nephilim-tara · 3 years
(Georgie Henley, 25, she/her) We have been waiting for a while, but TARA JOHNSON was finally spotted in the village today. People heard whispers that they are a NEPHILIM that is hellbent on staying away from the veils. Will they succeed? Only time can tell. Until then we will keep a close eye on them as they listen to SHE BY DODIE. (Alywn, they/them, 21, UTC+1)
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Basic Information
Full Name: Tara Alys Rachel Johnson
Birthday: 23rd June
Gender & pronouns: female, she/her
Sexuality: Lesbian
Hometown: Wildemount, England (originally Llanfair Caereinion)
Species: Nephilim
Occupation: Bookbinder at Wildemount Library, Volunteer at Wildemount Homeless Centre
Basic biography:
Born to a single mother in Llanfair Caereinion, Wales, Tara grew up unaware of her nephilim status through protections her mother had placed on her as a baby. They were never exactly comfortable with money, but there was always food on the table and a warm bed to crawl into at the end of the night, and she never really cared for more. Would it have been nice? Probably. But at the time, she felt as though she had the world at her fingertips. Her younger sister, born ten years later, brought more questions into their lives about how much they could afford, and her mother was offered a stable job with a better income in Wildemount when Tara was 11. She finished primary school in Welsh, and then moved before the start of secondary school.
{tw: medical} At 18, she went to university at Wildemount university - not wanting to leave her part time job and the money it brings in for her mother and sister - to study English and History as a dual major. She loved her courses, and worked to the point of exhaustion constantly, to the worry of her friends and family. As soon as she finished, she collapsed for two months and had to spend time in and out of the hospital until she recovered. She quit her physical part time job, and took up the going job of book binder at the library instead, earning a comfortable wage without stressing out her body. A few months later, she started volunteering at the homeless shelter, with a proise not to push herself as hard as she once did ever again. {end of tw}
She found out she was a nephilim when the leyline was ripped open, and her mother sat both daughters down to explain everything that was happening. Tara, frankly, wanted to go back to not knowing. Who cares if her absentee father was an angelic deadbeat, rather than a human one? She’s aware that it should come with powers, but she’s not exactly sure how to use them. Maybe if someone could show her useful powers, like healing, she might be inclinded to use them. Of course, she is blissfullly unaware that she uses her sedation power on both her family and friends and people at the homeless centre without her realising that they are magical, rather than mundane, tricks.
Random Facts:
Tara is fluent in three modern languages (English, Welsh and French) and can also understand Ancient Greek and Latin, as she learnt them through her history degree. She can speak Biblical Hebrew relatively well, but she doesn’t speak much Yiddish at all, and her Aramiac is just rote learning of prayers.
She uses her powers a lot more than she realises, but she's got very little control over them. She'll send someone to sleep through magic by accident, and if she helps someone clean out wounds, they'll heal quicker, but she proably couldn't do it on purpose yet.
Below her incredibly fake mask of happy-go-lucky hard worker, she's really, really angry. At her dad, for abonding her and leaving her with this magical gift she never wanted, at having to stay home to help look after her mom and sister and at everything invading her little safe space. She's also autistic, although she doesn't tend to mention it - the masking mostly covers it up. She can't deal with bad textures though, and that's generally how other people tend to find out.
She’s Jewish, and relatively religious. Does she believe in a God? Hmmm, maybe. Seems a little odd to be completely athetistic considering she’s part ANGEL, but she’s not convinced. Still, she’ll go to her synagogue week in, week out, and she enjoys being part of the community. She still prays three times a day, and keeps kosher inside the house (it’s quite difficult to find kosher restuarnts in a little village in England, even if there is a jewish presence. She’s have to go to Manchester, Birmingham, or London if she wanted kosher certified ones.)
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