originlist · 4 years
@vindictalead but u mean @praediitus сказал(а):
I am here for avicebron and ritsu ramblings, the good food
gonna talk ships // accepting
well since u just say ritsu and avicebron, here’s a collection of completely disconnected ritsuavi thoughts
avice being very much asocial in life and servanthood means he would not much be used to people being around him, and ritsu is the sort of person who has a small personal bubble and is prone to physical shows of affection. ritsu will keep it tamped down for a while but on the other hand ritsu is just completely intentionally like “as soon as i get permission to hug avicebron im gonna give him a hug so good it just rocks his wholeass world. gottem. there will be no recovery.”
ritsu might seem dumb but theyre pretty situationally aware/aware of how other people feel about things, since thats a huge part of their “job” at chaldea lol so its not too hard for them to keep avicebron in his comfort zone, or toeing the comfort zone while they hang out with him. in the lab they are 300% professionalism. in the halls, who knows.
ritsus WHOLE PLAN ALL ALONG was to befriend avicebron. he shows up after lb1 in chaldea and ritsus just [clenches fist] i am bout to befriend the SHIT out of this man. they really look up to people who are pros in fields ritsu has interest in, and golem-making is close to homunculus-making enough for ritsu to be super [sparkly eyes] and never bother hiding it. or hiding their motive to be avice’s friend
avice can Pop The Fuck Off about like highly involved golem theory and religious studies and mysticism and ritsu just [big eyes, does not understand a single damn word out of avicebron’s mouth, remembers all of it anyways and is sure it’s very cool]
my favourite THING my FAVOURITE thing about ships with people like avicebron who hide themselves in a physical aspect and don’t open up emotionally to other people & take a long time to get close is like. once there’s enough trust, them showing the other person the parts of them they usually don’t as a literal manifestation of letting someone else closer emotionally. avicebron eventually taking off his mask and letting ritsu see his face?? ritsu very gently touching his cheek? an impeccable flavour
avicebron farming mvp, avice and ritsu going on solo farming missions together as a training exercise for ritsu to get better at familiar-crafting with quicker-made and sturdier familiars. 3 hours later ritsu lying on the ground like aviceeeeeeee i’m tired.... spare me mr. bron.... as a golem pulls ritsu along by the ankle. avicebron still reluctantly admits that ritsu is in fact quick to improve and creative so MAYBE they have SOME upsides.
i just like the idea of avicebron: i hate humanity, i have both a huge ego and self-hate, i dont want friends ritsu: im bout to be so optimistic and unabashedly friendly that unintentionally my optimism rubs off and avicebron finds himself experiencing 1 (one) positive emotion about having bonds, bc i want my servants to genuinely want to fight for humanity’s future with me :) avicebron: oh no it’s critically effective
i want ritsu to lay with their head pressed against avice’s leg while avice reads, like how cats sleep juuust close enough to you to barely avoid being called not on top of you. ritsu wants to lay on his lap except theyre like “im twice his size he’d snap------”
ritsu is about half a foot taller than avice and about 15 kg heavier. avice with strength E endurance E speed D just like “this is fine” as ritsu hoists him up and sprints off when a fight gets hairy. the turntables, as avice summons a golem to pick ritsu up by the collar and carry them off right after as avice is just >:) see how you like it
jokes on him ritsu doesnt mind and is just “hahaha wheeee”
avicebron: [some completely obtuse next level kabbalistic theory] you see? ritsu, sparkling: absolutely avicebron coming to the unfortunate realization that he is just slightly moronsexual:
i want avicebron to experience physical affection that he has not before and go “???????!!!!?” about it bc that’s cute. Ritsu will be careful about it tho dw. ritsu sees ur grumpy beetle man with no friends and will treat him RIGHT. ritsu will hold his hand but also feel like its very remarkable and worthy of appreciation that he gets to hold aicebron’s hand.
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