#vids are linked in the caption if you wanna hear the full story
azzifudd · 17 days
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"I knew when we played 'em, we had to get them back at our place, and I couldn't let it slide, so I hit that shot, and I was like 'this is the moment,' so I turned and I blew her a kiss." x x
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fandom-puff · 4 years
Alfie Solomons on Social Media
Big thank you to @cheekypeakyblinders @peak-a-blinder and @champagneholland !! So much love and support with this lil social media themed project we’re doing! Go read their writing (linked at the bottom!) also can I just say I’m super proud of the moodboards I made for these :)
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Alfie is NOT tech savvy. He’s not a complete technophobe, but he’s definitely not down with the latest trends, he doesn’t have a clue what half the pre-installed apps on his phone are for and he’s only just figured out that you can have a contacts list and that you don’t need to manually type in a whole phone number if it’s already saved on his phone.
He often forgets how to turn off caps lock, so his texts can often be misinterpreted as very angry or very excited
He also uses LOTS of abbreviations- like the normal ones (lol, wtf, ffs, cba) but then he also makes his own up which just confused everybody
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It’s okay though bc the younger ones actually teach him stuff (*cough* unlike tommy abd arthur who just take the piss)
‘No right Finn mate I don’t want to fuckin download Tik tok I’ve got a fuckin watch and a little clock on the screen fucks sake’
Alfie’s in a fair few group chats- there’s the main GC that has the Shelby/gray clan (he’s there for banter and because Polly is an admin and she knows it pisses tommy off
Every morning without fail at like... 5-6 o’clock, he’ll send a bright and cheerful good morning text that’s normally not very well received. But he does it anyway bc him and Pol are the only ones awake :)
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Alfie on snapchat is a different story. Literally every day there’s a picture of Cyril with a caption like ‘love of my life’ ‘best mate’ ‘don’t know what I’d do without you’
He also posts all his baked goodies onto his story too, and the random women who add him via quick add end up swooning over his floury tattooed arms bc he has a dog and he can COOK
He hasn’t got a CLUE what a private story is so every day, at least 100+ people are subjected to ‘tommy fucking Shelby has a stick up his arse pass it on’ which gets screenshotted and sent to the group chat
He doesn’t get the whole ‘streaks’ thing either
‘No I don’t wanna fucking streak with you isaiah what the fuck??? I thought your dad was a man of god and all that???’
Cue three days later on his story: “there’s fires next to some of your names right and if you die yeah, blame isaiah because he asked me to streak with him and I don’t think Jeremiah likesd that tbh and probs prayed to god to smite yous down lol’
‘Alfie it just means we’ve snapped eachother for three consecutive days mate’
His story that day: ‘sorry you’re not getting smited you lot just like sending me pictures of your ceilings ??’
Snapchat filters took him by surprise too but imagine this man’s JOY when he found out Cyril could wear funny glasses AND have a round face 🥺🥺🥺
Let’s talk YouTube. Despite not knowing how to turn caps lock off, and thinking Finn is having a stroke every time he throws it back, Alfie is quite the vlogger.
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What’s starts off as mostly baking videos and rants (he likes to get things off his chest while kneading the SHIT out of some dough) quickly turns into a full on THING
He makes all sorts of videos- at least one weekly vlog with Cyril and him going on an adventure
Honestly those ones are basically asmr bc Alfie will be recording cyril with one hand and petting him and scratching behind his ears with the other and just murmuring ‘what’ve you got there mate? A rock? Tha’s fuckin brilliant that is my mate. My good boy aren’t you? Yeah... good lad... you gonna put the rock down or... no we’re fuckin... taking the fuckin rock home with us... whatever you say mate...’
Like it’s not much of a vlog like ‘hey guys it’s Alfie aka the Wandering Jew and today me and my pal are going to the park’ it’s more of a ‘watch this great big bear of a man talk very gently to a great big dog for fifteen minutes’ type of vlog
He also does the baking vids obvs, but in more of a tutorial format rather than bitching about his mate ‘Timmy’ as he develops the gluten with his sleeves rolled upto his elbows.
‘Well Jamie Oliver will tell you to do it like this’
*like 10 seconds of silence as he stares at the camera*
‘FUCK Jamie Oliver the stupid twat THIS is the right way to do it
There are normally some VERY thirsty comments about his arms.
He does a reaction video to the thirsty comments once
John read them out to him and his audience was DELIGHTED by his blush as he muttered ‘that right, is fuckin inappropriate innit? Fucking filth like that when I’m trying to teach you how to bake my nan’s bread? Terrible.’
Alfie’s new found YouTube success brings some unwanted attention too...
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He doesn’t really know what to do about it so he just leaves it...
A week later, however...
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Finally, lets talk messaging his significant other
Admittedly his long winded, meandering rants don’t really translate very well into text, so he much prefers to FaceTime or simply ring you
His texts are sweet though
He tries, bless him
If you don’t live together, you get a good morning and a goodnight text every night, regardless of any business.
You quickly learn to mute your phone as soon as you wake up bc he is an early bird lol
You hear the rants he doesn’t put on his story 🥺🥺
He doesn’t really use emojis but he uses them a LOT more when he texts you- mainly the heart ones
Likes your instagram posts literally as soon as they’re posted and always comments on them
‘You’re fucking beautiful you. I love you’
He does it on your snapchat story as well, sensing you your picture with a cute (or flirty) comment
You love texting him little flirty messages??? Just subtle ones with a cheeky double entendre.
Maybe you’re thinking about him. Maybe the sausages you had with breakfast really were juicy who knows 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
Either way it gets him GOING
You use snapchat to your biggest advantage, sending him cheeky little peeks at your body, but never quite ENOUGH
He clicks off the image really quickly so you normally get a ‘Alfie💖 has replayed your snap’ notification
‘Fuck me love’
‘Later. In a meeting gtg xx’
He doesn’t really take dirty pics himself. He does, however, tell you to grab your headphones ;)
Thank you for reading! Below are the other works in this collab! Make sure to check them out 💖💖
John Shelby by @cheekypeakyblinders
Michael Gray by @champagneholland
Finn Shelby by @cheekypeakyblinders
Tommy Shelby by @peak-a-blinder
Grace burgess by @champagneholland
Arthur Shelby by @peak-a-blinder
Tag list: @the-makingsofgreatness @peakyswritings @haphazardhufflepuff @diksy1112 @zodiyack @soleil-dor @hiddensapphic @fckingpeakyblinders @snugleo @alittlebirds @satanxklaus @glamsaturn @thegirlwithoutaname87 @queenofmankind @awkwardretro @captivatedbycillianmurphy @xshinytrashcanx @hanster1998 @cheekypeakyblinders @champagneholland
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