#was watching dating show today (love allways) and there was a frosting scene
sommerregenjuniluft · 9 months
@jegulus-microfic september 8 — colorful — 1.4k words
cookie baking vs beef cake jamie and reg being a mess
James was trying to put on weight.
Something or another about how you gain more muscle that way and after a few weeks you can decide to cut back and ideally the fat will get burned up and vanish and the muscles underneath will remain. However the hell that’s supposed to work, Regulus is no fucking gym rat.
His stupid brother and that one’s equally stupid best friend are though and so Regulus is subjected to witnessing them throwing back their morning protein shakes like berserks and nearly pissing himself when at night he wants another glass of water from the kitchen sink and is met with the sight of Sirius and James wolfing down blocks of Feta or spooning half a litre buckets of low-fat quark like feral fucking raccoons bent over a trashcan.
As well as, apparently, high calorie sugar cookie baking.
James had the ‘brilliant’ idea of getting thousands of edible baking embellishments to put on top of the cookies. Food coloring for the frosting, marshmallows, little chocolates, nuts, sprinkles, whipped cream– Regulus is fairly sure the list goes on. 
Pulling out every option under the sun, basically.
Somehow they’d ended up being abandoned by all three Sirius, Remus and Peter so now Regulus was to endure all…this all by himself.
This being James burly arms clad by his tight shirt that fits even more snugly now after the extra few pounds. Smooth brown skin, broad shoulder and a wide back, as always, and now he no longer looked fit as fuck but he instead fucking cuddly.
Regulus was led into a false sense of security believing that surely the less pronounced James’ muscles would get the less he’d internally melt down if in his close proximity.
Regulus was fucking wrong for that speculation because now the light pudge to James’ tall form makes him look so fucking domestic and warm and like home that Regulus wants to rip the hair out of his skull no less than a thirty times on a daily basis.
And now Regulus is being seducted bullied into baking cookies with that man. Looking the way he does now. For the next two hours minimum. Just the two of them. Alone.
“Arms up, love,” while tying the apron low on Regulus’ back.
Helping Regulus mix and knead and roll their dough, standing all close and smelling spicy and mind bendingly good.
Hunching forward and pressing his palms down into the counter to get it flat.
Smiling softly to himself when he places the excelled cookies successfully on the tray and snickering mischievously when he gets away with using the Christmas cookie cutters, producing several reindeers before Regulus catches him and puts an end to his nonsense.
It’s barely even Halloween season, christ’s sake. 
Regulus takes a breath when they slide the last tray into the oven. Rubs with the back of his hand at the crusted flour on his forehead as James sets the timer, grinning warmly at him.
They take a few on the couch in peaceful silence. And again, false sense of security.
Regulus thought the hard part was over already.
Regulus had not given James’ creative streak enough credit in his calculations.
They ‘have to’ make 4 different colored frostings.
A nice warm pink one, a light blue one, one is yellow with edible glitter, “Obviously so that it looks like gold, Reg, keep up.” and a last one James wildly pours the blue, green and purple into. Doesn’t mix the last one well so that it stays colorfully streaked.
“Galaxy vibes, hey?”
Regulus sighs.
James’ grin only widens at that, “What?”
And he pauses to lean right next to Regulus against the counter. Regulus busies himself with stirring the already perfectly smooth, equally saturated pink frosting, huffing an annoyed breath, “What for?”
“Why not?” James counters.
Regulus ignores that. “Don’t you think it’ll taste weird if the coloring’s not properly mixed with the frosting?”
James cocks his head at that for a moment, “Only one way to find out.”
And then proceeds to swipe a finger through the bowl and hold it up to Regulus’ face.
“Open up, love.”
And Regulus knows he shouldn’t.
Feels it in the way his shoulders draw tight and his breath refuses to come back out after the intake.
But James is looking at him with those deep brown eyes behind his glasses, the mess of raven hair streaked with flour dust and the slightest uptick in the corner of his parted lips.
Regulus slowly opens his mouth and sticks his tongue out.
Looks up at James as this one’s eyelids flutter once, twice and then he’s smearing the frosting from his digit down onto Regulus’ waiting tongue.
Regulus feels himself sway into the motion, tilts his head back to make James’ index slide down the tip of it and off.
Then James puts that same finger back into the frosting, without ever taking his eyes off Regulus, before leading it into his mouth as well.
Closing his lips around the sole fingertip and sucking. But still managing to get some on the lower line of his lips, having dipped his finger in too deep without watching what he was doing.
There’s a line of green in the formally white frosting and Regulus can’t stop staring at it. “You have a bit…”
James nods dimly, pupils blown, “You too.”
“Yeah?” it’s barely above a breath. James probably wouldn’t have heard if he wasn’t so close. When did James get so close? Wasn’t there just an arms length between them?
There’s not anymore. James is standing so close that the body heat radiating off of him is threatening to seep into Regulus’ slim frame and whack a shiver up his spine. 
So close that he has to duck his head to keep looking at Regulus.
So close that it’s apparently necessary to get Regulus’ chin in a gentle grip and tilt his head up.
That would be an explanation.
What does not fit into the explanation is the slick index finger that’s now sliding back and forth over Regulus wet bottom lip. 
What also doesn’t fit into the explanation is how Regulus would have gotten frosting on his lips when James had smeared it onto his tongue directly. 
Honestly, Regulus’ mind is far too occupied with more important thoughts right now.
Like the way James’ breath puffs against his lower face and how he keeps manipulating Regulus’ lips to part more and more.
Satisfied apparently when the fingerpad disappears only to promptly be replaced by James’ own fucking mouth.
Sucking Regulus’ bottom lip between his teeth and dragging oh so slightly that Regulus’ brain simply shuts down.
Because then James is releasing it, having gotten rid of the bit of frosting, but Regulus keeps his chin angled up. Like an insane person.
James doesn’t go far and promptly breaks into a smile before he dives back in for more.
Licking into Regulus’ mouth more confidently now and Ah, yeah there’s the frosting and the food coloring.
Regulus has the stray thought that their tongues must be stained from the color now but then James is skillfully prying the other bowl out of Regulus’ palms and then he’s being twisted a bit and now his hands are free to do stuff like run up the swell of James’ arm and shoulder and neck.
Which is downright indecent, even more so when James rumbles a noise into his mouth at the contact and Regulus feels it vibrate down into his gut immediately.
It makes him gasp and James uses that space happily, hungrily swiping his tongue and sucking at Regulus’ like he could fucking eat him, or at least the frosting right back out of his mouth again.
Regulus digs his blunt nails into the muscle of James’ neck which has him drawing back with a gasp.
It’s a bit embarrassing how little control Regulus has over the “Oh my god,” that’s slipping right out of him.
James smiles into another two quick kisses he can’t seem to help himself but steal.
They’re resting their foreheads together breathlessly when James mumbles, “And?”
Regulus makes an inquiring noise that’s more high-pitched than it should be.
James’ smile is evident in his voice, “Did it taste weird with the food coloring?”
Regulus suppresses the urge to pinch the skin of his neck, “Dunno.”
James lifts his head a bit and Regulus blinks his eyes back open.
Feels a warm tremble surge his body at the way James looks at him, “I think we should try again then.”
Regulus swallows with a bit of difficulty, nodding his head embarrassingly eagerly.
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