#viktor is a menance
jayktoralldaylong · 2 years
Viktor wasn't in the lab when Jinx came to steal the Hexorb. That means before Jayce became a councillor, Viktor used to take breaks. When Jayce went home, Viktor would go home too.
Jayce becomes a councillor and all of that changed.
You leave this guy alone for a five minutes and he chooses unhealthy living. 🙃 Viktor, you will not be the death of the people who love you.
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jayktoralldaylong · 2 years
Viktor is shy and introverted - Yes.
So Viktor is meek and needs protecting - Absolutely Not.
Shy and introverted and social anxiety doesn't immediately mean this person cannot become a danger to society. Heck, Viktor is a danger to even himself.
He's possessive and sensitive and lashes out when he's angry with growls and scowls. He doesn't back down when he's got a very strong opinion about something. Despite being shy and introverted he knows exactly how to put people in their place. He's socially awkward but he can still growl at Mel when she's demanding weapons.
He is Absolutely Not a damsel in distress. People need to stop woobifying introverts. Honestly, I blame the media.
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jayktoralldaylong · 2 years
Thinking of all the effort Viktor put into becoming Jayce's personal problem.
First, he looked through Jayce's notes. Read them carefully because he didn't want to waste his time chasing a fairytale and it was making so much sense to him, so he figured he'd toss away his current life and risk it all for a handsome stranger and possible mad man.
Now, they don't know each other well so Viktor has no idea where to find him. Jayce goes from the courtroom to his home, to Caitlyn's home, to the tower where he finally decides to die. I can imagine Viktor searching everywhere for him, then noticing him going to the tower. So Viktor follows and he's not very fast because ✨leg issues.✨
Let's all remember that Viktor is socially anxious and shy but he keeps going anyway, having no idea what he'll say to Jayce when he gets there. 😂 He finally makes it to the top and finds Magic man one wrong footstep away from suicide. He spooks Jayce so bad that the whole of Arcane could have ended in episode 2. 💀 It's both hilarious and cute.
Viktor is still shy as he's talking to Jayce, but they're able to match their rhythm because Jayce is furthest thing from arrogant, just a lost and confused really smart kid.
Viktor takes another calculated risk where he makes Jayce explain his theory properly. They get a board and chalk and discuss and Viktor loves everything about what he's hearing (and seeing if you know what I mean). So he jumps head on to "This is worth possible exile. Let's be gay and do crimes."
I love these two so much.
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jayktoralldaylong · 2 years
I like how....I don't feel compelled to feel sorry for Viktor, as one of the best disability rep ever seen in media. He has little to no problems with his disability. He makes up for walking slow by being faster than others in everything else. It doesn't hinder him in the slightest, it's become a natural part of him.
Where Viktor's story becomes unfair is when he falls sick and his entire body just starts...breaking down. That's unfair. It's like a "Why Me?" situation. "No one else has to struggle this much. Why is it always me?"
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jayktoralldaylong · 2 years
Jayce's thoughts as Mel kissed him:
Woah! What's happening right now. Is she kissing me? Oh my God she's kissing me! Does this mean she likes me? 🥺 I like her too! She likes me too! This is amazing. She.....oh damn, she's hot.
(Brain stops working. Sex begins.)
Viktor's spirit: I see what's happening here, and I do not like it. Activate self harm!
Jayce's spirit: Are you kidding me?!
Jayce after being forced to get out of Mel's bed to sit in a hospital all night long: You know you're the worst right? Like a whole menance.
Viktor: Oh I'm well aware. 😌✨
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