#v: everyone hides behind a mask (voldemort & isabelle)
qceensofkings-a · 3 years
Do you really admire The Dark Lord, for we all know you don't love? Or is this just like your late husband? (Yes everyone know you killed him.)
"Who said I was in love with the Dark Lord? Or that I had any intentions of getting him to marry me?" An eyebrow raises as she tilts her head curiously, "It's funny how unbelievable it is to people that two individuals of the opposite sex are capable of sharing common interests and nothing more or untoward of each other."
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"I do admit, a marriage to someone capable of the power and strength he has... It would be most beneficial. Though if I were to marry him, I would not be foolish enough to snuff him out. He's far more useful alive than dead."
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