#we also like dametagala
eayenartsofficial · 1 year
Might have became obsessed with them.
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Some silly doodles of the silly gays.
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y0d00p · 2 years
When I started shipping them:
2019ish. Late 2018 is when we first brought Galacta into our rps in an au where he's DMK's ex and they eventually get back together, so that's what sparked it, though it wasn't til late 2019 we started thinking about them more outside that specific au.
My thoughts:
Probably my... third? Favourite Kirby ship? Behind dametameta and morphogala lol. I've rambled a bit about them before, I love them!! They have a strong light/dark angel/devil aesthetic that's really good, and thinking of them together in relation to MK is a lot of fun lol. Like his two biggest rivals getting together and tormenting him as a team. It's also a cool dynamic if MK is involved (like a throuple) but I won't blab about that too much.
I love dametameta and morphogala and all their softness and tragedy, but its nice having a ship that's a little more, carefree I guess? That said, I am really attached to them (majorly because I have a big crush on both characters <3) and would love to do more with them, including more serious stuff.
What makes me happy about them:
This is a small thing but I had a couple OC ships with my old best friend that were like, hardcore bromance but completely sincere and gay (except she insisted all her OCs were straight because she was a bigot but whatever), and dametagala fills in that hole after she left lol.
Also; just the fact that it's probably my two biggest current character crushes in a pair together? So it's like fanservice for me all around hehe.
What makes me sad about them:
Not much I guess. When you have ships like this, the fact that they'll never interact in canon is just part of life lol, you get used to it!
Things done in fanfic that annoys me:
I've seen like 1 fanfic that had these two together, but they made Galacta a woman. That. That annoys me.
Things I look for in fanfic:
I think my partner and I's interpretation of these two (separate and as a couple) are too off from the fandom at large to expect a fanfic from anyone that would really hit the mark for me, but... I would love to see fanfic of them regardless, since it's such a rarepair, it'd just be cool to see them get some content and see what people do with them. :)
My wishlist:
Anything with them tbh LOL, but especially them just being Gay Bros, or like playfully tormenting MK together or something. Let them be a collective menace.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
You know this answer
My happily ever after for them:
This one's a little hard I guess cuz I don't usually think of them as a couple without dametameta and morphogala also being a thing.
I like to think they'd end up with a very close bond, always being able to depend on each other to be someone they can vent to, blow some steam or get drunk with. They're both highly emotional, and with a bit of a mean steak, so there's a particular energy they share that they don't get with the other two.
I think if it was just them, they'd probably end up going on a crazy road trip or something (through space? space trip?), with Galacta drawing DMK's younger wilder self back out, and they'd have a lot of fun adventures together.
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y0d00p · 3 years
Demon AU post... Uh 3 I think
There's a less development on the heaven side of things because we like nasty little demon guys and corruption and shit too much lol. The main heavenly characters are Galacta (Gabriel) and Morpho (Abaddon).
Galacta is huge and dangerous and a hotshot celebrity angel and has a horrible temper. When he got in trouble with God for spending too much time with his demon bf he threw a tantrum that set off a volcanic explosion or something.
He does act as a messenger of sorts, frequently conveying messages to the other characters from God (they're tight), and while I thought it was funny if he wasnt actually a Battle Angel and was the patron saint of stamp collectors despite being super fuckin buff and aggro my partner (who plays him) retconned that and Galacta says that portrayal is a mistake/misunderstanding of some sort. Not sure what he does besides sending messages, probably does lazy patrols and beats up demons that venture onto the surface.
DMK (the incubus) decided he wanted to seduce a real ass angel one day and bet his buddies he could get Gabriel. He did this under the assumption that Gabriel was a mild mannered stamp angel and all his friends knew the truth but no one told him because they're demons and thought it'd be funny if he got beat up or whatever. Joke's on them because it totally worked and they ended up dating for a couple hundred years (they're immortal okay).
Galacta grew horns thanks to DMK's demonic influence so demon au Galacta is just a normal ass Galacta gijinka. His own inherent extreme holiness kept his transformation from ever going past that point. DMK in turn got a fucked up eye from Galacta's heavenly influence. It's fine he doesn't mind.
Side note: I adore dametagala, especially this version of them, for whatever reason they're just really fun and funny and good.
Morpho used to be a more standard high ranking angel by the name of Muriel but came into the job and title of Abaddon. My research on Abaddon was vague and sparse so in the au they're just a grim reaper esque figure that leads dead souls up or down wherever they need to go and makes sure that the people who go down stay down. They live alone in The Pit and they're pretty lonely and have seen a lot of sadness and death and almost everyone is scared of them but they're actually very nice.
Dedede is Daniel and acts as a sort of guardian angel to MK. He actually spends a lot of his time disguised as a human and is a friend of MK's. MK (for now) is completely ignorant to the fact that Dedede is an angel and truly believes that Dedede is just his Normal Friend he can go to to get away from his whacky life dating a demon and another angel. MK believes he needs to hide the weird supernatural shit in his life from Dedede and Dedede can't say anything because he's weirdly adamant about not revealing his true identity (antiquated rules or something?).
Dedede and Galacta are of course acquainted, basically coworkers, technically Morpho as well but Dedede and Galacta know each other better because Dedede is "assigned" to MK and Galacta is one of his bfs. Dedede does not like how careless and open Galacta is about being an angel and the fact that he's just fucking dating a human dude. He doesn't exactly scold him (especially since God was literally like it's fine whatever lol) but he frequently expresses his frustration with it.
Galacta and DMK keep encouraging him to just fess up like its fine dude it doesn't matter just tell him but Dedede refuses. Partially because rules or whatever mostly because he'd hate to shatter MK's illusion of having a normal human friend. Maybe he thinks he does a better job as a guardian from a more "hidden" role.
Other characters that are probably angels but we haven't given much thought to: Taranza, Shadow Marx, Ribbon, Fairy Queen, Bandana Dee
Also Marx may have been the son of God but he just decided like "im evil now" and that's why he's in hell with Magolor.
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