why does this idiotic story bother me so much?? Omg... * The demon at the beginning looks a lot like the Asphyx demon that gave Spike a soul at the end of s06 of the show. I asked the folks over on reddit about it, but so far haven't gotten an answer. IF ANYBODY KNOWS ANYTHING, LET ME KNOW IN THE COMMENTS :)
05. Slayer, Interrupted
Yeah, this is the best installment in the Omnibus vol.1 collection, mainly because it completes everyone's backstory prior to the show's s01, after they all arrive in Sunnydale. This volume is set around Buffy's time in the mental institution which we learned about in s06 of the show, this gives us details. Basically, Dawn being Dawn, the insufferable idiot she is, goes on and reads Buffy's diary which makes their parents decide to send Buffy to a mental hospital. She can't possibly be sane if she's writing about vampires, right?? Urghh, Dawn. Anyway, the doctors set a diagnosis of a ''severe neuroses paranoia'' and ''a Messiah complex.'' Then they go on to decide she should get medication prior to electro-shock treatment. OMG... Like, did they actually do that stuff in the 90es still?? Eventually, we find out that, of course, the asylum is laden with the supernatural. The head doctor turns out to be the Rakagore demon who sires teenage brides. Yuck, again with this gender stereotype crap. BUT! This episode does raise some interesting foreshadowing. Buffy's problem with authority and the almost complete lack of faith from adults in general. There's this scene where she describes her childhood with her father. He reads her Alice in Wonderland (of course, what else, geez) and she then felt safe. The symbolism is clear even for Buffy and she raises an excellent point of how the word 'crazy' is just awful and plain wrong. Random thoughts: 01. Giles's story of passing this super-difficult test by facing his inner demons, or rather his younger self was kinda weak. However, I was happy to see how he and Buffy have other things in common, here namely father figure issues. 02. We get this short glimpse of Sunnydale Hight with Cordelia and Willow and that makes me super happy!! I wish there was more! 03. There's a couple of scenes with Angel and Whistler that are completely unnecessary because they give us no exposition whatsoever. 04. There's this great foreshadowing at the end when Buffy visits Alice in the hospital and offers her a Doublemeat burger.
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nom-the-skel · 6 years
[vore] Box of Bunnies, chapter 4
In this chapter: no vore, just Stretch giving birth to his kits :3
Critics are raving: “That was a lot more graphic than I thought it was going to be.” - @deck-of-dragons “It’s a very good chapter.” - Fictional Made-Up Critic #1 “Meow meow.” - my cat
3.7k words - no vore, but graphic details of birth. look, magic skeleton bunny biology works however i say it does :3
[chapter 1][chapter 3][read on AO3][chapter 5]
Sans was just as glad that Papyrus was spending time helping Blueberry take care of Stretch. As much as he loved his brother and, if he was honest, hadn’t been up to taking proper care of himself for a long time after the—unpleasantness—it was a relief not to have Papyrus hovering over him in concern all the time. “it keeps you out of my hare,” he’d commented when Papyrus sought reassurance that Sans wasn’t lonely or bored when he visited the other bunnies.
Papyrus missed the pun entirely. “You don’t have any hair, Sans. But I’m glad you don’t object. It’s entirely understandable that you—”
“aaaaa,” Sans interrupted, not wanting to talk, or even think, about his potential reasons for objecting. “go on, i’m sure they need all the help they can get, i’ll see you when you get back.” He pushed Papyrus toward the door.
“Very well, Sans. I’ll be back to make dinner even if it’s a little late.”
“Hi, Blueberry. How are you feeling, Stretch?” Papyrus greeted the other bunnies as he walked in. Stretch was draped across the couch, looking miserable and swollen.
“urgggh,” he answered.
“He must be getting close,” said Blueberry. “You should feel how much they’re kicking!”
“May I?” Papyrus asked, stepping close to Stretch.
“knock yourself out,” said Stretch, letting his head loll back, eyes closed.
Papyrus placed a hand on Stretch’s belly, over his shirt. He still had on his habitual hoodie, but a looser shirt underneath it, since it would no longer close over the bulge of the kits. Sure enough, something was moving inside. Papyrus’ sockets widened at the sensation. He wondered for a moment if what Stretch was feeling was anything like what the wolf had felt with four bunnies in his belly. He decidedly did not ask Stretch if he thought so. “Nyeh!” he commented instead, ears perking up.
“they’re gonna grow up to be gymnasts,” Stretch muttered.
“Um,” said Papyrus, withdrawing his hand. There weren’t formal gymnastics competitions for bunnies, but that kind of skill was always useful for evading predators. “I hate to bring it up, but perhaps before the kits arrive, we should … decide how to handle some things.”
“like what?” Stretch groaned.
“Maybe it’s not my place to ask, but—what are you going to tell them about Sans?”
“what does he want to tell them?”
“I don’t—I haven’t asked him—”
Stretch narrowed his eyes at Papyrus, but didn’t say anything. Perhaps he understood why Papyrus had wanted to bring it up with Sans even less than he did with Stretch.
“I don’t think he wants to be involved,” Papyrus finished, letting his ears droop back.
“I’m sure he’ll want to meet them sooner or later,” Blueberry said, inserting himself into the conversation. “We can just tell them he’s another uncle! That’ll make sense, since you’re their uncle and he’s your brother!”
Papyrus cocked his skull in thought. It was true he was their uncle, but without the complete truth the link that made him their real uncle was missing. “I guess so,” he agreed anyway.
“now that’s decided,” said Stretch, not moving from his relaxed position, “when’s lunch?”
“Oh, of course! Coming right up!”
Papyrus made his way to the kitchen, long past asking permission to use it. Blueberry followed him.
“What can I do?” the smaller bunny asked.
“Chop these vegetables,” Papyrus instructed, filling Blueberry’s arms with produce.
“Okay!” Blueberry agreed brightly, dumping them in the sink to wash. Papyrus went about collecting the pots and pans he would need, when Blueberry spoke up again. “Um. Papy?”
“Are you okay with—not telling the kits about Sans?”
Papyrus frowned. “Normally I would say honesty is always best. But in this case I suppose I must respect my brother’s right to keep secret the, er, extent of his involvement. I just—it occurs to me that when they’re older, they’ll wonder how they have so many uncles, when you’re Stretch’s only actual brother.”
Blueberry laughed. “That’s easy. If you’re mated to me—or Stretch—that makes you their uncle too!”
Papyrus fumbled the bowl he was holding, but caught it before it hit the floor. “Oh! Right!”
Blueberry was grinning up at him, amused. “Or both!” he added.
Papyrus clutched the bowl to his chest to avoid dropping it again, cheekbones burning even hotter, and looked away. “I suppose! I’ll see if Stretch—is still interested—after he’s free of the influence of all these hormones.” Blueberry had never mentioned formalizing their relationship before, and Papyrus had always assumed Stretch was just taking advantage of his being present and willing to help—he couldn’t blow off that kind of steam with his own brother, after all—and would lose interest once his current difficulties had abated.
Belatedly, Papyrus found himself worried that Blueberry would feel rejected if he placed his relationship of convenience with Stretch on the same level as their more emotional bond. He cautiously looked back over at the smaller bunny; but his cheerful grin was still in place. It had been Blueberry’s suggestion, after all, that Papyrus could continue to be with both of them. He wasn’t joking, was he? Suddenly Papyrus was worried in the opposite direction: would Blueberry be offended if Papyrus’ relationship with Stretch was less emotionally intimate than their own? He must have some protective feelings toward his brother. Papyrus would be furious if someone toyed with Sans’ heart—was furious, with the wolf, for making Stretch hurt him like that. But it wasn’t as if Papyrus didn’t like Stretch. He had a certain charm that reminded him of Sans—but despite what they’d done together, they weren’t on such intimate terms that Papyrus could scold Stretch for being lazy. He still felt he had to be a bit more polite than that. Not that it mattered right now—Stretch was entitled to be lazy while he was growing kits in his belly, and Papyrus couldn’t imagine chastising him while he was recovering from birthing them and caring for the newborn kits. Perhaps they’d grow closer over time, considering Papyrus was committed to helping raise the kits as much as he could without moving in with Stretch and Blueberry—he couldn’t leave Sans alone, and it was doubtful Sans would ever want to live in close quarters with Stretch, after what happened.
Papyrus shook his head. It wasn’t like him to worry this much. Blueberry and Stretch were both admirable rabbits—in their own way—and things would work out somehow or other! Between them they could surely handle awkward questions from the kits. It wasn’t unusual for rabbits to grow up with only one parent, after all, or even to be raised by aunts, uncles, or grandparents. “Are you finished with those carrots?” he said, scooping the chopped vegetables into the bowl.
“Yes, but—actually, I wanted to ask you something.” Blueberry suddenly turned serious.
Papyrus’ soul clenched. He must have some objection after all, but was it about Papyrus being with Stretch, or the fact that they hadn’t even asked him first, or did he feel that Papyrus had taken advantage of—
“It’s about that wolf.”
“Oh!” Papyrus tried not to sound relieved, given the unpleasant nature of the topic. “What about him?”
“Do you—do you think he’s done that to many other bunnies?”
“Oh! Hmm. I can’t say I’ve heard of anyone being eaten by a wolf and then let go safely. But it did seem like he’d done it before.”
“Yeah, I’d like to ask around a little, but—with Stretch and all. It’s too bad we don’t have a Bunny Guard yet.”
“Yes, this is just the kind of thing the Bunny Guard could help with.” Papyrus nodded solemnly. He and Blueberry had been trying for months to start up an organization for bunny volunteers to help and protect their fellow bunnies in an organized manner, but they’d never found enough volunteers to get it off the ground.
“I guess people don’t like to talk about it, after an experience like that,” said Blueberry.
Papyrus nodded. “Even if they were only eaten and not—anything else—I can understand why they wouldn’t want to relive it.”
“I suppose,” Blueberry sighed. “But, uh … I think we should look into it. After things settle down with—with the kits.”
“Yes, of course!” Papyrus agreed readily. They could find out if the same thing had happened to other bunnies. And then they could—well, there wasn’t much they could do to keep bunnies away from the wolf; the bunnies would naturally be avoiding him as much as they could already. But maybe they could at least spare them some fear by letting them know that particular wolf wouldn’t actually kill them—if they would believe it.
“I, uh, have an idea,” Blueberry continued. He seemed oddly hesitant.
“Excellent! Tell me about it!” Papyrus encouraged him.
Blueberry lifted his skull. Were the kits finally going to be born? Or was it just another practice contraction? He’d convinced Stretch to sleep in his room, so Blueberry could be there if he needed him during the night without having to sleep in Stretch’s messier room, but by now he’d stopped getting his hopes up that the kits were arriving every time Stretch felt something new. “Yes, brother?”
“what if—”
Stretch was understandably worried about the upcoming birth. Blueberry had done his best to prepare, but none of the bunnies around here had much access to healers, and there was a lot that could go wrong. Blueberry just had to keep telling him it probably wouldn’t.
“what if i don’t love them?” Stretch asked.
“Oh!” That was not what Blueberry had expected him to say. “Well, we’ll manage. I’ll love them, because they’re yours—and they’re my nephews, or nieces. And I’m sure Papyrus will love them too.”
“but what if—nngh!” Stretch curled in on himself, grimacing.
Blueberry sat up. “What is it?”
“that time was worse…”
“That’s probably a real contraction then! Are they happening at regular intervals?”
“i don’t know … maybe?” Stretch reached for his hand and he grasped it.
“I should get some towels,” he said, but Stretch didn’t want to let go of his hand. Blueberry wasn’t petty enough to care if Stretch’s water broke all over his bedsheets … much. So he waited, squeezing Stretch’s hand back.
It worked out fine. After a while, Stretch had another contraction, and let go of Blueberry’s hand to shift position. “I’ll be right back!” he said, dashing off to get towels and returning as quickly as possible. He wasn’t sure what else they might need. In movies, people always boiled water, but what was it for? And he didn’t want to stay away from Stretch long enough to wait for the water to boil.
He felt sheepish as he spread out a couple layers of towels under Stretch’s legs and pelvis. Stretch was wearing a sort of loose gown to sleep in, so there was probably no need for him to undress.
Blueberry hovered anxiously. Why was he so useless in Stretch’s time of need? He should have been better prepared—he’d tried, but he could have always tried harder. But he didn’t want to let Stretch know how worried he was—that would just make Stretch worry more too.
“How are you feeling, Stretch?”
“how do you think i’m feeling?” Stretch snapped, and turned his skull away.
Blueberry ran a hand over his ears, making a decision not to hold anything Stretch said now against him. “Don’t worry. Rabbits do this all the time. We just have to let nature take its course.”
“easy for you to say.”
If that was how it was going to be, Blueberry was fine with leaving the awkward silence only interrupted by Stretch’s groans as the contractions gradually grew stronger and closer together.
“oh,” said Stretch eventually.
“What is it?” Blueberry jumped to attention.
“i guess—my water broke?”
Blueberry frowned. Was this the way it was supposed to happen? Was it okay for Stretch’s contractions to be so close together before his water broke? “Maybe I should—take a look,” he suggested.
“i don’t think there’s anything to see yet,” Stretch said, grimacing.
“All right … Tell me if anything feels wrong.”
“i don’t know how it’s supposed to feel,” Stretch pointed out.
Blueberry didn’t have an answer to that. He paced around the room until Stretch told him to cut it out. “give me your hand again,” said Stretch, and Blueberry complied, though he half suspected it was just to keep him in place so he wouldn’t start pacing again.
But maybe not, as the contractions worsened and Stretch squeezed his hand tight with each one.
“Hang in there,” said Blueberry, not knowing what to say but not wanting to stay quiet. “You’re doing amazing!”
Stretch groaned. Blueberry kept talking, encouraging him, too distracted to recall what he’d said if he was asked to later. Stretch didn’t seem to be paying much attention, his death grip on Blueberry’s hand now nearly constant.
“why can’t—it just be out by now?” he complained, gasping.
“Do you think it’s stuck?” Blueberry’s sockets widened with alarm.
“no—but—i don’t know.”
“I’m going to look.” Blueberry pried Stretch’s hand off of his own, patting it apologetically. He felt his cheekbones heat up, but this was no time for modesty. Afraid of what he would see—just in case there was trouble! Not because he was afraid to see Stretch’s intimate magic—he walked a few steps toward Stretch’s feet and lifted the edge of the gown—just in time for the first kit to slide out as Stretch clenched up a final time. “Oh! It’s born!” Blueberry announced—although Stretch could probably tell. “Wait—what’s that?” Blueberry bit back an “ew!” as a lumpy mass of orange magic slid out after the kit. He picked up the kit, making sure to support its skull, intending to wrap it in a towel and bring it to Stretch—but its translucent purple ectobody was attached to the lump of magic by some kind of— “Oh, it’s the umbilical cord!” he realized aloud. “What should I do?”
“i don’t know. get some scissors?” Stretch had sunk back in relief, but he had another kit coming. He couldn’t relax yet.
“Okay,” said Blueberry uncertainly. Maybe that was why they needed boiling water? To sterilize the scissors? He wrapped the kit in a clean towel anyway, then hesitated again. Was the cord long enough to hand the kit to Stretch to hold without also giving him the placenta? He set the kit down on the bed between Stretch’s legs. It wasn’t as if it would roll off—he thought.
Blueberry came back as quickly as he could. “I found some scissors, but I’m not sure if—” He kept his distance, hesitant, but as he spoke he saw the magic of the umbilical cord start to evaporate. Was it supposed to do that? He set the scissors aside and picked up the kit again, opening the towel blanket to check on it. The kit’s ectobody disappeared as he watched—but it didn’t seem like a bad sign, it had just been desummoned as it wasn’t needed to anchor the cord anymore. Blueberry looked at the lump of orange, hoping it might vanish too, but it stayed where it was. Oh well, he’d deal with that in a minute.
“Say hello,” he said, grinning, as he re-swaddled the kit and brought it to Stretch to give him his first look at it.
Stretch just grunted but he accepted the kit, cradling it against his chest.
“Look how tiny it is!” Blueberry couldn’t help but gush a little bit over the delicate little bunny with its little furless ears.
“it didn’t feel tiny,” Stretch said, and groaned again. “and here comes the other one.”
“Want me to hold that one?” Blueberry held his arms out for the first kit.
“yes, please.”
“Oh! Hi Sans. I didn’t expect to see you here!”
“heh. yeah.” Sans was kind of surprised himself. “i guess … i can’t stay away forever.”
“May we come in?” Papyrus asked, prompting Blueberry to realize he was blocking the doorway.
“Oh! Of course!”
Sans ambled in after Papyrus. Stretch was sitting on the couch holding one of the kits swaddled in a blanket. He stared at Sans for a moment, then looked away.
Sans thought he should either relish or pity Stretch’s continued feelings of guilt, but he couldn’t bring himself to care one way or another. “there’s two, right?” he said, looking at the kit. It had a tint of purple to its ears, closer to his own blue than Stretch’s orange. Sans couldn’t decide if he felt vindicated or resentful about that, so he just didn’t feel anything.
“right,” said Stretch, shifting to reveal that the other kit was lying on the couch next to him, where he could watch and make sure it didn’t roll off. This one’s ears were sort of pink, closer to orange than blue. Whatever.
“what’re their names?” Sans asked, ignoring the way Blueberry hovered anxiously around him until Papyrus restrained him.
“this one’s rabscuttle.” The purple one in his arms. “and that’s ulfric.”
“really?” Sans raised a brow.
“rabscuttle is a good, traditional bunny name.” Stretch finally met his eyes.
“well, you’re their—parent. you can name ‘em whatever you want.”
“if you don’t—”
“nah, it’s fine.”
“um. if i might ask. to what do we owe the pleasure…?”
“well. paps ‘n’ blueberry are going out on bunny guard business, right? i thought you might need a hand with—rabscuttle and ulfric.”
“oh. uh. yeah, i wouldn’t turn it down.” Stretch looked away again. “if—if it’s not—”
“it’s whatever,” Sans cut him off, shrugging. He wasn’t going to say it was fine, or that he’d forgiven Stretch. But he was pretty sure he could handle being in the same room with him for a few hours. “if things get tough, i’ll bail on ya, okay? fair warning.”
“okay.” Stretch almost smiled. “they just ate so they’ll probably sleep for a while. do you—wanna hold one?”
“sure. but only as an uncle, all right?” Sans walked closer.
“of course.” Stretch held out the purple-furred kit.
It was a little heavier than Sans expected, and he felt it squirming through the layers of blanket, disturbed by the transfer. He was afraid it would start crying, but it settled down again as he held it cradled in his arms. You were supposed to support the skull, right? He had its skull resting against his humerus and ribs, so he hoped he was doing okay. “is this right?” he asked Stretch, to make sure.
“is what right?”
“am i doing this right?”
“what’re you asking me for? i’ve only had them a couple weeks. i have no idea what i’m doing. blueberry’s the one that actually found a book on parenting.”
“Which you didn’t read!” Blueberry pouted.
“I’ve got half a mind to say the book is in charge while we’re gone,” said Papyrus, which got a laugh out of Stretch, even if it was a bit nervous, and at least a grin out of Sans, though his ears still didn’t stand up.
“okay, i promise that if the book gives us any orders, we’ll follow them,” Sans said.
“watch out, someone might rig up something with an echo flower to make the book talk,” said Stretch.
It was almost like old times for a moment, and then Sans spoiled the mood for himself by noticing. His grin faltered, but he pretended nothing was wrong. He didn’t want to worry Papyrus. And he didn’t intend to go out of his way to spare Stretch’s feelings, but he wasn’t going to deliberately add to everything the other bunny was dealing with either. “here,” he said, handing the kit back. “uh. what kinda thing do ya need help with?”
“Just feed them when they wake up!” Blueberry said. “I think bunnies develop faster than the monsters in the book, but they still can’t do very much yet.”
“no problem,” Sans assured him and Papyrus as they left, glancing back with concern until he shut the door behind them.
“um. actually, could you just sit and hold ulfric so i don’t have to worry about them rolling off the couch?” Stretch requested.
Ambling back to the couch, Sans managed to pick up the other kit, who squirmed even more, but settled down when Sans held them close to his chest. “ulfric, huh? named for their dad?”
“what?” said Stretch sharply.
“you know. the wolf.” Sans was kicking himself for not staying quiet, but he couldn’t take it back now.
“i guess it’s obvious, huh? blueberry thinks it’s in poor taste.”
Sans stared at him. Was he begging Sans to make a pun about ‘taste’ here? Sans wasn’t ready to extend that particular olive branch.
“but the—the wolf isn’t—” Stretch continued, protesting Sans’ earlier choice of words.
“he kinda is, though,” Sans said, looking down at the kit so he didn’t have to meet Stretch’s eyes. “he’s responsible for—them being conceived.”
“i guess.” Stretch didn’t sound convinced. “but—that doesn’t mean—i’d ever want him in their lives, or anything.”
“oh, no, of course not.” Sans touched the velvety pink ear of the kit he was holding. “i didn’t mean it like that.”
Stretch laughed a little, relieved. “i know i kinda made it worse with ‘ulfric’ but mostly i just wanna forget he even exists.”
Sans looked up at him. “stretch, you know our bros are goin’ to visit him right now, don’t ya?”
Stretch froze. “what?”
“what did they tell you they were gonna do?”
“they just said it was bunny guard business!”
Sans laughed mirthlessly. “there ain’t really a bunny guard, y’know.”
“i know but—i didn’t imagine—” Stretch started to stand up.
“hey, you’re not going after them and leaving me with both these kits,” Sans told him.
Stretch paused. “okay then, you go!”
“i already told papyrus what i think of this. but they’re determined to go.”
“what—what on earth do they think they’re gonna accomplish?”
Sans shrugged. “they’re gonna try and stop him doing that to any more bunnies.”
“they can’t—they can’t fight a wolf! they’re bunnies!”
“who said they were gonna fight him? sit down, you’re upsetting rabscuttle.”
The purple kit didn’t seem any different, but Stretch looked down at it and sank back onto the sofa. “what are they gonna—are they just gonna ask him nicely to stop?” Sans had to admit it was the kind of plan their brothers would come up with. “did they tell you what they’re gonna do?”
Sans answered with an unpleasant grin. “you don’t wanna know.”
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ynnejwu · 6 years
Beijing during Spring Festival, is it a Yay or Nay? 
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Visited Beijing some time in February, not a good time of visit as it was during Chinese New Year, so just imagine the crowd! lol!
Needless to say that the most attractive seasons to visit are also the most crowded. But regardless of the time of the year, a visitor will always be rewarded with charming scenery throughout the country.
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The name Beijing means Northern Capital, and is intended to distinguish the town from Nanjing, the Southern Capital. The city has over 3000 years old history. It’s a fascinating city with some of the most famous landmarks of the Chinese history. And would you believe that it has 7 UNESCO World Heritage Sites!?
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Though Beijing is a hustling and bustling capital city, it’s packed full of things to do and there are plenty of sites to see for a week long visit.
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Heading to China? Here’s my 10 best things to do in Beijing and top attractions that you should not miss on your visit!
1. Visit the Iconic site: The Great Wall of China
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The views were spectacular and you could see how the Wall snaked it’s way through the mountains.
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The Great Wall is the most famous site in China, and it is one of the Seven Modern Wonders of the World.
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About 21,196 km long wall surrounding Beijing. 
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A series of fortifications made of stone, brick, tamped earth, wood, and other materials, generally built along an east-to-west line across the historical northern borders of China to protect the Chinese states and empires against the raids and invasions of the various nomadic groups of the Eurasian Steppe.
Several walls were being built as early as the 7th century BC; The majority of the existing wall was built during the Ming Dynasty (14th-17th century).
Beijing is a perfect base to visit the Great Wall of China.
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There are different sections of the wall which you can visit.
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The Badaling section, the most visited site of the Great Wall. I advise you not to go there especially during Chinese New Year or any other Chinese Holiday as it is really crowded. On our visit during CNY, not a good timing though but lucky enough that we chose to visit Mutianyu, a section of the Great Wall located 70 km northeast of central Beijing.
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The Mutianyu section is connected with Jiankou in the west and Lianhuachi in the east. As one of the best-preserved parts of the Great Wall, the Mutianyu section of the Great Wall used to serve as the northern barrier defending the capital and the imperial tombs.
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The Great Wall of China is indeed an awe inspiring human achievement.
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What an extraordinary experience to have visited one of the Seven Modern Wonders of the Medieval World.
Watch the video here:
2. Wander around Tiananmen Square
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Start your Beijing sightseeing on the Tiananmen Square, as this is the center of the city.
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It is one of the largest squares in the World being 500 meters wide and 880 meters long. The square, initially built in 1651, but was enlarged four times its original size during the leadership of Chairman Mao.
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Standing in the center of Tiananmen Square, looking around, you get a real feeling of where you are. Soldiers march through, flags fly high and tourists are snapping pictures everywhere. And on the square, visitors can see the Monument to the People’s Heroes, the Great Hall of the People, the National Museum of China, and the Mausoleum of Mao Zedong.
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The Memorial Hall of Chairman Mao Zedong is located on the giant concrete square. His body is embalmed and laid out for public viewing. Entrance is free but there is a strict dress code and photos are not allowed. An eerie experience though but definitely worthwhile.
3. Explore the Forbidden City
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Just across the Tiananmen Square is the famed Forbidden City, home of the Emperor between 1420 and 1912. A UNESCO World Heritage Site today.
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Chairman Mao’s large photo greets everyone at the entrance of the Forbidden City. Here you can see beautiful, well-decorated palaces of the Emperor and his household
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The palace is a fascinating place to visit.
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It has 980 buildings and you could spend days exploring the grounds of the walled-off city admiring the colorful temples and the various deities dotted throughout the complex.
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Would you want to miss IG-worthy snaps of every corner?
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Ooops! I ain’t gonna miss any spot! lol! So let my photos do the talking :p
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Without visiting The Forbidden City, you’d definitely missed one of the most important parts of China.
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A stunning maze of temples and shrines.
 An absolute must see and a beautiful reminder of days gone by! 
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Surely you’ll be impressed by the size and grandeur of the complex. Though it is very crowded regardless of the season, it is very huge that even a day is not enough to explore. Uh-oh! Go get some comfy shoes!
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It’s a long walk through that reminds one of greatness and defeat all in one place, beautifully preserved. 
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Indeed you cannot go to Beijing and not go to the Forbidden City. 4. Be in awe at the Temple of Heaven
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It is built in one of the famous dynasties and it is truly a treasure.
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Another UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1998, and it is described as a masterpiece of landscape design and architecture.
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Be in awe of its beautifully decorated temple complex, which is indeed one of the most magnificent places to visit in Beijing.
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Truly a stunning piece of history. 
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It’s worthwhile to take a moment to read about the actual detailed history of what occurred at the sites for the history buffs as it is unlike many other sites one would study across the globe.
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Unfortunately, there is no way to avoid crowds in Beijing, so just go with the flow. You are in China and this is the part of it.
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Do not hesitate to visit this place just because it’s too crowded, mind you! The scenery and landmarks are really beautiful.
5. Ride a Trishaw and Explore the Hutongs
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If you are wondering what to do in Beijing after a day of sightseeing, check out the Hutong area, where you will be able to see how some Chinese people live in Beijing.
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The tour on a trishaw took us into the narrow alleys providing glimpses of life and reminiscent of another era. Here the locals live in small, garage like rooms, where they usually have a shower, but no toilet. Tenants of the hutongs use the public toilets on the street.
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The old houses, old streets, with not so much crowd of tourist brings a different vibe. Some people allow visitors inside their house to see and feel that ancient atmosphere. And in our case, we’re able to get in plus we we’re taught how to make dumplings! Yay!
Watch Video here:
6. Don’t miss the Summer Palace
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A vast ensemble of lakes, gardens and palaces.
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One of the best things to see in Beijing is the Summer Palace that dates back to 1153. Three-quarters of the area is covered with water. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1998, and it was declared “a masterpiece of Chinese landscape garden design.
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The natural landscape of hills and open water is combined with artificial features such as pavilions, halls, palaces, temples, and bridges to form a harmonious ensemble of outstanding aesthetic value.
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The first thing that struck me as soon as I entered the Summer Palace grounds was the massive lake that greets you at the entrance. The lake itself is huge – it’s hard to believe it was dug by hand.
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What a lovely place indeed! A masterpiece of romantic renditions of Chinese legendary history. All the gates are attractive and the lake itself provides a charming setting.
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The Summer Palace was the getaway and escape for the Emperor whenever it gets too hot in the Forbidden City during the summer. And Just like the Forbidden City, this place is massive and involves a lot of walking.
It’s hard to take solo pictures though, because there’s always a constant stream of people so be prepared to have almost all your pictures photobombed by random locals and other tourist. Any tourist site in China is always crowded, but as soon as you can get your head around the fact that any tourist site in China is going to be mind-bendingly busy, you can really appreciate the beauty of the Summer Palace.
7. Never leave Beijing without eating the Peking Duck
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The Peking Duck is the most famous specialty of Beijing, and it has been prepared since the imperial era. The dish is served with small pancakes, veggies and hoisin sauce. It is a tasty dish and a must try when you visit Beijing.
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The chef serves thinly sliced duck and crispy skin at the guests’ table. I actually don’t eat duck in Singapore or even back in my country PH, but when we visited Beijing, hmm., let’s give Peking Duck a try!
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Darn! I didn’t expect it to be that good! Seriously! There was no smell, the skin was so crunchy with its fats, Urgggh! melts in the mouth! :p
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Quanjude Roast Duck Restaurant is one of the best restaurants serving Beijing Roast Duck. It has a history of nearly 150 years, and today there are many chain restaurants of it around the city.
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Quanjude Roast Duck Restaurant, really a must eat here —> Peking Duck!
8. Qianmen Street: Get a feel of shopping in ancient architectural buildings
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Qianmen Street has history of more than 570 years.  It is composed of buildings whose styles resemble the late Qing Dynasty (1644 – 1911).
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A modern shopping in ancient architectural buildings and streets. 
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The layout is simple, there’s a main street with branches on both left and right. One side is full of small shops and the other side is food shops.
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The ideal trip here is to plan Forbidden City in the morning (about 2-3 hours), then do a photo-op across the road in Tienanmen Square, then continue walking south (keeping Forbidden City behind you) and you’ll reach Qianmen subway station. Cross the road to pass the arch and you are in Qianmen street.
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Here’s a short vid of Forbidden City down to Qianmen street:
9. Stroll around the Famous Egg Building: National Centre for Performing Arts
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Set in the middle of a lake, one enters the complex from an underground entrance, underneath the water, to emerge into the theaters. It can be regarded as the opera house of the city. It contains several concert halls and theaters within.
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It’s more than a Theater. Perhaps many tourist would have given this venue a miss. Its logical when the other bigger known places in the vicinity would have taken up all their sightseeing times. But If you are into exploring awesome architecture then you will love this place. Truly an astounding architectural wonder.
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10. Visit Olympic Park
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Beijing hosted the Summer Olympics in 2008, and it is going to host the Winter Olympics in 2022. It is the only city that will host both the Winter and the Summer Olympics in the history.
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The Olympic Park is on the outskirts of Beijing with many futuristic buildings and modern stadiums. The Beijing National Stadium was constructed for the game. It is also called as the birds nest, and it can host 91,000 people.
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Beijing is a great city that has a lot to offer to its visitors. You will surely enjoy this diverse and fun city, whether you come for cultural exposure, history, or shopping. Make sure to spend more than just a few days in the Chinese capital to be able to visit all the famous sites above to get a proper Beijing experience.
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Let me know about your Beijing trip.
Drop some love below. ❤
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Heading to China? Here’s my 10 best things to do in Beijing and top attractions that you should not miss on your visit! Beijing during Spring Festival, is it a Yay or Nay? Visited Beijing some time in February, not a good time of visit as it was during Chinese New Year, so just imagine the crowd!
0 notes
ynnejwu · 6 years
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Beijing during Spring Festival, is it a Yay or Nay? 
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Visited Beijing some time in February, not a good time of visit as it was during Chinese New Year, so just imagine the crowd! lol!
Needless to say that the most attractive seasons to visit are also the most crowded. But regardless of the time of the year, a visitor will always be rewarded with charming scenery throughout the country.
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The name Beijing means Northern Capital, and is intended to distinguish the town from Nanjing, the Southern Capital. The city has over 3000 years old history. It’s a fascinating city with some of the most famous landmarks of the Chinese history. And would you believe that it has 7 UNESCO World Heritage Sites!?
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Though Beijing is a hustling and bustling capital city, it’s packed full of things to do and there are plenty of sites to see for a week long visit.
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Heading to China? Here’s my 10 best things to do in Beijing and top attractions that you should not miss on your visit!
1. Visit the Iconic site: The Great Wall of China
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The views were spectacular and you could see how the Wall snaked it’s way through the mountains.
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The Great Wall is the most famous site in China, and it is one of the Seven Modern Wonders of the World.
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About 21,196 km long wall surrounding Beijing.
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A series of fortifications made of stone, brick, tamped earth, wood, and other materials, generally built along an east-to-west line across the historical northern borders of China to protect the Chinese states and empires against the raids and invasions of the various nomadic groups of the Eurasian Steppe.
Several walls were being built as early as the 7th century BC; The majority of the existing wall was built during the Ming Dynasty (14th-17th century).
Beijing is a perfect base to visit the Great Wall of China.
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There are different sections of the wall which you can visit.
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The Badaling section, the most visited site of the Great Wall. I advise you not to go there especially during Chinese New Year or any other Chinese Holiday as it is really crowded. On our visit during CNY, not a good timing though but lucky enough that we chose to visit Mutianyu, a section of the Great Wall located 70 km northeast of central Beijing.
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The Mutianyu section is connected with Jiankou in the west and Lianhuachi in the east. As one of the best-preserved parts of the Great Wall, the Mutianyu section of the Great Wall used to serve as the northern barrier defending the capital and the imperial tombs.
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The Great Wall of China is indeed an awe inspiring human achievement.
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What an extraordinary experience to have visited one of the Seven Modern Wonders of the Medieval World. 
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2. Wander around Tiananmen Square
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Start your Beijing sightseeing on the Tiananmen Square, as this is the center of the city.
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It is one of the largest squares in the World being 500 meters wide and 880 meters long. The square, initially built in 1651, but was enlarged four times its original size during the leadership of Chairman Mao.
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Standing in the center of Tiananmen Square, looking around, you get a real feeling of where you are. Soldiers march through, flags fly high and tourists are snapping pictures everywhere. And on the square, visitors can see the Monument to the People’s Heroes, the Great Hall of the People, the National Museum of China, and the Mausoleum of Mao Zedong.
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The Memorial Hall of Chairman Mao Zedong is located on the giant concrete square. His body is embalmed and laid out for public viewing. Entrance is free but there is a strict dress code and photos are not allowed. An eerie experience though but definitely worthwhile.
3. Explore the Forbidden City
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Just across the Tiananmen Square is the famed Forbidden City, home of the Emperor between 1420 and 1912. A UNESCO World Heritage Site today.
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Chairman Mao’s large photo greets everyone at the entrance of the Forbidden City. Here you can see beautiful, well-decorated palaces of the Emperor and his household.
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The palace is a fascinating place to visit.
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It has 980 buildings and you could spend days exploring the grounds of the walled-off city admiring the colorful temples and the various deities dotted throughout the complex.
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Would you want to miss IG-worthy snaps of every corner? 
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Ooops! I ain’t gonna miss any spot! lol! So let my photos do the talking :p
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Without visiting The Forbidden City, you’d definitely missed one of the most important parts of China.
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A stunning maze of temples and shrines.
 An absolute must see and a beautiful reminder of days gone by! 
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Surely you’ll be impressed by the size and grandeur of the complex. Though it is very crowded regardless of the season, it is very huge that even a day is not enough to explore. Uh-oh! Go get some comfy shoes!
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It’s a long walk through that reminds one of greatness and defeat all in one place, beautifully preserved. 
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Indeed you cannot go to Beijing and not go to the Forbidden City.
4. Be in awe at the Temple of Heaven
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It is built in one of the famous dynasties and it is truly a treasure.
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Another UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1998, and it is described as a masterpiece of landscape design and architecture.
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Be in awe of its beautifully decorated temple complex, which is indeed one of the most magnificent places to visit in Beijing.
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Truly a stunning piece of history. 
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It’s worthwhile to take a moment to read about the actual detailed history of what occurred at the sites for the history buffs as it is unlike many other sites one would study across the globe.
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Unfortunately, there is no way to avoid crowds in Beijing, so just go with the flow. You are in China and this is the part of it.
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Do not hesitate to visit this place just because it’s too crowded, mind you! The scenery and landmarks are really beautiful.
5. Ride a Trishaw and Explore the Hutongs
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If you are wondering what to do in Beijing after a day of sightseeing, check out the Hutong area, where you will be able to see how some Chinese people live in Beijing.
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The tour on a trishaw took us into the narrow alleys providing glimpses of life and reminiscent of another era. Here the locals live in small, garage like rooms, where they usually have a shower, but no toilet. Tenants of the hutongs use the public toilets on the street.
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The old houses, old streets, with not so much crowd of tourist brings a different vibe. Some people allow visitors inside their house to see and feel that ancient atmosphere. And in our case, we’re able to get in plus we we’re taught how to make dumplings! Yay!
Watch Video here:
6. Don’t miss the Summer Palace
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A vast ensemble of lakes, gardens and palaces.
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One of the best things to see in Beijing is the Summer Palace that dates back to 1153. Three-quarters of the area is covered with water. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1998, and it was declared “a masterpiece of Chinese landscape garden design.
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The natural landscape of hills and open water is combined with artificial features such as pavilions, halls, palaces, temples, and bridges to form a harmonious ensemble of outstanding aesthetic value.
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The first thing that struck me as soon as I entered the Summer Palace grounds was the massive lake that greets you at the entrance. The lake itself is huge – it’s hard to believe it was dug by hand.
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What a lovely place indeed! A masterpiece of romantic renditions of Chinese legendary history. All the gates are attractive and the lake itself provides a charming setting.
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The Summer Palace was the getaway and escape for the Emperor whenever it gets too hot in the Forbidden City during the summer. And Just like the Forbidden City, this place is massive and involves a lot of walking.
It’s hard to take solo pictures though, because there’s always a constant stream of people so be prepared to have almost all your pictures photobombed by random locals and other tourist. Any tourist site in China is always crowded, but as soon as you can get your head around the fact that any tourist site in China is going to be mind-bendingly busy, you can really appreciate the beauty of the Summer Palace.
7. Never leave Beijing without eating the Peking Duck
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The Peking Duck is the most famous specialty of Beijing, and it has been prepared since the imperial era. The dish is served with small pancakes, veggies and hoisin sauce. It is a tasty dish and a must try when you visit Beijing.
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The chef serves thinly sliced duck and crispy skin at the guests’ table. I actually don’t eat duck in Singapore or even back in my country PH, but when we visited Beijing, hmm., let’s give Peking Duck a try!
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Darn! I didn’t expect it to be that good! Seriously! There was no smell, the skin was so crunchy with its fats, Urgggh! melts in the mouth! :p
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Quanjude Roast Duck Restaurant is one of the best restaurants serving Beijing Roast Duck. It has a history of nearly 150 years, and today there are many chain restaurants of it around the city.
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Quanjude Roast Duck Restaurant, really a must eat here —> Peking Duck!
8. Qianmen Street – Get a feel of shopping in ancient architectural buildings
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Qianmen Street has history of more than 570 years.  It is composed of buildings whose styles resemble the late Qing Dynasty (1644 – 1911).
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A modern shopping in ancient architectural buildings and streets. 
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The layout is simple, there’s a main street with branches on both left and right. One side is full of small shops and the other side is food shops.
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The ideal trip here is to plan Forbidden City in the morning (about 2-3 hours), then do a photo-op across the road in Tienanmen Square, then continue walking south (keeping Forbidden City behind you) and you’ll reach Qianmen subway station. Cross the road to pass the arch and you are in Qianmen street.
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Here’s a short vid of Forbidden City down to Qianmen street: 
9. Stroll around the Famous Egg Building in China: National Centre for Performing Arts
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Set in the middle of a lake, one enters the complex from an underground entrance, underneath the water, to emerge into the theaters. It can be regarded as the opera house of the city. It contains several concert halls and theaters within.
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It’s more than a Theater. Perhaps many tourist would have given this venue a miss. Its logical when the other bigger known places in the vicinity would have taken up all their sightseeing times. But If you are into exploring awesome architecture then you will love this place. Truly an astounding architectural wonder.
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10. Visit Olympic Park
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Beijing hosted the Summer Olympics in 2008, and it is going to host the Winter Olympics in 2022. It is the only city that will host both the Winter and the Summer Olympics in the history.
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The Olympic Park is on the outskirts of Beijing with many futuristic buildings and modern stadiums. The Beijing National Stadium was constructed for the game. It is also called as the birds nest, and it can host 91,000 people.
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Beijing is a great city that has a lot to offer to its visitors. You will surely enjoy this diverse and fun city, whether you come for cultural exposure, history, or shopping. Make sure to spend more than just a few days in the Chinese capital to be able to visit all the famous sites above to get a proper Beijing experience.
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Let me know about your Beijing trip.
Drop some love below. ❤
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  Heading to China? Here's my 10 best things to do in Beijing and top attractions that you should not miss on your visit! Beijing during Spring Festival, is it a Yay or Nay? Visited Beijing some time in February, not a good time of visit as it was during Chinese New Year, so just imagine the crowd!
0 notes