#voltron fandom is TOXIC as hell and the show runners and voice actors deserved WAY better than what was done to them
rogue205 · 2 years
Oh my god I HATE fan entitlement!!!!
So what, the trend these days if you don’t like how others are creating material like shows and movies for you to enjoy, and something happens you decide you don’t like, the answer is to create a petition to change it. 🙄🙄🙄🙄 That or try and blackmail the show runners just so you can get what you want.
Let’s just ignore the fact that you’re damn lucky to even get these shows and movies in the FIRST PLACE and just enjoy what you are given!!!! (Yes, I bitch when things happened that I hated but I would never do any of the above because it is what it is. I’m still gonna complain though because it’s simply my opinion.)
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