#vacuum gun was so cool did you know it was a reference to billy hatcher and the giant egg
ilaiyayaya · 5 months
I HATE CARS I FUCKING HATE CARS not the movie i like the movie :3
Whoever invented society's reliance on personal vehicles I sincerely wish a very die. I've been stuck at my house for the last 3 days because there's like idk, at least 1 mm of snow proabably, and my car SUCKS and it can't move and I have no way of leaving my house without my car because public transportation is just like the tooth fairy and the queen of england and it doesn't exist and I live in the middle of fucking nowhere where everything is too far away to walk to.
I woke up this morning like an hour ago feeling relatively alright (alright enough to be enraged enough to write this) after the 3 most apathetic days I've had in the entire last fucking year all because I'm stuck in my house (which at the very least were a really big sign that I really need to hurry and find a place to rent as soon as possible so like, good motivator I guess). THE WORST PART IS I'M PROBABLY GONNA BE STUCK HERE FOR AT LEAST LIKE 2 MORE DAYS BECAUSE THE SNOW STILL HASN'T MELTED AT ALL AND MY CAR STILL GETS STUCK AFTER MOVING 2 INCHES AAAAAAAAAAA. Nonono there's no way I've developed a trauma response to isolation after 3 years of being stuck in isolation no no never that would be ridiculous this is normal, normal people start panicking after being snowed in for 1 day this is just how the human brain works normally. i'm normaul.
Also the movie Cars is like pretty good, I haven't watched it in like 10 years but it was like one of my favorite Pixar movies as a kid so like, I guess it gets a pass. Mr Inventor of Cars (The Movie) I'll spare you when I go through my anti-car supervillain arc.
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OK made a major mistake when initially postign this, I forgot to add the iconic Plok in a car that I've had screenshotted for 2 days for some reasons, sorry folks, literally thanked you all for comign and forgot to include my main point, big mistake on my part, here you go my liege.
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