#vampire! bojan storyline
anxious-witch · 9 months
This started out as a drabble for @signoraviolettavalery and @touchyourblood  ‘s vampire au where bojan gets kidnapped and then it turned into...this monstrosity. I hope you like it none the less, despite the heavy subject.This is also barely edited so I apologize but I really couldn’t look at my own writing anymore lmao
TW for blood, explicit torture and just general Bojan not having a good time
He was walking back to the hotel from one of the parties, when the man stopped him and asked for the picture. Bojan was tired, but it was just one picture. The rest of the street was dark and empty. It would just take a minute.
 Except when he turned to smile towards the camera he felt something sharp stab into his neck. He hissed, pulling back, but it too late. Whatever the stranger injected him with was already in his bloodstream.
 "What was that? Who are you?!"
 The stranger smiled and Bojan had a very, very bad feeling all of a sudden.
 "Someone who knows your secret."
 He should have killed him right then and there. Ran back to his hotel as fast as he could. But he didn't. He hesitated. That was a mistake.
 By the time he sprung to his attacker, his legs felt wobbly. Unsure, for the first time since he was turned. The stranger easily dodged him and hit him on the back of his head.
 It was a shock more than anything else. He didn't stumble, didn't fall. The only times his strength was slightly off was when he was starving and even then, not like this. His body never betrayed him like this.
 That was the deal. Cursed, never ending existence but he got to be strong and fast forever. He-
 Everything was spinning. The stranger smashed his head on the ground and then Bojan knew nothing more.
 He woke up slowly, in stages. Like his brain tried to protect him from what was waiting for him on the other side.
 The first thing he became aware of was the sound. A slow, even sound of drip, drip, drip. Soon after the sound came the smell. The smell of blood.
 Bojan's throat flared up in familiar pain, but just as it did so, he noticed other aches as well. His wrists burned. There were chains around his wrists and ankles. Why-
 He opened his eyes, immediately scanning his surroundings. His completely unfamiliar surroundings. It looked like he was in some sort of basement. He was chained to a metal pole. With silver chains no less. Fuck. There was no way he was getting out of that.
 Drip, drip, drip.
 Bojan looked up. There was a blood bag hanging from the ceiling. With a small, barely noticeable hole in it, from which the blood dripped.
 "Ah, you are awake, finally. I was starting to fear I killed you with that dose."
 His head snapped towards the voice. A man, seemingly not much older than Bojan was, slowly approached him. The memories came flooding back.
 This time, he paid more attention to the guy. Noticed his tattoos of sygils.
 "You are a hunter."
 The hunter clapped his hands in a slow, mocking manner.
 "And you are a vampire. A slow one, granted but a monster is a monster."
 Bojan exhaled shakily. Not good. Not good at all, fuck. He was so careless. How much time did it pass? The room he was in had no windows, no way for him to judge how much time it passed.
 "Why not just kill me then?"
 You fucking idiot, his internal voice roared, sounding awfully a lot like Jan. He was supposed to be stalling, not reminding his captor he could kill him.
 The hunter didn't seem phased though. He simply watched him, in an almost predatory way.
 "It's so rare to catch one of you without killing you instantly, or in self defense. The books about vampire exist, or course, so we'd know how to kill you. But they are old. They need updating. And I do wonder...how much you can take."
 Bojan swallowed. An awful, cold feeling gripped his heart. The hunter wouldn't be satisfied by simply killing him, no. He wanted him to suffer.
 "But I-I did nothing wrong! I never even killed anyone! You have to believe me, I was careful-"
 "A monster is still a monster. Even if you didn't slip yet, you will one day. And if it makes you feel any better, the research that I do will help save many, many lives."
 Bojan snarled at him. He tugged on the restraints, hissing as the silver dug deeper into, burning him. His wounds immediately healed, but it still hurt.
 "So what, everyone should do whatever they want to other people because they could turn out to be bad?"
 The hunter's lips spread into a smile slowly.
 "Oh, but you are not a person, are you? Just a vampire."
 His mouth clicked shut at that. Could he be right? Was Bojan truly a monster, destined to hurt people?
 "That's what I thought."
 He stalked over to the side, where a big metal table stood. On it was a bag and when he opened it, Bojan could see what was inside.
 Knives, guns, syringes, and God knew what else. Bojan swallowed. He could survive most things that weren't a direct stake through the heart, but it would not be pleasant.
 Another thought crossed his mind. For how long could he survive it?
 His captor turned and before Bojan could blink, shot at him. The bullet hit his shoulder and he screamed in pain.
It hurt and burned and he could feel his body rejecting it. Pushing the bullet out. And every single second was excruciating.
 The bullet fell to the ground with a dull clank and his skin slowly repaired itself. The only evidences of the wound a bit of blood tickling down his shoulder and a bloody bullet on the ground.
 Then he grabbed a knife and slowly approached him again. This time, Bojan bared his teeth and pulled on the restraints again, ignoring the silver burning his skin. If he came any closer, he'd tear out his throat.
 But the hunter wasn't stupid. He went behind his back, where Bojan couldn't even see him properly, let alone bite him. All he could do was listen to his heartbeat to gauge where he was. Which was a bad idea, because it reminded him of how thirsty he was.
 It wasn't too bad yet-he few two days ago. He could go about a week without feeding. Had gone longer in the first days after turning. But he did go through Jan's books on vampire hunting. And he knew those rules wouldn't apply if he was injured. The more hurt he was, the more blood he needed to repair the damage.
 A knife pierced through the back of his shoulder and exited underneath his collarbone. The tip of it dripping blood. He screamed again, louder.
 The knife was silver, which meant it burned. His scream turned into whimper as he tried to pull back from painful sensation. His body tried to heal, but couldn't. Not without the knife being pulled back.
 "Hmmm. So you can't heal while the object is still in your body. I wonder..."
 He twisted the knife, pulling another scream from him. Burning, stabbing sensation was almost unbearable. Then the hunter pulled the knife out.
 His body stitched the bound back together, but slightly slower. It was a barely there difference, but it was there. He tried not to panic.
 "Why?! Why are you doing this? Why me?"
 His captor chuckled.
"I told you. You are just a test subject. This is nothing personal."
 That made his even angrier. How could it not be personal??
 "How can this not be-"
 A knife sliced over his throat. Bojan choked, blood pouring over the wound. The skin began healing almost immediately, but the cut was deep enough that he choked on blood for a good few second.
 More than that, it was terrifying. That should have killed him. That would have killed him, if he were human.
 But he wasn't human. This proved it, if nothing else did.
 "I suppose nothing short from stabbing through the heart can do it then. Perhaps decapitation. But we shall leave that for later."
 Breathe, he reminded himself, trying to not let the raising panic overwhelm him. He had to think of something else. Anything else.
 His friends. They didn't consider him a monster. They were surely worried. Jan would find him. Kris was also unmatched when it came to finding out things. They'd do their best to save him.
 The knife cut along his back, leaving long straight line of blood behind it. Like a brand. Bojan hissed, this time managing to not scream. He panted, trying to catch his breath. To brace himself for more pain.
 Yet, no matter how much he braced himself, the pain kept getting worse. It seemed that the hunter did it almost lazily, too. Cutting and stabbing into his skin to test his reaction.
 "Is it to fucking test it out, or are you just sick in the head? Maybe you are a true monster here."
 He stabbed him in the stomach for that, twisting the knife and leaving it buried in him.
 "You fucking-shit!"
 He panted, the pain burning and burning and not stopping. He couldn't heal without the knife being taken out.
 His captor watched him calmly.
 "You are not very smart, are you? Provoking me despite me deciding when I will let you die."
 He took the gun from the holster and shot him in the leg. This time, Bojan couldn't hold his scream back.
 It took considerably longer for his body to spit out the bullet this time. All the while the knife stayed poking out of his stomach and burning.
 Once the bullet wound healed the hunter hummed and pulled out the knife. Bojan could hear his own fast, harsh breathing. 
 The hunter rose and went to his bag once again. This time, he came back with an syringe. Bojan froze.
 "What is that?"
 "Oh, just a little something. I always wondered if your kind is immune to poison."
 That was when Bojan truly began trashing in his bonds. Panic fully gripped him now. He didn't know if he could survive a poison either. He didn't want to find out.
 It didn't seem he had a choice. His struggling was futile, silver shackles unmoving. The hunter stuck the syringe in his arm and pushed the contents in.
 "What was that? What did you just put in me?!"
 His voice was panicked, but he didn't care. He was terrified.
 "Just a bit of cyanide. A normal dose would kill a human. But you are not human."
 A headache slowly started to form and Bojan felt tears running down his cheeks. He didn't want to die. Especially not like this. With the person that wished harm on him, with no way to see any of the people he loved.
 He started struggling to breathe. He wanted to claw at his throat, but he couldn't reach it, uselessly tugging on the chains.
 There was nausea too. Like he'd throw up. He heaved, but couldn't throw up. He felt his stomach spasm. His body spasm uncontrollably.
 He bit his lip so hard he tasted blood. And salt. Salt from the tears. His vision swam and all he could think of was I am going to die.
 Bojan fell backwards, leaning all his weight against the pole. He couldn't breathe. He closed his eyes, trying to recall a good memory. To not let himself die scared and thinking of his captor.
 Jan and Nace's goofing off on the stage, bopping their heads to the rhythm of the song. Kris' pinched face when he is trying to think very hard of a solution, and then his blinding smile once he does. Jure's carefree laugh ans the way he stretched like a cat after waking up.
 Unexpectedly, a memory of his judo practice resurfaced. First you need to learn how to take the pain of a fall. You cannot fight or do anything else without knowing how to fall.
So Bojan relaxed his body. Despite struggling to breathe and feeling dizzy he relaxed. And he fell, everything going black.
 This time, he woke up all at once. Like someone sent a shock through his body to wake him up. Every inch of him hurt. His lungs, his throat, his eyes.
 "Oh, you survived that. Good. I suppose I can stop here. Wouldn't want to kill you on the first day."
 All Bojan can do is give a weak groan. His head is pounding and his body hurt and God, he was thirsty.
 Drip, drip, drip.
 He helplessly looked at the blood bag dripping from the ceiling. Just out of reach. That blood could help repair him.
 The hunter laughed.
"If you can drink that blood, I'll let you go."
 Bojan looked at him in shock. He'd...let him go? The hunter smiled mockingly before exiting the room. He heard a lock turn.
 Then he was alone. Bojan tried to drag his body forward to where the blood was dripping. But it was just outside the length of chains. Taunting him.
 Drip, drip, drip.
 He closed his eyes, willing himself not to cry. His body felt weak. Not in a usual sense of not feeding, but genuinely weak. Like when he was sick while he was still human.
 The silver chains burned into his wrists as he kept trying to reach the blood. In the end, he simply collapse back against the pole. All he could do was close his eyes and hope this was all a bad dream.
 It wasn't. When he awoke several hours later, it was once again to his aching body. And his captor unlocking the door.
 When he picked up the bag from the table again, Bojan's brain began separating itself from his body. It was an odd sensation. He was awake and part of him was aware he was feeling pain, but felt separated from it. Sometimes, when it got really bad, he was kicked back into his body, feeling all the pain all at once.
 He usually passed out soon after that. Especially with poisons. God, there were so many poisons.
 The problem was he kept getting weaker. And thirstier. And the blood kept dripping from that damn bag. Tempting him. Driving him mad.
 The hunter's blood practically sang to him. And Bojan had no strength to resist, hissing and attempting to bite every time he got close.
 "Do you see? You are weak. You'd hurt someone. I am doing everyone a favor."
 Bojan had no answer to that. Words were swimming in front of his eyes and he couldn't find his voice, his throat too dry.
 The torture continued. It was like a never ending pain and soon all Bojan could think about was, I hope I die soon. He felt like he begged his captor to kill him, but he couldn't be sure.
 Time stretched in ways he couldn't understand. Did he pass out because the hunter left, or because of the effects of the poison? How many days had it been since he was here? How long since he fed?
 Forgive me, he thought every time his friends crossed his mind, I have no strength to fight anymore.
 It was when he truly lost all hope and fight that something changed. The hunter went to his tool, but Bojan's ears picked on another sound, from further away.
 Like someone was picking a lock. And then footsteps. He wondered if he was hallucinating. It would not be beyond realm of possibility.
 But the footsteps got closer and Bojan let himself hope. If it was one of his friends though, Bojan should drag the hunter away from the gun.
 So, despite his aching throat and barely coherent thoughts he made himself yell.
 "Hey, asshole! Are you getting lazy with that stabbing? I am starting to think you got squeamish so you can only use guns and poisons now!"
 His captor grabbed the knife and stalked towards him. Bojan braced himself for the pain. It didn't come though, as the doors burst open.
 Jan. His hair tied back, and an expression of such fury. Bojan didn't think he ever saw him that angry. The other guy barely had the time to blink before Jan was on him, twisting his wrist so he'd drop the knife.
 They traded punches and all Bojan could do was watch helplessly. His vision began to swim again, his moment of clarity long forgotten.
 He heard the hunter cursing as Jan clocked him in the jaw and the grabbed his head. There was a sound of snapping and the man fell to the floor like a broken doll.
 Bojan watched his lifeless body and felt nothing. No satisfaction. No relief. It was just a lifeless body. And Bojan realize he felt nothing at all. Not even the pain.
 "Bojan. Fuck-where the fuck are those keys?"
 Jan's hands were shaking. That was the first thing he noticed. Even as he grasped the keys and went to unlocked the cuffs of the chains, Bojan couldn't stop staring at his shaking hands.
 To unlock him, he had to get close. Too close. Bojan could smell his scent. It was familiar and comforting. But it was also a smell of blood.
 Bojan was clenching his jaw so hard it felt like his teeth were grinding together into dust. Don't bite him, don't bite him, don't-
Then, Bojan was free off his shackles and Jan was gently pulling his away. Touching him.
 He blacked out for only a moment. It was enough for him to tackle Jan to the ground and have his teeth only centimeters away from his throat.
 "Don't. Bojan, listen to me. You can hold back-just until we get home, okay? I'll let you feed, but I need to get you out of here first."
 He didn't understand how close Bojan was to breaking. If he bit him now, he wouldn't just feed. He'd take and take and take until he sucked him dry of all blood.
 The blood bag.
 Bojan sprung up and grabbed it. He bit through the plastic bag, not caring for how savage, how monstrous he looked. He drank and drank until there was nothing left. It wasn't nearly enough, but it made his vision stop swimming. He felt slightly more grounded.
 Slightly less like he'd attack his best friend.
 After days of being stuck in one position though, he couldn't stand for long. He crumpled to his knees. Jan watched him tentatively.
 "I'll need to carry you out. And then I am going to blow this place up."
 Bojan closed his eyes.
"I don't think I can walk."
 God, his voice sounded awful. Like he didn't talk in . Or like he had been screaming for days. Which he had been.
 Jan leaned down and before Bojan could protest, picked him up. Full on bridal style, like he was some princess in need of a saving. Putting Bojan's face way too close to his neck in this situation.
 The way his smell taunted Bojan. He clung to the last bit of his sanity to push back against the thirst. This was his friend, who just saved his life. He wasn't going to hurt him. He wasn't going to prove that hunter right.
 He was so tired, though. Jan was warm and safe. Bojan knew he wouldn't let anything happen to him. Before he knew it, his eyes closed and the darkness engulfed him.
 He slept soundly for the first time in days.
 Bojan woke up slowly once again. The first thing he became aware of was that he was comfortable. And warm. That he felt safe.
 He opened his eyes, taking in the familiar ceiling of his apartment. There were quiet voices further away. More importantly, Bojan could recognize their familiar scents.
 Jan, Kris, Jure and Nace. Bojan could hear their heartbeats.
 Which was when he remembered he was thirsty.
 He sat up. Quicker than a human would, or could even. One moment he was lying down ajd in the other he was sitting upright.
 "Guys, he is awake!" Jure said, immediately raising from his chair and taking a step towards him.
 Bad idea. Very, very bad idea. They were all so human. So easily breakable. And Bojan was so thirsty.
 "Don't come any closer."
 His voice still sounded odd. All raspy and threatening. It didn't sound like him at all. It did stop Jure in his tracks, though.
 "I need to feed. You-I need to leave. Now."
 Jan grit his teeth, glaring at him. But Bojan wasn't in the food for his moods. He was holding on for dear life not to attack them.
 "Absolutely not. We can let you feed-"
 "Jan. I am going to kill you if I try to feed. You need to leave, or you have to restrain me. I-I can't control it. Not after...that."
 That caused him to fall silent. Nace and Kris had a wordless conversation Bojan didn't have the strength to try and decipher.
 "Kris, you do still have those chains with soft lining on the inside? In case we needed to restrain him? It won't hurt him, but it'll hold."
 Kris nodded and quickly went to get it with Nace. Jure hovered, still at a distance. Bojan almost felt his urge to come closer and comfort him.
 Jan's mouth was twisted in a frown. He was clearly unhappy with the situation. Bojan wasn't looking forward to being put in chains so soon either, but he preferred it over killing on of his friends.
 "Your wrists didn't heal."
 Bojan gave him a tired smile.
"I think after several days of stabbing and poison, there were more important things to heal."
 That made Jan's frown deepen and Jure's face turn white as a sheet.
 Bojan sighed. Kris and Nace returned with the shackles. All that was left to do was for them to get close enough to restrain him. He was not looking forward to that.
 They set it up by tying him to a steel chair. Jan offered his wrist first and Bojan was relieved. He'd fight him if needed.
 Then he bit through the skin and he couldn't think at all. There was only an overwhelming need to feed. He physically felt his body recovering as he drank. Pain lessening with every gulp.
 Then suddenly, the wrist was pulled away. Bojan hissed, trashing and trying to reach for the missing wrist. Reeling from the sudden disappearance. He was still so thirsty.
 He smelled Nace then, who offered his wrist too. Bojan sunk his teeth in it immediately, without thinking.
 It continued like that, until all of them took a turn. Then Jan and Nace offered their other wrist.
 At that point, Bojan felt more coherent. Coherent enough to turn his head away and try to refuse it. To realize he was hurting them.
 "That's enough. I can...work with this."
 It was true. He felt much better. The pain disappeared, and he finally felt warm again. He could rule over his instinct to feed too, which was a good sign.
 "You should drink a bit more," Jan said, gently tangling his fingers in Bojan's hair.
 Bojan leaned into the comforting touch. He could also appreciate the familiar scent without thinking about killing him.
 "Later. I don't want to take too much."
 Jan moved away to let Kris gently unlock the shackles. When Bojan looked down, the bruises on his wrists healed. It was all he was able to see before Jure tackled him in a hug, nearly making them both crash backwards along with the chair.
 "Jurček, I'm okay. Hey."
 Bojan realized with horror that Jure was crying. He pulled him closer, stroking his hair. The rest stared at him with equally worried expressions.
 "Guys, I'm okay. Really. I am back home now, aren't I?"
 Even Kris, who Bojan least expected to be emotional, looked close to tears. He swallowed and turned his head, as if to discreetly wipe away his tear.
 It felt like a punch to the gut, knowing how worried they had been. But all he could do was be there and recover. Show them it won't happen again. And be much, much more careful in the future.
 It was Nace who gently nudged Jure to get up.
 "How about we get Bojan back to bed, huh? He probably needs more rest."
 "Or we can all watch a movie," Bojan suggested hesitantly.
 He didn't want to go back to sleep yet, afraid of what he might dream now that he wasn't completely exhausted. Jan gave him a suspicious glance, as if he could read his mind.
 It was Kris however, who answered.
 "As long as you don't pick some stupid comedy-"
 "That's it, we are watching Lizzie Mcguire movie!"
 Kris groaned, but Bojan could see a relief in his eyes. The banter was familiar. And it would do them all good to see him alive and well next to them. Just until they calmed down.
 So they all settled on the couch, with Bojan in the middle, the four of them cuddled around him. Jan stroked his hair again, and Bojan let himself relax. He could drift off now, finally safe and surrounded by friends.
 That would be enough for now.
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theraggedygirl11 · 2 months
Sospeso tra finzione e realtà
SUMMARY: Bojan was turned into a vampire some years before. The band met the famous photographer Damon Baker while in London and now it's time for Bojan's photoshoot, but something unpleasant happens.
PAIRING: Bojan Cvjetićanin/Kris Guštin/Damon Baker (+kind of implied poly!jo)
WARNINGS: anxiety/panic attack, blood, sex (not too explicit), angst and more angst, hurt/comfort, death/homicide mentioned, slight torture
NOTES: This comes from a collective work that's going on since last July or August, I don't remember. The AUs spawned on their own, we have too many and you'll find everything under the tag #vampire!bojan and #vampire!bojan storyline. So, I'd like to thank @signoraviolettavalery who supported my nocturnal brainrot in this post here, and also @touchyourblood and @nyx-aira who added a general background in this other post.
The title comes from this Italian song, feel free to go and listen to it. Here you can read the translation into English.
This is not beta-read, we die like men here! I just took what @signoraviolettavalery and I wrote, put it together and wrote something more around it
I just hope I added every tw in the tags, if something's missing, feel free to tell me and I'll add them!
* * *
“Bojan, are you sure you want to do this?” Kris asks while looking at the vampire. “You know you’ll be all alone with Damon, right? And that you’ll end up showing your vulnerable side?” 
“Yes, Krisko. I’m fine, and I’ll be fine,” he reassures him before pecking his lips. “I fed on Jure this morning, I’m relaxed, I feel good, London is showing its sunny side and I’m ready to conquer the world!” He even giggles. He’s truly in a good mood and full of energy. 
“Call any of us if anything happens, ok?” Kris looks at him, still worried. 
“Yeah, sure, don’t worry,” Bojan winks at him, then quickly kisses the others before leaving their apartment to go and meet Damon at his house. 
Damon and he already discussed about his photoshoot, so Bojan knows what he’s about to face. He’s truly relaxed, he didn’t lie to Kris. That part of his life is over, behind his back forever. 
As soon as he arrives at Damon’s, he changes his clothes to the ones they chose for his photoshoot: tight leather trousers, a leather belt with a broken heart on it, an oversized shirt and an untied bowtie around his neck. Oh, he loves this outfit, it’s sexy and makes him look so much masculine, but at the same time he starts feeling uncomfortable, uneasiness crawling up his spine. The Bojan he sees in the mirror isn’t the Bojan he wants to show to the world. He notices a shade of red in his eyes and immediately changes them back to brown. 
“Are you ready, honey?” Damon asks while getting closer to Bojan. “Oh, you look amazing, sweety. I could ride this cowboy any time! Or you could ride me,” he winks. 
Bojan giggles. He’s now used to Damon flirting with him. He likes it. “We can go, I’m ready.” 
The photoshoot starts. The poses that Bojan decides to do exhale aggressiveness and masculinity, and the more the photoshoot goes on, the more aggressive they become. He doesn’t want to, but his instincts tell him to do so, to assert his dominance over the person who’s taking pictures and the ones that will see them. He’s unconsciously showing the predator inside him that is violently ramping against the weak human surface, it wants to come out because it feels in danger. And what does an animal in a dangerous situation? It shows aggressiveness and attacks. 
The moment Damon gets closer with his camera, something snaps inside Bojan. His entire body is petrified. His mind shows him a memory he thought he had locked up in the deepest corner of his mind. He’s again in front of her, she’s taking pictures of him right after she fed on him. He’s covered in blood, he’s crying and begging her because he’s feeling dizzy, he just wants her to lick the bitemarks to close them or he will bleed off.  
But she keeps taking those pictures, she grins showing her fangs and her lips still stained with blood of the most vibrant shade of red. She’s in full control and the only thing he can do is stay there and hoping she will make him stop bleeding. Tears run down his face. He’s so scared, so powerless and hopeless. He wants that all that ends as soon as possible. 
In the present Bojan’s eyes got red. He didn’t even notice, at least until Damon brings him back from the spiral he was falling into. 
“W-What are-” 
He can’t even finish the sentence. Bojan snaps back into reality and in a blink of an eye he attacks the photographer in front of him, pinning him down on the ground. The camera slides on the floor while he grabs the human’s wrists with his hands and blocks them above his head. He growls, showing his fangs in an intimidating way. Bojan’s on top of the photographer, his instincts full in control of his actions, he can’t even recognize Damon. 
“B-Bojan...?” Damon whimpers, terrified. 
The fog that invaded Bojan's mind and finally fades away and he can restraint his vampiric instincts. He stands up faster than a normal human would. He’s afraid of what he just did, he feels so ashamed for having lost his control. 
“I-I’m sorry. I-I didn’t mean to-” 
He just runs away, out of the window. He doesn’t care if someone sees him, he just needs to go away, far, far away from Damon. He looks like a scared prey chased by an unknown predator. While he tries to remember where to go to reunite with his bandmates, he looks around, overwhelmed by sounds and smells and colours and lights. 
He’s panting, he’s panicking, his mind is barely functioning at this point, he’s letting his impulses rule over his actions. He doesn’t even know how, but he manages to go back to the apartment, jumping from one roof to the other. 
Bojan enters the room where Nace and Kris sleep through the window. He immediately searches for Kris’s colourful sweater in his suitcase. He needs some familiar scent around him to calm himself down. His heart is beating fast in his chest, his eyes are still red. He’s still wearing the clothes he was using in the photoshoot. 
When he finds the sweater, he puts it immediately on and lets Kris’s smell surround him. He takes deep breaths and closes his eyes. He tries to block everything else out. He sits on the ground, right next to the bed. His knees are against his chest and his arms embrace them. He’s trying so hard to look smaller. 
You are safe, Bojan. You are safe. Damon is alive, you didn’t kill him. You are safe. He keeps repeating these sentences in his mind, trying to regain control over his body, now dominated by fear and panic. He is shaking too. 
After some minutes someone enters. He’s too focused on Kris’s scent to identify who that person is. 
“Bojan?” This voice is worried.  
Soon after a hand is laying on his shoulder. Bojan winces and raises his head suddenly. It’s Nace. 
“What happened?” 
Bojan doesn’t answer, he just hugs Nace and hides his face against his chest.  
“I-I couldn’t do it. I-I showed myself. He knows-” 
“Hush, hush,” Nace gently caresses his hair after hugging him back. “It’s ok,” he whispers. “Breathe. You are safe here, no one’s going to hurt you here.” 
It takes Bojan at least fifteen minutes to calm down. He slipped, he thought he could be strong enough to face that photoshoot, but something clearly snapped in him and made him reveal himself. And he’s so ashamed of it. 
“Let’s go to the others,” Nace suggests when he sees that Bojan is a little bit more relaxed. His eyes are now brown and he stopped shaking. 
They go down the stairs together, holding hands. He can hear the others talking in that small living room, but their voices stop when they see Nace with Bojan, with Kris’s sweater and not his own clothes on. They know that something’s wrong. And Bojan confirms their suspects. 
“He knows.” 
Two simple words, but they all understand.  
“Oh, Bojč,” Kris sighs, then stands up and hugs the vampire. 
“I-I thought I was over her, b-but-” 
“It doesn’t matter,” Kris replies, interrupting him. “We’ll talk to Damon and we’ll find a solution. But now you are more important. Come here and sit with us.” 
That evening the band take care of Bojan. They cuddle with him, they prepare his favourite human food, they make him feel comfortable, safe and loved. And in the end he falls asleep on Jure’s shoulder, exhausted by the intense emotions he felt that day. 
Nace takes him in his and Kris’s room so they can sleep with him in the middle. It is a “standard procedure” when Bojan happens to have a bad day. Having familiar scents around him helps him to relax and feel safe. 
The next day Kris wakes up before anyone else because he needs to drink some water. He goes downstairs, but his attention is caught by his phone buzzing. He takes it. It’s a message from Damon. 
Damon: Hey Kris. Yesterday happened something uncomfortable during Bojan’s photoshoot. I’m really sorry. 
Damon is still online and is trying to write something else, but he keeps stopping. Kris decides to reply. 
Kris: We know he’s a vampire. He told us what happened yesterday. 
Damon: I guessed you should know, you are so intimate with one another 
Damon: Is he ok? 
Kris: More or less, he managed to sleep at least 
Damon: Do you think Bojan would like to meet me again? 
Damon: I just want to talk with him 
A couple of days later, a bit reluctantly, Bojan is again at Damon’s house. He drank blood before going, just to be able to control himself better. In a bag he has the clothes he wore the other day. 
Damon lets him in and welcomes him with a smile.  
Bojan knows Damon is afraid of him, he can smell his fear in the air and feel it in his heart beating faster than the usual. He harnesses his predator’s instincts with all the strength he has. He doesn’t want to be intimidating. 
They sit, Damon on an armchair, Bojan on the couch. They are far from each other. There’s silence between them, both are nervous. But Damon talks first. 
"Look, I'm still a little scared. I mean, who wouldn't be? It's human instinct, right? You'd think there was something wrong if I wasn't scared." And Bojan, who remembers what it feels like to be preyed on, nods.  
"But I've also gotten to know you. I've gotten to see you. I think you're a good person. And I think you're just as scared of what you are. Maybe even more."  
Bojan nods again. "This thing...it's like this monster inside me that I have to control. A demon."  
"I know a little something about having a demon inside me," Damon says and Bojan's eyes widen. Oh. "But you find ways to control it, right? To cope. A support network, friends who keep you from falling."
Bojan nods again. "Kad neman tebe, sa mnom su moji demoni," he says. "It's from our song. 'when you're not with me, my demons are with me.' My friends are there for me, and they keep the demons away."  
Silence falls again between them. Well, at least for Damon. Bojan’s ears are dominated by the constant beating of Damon’s heart, the blood pumping in his vessels that sings to him, calls him. 
Damon breaks again the silence and asks one basic question. "Do you want to talk about it?" 
Bojan sits straight, his body stiffens. Damon is curious, but his vampire instincts allow him to recognize the stance of a prey that's trying to not look nervous or scared.  
Should he talk? Should he tell him how he got turned? Should he explain to Damon why he snapped during the photoshoot? Should he really allow himself to be this vulnerable with a guy he barely knows? 
But Damon, poor little scared human Damon, seeing that Bojan doesn't talk, asks him another question, trying a new way to communicate with him.  
"How should I approach you? Like, are there movements or stuff I should avoid doing to make you feel more comfortable? Or words, I don't know. I don’t want to trigger any negative reaction in you." 
Bojan then starts talking, even if he's hesitant. He explains that his senses are much sharper than a human’s, so he's bothered by strong noises, intense lights, very rich smells, but for a brief period of time he can resist.  
"How do I smell like?" 
"I beg your pardon?" Bojan is really confused. Why that question? 
"How do I smell like? How's my scent?" 
Bojan closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, focusing on Damon. The scent of fear is slowly disappearing. "It's sweet. Comfortable. It makes me feel safe, in some way," and it’s tempting, but he keeps these words for himself.  
And there Damon smiles widely. "That's perfect, because I have something for you to wear, honey." He gets up and takes this stripped and fluffy black and white piece of clothing from a bag next to the armchair. "This is my favourite sweater. It makes me feel safe and I'd like you to wear it," and stands up, gets closer and hands him the sweater, which of course is soaked in Damon's scent. 
Bojan's brain stops working because, well, he didn't expect this reaction. Damon, still afraid of him, is asking him to wear a piece of clothing that makes him feel safe. Some sort of peace offering.  
I want you to feel safe with me, even though I’m still scared. This is how Bojan reads this gesture. His hearts almost melts. 
He grabs the sweater and smells it, inhaling his scent and shivering. He quickly takes off his jacket and shirt, then wears the sweater. It’s warm and fluffly and soft. He’s immediately enwrapped by Damon’s scent. 
“It suits you,” Damon says, giggling. 
“It’s a nice sweater,” Bojan replies, nodding and hinting a shy smile.  
The vampire is really feeling safe with it on. He wasn’t afraid of Damon per se, he’s not dangerous, it was the photoshoot that made him feel too vulnerable and made resurface bad memories. 
Damon, seeing that Bojan is lulled by the comfort of his sweater, tentatively suggests "if you're comfortable with it...I'd like to photograph that side of you, too. Not for the public, of course. Just...for us. Photography is how I get to know someone, and that's a part of you too."  
"I don't want to scare you," Bojan admits.  
"I'm already scared. But that doesn't matter. I want to know you, all of you."  
Their eyes meet, prey and predator, human and vampire, two creatures completely different but similar at the same time. And Bojan feels some kind of connection with Damon, something he haven’t felt since the first time he saw his bandmates after the transformation. 
In the end Bojan agrees to this, tentatively. But he wants Kris to be there with him, just in case. Kris knows exactly how to calm him down. He will know what to do or say if he loses control. 
“You won’t need me, you're not going to lose control," Kris says while looking at the vampire. "Even if he does smell extra tasty."  
"How do you know that?" Bojan asks.  
"I know you," Kris replies. "I know that when you inhale his scent, you want." 
Bojan diverts his look and starts fidgeting with the hem of his sweater. Well, with Jan’s sweater. Having his bandmates clothes on helps him relax and push back his anxiety, so it’s easy seeing him with clothes owned by the others. 
A couple of days later Bojan it’s time for him to show that side of himself to Damon. Kris is with them, just to reassure both human and vampire.  
Damon's obviously still scared, Bojan can smell it. But he doesn't run away when Bojan changes his appearance in front of him, sharp claws and fangs, eyes of the purest and the most intense red ever seen.  
Damon admires this version of Bojan, stunned by his beauty. He looks Bojan in the eyes, and gets close, and takes those photos. Beautiful photos that capture not just the 'monster' inside him, but also the fear, the uncertainty, the angst Bojan is consumed by. How he doesn't want to be the monster. His red eyes on display and a look of sheer terror on his face...which is quite a photo, because predators don't usually look terrified. That's reserved for preys.  
Kris observes silently and not so far away from them. He’s worried more for Bojan than for Damon. He knows how much this photoshoot is testing Bojan’s self-control on his vampiric side and memories. 
And that’s why after the shooting Bojan needs time to decompress, to relax and make his human side come back to the surface. Kris, who was there the whole time, helps him, with tender words whispered to reassure him, caresses and kisses. 
Damon observes them, silently. Bojan is a predator, he could kill both of them and they could do nothing about it because he's faster, stronger, he’s built to hunt and murder his preys, to feed on them, just like a lion or a tiger. Now he’s so vulnerable, so human. 
But that scene is so intimate, so caring, Damon almost feels he's third wheeling. Kris trusts Bojan with his life because he’s keeping the vampire’s mouth so close to his neck, he’s letting him inhale his familiar scent while running a hand though his soft hair. 
Damon decides to ask another question, because in the end he's curious to know about Bojan and his kind. He saw vampires portrayed on the screen, many variants, but he's different. He's a real vampire. 
"May I ask one thing? You don't need to answer, if you don't want to." 
Bojan looks at him, fangs no more visible but eyes still a little bit red-ish.  
"Yeah, sure." 
"What's the most intimate act your kind can perform with a human? Like, how can a human show to a vampire that they fully trust them?" 
"Feeding," Bojan answers after a short silence. "Feeding directly from the neck or the wrist or any other body part. Giving freely the permission to take something as vital and as important as your blood." 
"So do you...feed on your friends?"  
Damon's starting to put two and two together. The way Jan had wanted a turtleneck on during his photoshoot. The way Jure had put his photoshoot off for days claiming to be "sick." Were they covering for the bite marks, then?  
Bojan gets a slightly panicked look on his face, and it's Kris who answers.  
"Yes. With our consent," he reaches for Bojan's hand, squeezes it. "We trust him, and we know he'd never hurt us."
Bojan gives him a shy smile, thanking him for baking him up.  
And Damon thinks about that. How intimate they all are with each other. How clearly trusting the other boys are around him. He's been around them all, seen how they cuddle, how close they get to him, how none of them is scared. Remembers Bojan resting his head on their shoulders, or face-planting into their chest, realizing he must have been smelling them, hearing the blood pulse beneath their skin. And they hadn't skipped a beat, hadn't been scared for a single second. He's never seen them too-pale, ashen-faced, too drained of blood and energy to function. Clearly Bojan is careful, never takes too much, and they trust him.  
And he realizes he trusts him too.  
"Would you like to feed on me?" He asks.  
Bojan is obviously hesitant, his entire body stiffened, but Damon immediately adds "it's how a human shows trust, right? Letting you feed. I'd like to do that."  
"I - " Bojan is hesitant because he wants. He wants so much. He hadn't been lying, Damon smells so good. He's so drawn to him. He's thought more than once about that beautiful pale neck, about sinking his teeth into it. He’s salivating, savouring Damon’s taste just by smelling him from afar. 
"Kris should be there," he says finally. "Just in case. He knows what to do if I - if I lose control."  
"Are you likely to lose control?" Damon asks.  
"No," Kris says before Bojan can even open his mouth. "He's never lost control, not since I've known him."  
He can hear Damon's heart beating, so, so fast. He's nervous. But that heartbeat also calls to him, all that blood beneath the pale skin. He wants. He wants so much. He craves it. 
Bojan can feel his eyes changing colour and his fangs becoming sharper. He's struggling to control himself, but he manages to not jump on him right away. Damon’s sweater on him isn’t helping much his self-control. He focuses on Kris heartbeat, slower and more familiar, to keep him grounded. 
"It's better if you sit down on the couch. The first time can be overwhelming for both," he suggests.  
So Damon and he take place on the couch, Kris follows them, sitting behind Damon. He holds him, a comforting, warm, human touch.
"Do you want to know what you'll feel?" Bojan asks, looking the photographer in the eyes. 
One side of Damon wants to know it, so he can at least be prepared, but the other one doesn't. No, he wants to dive into those feelings, experience them without any anticipation. He then shakes his head.
"Where do you want to bite?" he asks then. 
Bojan's eyes, now as red as blood, lower and stop on his neck, so pale and so alluring. He feels like a moth attracted by the light of a lantern in the middle of a night without moon, so captivating but so dangerous at the same time.  
Kris notices Bojan’s look, where it’s laying, so he puts his hand in Damon's hair, tilting his head back for Bojan, an offering. His gesture is forceful but gentle at the same time. 
Bojan leans forward, closes his eyes and kisses Damon’s neck before sinking his fangs in his skin and then deep in his flesh. When the first drops of blood touch his tongue, he moans intensively. Damon's blood is so delicious, much more than what he expected. 
Without even realising Bojan straddles Damon's laps and pushes him until he's completely laying on Kris, the vampire on top of him. It feels like ecstasy. Bojan is so used to feeding on his friends that he forgot the pleasure of unknown blood running down his throat. The bond creating between the vampire and the human. The pure sense of trust of letting a creature like him taking away something so important. Damon's blood is singing to him and he could write both melody and lyrics based on what he's feeling in that moment.  
He’s too lost in it. He's drinking and drinking and it's addicting. Until Damon starts getting dizzy, eyes feeling closed, and it's Kris who warns him. 
"Bojči." Then, more firmly. "Bojan."  
And Bojan pulls away reluctantly, dazed, eyes a little glassy, panting with his mouth open and dirty with blood, that's also running down from his lips, dripping on Damon’s white t-shirt. 
"Fuck," he breathes. "Damon."  
Damon, half-dazed himself, looks up at Bojan, and he sees the fangs and the red eyes but all he can think is how beautiful Bojan looks. His perfect profile, those beautiful features, like something out of a novel, and the blood and the shadows just heighten it. He reaches a weak hand up, traces his cheek, murmurs a feeble "you're beautiful."  
Bojan leans forward then, licking the last drops from the wound, licking it closed, but then staying there, breathing in Damon's scent, placing a kiss where the wound had been. And when he moves away, so that he can look at Damon again, Damon's hand has found its way into his hair.  
And he doesn't know who moves first, but suddenly they're kissing. They're kissing and Damon is moaning and Kris is there, holding Damon, his hands find their way under Damon's t-shirt, tweaking a nipple, which makes Damon gasp into Bojan's mouth. 
Bojan breaks the kiss so reluctantly, resting his forehead against Damon's, murmuring "fuck" a second time. He wants, he wants everything.  
Vampires can give different types of bites. The ones given when the vampire wants only to feed are violent and brutal, but the ones given when a human offers his blood and shows his trust...well, those ones are truly intense and can cause great pleasure, both in the vampire and the human. 
Bojan notoriously has great self-control, but Damon is really testing his limits. He is scared but at the same time he wants to give in to his instincts, to the taste of pleasure he got from possessing Damon in that way. He wants to possess him totally, in every aspect. 
"Kris, I want more," he reverts to Slovenian, his mind is clouded and thinking in English is really hard. His voice sounds more like a growl. He raises his head to look Kris in the eyes. 
And Kris recognises the longing in Bojan's red eyes, the desire, the craving. He experienced on his own skin and body the frenzy that blood can cause on a vampire and on the human they feed on. 
Damon in the meantime starts kissing Bojan's neck. He wants him too, that bite made him feel all sorts of things, from deep pain to intense pleasure. He expected it to hurt, not to be aroused by it. 
Kris wants them too. Maybe it's a sick kink but observing Bojan feeding and moaning because of the blood always awakes something in him.  
Kris then kisses Bojan, his lips still dirty with blood, basically giving him the permission to continue what he was doing with Damon. 
Bojan grabs Damon’s face with a hand, gently diverting it from his neck, so he can kiss him on the lips deeply. His fangs touch slightly Damon’s lips, making him shudder intensively.  
They undress him, soon after their clothes end up on the floor too. Bojan kisses Damon all over his body, tasting his excitement and making him whimper. In those brief moments of clarity, Damon can see that Bojan and Kris are used to do this together, so he completely hands over the control to them. 
Oh, the sex with a vampire is even better than drugs. Bojan knows perfectly where and how to touch Damon to make him whimper and moan. He bites him in specific points on his body, liking the wounds right after to not make him bleed out.  
Kris joins barely, just to kiss Damon sometimes or to make Bojan tone down what he’s doing, to not make him completely give in to his instincts and do something he will regret.  
They all reach their climax at the same time, Kris almost untouched, the view of Bojan carnally possessing Damon was enough for him. They all collapse on the couch, panting and shaking because of the pleasure they just experienced. Damon’s body is covered in bitemarks. Bojan is on top of them, his head is on Damon’s chest, eyes closed. 
Kris starts running a hand through Bojan’s hair and plays with some of his strands. That simple gesture can make him calm down and relax after some intense emotions. Damon imitates Kris, still a bit hesitant. And Bojan begins purring, just like a cat. 
“Is-is he purring?” Damon asks, surprised. 
“Yes,” Kris giggles. “He loves when you touch his hair.” 
They keep cuddling Bojan as he slowly gets back from the high of the intercourse.  
“It was a photographer who turned me,” he suddenly talks. He decided to explain to Damon why he reacted in that way during their first photoshoot. “She approached me when I was barely 20. She bewitched me, oh-she was stunning, the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.” 
“A photographer?” Damon asks. 
“Yes,” Bojan raises his head to look him in the eyes. He grabs one of his hands and intertwines their fingers. “She thought that I was the perfect muse for her work. She kept taking pictures of me for a couple of years, she fed on me, then turned me against my will, just because she wanted that my beauty lasted forever. Even turned I was helpless, I couldn’t escape, she had full control over me.”  
Damon gently caresses Bojan’s cheek, trying to comfort him. He can see the distress he’s feeling while telling him about his past. 
“You don’t have to tell me-” 
“I want to,” he interrupts him. “You trusted me, you showed it to me, and this is me showing you I trust you. The only people that know my story are my bandmates.” 
Damon nods slowly in response. Bojan is showing his other vulnerable side, the moment he lost his humanity to become a demon of the night, a monster that feeds on people to survive. Bojan then keeps telling him his story: how important he felt when he was with her, how he liked her attentions, how she basically tricked him into letting her feed on him and then turn him into this monster, how she dragged Kris into the picture and how they eventually escaped from her. 
"I killed her."
“You...killed her?” 
Bojan nods. “She was seriously threatening Kris. He is part of my nest, and no one can hurt him. So I snapped, she couldn’t control me anymore and I killed her. I don’t regret what I did, she deserved it.” 
Silence falls once again among them. Damon is clearly trying to process that piece of information. 
“Vampires are protective of their nest. They are social creatures, just like us humans, and they will do everything to protect the people they care about,” Kris explains.
“Am...am I part of this nest, now?” 
Bojan nods. “Yes. I know that we can't be always together, but I’ll make sure no one touches you,” he kisses Damon on the lips. “You accepted me for who and what I am. You are important to me.” 
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signoraviolettavalery · 8 months
My and @touchyourblood's vampire AU has now started spawning AUs of its own, and I think it's about time for a post about one of the storylines we've been spitballing over chat for the past few weeks (the following is a combination of my writing and hers).
In this one, Bojan is a vampire, Jan comes from a family of hunters and especially hates vampires/thinks they're monsters because when he was young a vampire fed on and almost killed his brother/mother/best friend/whoever. He originally joins the band to spy on Bojan, learn more about vampires, and then, once he finds proof that he's a monster (he's sure it's a question of if, not when), kill him. (For this to work Martin would have to be a guitar player who leaves to be replaced by Jan, just go with it). But, of course, things don't unfold as predicted...
Jan is wary at first, of course. He's entirely convinced that if Kris, Jure, and Nace know about the vampire thing and stick around, it's because Bojan has kept them around with promises of immortality, fame, or threats. As far as he's concerned, Martin has "escaped." And he wants to badly to make a contribution to hunter knowledge, to discover something new and useful, before ridding the world of this monster.
So he watches every interaction carefully. He tries to provoke Bojan sometimes, seeing if it might make him snap and reveal his true nature. He sees the camaraderie and trust between the other band members and doesn't understand it. They playfully insult him, disagree with him, and he never loses his temper or tries to assert his dominance. Instead, he's always there for his friends, supporting them, comforting them - and extending the same courtesy to Jan.
One time, one of them tosses Bojan over his shoulder to "force" him to go somewhere (boring interview?) and Jan expects him to turn violent or at least aggressive in some way, but Bojan just whines and pouts. He waits and waits for there to be some repercussions but nothing ever comes, Bojan seems to forget all about it like it was just some typical thing (it was).
Bojan, dramatic and brooding, often goes out late at night and wanders Ljubljana. Unable to sleep, trying to come to terms with his vampire reality, or just lost in thought. Jan follows him, expecting to catch him feeding at least once. After all, there are plenty of people on the streets late at night that no one would miss. It'd be very easy for Bojan to just take. But he never does.
One night, they come across a couple of super drunk girls stumbling home from a club. A perfect target, and when Bojan comes up to them Jan is on his guard, ready to defend them, thinking he finally has proof, but Bojan just gets them a cab because they're too drunk to get home.
At one point, he walks backstage and finds Bojan with an unconscious female fan. He's ready to spring into action, but no, the girl was just feeling unwell so Bojan took her backstage so she could lie down. He's fetching her water and helping her drink it, comforting her, asking if she's here alone, if there's anyone he can call, brushing her off when she bats her eyelashes and asks "whatever can I do to thank you?" "Oh good," he says when he sees Jan. "Can you get Kris and help find her friend? She should be somewhere in the audience." Stunned, Jan does.
He spies on one of Bojan's calls with Martin, who expresses concern that he's not feeding enough and that having to hide his secret from "the new guy" when they're basically together 24/7 isn't healthy for him. And he spies on Bojan feeding on Kris (the three other band members take turns). Bojan is resisting, hating hurting his friend, even if his friend is willing, while Kris tries to convince him he needs to feed. Bojan is careful as he bites a wrist, and stops....rather quickly, and on his own. That can't have been enough sustenance, and Kris seems to agree. "You didn't take enough," he reproaches.
"It's enough for now," Bojan says. "Here, rest." He binds his wrist oh-so-carefully, brings him some juice and a high-calorie snack.
And slowly, Jan comes to realize that Bojan is completely different from what he thought. That his first encounter with a vampire may have been with a monstrous predator, but that not every vampire is like that. He comes to think of him as a friend, even, and to trust him.
And so, one night, when Bojan is out, wandering the city, Jan follows him and Bojan finally lets Jan know that he knows he's being followed. He's sitting on top of a fountain, feet in the water, looking up at the Ljubljana castle and the moon and thinking.
"How long are you gonna keep following me?" he asks.
"Until I figure out what you're actually up to" Jan says, which isn't untrue. He hasn't seen Bojan feed once, but there must be a reason he's wandering the town almost very night.
Bojan shrugs. "Insomnia. worries. Thought that keep me up"
"about what?" jan pushes, wondering if bojan has killed. if that's what keeps him up at night. if he's fleeing from bad memories
"letting people down. failing at the things that are important to me. being alone."
All of which feels very familiar to Jan. In this moment, more than any other, he sees Bojan as painfully human. Flawed and scared and not an all-powerful predator. And this is when he drops the truth bomb that he knows what Bojan is. He explains it away as "I saw a vampire feed on a family member when I was young so I believe in them," which isn't untrue. And then he comes up to join Bojan where he's sitting.
"You sure you want to get so close to someone so deadly?" Bojan says. "No one around to hear you scream."
"I think I'm in the safest place in Ljubljana, actually," Jan replies, leaning his head on Bojan's shoulder and dangling his feet in the same fountain.
"how's that?" Bojan asks.
"well, you are the deadliest thing around, but you also strike me as someone who'd never let someone hurt those he cares about," Jan says.
Bojan nods. "No one but me," he says sadly. "I get to hurt them regularly."
"They agreed to it, didn't they?" Jan points out. "It's their choice."
"Yeah," Bojan says. "Even convinced me to complete the transformation, when I was turned."
"Huh?" This is a part of vampire lore Jan isn't familiar with.
"Oh, right." Bojan seems to remember that. "When you get turned, you have a day to feed and complete your transformation, or you die. I wasn't sure I wanted to do it. Be a predator, hurt people for the rest of my existence. But Kris and Jure and Martin were there. They convinced me, told me we'd figure it out together. Helped me learn to control myself."
And - oh. Jan had never realized it was a choice. A choice between life and death, granted, but a choice nonetheless. And Bojan hadn't wanted to choose this.
He feels like he seems both vampires and Bojan in a new light. How could he ever have considered that this man is a monster, a predator? It's not a boon, it's a curse that was forced on him, this half-life or death.
But Bojan doesn't know Jan is a hunter, or why he joined the band. So many secrets between them...
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anxious-witch · 10 months
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Jan and Kris from vampire! Bojan au
@touchyourblood @signoraviolettavalery sorry it took longer than expected but here are the other two
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anxious-witch · 9 months
In vampire!Bojan au, can he get drunk if he drink blood out of a drunk person? Or just someone who was drinking before?
Huh! That's an interesting question. I will tag @signoraviolettavalery since she is our lore girlie.
That said, I'd say tehnically yes, but the person would need to be like, blackout drunk. I established in that drabble of mine that any kind of drugs have to be in much higher dose to work on a vampire due to their fast healing, so it would be the same wirh alcohol. Generally, Bojan would need much more alcohol to get drunk.
So, yes but it depends on how much the person drank before Bojan drank their blood. And how much od their blood he took as well.
...now I'm imagining him drinking from one of his band mates, drunk off their asses and then him getting tipsy from it lmao
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anxious-witch · 10 months
Aesthetic for @signoraviolettavalery and @touchyourblood 's vampire!Bojan au (snippets are random, sorry if they don't fit with the au exactly the way they are supposed to)
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anxious-witch · 7 months
Will we get soon some more vampire bojan lore???? 👀👀👀👀👀👀
Uhh as in fics? Or actual lore?
I am pretty sure @signoraviolettavalery and @touchyourblood know more about it, but if you have any questions about the lore, I'd do my best to help.
I'd probably be up to writing a short drabble if you have any prompts 🤔. But I am working on a new WIP(because I hate myself) so probably nothing very long, if I wanna finish the other thing
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